City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Abu Dhabi aren’t cutting ties with the UK over Citys punishment for feck sake.
There isn't a soul who has mentioned anything about cutting ties; that's a leap you've taken to argue against a strawman of your own devising.

Smoothing and maintaining relations is the literal opposite of cutting.

Do you think every club gets to see white papers and tackle affairs in the manner City have been allowed to? If you don't, why do you think that is?
There isn't a soul who has mentioned anything about cutting ties; that's a leap you've taken to argue against a strawman of your own devising.

Smoothing and maintaining relations is the literal opposite of cutting.

Do you think every club gets to see white papers and tackle affairs in the manner City have been allowed to? If you don't, why do you think that is?
Then where would the pressure come from for the UK to step in? All the Tories care about is money
We don’t know what clubs are involved, we don’t even know this is an outlier which means you’re falling into the straw man argument yourself but framing it in such a way that you’re trying to hide it
Theyre such a bloody rotten club, my God. :lol: The way they've convinced fans that they are the white knights against some sort of 'cabal'..(one, by the way, which has somehow failed every big club in italy, United, both big spanish clubs at one point) is propaganda of 1930s level success. The coverage on this whole affair is such a soft touch it's staggering and hard to make a case that a number of high profile sports journalists arent getting backhanders left right and centre. City fans would do well to accept, that prior to this takeover, you might have been unsuccesful on the pitch, but you were a respected club the same as so many all around the UK. And when normal people could just see to the naked eye test that what was happening wasn't right in a sporting sense, almost every single one I encountered went to the wall with every sort of conspiracy and justification possible - relentlessly arguing and suggesting any criticism is motivated by jealousy. I hope the club and the fans get what they deserve, an absolute humiliation and their decade of blatanly corrupt 'success' forever undermined.
But the government won’t be the government for much longer and they’re already using football to point score with fans anyway. If they get away with it then it’s all been a waste of time for them. Thats what the super league rulings and independent adjudicator is all about. If anything the UK government would talk the FA into doling out punishment if anything.
This is a country / government who fecked with the EU and couldn’t care less, they’re out for themselves

It won't make much difference. There's so little difference between a Sunack/Starmer government anyway. City will pay some sort of financial penalty at most.

Through what mechanism? Who exactly is the government putting pressure on? Members of an independent panel in charge of the investigation? The other 19 clubs to loosen up on the punishment? What legal mechanism is there for the government to step in and bar City from punishment?

On the Premier League itself. They will be told not to do anything severe enough that it risks jeopardising the relationship between the two nations.

The government cant overrule the Premier League as that would be a breech of FIFA rules which ban government involvement in Football.

The Bristish Government have spent a lot of money of gaining the rights to host Euro 2028 so I cant imagine they would want to risk England getting a FIFA Suspension which would likely see Britain stripped of those hosting rights.

It's already happened with the Newcastle takeover. The Premier League blocked the initial takeover. A mob of angry Geordies marched on downing street to demand that they could become a state owned play thing and then sure enough The Premier League mysteriously decided that actually Saudi Arabia were fit and proper owners.
I seriously hope I'm wrong. City are the biggest cheats in the history of this sport, but they have too much money, power and influence.

I'd Kevin Keegan style love it if they received a punishment that fit's the crime (Relegation from league level English football) but I just can't see it happening.
Then where would the pressure come from for the UK to step in? All the Tories care about is money
We don’t know what clubs are involved, we don’t even know this is an outlier which means you’re falling into the straw man argument yourself but framing it in such a way that you’re trying to hide it
There has been coverage of what's at stake (huge contracts and why the government would seek to assuage) throughout the thread; you don't have to cut ties entirely to pressurise. Seeking even some of that business elsewhere is enough, which does not equate to pulling out entirely. The amount of money they pump in is staggering and everything will be done to keep it that way, or do you doubt that?

I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole that screams conspiracy; nothing I've said hasn't been put out there by journalists or sources that haven't been refuted (see the tweet about the white paper interference, as an example).

I do struggle with those who see these governments do rotten thing after rotten thing and get caught out so frequently, believing in due process and things being above board this time, this time when there are 10's of billions at stake and a very solid and logical reason for them to handle these affairs.

