City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

So basically Spurs would be the only organic winners of the Premier league considering Henry Norris, John Houlding, John Henry Davies and James William Gibson, Jack Walker and Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha all used their own money to bankroll (or even form) the other clubs at one stage or another, and it is very probable that at least 2 of These clubs would have folded without wealthy benefactors being allowed unrestricted investment.

Any violations prior to 2003 are grandfathered in good sir. You should know this
Berrada was responsible for sponsorships during the time City cheated, and the method they used to cheat was mainly through sponsorships, but he had nothing to do with it. That's something.
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So basically Spurs would be the only organic winners of the Premier league considering Henry Norris, John Houlding, John Henry Davies and James William Gibson, Jack Walker and Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha all used their own money to bankroll (or even form) the other clubs at one stage or another, and it is very probable that at least 2 of These clubs would have folded without wealthy benefactors being allowed unrestricted investment.
They didn't break any rules and were punished for those they did.
They played and competed under the same rules as the other clubs in the league. Certainly wouldn't have called Burlesconi an ideal owner for the health of the game mind you. But then FFP rules would / should help with that presumably.
What has been said about the refusal to hand over information beyond 2018/2019, (was it)?

What punishment is supposed to be meted out for that in isolation, let alone the rest?
What has been said about the refusal to hand over information beyond 2018/2019, (was it)?

What punishment is supposed to be meted out for that in isolation, let alone the rest?

I've said a number of times that each season they've refused to hand over information should be a season barred from the Premier League, over and above anything else that may be imposed. So far it's 4 seasons without information, so that's 4 promotions to the Premier League denied. If they're crud post-current owners and take 10 years to manage 4 automatic promotions, then it's 10 years before that punishment is used up.
Heard that Omar Berrada is the main man behind all 115 charges and his club at time of trial are likely to be expelled not just from the PL but from existence entirely.

No idea how true it is but he rumour is, he was filmed by der Spiegel putting books in the oven.
Well that makes it a win win situation for us.
If city gets severely punished we win even if we have to find a new CEO. And if he's not punished we got a good football CEO.
Berrada was responsible for sponsorships during the time City cheated, and the method they used to cheat was mainly through sponsorships, but he had nothing to do with it. That's something.
Apparently he was "not in the loop", right @JPRouve? :lol:
He didnt join City until 2016 though
He joined City in 2011 as " commercial director for City Football Marketing" so yeah, the guy we made our CEO is exactly the guy who committed all that fraud and shady dealings we like to badmouth Man City about.
Apparently he was "not in the loop", right @JPRouve? :lol:

He joined City in 2011 as " commercial director for City Football Marketing" so yeah, the guy we made our CEO is exactly the guy who committed all that fraud and shady dealings we like to badmouth Man City about.

Why did you quote me? Did I state that he was not in the loop?
Apparently he was "not in the loop", right @JPRouve? :lol:

He joined City in 2011 as " commercial director for City Football Marketing" so yeah, the guy we made our CEO is exactly the guy who committed all that fraud and shady dealings we like to badmouth Man City about.

City Football Marketing is a company owned by City Football Group and has nothing to do with the day to day running of Man City which is a different company.
Pure clickbait from Goldbridge. Omar Berrada joined City in 2016. The charges are from before then. Then signing someone of the calibre of Berrada is a biproduct of their cheating.
Berrada was responsible for sponsorships during the time City cheated, and the method they used to cheat was mainly through sponsorships, but he had nothing to do with it. That's something.
Time will tell but it definitely causes me some concern, as overwhelmingly happy as i am with this appointment.
Pure clickbait from Goldbridge. Omar Berrada joined City in 2016. The charges are from before then. Then signing someone of the calibre of Berrada is a biproduct of their cheating.
He worked for City Football Group since 2011.

I find it unbelievably hard to think that a man in the top echelon of their management who was there for that long and responsible for sponsorships/finance wouldn’t have a Scooby about them cooking the books. It’s all very wishful thinking.

It's ridiculous that clubs are meeting with government officials. I mean we all suspected this would be happening but it's out in the open now.

Surely the PL has to want to put a stop to this sooner rather than later, as this is essentially City saying we are more powerful than the PL
Vaguely related to the topic, but have PSG done the same thing ?

They basically broke the market with the Neymar transfer, I cannot imagine they could have made such a deal without bending the rules. Not to mention they had Neymar, Messi and Mbappe on their payroll at the same time. I reckon those three were earning more than any other squad in the world (bar City)
Vaguely related to the topic, but have PSG done the same thing ?

They basically broke the market with the Neymar transfer, I cannot imagine they could have made such a deal without bending the rules. Not to mention they had Neymar, Messi and Mbappe on their payroll at the same time. I reckon those three were earning more than any other squad in the world (bar City)
Maybe but its plausible they didn't too. They've had FFP punishments before but have generally been seen to be cooperative. The Neymar type transfers have often been offset by budget signings elsewhere.
There might be an element of no one caring about ligue 1. Their chairman has a pretty cosy position in uefa and fifa too. If they're cheating they've made some vague attempt at being discreet and plausible unlike city so its easier to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The whole set up is very different, they're not that comparable to City.
It's ridiculous that clubs are meeting with government officials. I mean we all suspected this would be happening but it's out in the open now.

