Film Captain Marvel

My initial, knee-jerk reaction was that they had painted the Russo’s into a corner with how powerful CM is, flying through ships etc, but then I also remembered Thor in Infinity War surging the sun directly hitting him in creating Stormbreaker and them flying through drop ships like they weren’t there.

I’m very interested to see how they handle her in Endgame, but given their record I have faith they’ll nail it.
My initial, knee-jerk reaction was that they had painted the Russo’s into a corner with how powerful CM is, flying through ships etc, but then I also remembered Thor in Infinity War surging the sun directly hitting him in creating Stormbreaker and them flying through drop ships like they weren’t there.

I’m very interested to see how they handle her in Endgame, but given their record I have faith they’ll nail it.

Or Thor being the only one, who doesn't try to stop Thanos from getting to Vision's stone and only coming in, when Thanos has already taken the stone. Didn't really make sense, did it. Sometimes this stuff is just silly. It's more enjoyable not to think about it too much.
The correlation between people getting mad online about this and people who often use the term "snowflake" must be pretty good.
Would've liked if it had more Ronan and other blue looking Kree in it - yeah yeah that's racist. As for Larsson she was decent enough and no doubt she'll grow into the role. Marvel films aren't particularly great barring GotG, Deadpool and a couple of others, so I'm not sure folk should expect anything more than a popcorn flick.

Oh and CM is well fit.
Would've liked if it had more Ronan and other blue looking Kree in it - yeah yeah that's racist. As for Larsson she was decent enough and no doubt she'll grow into the role. Marvel films aren't particularly great barring GotG, Deadpool and a couple of others, so I'm not sure folk should expect anything more than a popcorn flick.

Oh and CM is well fit.

Had a massive crush on her till I saw her arse. Had the same problem with Ronda Rousey
I truly despise movies filled by political agendas, I despise feminists and I dislike the main actress. So unsurprisingly I won't watch it but I'll read the comments on it. I must say all the reviews I've watched and read are terrible for the movie. Not many people praising it. I don't think Marvel needed to go down that route.
This is a wind up surely?
Regarding the acting, Brie Larson is adequate enough. Nothing spectacular nor mediocre.

I really liked Sam Jackson's comic touch and love-in with the cute kitty, made for some humorous moments. Best part of the movie was him in my opinion.
It's quite telling that in a franchise of really generic, paint by numbers, CGI, comic books movies the only two that certain people seem to actively dislike are the one which has black people in and the one which has a woman in.
It's quite telling that in a franchise of really generic, paint by numbers, CGI, comic books movies the only two that certain people seem to actively dislike are the one which has black people in and the one which has a woman in.

I didn't think Black Panther or Wonder Woman were brilliant films. They were certainly both over hyped for what they ultimately were, they were decent nothing more, nothing less. Both important films for different reasons but they weren't exceptional.
It's quite telling that in a franchise of really generic, paint by numbers, CGI, comic books movies the only two that certain people seem to actively dislike are the one which has black people in and the one which has a woman in.
They're paint by numbers now that there's been a billion of em, but as a collection of movies that all tie in to each others it's quite ground breaking.

Thing is, Black Panther is lauded by some people as this brilliant, cinema altering piece of film and honestly, it's just as paint by numbers as all the others. Think that also rubs some the wrong way.

Though it's also because some of em are just racist cnuts obviously.
I didn't think Black Panther or Wonder Woman were brilliant films. They were certainly both over hyped for what they ultimately were, they were decent nothing more, nothing less. Both important films for different reasons but they weren't exceptional.

Oh, don't get me wrong. Black Panther does (and Wonder Woman surely is the same) little more than just churn out the same generic Marvel formula, but then all the Marvel films are incredibly average (with the possible exception of Thor: Ragnarok) popcorn flicks for which the barometer of success should be 'did it hold my attention for two hours?'. For the most part, certain elements of the Marvel fanbase are incredibly happy to lap up their really generic films, as long as they fulfil that very basic criteria, unless it involves women or black people.
Oh, don't get me wrong. Black Panther does (and Wonder Woman surely is the same) little more than just churn out the same generic Marvel formula, but then all the Marvel films are incredibly average (with the possible exception of Thor: Ragnarok) popcorn flicks for which the barometer of success should be 'did it hold my attention for two hours?'. For the most part, certain elements of the Marvel fanbase are incredibly happy to lap up their really generic films, as long as they fulfil that very basic criteria, unless it involves women or black people.