I don't think the fallout from City being stringently punished revolves around football (oh my goshes and pantomime from the sport or its fans) and integrity etc. first and foremost. You, and others do, so we're fundamentally at odds in how we perceive this whole thing from the outset because from my scaling football is at the bottom of the totem in this whole affair. We focus on that [football] because it's what we care about and what City and their cheating is damaging, but it's just not significant relative to this grand scheme, as far as I'm concerned.

Football will recover whichever way this goes because it has no choice but to. There's money to be made no matter which direction this goes also.
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Abu Dhabi say jump and the Tories ask how high. So no, ties definitely won’t be getting cut.
What’s this based on? I’m not saying they don’t have influence but making a mockery of English football has a lot more influence on the government than a slightly annoyed Arab prince.
Again, Coty and its owners have been fighting this for many years now. Why wait until now when it’s at its most public to lift a finger?
What’s this based on? I’m not saying they don’t have influence but making a mockery of English football has a lot more influence on the government than a slightly annoyed Arab prince.
Again, Coty and its owners have been fighting this for many years now. Why wait until now when it’s at its most public to lift a finger?

You’re being a bit naive.
I seriously hope I'm wrong. City are the biggest cheats in the history of this sport, but they have too much money, power and influence.

I'd Kevin Keegan style love it if they received a punishment that fit's the crime (Relegation from league level English football) but I just can't see it happening.
Will happen eventually. Their current tactic is evidently to delay things as much as possible while they continue to hoover up trophies.
I just watched that Britain’s Greatest Scandal documentary for the first time & holy crap.

How the CAS bent over for them is absurd
The point is that City won't end up getting a serious punishment because the government will step in and overrule the Premier League.

They alraedy have form for this with the Saudi takeover at Newcastle. The Premier League didn't want it to go through but the government told the Premier League that it needed to happen.

Can you imagine the absolute shitstorm if the government overruled the PL as a favour for a cheating club owned by a foreign government.
Can you imagine the absolute shitstorm if the government overruled the PL as a favour for a cheating club owned by a foreign government.
Didn’t something similar already happen when the government pressurised the Premier League into allowing Saudi to purchase Newcastle? The public reaction to that decision seems to have been fairly positive, in general.
Didn’t something similar already happen when the government pressurised the Premier League into allowing Saudi to purchase Newcastle? The public reaction to that decision seems to have been fairly positive, in general.

Not familiar with that story but on the face of it two very different situations. One is to allow ownership and the other is to allow a club to systematically cheat in the national sport.
Unprecedented points deductions and fines can be administered whilst City effectively get off scott free or very, very lightly.

Yes it could be spun that way, but you need to satisfy the public and the other clubs in the league with a just punishment. If city are seen to get away with it then other clubs will either be pissed off or will just cheat themselves and football is probably the last remaining thing the English public would get up in arms about I reckon (see the Super League).
Yes it could be spun that way, but you need to satisfy the public and the other clubs in the league with a just punishment. If city are seen to get away with it then other clubs will either be pissed off or will just cheat themselves and football is probably the last remaining thing the English public would get up in arms about I reckon (see the Super League).
No they don't. That's also a rabbit hole where some want obliteration and others would be satisfied with a demotion/expulsion to the Championship. Who amongst the other clubs in the league actually want anything to happen to them is also a topic of its own, which I raised here some time ago.

How many clubs are going to stick their head above the parapet if it results in they themselves being forensically inspected? I'm not sure it's as cut and shut as we'd like to think. There's also the clubs it doesn't benefit as well as those who have done superbly via farming talent to City.

The Super League is a different matter that was almost universally condemned and represented a potential paradigm shift for the game as we know it; City getting punished to the full extent they should be or not causes no such seismic rupture, and for all the posturing and disgruntlement we, as fans have, very few of us are going anywhere whether the farce continues or not. Even down to any perceived miscarriage of justice in a lighter punishment than should be administered.

If there was any care or regard for the national game, an institution to the country wouldn't have been sold in the manner it was to unscrupulous parasites leveraging debt against the club, nor would we have all the dirty or 'immoral' money flooded into the league as any despot or crook moonwalked past the fit and proper person measures to ownership.

