Film Captain Marvel

watched it last night and it was generally enjoyable

a movie on the light hearted side it was alright really and although she can be quite smug/over confident I liked Brie Larsson

The plot of the movie could have been a lot better and I think it could have been a bit edgier and darker -
may be make Jude Law more powerful/evil/darker /SPOILER]

she instantly seems to be the most powerful avenger - flying through and destroying space ships, totally unscathed by 20 ballistic missiles exploding close by - so it will be interesting to see how they balance potential battles

overall it's ok - 6.7/10
watched it last night and it was generally enjoyable

a movie on the light hearted side it was alright really and although she can be quite smug/over confident I liked Brie Larsson

The plot of the movie could have been a lot better and I think it could have been a bit edgier and darker -
may be make Jude Law more powerful/evil/darker /SPOILER]

she instantly seems to be the most powerful avenger - flying through and destroying space ships, totally unscathed by 20 ballistic missiles exploding close by - so it will be interesting to see how they balance potential battles

overall it's ok - 6.7/10

That's the character, for what it's worth.
I haven't watch CM, and I for sure won't spend my money on it. but reading all these mess about CM made me happy.

Disney, you can't shove your political agendas to us, we won't tolerate any shyte like Brie Larson.

Was going to make some sarcastic reply to this, but honestly, what's the point? Just pathetic.
That's the character, for what it's worth.
fair enough if that's they way the comic book is

I'd say your average ace pilot/superpowered being is likely to be of that nature

I still liked her anyway
fair enough if that's they way the comic book is

I'd say your average ace pilot/superpowered being is likely to be of that nature

I still liked her anyway

Otherwise I agree, the movie could have been better, but I liked her in that role.
I watched because of the tie in to Endgame. It’s essentiallly a kids movie.
A few points:

1. Brie Larson is charming but supremely unathletic. Watching her run was like watching my Mum run, except when they obviously used a body double.

2. The supreme intelligence wasn’t very intelligent.

3. The de-aging of SLJ was superb.

4. The explanation and exploration of her powers was probably the weakest of all the origin movies.

5. It was monumentally predictable.

6. The most interesting aspects, such as the earlier sci-fi elements in the Kree homeworld and galaxy, were sadly far too short lived.

I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.
Hmm. I thought it was comfortably at the bottom of the pile, albeit not a bad film.

I’d agree with this. As origin movies go for Marvel, I struggle to think of one worse than this.

Danvers had no clear motivations. At one point she gets a little mad that they “took everything from her” but when she gets back to earth she makes no effort to track down her family or loved ones, except her pilot mate. She seemed to really easily accept not only being a super being but also how to completely unlock her powers and basically become God level powerful. It was all rushed, and watching it I felt zero connection to the character or empathy for her. Now, someone we don’t really care about is being shoe horned into the final, most important Marvel movie to date; and is set to eclipse all these characters we’ve spent 9 or 10 years getting invested in. Probably going to be my biggest pet peeve in the MCU, along with a giant How The feck is Black Widow - who has zero superhuman abilities at all, and is just an athletic human - still alive, when supremely powerful beings like Vision spent the last movie getting thrown around like a rag doll? Same can be said for Hawkeye, who is just shite.

Likely MCU is just over stocked with male characters and they had to keep her around. But it still gets on my tits.
I'd put it ahead of Black Panther comfortably. Probably the most overrated of all Marvel movies.

Black Panther is better. But not by much. And I think Black Panther is a crap movie. Absolutely definitely agree with you that it’s one of the most preposterously overrated movies about. But that’s because of its sociocultural significance, which is at least understandable.
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.

Its not a good movie, but good lord, that’s a seriously bitter and maladjusted post.
Black Panther is better. But not by much. And I think Black Panther is a crap movie. Absolutely definitely agree with you that it’s one of the most preposterously overrated movies about. But that’s because of its sociocultural significance, which is at least understandable.

I dont get the love for Black Panther, I appreciate it gets a load of overrating because of the predominantly black cast and people wanting those precious woke points, buts its a shit film, people should not be afraid to be honest about things just because of someones colour or sex.

Black panther is easily one of the weakest MCU films, down there with Dark World and Iron Man 2.

But if you went by review scores, you are supposed to believe its the best one in the whole franchise, which is bullshit.

Terrible CGI, bland and uninteresting lead character played with zero charisma, a nothing story etc etc.

The best thing about Black Panther was the excellent Danai Gurira, who seemed to be acting in a far better movie than the one she was actually in.
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I dont get the love for Black Panther, I appreciate it gets a load of overrating because of the predominantly black cast and people wanting those precious woke points, buts its a shit film, people should not be afraid to be honest about things just because of someones colour or sex.

Black panther is easily one of the weakest MCU films, down there with Dark World and Iron Man 2.