Agreed. I can probably list the top tier comic book films on one hand. The rest are entertaining and generic, I think of them like Call of Duty games.
It's quite telling that in a franchise of really generic, paint by numbers, CGI, comic books movies the only two that certain people seem to actively dislike are the one which has black people in and the one which has a woman in.
Except Iron Man 2, the first two Thor films, Age of Ultron and the Hulk films are also roundly disliked by a lot of fans.
Black Panther is better. But not by much. And I think Black Panther is a crap movie. Absolutely definitely agree with you that it’s one of the most preposterously overrated movies about. But that’s because of its sociocultural significance, which is at least understandable.

I like CM more than BP. I can see myself watching CM again but never BP. BP was just dreary.

The Oscar voters aren’t random IGN reviewers for access. They are directors, actors and long time workers in films. You do know that don’t you?

Oscars are more of a political statement. I wouldn't use Oscars as a measure of how good a movie is. Take out the sociocultural aspect and BP would get panned based on merits as a movie.
I'm still not sure what people mean by this movie having an agenda
What male bashing was there? I kinda wish the villain was the other female on the kree team as she looked like she could have been a badass

It's funny. This movie appears to be bland and pointless going by most reviews yet you have people determining it's place amongst the MCU universe as if that changes anything.

"Above these but below that.."

I mean, it somehow makes it better that it's better than worse films or something? Is it specifically an MCU thing where a movie just can't be called out on being plain mediocre but must be scene in the grand scheme of things?

Well it happens for star wars, for dccu, for any franchise or trilogies and isn't alone for just movies
It happens for TV shows when series and episodes are rated (eg black mirror)
Not sure why it's even a question on a platform like this
fair enough if that's they way the comic book is

I'd say your average ace pilot/superpowered being is likely to be of that nature

I still liked her anyway
Problem is, that character type has charisma and is destined for a life-changing event that re-frames their outlook on everything. They go on a journey, which is what makes them endearing or gives them some depth, at least. This overly smug character had far too little of that. Zero comeuppance or journey and then just masters some god tier power in less than a minute.

Poor writing.
Hits 455mil over opening weekend, means it has a very good chance at a billion.

Good to see it succeed with all these right wing trump nerd channels spewing all this SJW crap, anti Captain Marvel and hateful Brie Larson comments. They took Solo’s box office failure (there was many reasons it failed not the Last jedi backlash) as a victory against Kathleen Kennedy at Lucasfilm so was a little nervous. But glad it’s a success.
Hits 455mil over opening weekend, means it has a very good chance at a billion.

Good to see it succeed with all these right wing trump nerd channels spewing all this SJW crap, anti Captain Marvel and hateful Brie Larson comments. They took Solo’s box office failure (there was many reasons it failed not the Last jedi backlash) as a victory against Kathleen Kennedy at Lucasfilm so was a little nervous. But glad it’s a success.

It's marvel. They can be lame as duck and still people bound to see it.
Movies and the arts in general are there to make social commentary and influence change. If you’re mad about an agenda in film, where have you been all this time? And even if this movie comes off as a strong poster for girl empowerment, there are plenty of younger girls who are watching and I think it’s great for them to see. I personally liked it and thought it was a good story. It links well with the next movies to come. My only critique is how quickly it goes from her barely having personal control over her power to being a grand master in 5 minutes and maxes out there.
Yeah but, come on guys. Of course they’re gonna say it’s a success. Marvel are owned by Disney, who are owned by the illuminati, who control the media. It’s too important to their feminist agenda to be seen to fail. I’ve got it on good authority from at least 4 reputable YouTube videos, that the big wigs are all really disappointed in it, and all the other Marvel actors hate Brie Larsson because she’s got a fat chin.