The romanticism to what this is other than a series of astronomical money grabs over a prolonged period of time is why, I think, we have optimistic leanings from one side and cynicism from the other. There's more care about this case because what's gone on is so blatant and in the faces of all who care to look that it cannot be swept under the rug like other indiscretions have been, but if you put it together as a body of work, well the picture it paints is clear and has been going on since mega money entered the PL.
No they don't. That's also a rabbit hole where some want obliteration and others would be satisfied with a demotion/expulsion to the Championship. Who amongst the other clubs in the league actually want anything to happen to them is also a topic of its own, which I raised here some time ago.

How many clubs are going to stick their head above the parapet if it results in they themselves being forensically inspected? I'm not sure it's as cut and shut as we'd like to think. There's also the clubs it doesn't benefit as well as those who have done superbly via farming talent to City.

Of course the public will have to be satisfied, our media is dominated by football talk and football fans. If people see this as unjust online spaces, talksport, papers will all be buzzing with it and whoever is in government will be feeling the heat.

I think this leans a bit too heavily on speculation. I could believe that there are accounting mistakes/backhanders to agents/nepotism etc. but anything in the same league as what city are accused of? Don't see it mate. Plus we are already seeing heavy punishments handed out to clubs for smaller violations and who are co-operating.

The Super League is a different matter that was almost universally condemned and represented a potential paradigm shift for the game as we know it; City getting punished to the full extent they should be or not causes no such seismic rupture, and for all the posturing and disgruntlement we, as fans have, very few of us are going anywhere whether the farce continues or not. Even down to any perceived miscarriage of justice in a lighter punishment than should be administered.

For me at least it was a league without relegation or true competition and undermining the national game where a club from the very bottom is linked to a club at the very top.

If they prove cheating then what 10(?) years of Premier League competition is nullable, pretty seismic if you ask me. If it is proven that city have cheated (I think it's obvious even at this stage) and there is no "just" punishment, I would stop watching and I don't think I'm a unicorn. If you had to ask football fans around the world what the English fan cares about I think they would say "fair play", the obsession with stamping out diving, hard tackles, time wasting etc. As a nation we value it, although it seems that it has been eroded a bit I still think it's there.

If there was any care or regard for the national game, an institution to the country wouldn't have been sold in the manner it was to unscrupulous parasites leveraging debt against the club, nor would we have all the dirty or 'immoral' money flooded into the league as any despot or crook moonwalked past the fit and proper person measures to ownership.

The romanticism to what this is other than a series of astronomical money grabs over a prolonged period of time is why, I think, we have optimistic leanings from one side and cynicism from the other. There's more care about this case because what's gone on is so blatant and in the faces of all who care to look that it cannot be swept under the rug like other indiscretions have been, but if you put it together as a body of work, well the picture it paints is clear and has been going on since mega money entered the PL.

The failure of the fit and proper person's test is what has led to this. As I've stated before I think it's easy to be cynical and think the whole thing is corrupt but if you step back and examine the interests of those involved I think there is a good chance we see the end of this version of city. It obviously comes down to what can be proven and what is made public, evidence has already been out there for posters to look at for years which makes it obvious city are guilty of fraud.

As United fans we have been shafted ever since the gimps took control so I know it's hard to be optimistic, but for once I think the circumstances have coalesced to where there isn't really an easy way out for city, the governing bodies or the government.

As a by the by I think FFP is anti-competition and stupid. I would much rather a stringent fit and proper person's test which made sure you were actually a person and not a country.
He does make sense here. This guy was at the top of the financial food chain at City. How can he not be aware of all the dirty dealings that went on there. The timing, all of it is very fishy.
How does he make sense when Berrada joined after the allegation period?
We still want his contributions and skills. And if this happens, just sack him. It really is that simple. CEOs shouldn't be club legends that you don't want to let go. They're employees.
Yeah I don't really see the issue here. We wanted to hire him and are working on the presumption he's innocent (I'm assuming this was, at least, in some way diligenced before hiring him and we'd have put something in his contract about waiving renumeration if he's implicated etc.) but if he is punished we just find another CEO. It's not like we've signed a young Messi and there's literally no replacements should he leave.
How does he make sense when Berrada joined after the allegation period?
Man City are accused of breaching 115 regulations over 14 seasons from 2009-10 onwards.