But if you went by review scores, you are supposed to believe its the best one in the whole franchise, which is bullshit.

I think it is one of the best films out of the whole franchise. Why is my opinion bullshit?
I watched because of the tie in to Endgame. It’s essentiallly a kids movie.
A few points:

1. Brie Larson is charming but supremely unathletic. Watching her run was like watching my Mum run, except when they obviously used a body double.

2. The supreme intelligence wasn’t very intelligent.

3. The de-aging of SLJ was superb.

4. The explanation and exploration of her powers was probably the weakest of all the origin movies.

5. It was monumentally predictable.

6. The most interesting aspects, such as the earlier sci-fi elements in the Kree homeworld and galaxy, were sadly far too short lived.

yes in spite of the decent running time you learn nothing about the Kree, their motivations/ambitions or the History of the region - suppose the mystery is part of the plot
I’d agree with this. As origin movies go for Marvel, I struggle to think of one worse than this.

Danvers had no clear motivations. At one point she gets a little mad that they “took everything from her” but when she gets back to earth she makes no effort to track down her family or loved ones, except her pilot mate. She seemed to really easily accept not only being a super being but also how to completely unlock her powers and basically become God level powerful. It was all rushed, and watching it I felt zero connection to the character or empathy for her. Now, someone we don’t really care about is being shoe horned into the final, most important Marvel movie to date; and is set to eclipse all these characters we’ve spent 9 or 10 years getting invested in. Probably going to be my biggest pet peeve in the MCU, along with a giant How The feck is Black Widow - who has zero superhuman abilities at all, and is just an athletic human - still alive, when supremely powerful beings like Vision spent the last movie getting thrown around like a rag doll? Same can be said for Hawkeye, who is just shite.

Likely MCU is just over stocked with male characters and they had to keep her around. But it still gets on my tits.

good points on the spoilered bit - Danvers is really easy going about the while thing - not a believable protagonist really

plenty of room for improvement on this and you wonder was this viewed more as something the kinda just had to cover to focus on Endgame
I dont get the love for Black Panther, I appreciate it gets a load of overrating because of the predominantly black cast and people wanting those precious woke points, buts its a shit film, people should not be afraid to be honest about things just because of someones colour or sex.

Black panther is easily one of the weakest MCU films, down there with Dark World and Iron Man 2.

But if you went by review scores, you are supposed to believe its the best one in the whole franchise, which is bullshit.

Agreed. Also the movie with the worst collection of accents. From Martin Freeman’s shocking American to the ham fisted African accents. The best character by Miles was Andy Serkis.
Just seen the movie

Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but
feck me is she powerful, wtf? She wasn’t even trying and didn’t even break a sweat in the end

Was it a good film, did you enjoy it?
Fair enough.

Personally feel that I’m in the majority, along with most critics on the planet and the Oscars, but fair enough if you’re happy admitting you don’t get it.

Theres also a sizeable amount of the worlds population that believes murdering homosexuals and stoning women to death is a great idea, and i am happy to admit I dont get that either.

I mean if you look past the critisms i have made already, and look at what its actually praised for, which is apparently a level of story telling and character development that supposedly exceedes all other superhero movies...

Thats not actually there.

All its elements have been done before, if not better not just in current marvel films, but many many others.
Theres also a sizeable amount of the worlds population that believes murdering homosexuals and stoning women to death is a great idea, and i am happy to admit I dont get that either.

I mean if you look past the critisms i have made already, and look at what its actually praised for, which is apparently a level of story telling and character development that supposedly exceedes all other superhero movies...

Thats not actually there.

All its elements have been done before, if not better not just in current marvel films, but many many others.

I’m just amazed that you speak so certainly on a subject that other much more educated people have gone the opposite way on.

End of the day they’re all superhero films, but Black panther is clearly a very good one.
I dont get the love for Black Panther, I appreciate it gets a load of overrating because of the predominantly black cast and people wanting those precious woke points, buts its a shit film, people should not be afraid to be honest about things just because of someones colour or sex.

Black panther is easily one of the weakest MCU films, down there with Dark World and Iron Man 2.

But if you went by review scores, you are supposed to believe its the best one in the whole franchise, which is bullshit.

Terrible CGI, bland and uninteresting lead character played with zero charisma, a nothing story etc etc.

The best thing about Black Panther was the excellent Danai Gurira, who seemed to be acting in a far better movie than the one she was actually in.

You are right that BP was overrated because of the all-black cast, but I'd say it was a bit better than Captain Marvel for sure. My main beef with CM is that she is just portrayed as way too powerful in the movie with the antagonist(s) basically wimping out.

Atleast BP had a generic villain who was defeated by the protagonist with some difficulty.