Surely the PL has to want to put a stop to this sooner rather than later, as this is essentially City saying we are more powerful than the PL

People would be wise to keep things like this in mind when they debate any potential punishments. There's just too much financial downside by handing Manchester City a hefty punishment. It won't happen
It's ridiculous that clubs are meeting with government officials. I mean we all suspected this would be happening but it's out in the open now.

Surely the PL has to want to put a stop to this sooner rather than later, as this is essentially City saying we are more powerful than the PL

Well, they are. It’s the inherent problem with nation states owning clubs. You can’t separate politics from football and football will always be secondary in that instance. That’s why anyone who thinks oil states and such putting money in the game is a complete idiot.
It does kinda feel like this is ramping up to the next level at the moment. Maybe a proper punishment is actually on the cards.
Well, they are. It’s the inherent problem with nation states owning clubs. You can’t separate politics from football and football will always be secondary in that instance. That’s why anyone who thinks oil states and such putting money in the game is a complete idiot.
Beat me to it.

What I don't think people understand is that football and the PL are the grains of sands here in terms of scaling and the worth to the government.

Stepping in "to save football"? No, we don't care what goes on in your little world. Stepping in to save international relations and tens of billions of pounds and future relations? It doesn't take a moment to see which is more feasible and in the interest of the country/government.

The direct lines City's cohorts will have are not based around a piffling football club or anything that goes on within that sphere.
Beat me to it.

What I don't think people understand is that football and the PL are the grains of sands here in terms of scaling and the worth to the government.

Stepping in "to save football"? No, we don't care what goes on in your little world. Stepping in to save international relations and tens of billions of pounds and future relations? It doesn't take a moment to see which is more feasible and in the interest of the country/government.

The direct lines City's cohorts will have are not based around a piffling football club or anything that goes on within that sphere.

Yep. The UK government (and probably most European governments) will hand serve the league title on a silver platter every year if they can.

And if nothing else, I hope this case really exposes that political line and disparity which had gone ignored for too long.
Abu Dhabi aren’t cutting ties with the UK over Citys punishment for feck sake.
At the very least it's leverage, which is dangerous. State ownership is a huge can of worms and should never have been allowed to happen.
I think if this were a factor the government would have killed this years ago when they first started investigating and not now in an election year when it’s a Labour government primed to take charge anyway
imo we are overplaying how much the royal family over there actually care.
I think if this were a factor the government would have killed this years ago when they first started investigating.
imo we are overplaying how much the royal family over there actually care.
Something is going on for sure, why is it being brought up in meetings at government level and then FOI requests being denied? If they didn't care it wouldn't even be discussed.
Abu Dhabi aren’t cutting ties with the UK over Citys punishment for feck sake.

Because there won't be any punishment?

I doubt anyone, or even few for that matter, have suggested this can result in ties being cut between UK and Abu Dhabi.
Berrada was responsible for sponsorships during the time City cheated, and the method they used to cheat was mainly through sponsorships, but he had nothing to do with it. That's something.

Even if he wasn't the one signing the papers he undoubtedly knew all about it.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if City were delighted at his appointment, the biggest club in the country is no longer going to be one of those pushing for stricter punishments.
Abu Dhabi aren’t cutting ties with the UK over Citys punishment for feck sake.

It always seemed ridiculous that a nation would cut ties because of football.

The point is that City won't end up getting a serious punishment because the government will step in and overrule the Premier League.

They alraedy have form for this with the Saudi takeover at Newcastle. The Premier League didn't want it to go through but the government told the Premier League that it needed to happen.
The point is that City won't end up getting a serious punishment because the government will step in and overrule the Premier League.

They alraedy have form for this with the Saudi takeover at Newcastle. The Premier League didn't want it to go through but the government told the Premier League that it needed to happen.
But the government won’t be the government for much longer and they’re already using football to point score with fans anyway. If they get away with it then it’s all been a waste of time for them. Thats what the super league rulings and independent adjudicator is all about. If anything the UK government would talk the FA into doling out punishment if anything.
This is a country / government who fecked with the EU and couldn’t care less, they’re out for themselves
It always seemed ridiculous that a nation would cut ties because of football.

I agree with this. It is likely that the powers that be view city as an amusement that they can point at with their friends and say their team won the CL, but I doubt they actually care about City.

If the PL wanted to hand out a serious punishment, while I do think City might try to appeal to the government and the government may ask the PL to go a bit soft, if the PL hold firm I can’t see Abu Dhabi actually letting this influence real business deals and international relations. I genuinely don’t think football is as important to them, nor should it be.

This is just assumption on my part as well, but like you I think the notion that they would cut ties over football to be a bit outlandish.
The point is that City won't end up getting a serious punishment because the government will step in and overrule the Premier League.

They alraedy have form for this with the Saudi takeover at Newcastle. The Premier League didn't want it to go through but the government told the Premier League that it needed to happen.

Through what mechanism? Who exactly is the government putting pressure on? Members of an independent panel in charge of the investigation? The other 19 clubs to loosen up on the punishment? What legal mechanism is there for the government to step in and bar City from punishment?
The point is that City won't end up getting a serious punishment because the government will step in and overrule the Premier League.

They alraedy have form for this with the Saudi takeover at Newcastle. The Premier League didn't want it to go through but the government told the Premier League that it needed to happen.

The government cant overrule the Premier League as that would be a breech of FIFA rules which ban government involvement in Football.

The Bristish Government have spent a lot of money of gaining the rights to host Euro 2028 so I cant imagine they would want to risk England getting a FIFA Suspension which would likely see Britain stripped of those hosting rights.