He might well have had no knowledge of any of the 115 things but he was definitely there for the vast majority of the period being investigated.
Man City are accused of breaching 115 regulations over 14 seasons from 2009-10 onwards.

He might well have had no knowledge of any of the 115 things but he was definitely there for the vast majority of the period being investigated.
9? They refused to hand anything over beyond 2019 or something.
Man City are accused of breaching 115 regulations over 14 seasons from 2009-10 onwards.

He might well have had no knowledge of any of the 115 things but he was definitely there for the vast majority of the period being investigated.

He didnt start working for MCFC until 2016 and I think the charges mainly relate to sponserships set up well before that so he should be fine.

I cant imagine the club would have appointed him if he was involved.
He didnt start working for MCFC until 2016 and I think the charges mainly relate to sponserships set up well before that so he should be fine.

I cant imagine the club would have appointed him if he was involved.
He started at City in 2011..
Of course the public will have to be satisfied, our media is dominated by football talk and football fans. If people see this as unjust online spaces, talksport, papers will all be buzzing with it and whoever is in government will be feeling the heat.

I think this leans a bit too heavily on speculation. I could believe that there are accounting mistakes/backhanders to agents/nepotism etc. but anything in the same league as what city are accused of? Don't see it mate. Plus we are already seeing heavy punishments handed out to clubs for smaller violations and who are co-operating.

For me at least it was a league without relegation or true competition and undermining the national game where a club from the very bottom is linked to a club at the very top.

If they prove cheating then what 10(?) years of Premier League competition is nullable, pretty seismic if you ask me. If it is proven that city have cheated (I think it's obvious even at this stage) and there is no "just" punishment, I would stop watching and I don't think I'm a unicorn. If you had to ask football fans around the world what the English fan cares about I think they would say "fair play", the obsession with stamping out diving, hard tackles, time wasting etc. As a nation we value it, although it seems that it has been eroded a bit I still think it's there.

The failure of the fit and proper person's test is what has led to this. As I've stated before I think it's easy to be cynical and think the whole thing is corrupt but if you step back and examine the interests of those involved I think there is a good chance we see the end of this version of city. It obviously comes down to what can be proven and what is made public, evidence has already been out there for posters to look at for years which makes it obvious city are guilty of fraud.

As United fans we have been shafted ever since the gimps took control so I know it's hard to be optimistic, but for once I think the circumstances have coalesced to where there isn't really an easy way out for city, the governing bodies or the government.

As a by the by I think FFP is anti-competition and stupid. I would much rather a stringent fit and proper person's test which made sure you were actually a person and not a country.

I think people continue to underestimate the fact that the Premier League is a product that generates insane amounts of money, both directly and indirectly. I don't think the value it has for the UK can be understated. Sporting integrity isn't really the most important factor here...

An important factor i feel is being overlooked, is that going into projects like this, Manchester City, Newcastle, where they also invest heavily in the city (for bargain prices), gives them a lot of leeway with local politicians, that power also stretches into the highest level. Imo, this by far outweighs any PR related to their club performing well and winning trophies, what they create is a local dependency where they hold power. and

We already know that the UK government got involved to make sure the Saudis could complete the Newcastle takeover, and we already know that the government is concerned about the outcome of the case against Manchester City, to the point where they've held meetings with the owners. It's hardly unimaginable that local politicians in Manchester are actively working to limit any punishment so that it has no real consequence.

Not sure how anyone can convince themselves that the UK government isn't heavily involved in trying to limit any potential punishments that could have a negative effect on other investments in the country. It's not as if we'll have a situation ala when China went mental against Norway for giving the Nobel peace price to a Chinese dissident, but it doesn't really take much for Abu Dhabi, or Saudi for that matter, to make changes that has negative impact on individuals in a world where it's rather easy to pay someone under the table.