Aquaman was better than BP though and it basically had the same story, just more humor and some cool trippy VFX.
Saw it last night - like many have said, quite disappointing. Wouldn’t say it’s poor but just doesn’t do enough. Samuel L Jackson makes it watchable - as always he’s great.

As a side point, anyone think they missed a trick with the soundtrack? For being set in the 90s, they had a lot to choose from and picked poorly for me. When you think of successful Guardians was and the emphasis on the soundtrack, they had same opportunity here and blew it.
As a side point, anyone think they missed a trick with the soundtrack? For being set in the 90s, they had a lot to choose from and picked poorly for me. When you think of successful Guardians was and the emphasis on the soundtrack, they had same opportunity here and blew it.
sounds about right, it's a criticism of the MCU as a whole, the music tends to be unremarkable and forgettable, especially the original music - if you were to overhear any of the theme music or original tracks from the MCU, you wouldn't immediately recognise it as such as you would the better and more memorable scores in cinema
I’m just amazed that you speak so certainly on a subject that other much more educated people have gone the opposite way on.

End of the day they’re all superhero films, but Black panther is clearly a very good one.

Evidence that those people are more educated than me please?

You need to cite if you are going down that route.
The Oscars really wouldn't be my starting point for exceptionally educated film opinion.
In which way... are the voters of the Oscar winners and nominations more educated than you about films?

I dont know, you are the one who supposedly knows.

Are people who have openly admitted to giving favourable reviews and press in exchange for access more reliable than me?

Thats up to you.
I dont know, you are the one who supposedly knows.

I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to argue against here. I’m saying that people who literally have spent their whole life around making/ analysing films have a sounder opinion on what consistutes a good film over people who think Black panther is liked because it “has an all black cast.”
I dont know, you are the one who supposedly knows.

Are people who have openly admitted to giving favourable reviews and press in exchange for access more reliable than me?

Thats up to you.

The Oscar voters aren’t random IGN reviewers for access. They are directors, actors and long time workers in films. You do know that don’t you?
I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to argue against here. I’m saying that people who literally have spent their whole life around making/ analysing films have a sounder opinion on what consistutes a good film over people who think Black panther is liked because it “has an all black cast.”
Nah, you'll have to come back in 30-40 years for the real shit in terms of analysis. There is plenty of it now, but in the long term all it's going to be used for is analysis of initial impact. The real shit, that's how it ages, it's long term impact (if any) on cinema and how it plays as pure cinema without the social hype that the MCU and it's component films currently have. We can make predictions of how it will settle, in all likelihood it will be forgotten as a piece of pure cinema and only play on streaming services and TV, which could be fine, there's plenty of movies that no longer get theatre releases but which are fine movies, but even in that case it falls short compared to genuinely great works. The only really "easy" thing to predict long term, imo, is that Avengers 1 will be remembered as the worst of the lot thanks to it's awful editing which will only be amplified with time and further analysis.
I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to argue against here. I’m saying that people who literally have spent their whole life around making/ analysing films have a sounder opinion on what consistutes a good film over people who think Black panther is liked because it “has an all black cast.”

You decided to go down the route of appelaing to authority and ad hominem, why are you surprised at the resulting discussion when thats what you explicitly intended?

However, and lets get back on track to an actual proper debate about the film, if you can, please. When the reviews state how “woke” it is as a reason to judge it so favourably, then sure the accusation can be made that the films “white panther” “yellow panther” “Red Panther” etc, would not have recieved such glowing praise, and the films many, many faults and weaknesses would instead have been highlighted and discussed rather than completely ignored.
The Oscar voters aren’t random IGN reviewers for access. They are directors, actors and long time workers in films. You do know that don’t you?

You apparently already knew what level of education and knowledge of the specific media in question I was in possession of, why are you asking me this question?

Plus, I would suggest you read up on, I dont know, say the people who actually get to vote for the academy awards.
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.I just didn't find breaking bad entertaining, its biggest problem being that it required such a suspension of disbelief that I found it ludicrous and just a chore to watch.
Banshee has this problem in that the premise is just plain stupid, but it has tits and punching people in the face in it, so it gets a buy.

You decided to go down the route of appelaing to authority and ad hominem, why are you surprised at the resulting discussion when thats what you explicitly intended?

However, and lets get back on track to an actual proper debate about the film, if you can, please. When the reviews state how “woke” it is as a reason to judge it so favourably, then sure the accusation can be made that the films “white panther” “yellow panther” “Red Panther” etc, would not have recieved such glowing praise, and the films many, many faults and weaknesses would instead have been highlighted and discussed rather than completely ignored.

Sorry, I just thought someone who posted this about their taste in entertainment might somehow know less than the people who pick the Oscar nominations. I am sorry for my “ad hominem” and “appeal to authority” and instead should have taken your word for it.