Would've liked if it had more Ronan and other blue looking Kree in it - yeah yeah that's racist. As for Larsson she was decent enough and no doubt she'll grow into the role. Marvel films aren't particularly great barring GotG, Deadpool and a couple of others, so I'm not sure folk should expect anything more than a popcorn flick.

Oh and CM is well fit.

The weakest parts were definitely the bits that tried to ape the space-opera style of GOTG, but with really unimaginative design and terrible murky lighting. I like that Marvel try to bring in interesting directors for their solo projects, but I feel the creative team behind Half Nelson weren’t particularly well equipped to deal with the “visual fantasy” side of a comic book movie. It was really good when it was a quirky retro road movie with a young looking Sam Jackson that still hilariously ran like a 70 year old man... but the early bits set in space looked like a Star Trek episode shot in an abandoned laser quest.
Sam Jackson saved the movie for me. As always, he was fantastic.

It’s a good job the character is not called captain charisma seeing as though Brie Larson doesn’t have a scrap of it.
Also, as great as the Fury de-ageing was, it bugged me an irrational amount that they didn’t give Sam Jackson his actual era appropriate Die Hard 3/Jurassic Park hair... Was his weird looking deep hairline some kind of vanity insistence on his part?
Yeah but, come on guys. Of course they’re gonna say it’s a success. Marvel are owned by Disney, who are owned by the illuminati, who control the media. It’s too important to their feminist agenda to be seen to fail. I’ve got it on good authority from at least 4 reputable YouTube videos, that the big wigs are all really disappointed in it, and all the other Marvel actors hate Brie Larsson because she’s got a fat chin.

The weakest parts were definitely the bits that tried to ape the space-opera style of GOTG, but with really unimaginative design and terrible murky lighting. I like that Marvel try to bring in interesting directors for their solo projects, but I feel the creative team behind Half Nelson weren’t particularly well equipped to deal with the “visual fantasy” side of a comic book movie. It was really good when it was a quirky retro road movie with a young looking Sam Jackson that still hilariously ran like a 70 year old man... but the early bits set in space looked like a Star Trek episode shot in an abandoned laser quest.

Damn, I disagree. The early space parts were the most promising to me.
Damn, I disagree. The early space parts were the most promising to me.

In cinematic terms, more than anything (though all of Annette Bening’s expository dialogue was amusingly terrible - but then those kind of things always are) I just didn’t think they were staged or presented particularly well for a big blockbuster film, especially one making such obvious allusions (both figurative and literal) to GOTG. And in the wake of those films, Waititi’s Thor, or even the psychedelia of the very similar in quality Doctor Strange, it felt like a big step down in spectacle.

Like I said in my initial pithy review, it felt like a big Star Trek episode. Which isn’t necessarily bad, just a bit damp.

Also everything seemed very badly lit. Like watching Dr Who with the Contrast and Brightness down. But then that may just have been my budget Brixton cinema.
This is a fair point. Captain Marvel felt the most juvenile of the bunch for me.
There just something very depressing about article after article being written by grown adults -be it the shit heads who hate the movie because it stars a women or the well meaning people who think something defending a movie will achieve well anything at all.

Although all of this adds more weight to my idea that we clearly got the wrong outcome of the cuban missile crisis.
You have low standards guy
He has low standards because he thinks BL is beautiful? She is, objectively, attractive by any general standard surely? Are you one of these people who post Monica Belucci in the "Women you find attractive but though not classically pretty/beautiful" thread?
This thread is fecking crazy. Several people suggesting, stating or inferring that feminism, the belief in equality for woman, is a bad thing.
People suggesting that, somehow, a film cannot have a political message (and any political message in this film is hardly strongly expressed anyway) as if movies or any art should be politically neutral.
I don't understand.
As an aside, I thought the film a typical run of the mill Marvel movie with the side effect of the story all being about setting up Captain Marvel as incredibly powerful meaning that we had denouement that was different from the usual massive punchy fight.
I also quite liked BL's portrayal. It was quite 1950s pulp action hero (in an Indiana Jones/pre DC Universe nightmare Superman sort of way) which I think rather suits these sorts of schlock movies.
Terrible movie. Movie standards have dropped significantly in the past 20 years if this is what’s considered decent nowadays.