Also, lets not forget that in the publics eye this isn't a clear cut case. It's easy to spin a story about how they cleared the UEFA case, so it's not as if a favourable outcome for Manchester City can't be spun in a direction where the vast majority isn't going to give a shit. There might be noise, but just as the noise surrounding the Saudi takeover of Newcastle got drowned out it's not going to last long.

For me, i reckon the outcome of the case against Manchester City is going to determine if i keep following football or not. Then again, i am one of very few that feels that way, just as i wouldn't have bothered to follow Manchester United if we'd been bought up ala Newcastle and Manchester City. The vast majority isn't going to give a feck anyway.
Man City are accused of breaching 115 regulations over 14 seasons from 2009-10 onwards.

He might well have had no knowledge of any of the 115 things but he was definitely there for the vast majority of the period being investigated.

Sponsorships are his field of expertise, of course he had knowledge of City's sponsorship deals.

People will tie themselves in incredible knots to avoid considering the possibility that the panel won't find anything because there's nothing to find. United clearly don't think there is.
Sponsorships are his field of expertise, of course he had knowledge of City's sponsorship deals.

People will tie themselves in incredible knots to avoid considering the possibility that the panel won't find anything because there's nothing to find. United clearly don't think there is.

I watched the documentary last night if if the documents they showed are genuine then there is something to find.
he clearly knew what was going on. like any c-level employee, he’s there to carry out the wishes of the board, who act on behalf of the shareholders. that doesn’t mean he was the mastermind behind all the cheating, but there’s no way he wasn’t aware of all the sponsorship dealings, and where the money was coming from. it’s his duty to know and care. if isis sponsored them, you’d expect him to have been in the chain of signing it off somewhere.

the only questions are his morals and if he should have objected and walked away.
Sponsorships are his field of expertise, of course he had knowledge of City's sponsorship deals.

People will tie themselves in incredible knots to avoid considering the possibility that the panel won't find anything because there's nothing to find. United clearly don't think there is.

How would United know either way?
he clearly knew what was going on. like any c-level employee, he’s there to carry out the wishes of the board, who act on behalf of the shareholders. that doesn’t mean he was the mastermind behind all the cheating, but there’s no way he wasn’t aware of all the sponsorship dealings, and where the money was coming from. it’s his duty to know and care. if isis sponsored them, you’d expect him to have been in the chain of signing it off somewhere.

the only questions are his morals and if he should have objected and walked away.

Agree I think he would have been aware of what was going on - would be quite funny if he became a whistleblower on it though, agent Omar ;)

City’s charges seem to be around outright fraud though - so that is a concern for Omar because those execs who were involved during this period might be barred from working with premier league clubs for a period of time as a result of this case (If they are found guilty). Could be that those execs may get absorbed by other PL clubs if they cooperate with the PL and help them win their case.

It’s interesting how Stefan Borson (City’s former lawyer) thinks the PL won’t be able to prove the charges while Ceferin says UEFA had a good case - I suspect the PL does have a good case, they wouldn’t charge City unless they didn’t think there was a realistic chance of convicting, especially given the controversial nature of the allegations.
How would United know either way?
Due diligence on their part before recruiting someone at that level, fit and proper reviews though it's not a regulated activity so not sure how granular that would be. In any case, this topic is out in the open and I'm assuming he would have been grilled on it before being recruited. I'm hoping it went beyond
- Oi Omar by the way, involved at all in that 115 charges malarkey?
- Nah boss fam all good
- Right, you're recruited
But I feel Ineos are quite serious so I'm hoping there is a level of assurance there.
Due diligence on their part before recruiting someone at that level, fit and proper reviews though it's not a regulated activity so not sure how granular that would be. In any case, this topic is out in the open and I'm assuming he would have been grilled on it before being recruited. I'm hoping it went beyond
- Oi Omar by the way, involved at all in that 115 charges malarkey?
- Nah boss fam all good
- Right, you're recruited
But I feel Ineos are quite serious so I'm hoping there is a level of assurance there.

City won't release the info to the body investigating them so I seriously doubt United have somehow got the inside track on what's been going. Or that he himself would just offer up the info and his role.

More likely United, like everybody else, know there won't be any individuals held accountable. It'll be City the club punished.