Film Captain Marvel


Yeah I thought BL was decent and played to the character well. Really interested to see how shes integrated with the Avengers. Assuming we will see more vulnerabilities to her now that her introduction movie is out.
how many people do you think it takes to skew online movie ratings?

if you're going to tell me to die at least tell me to jump off a cliff, don't be such a coward about it

I didn’t tell you to die, you melon.

Think about what you’re saying... I’m not talking about shifting the needle in Rotten Tomatoes, I’m talking about Twitter. The weird scared American olds may be writing stuff about a marvel movie. But it’s the hoards of sub twenty year olds that are galvanising that into click bait. To think otherwise is abject stupidity.
I thought it was great. Enjoyed every minute of it. It's not much more than a typical Marvel origins but the 90s stuff is fun and Brie Larson is superb and really enjoyed her scenes with Samuel L Jackson.

Obviously it's too late to be a "landmark" film, but I enjoyed it far more than both Black Panther and Wonder Woman.

Seven out of ten, which is pretty much my average for Marvel.

I'd give it around 6 or 7 out of 10 though I didn't think it was great. Definitely enjoyed it more than Wonder Woman which all in all I thought dragged a bit.

I'd have it as up there with the Captain America: The First Avenger, not great but decent enough and whetted the appetite for End Game.
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I didn’t tell you to die, you melon.

Think about what you’re saying... I’m not talking about shifting the needle in Rotten Tomatoes, I’m talking about Twitter. The weird scared American olds may be writing stuff about a marvel movie. But it’s the hoards of sub twenty year olds that are galvanising that into click bait. To think otherwise is abject stupidity.
keep yelling at clouds old man, teenagers aren't on twitter in large numbers, they're on other social platforms, it's predominantly grown ass sexist Americans on twitter, it's very old americans on 4chan and facebook, it's 20 something americans on reddit

on the caf 2 of the posters who went for it signed up in 2007, it ain't the kids, you're just chatting pure unadulterated horseshit
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This thread is an example of why Disney now talk about empowerment a lot, it's why Brie Larson and the director talked about the film being feminist even if there's nothing particularly feminist about it. They saw the backlash The Last Jedi got, then pulled the sexist/racist card. It worked while the mainstream media focused on "trolls" and ignored the actual issues with the film and Rey as a character. Same with Ghostbusters, the focus wasn't on it being a bad film, it was on the sexists being against it.

Then you get actual idiots involved and it becomes a big online "You started it you sexist pig!" versus "No Brie Larson started it you snowflake!" which again gets them free PR in the media which ignores the actual quality of the film. Ride that hard enough and you get OSCAR nominations for Black Panther. Because for some reason the media seem to care what twats on Twitter think about things.

The whole thing is a clusterfeck and everyone is as guilty as each other in it, but the studios are the real winners and they are going to keep milking this faux pro women or whatever fits the bill narrative when it suits them. When in reality they don't give a feck until it actually hurts sales which it hasn't so far. It's just free PR where they are the good guys fighting against the sexists and racists. Solo is the only bomb so far and that's because it followed a film people actually didn't like and Han Solo doesn't need a fecking prequel.

I'm tempted to go tonight, but I'm still not sure. I've seen mixed reviews and there's still several other Marvel films I've not seen. I'm only really interested because of the tie in to Endgame.
I'm tempted to go tonight, but I'm still not sure. I've seen mixed reviews and there's still several other Marvel films I've not seen. I'm only really interested because of the tie in to Endgame.

It's worth it for that alone I would say. To be honest I have no issues with Brie Larson or Captain Marvel, the character was fine. I wasn't sure about how they made Nick Fury come across as a buffoon at times and it doesn't jive with the character as we know him.
It's worth it for that alone I would say. To be honest I have no issues with Brie Larson or Captain Marvel, the character was fine. I wasn't sure about how they made Nick Fury come across as a buffoon at times and it doesn't jive with the character as we know him.
Now, I quite liked that he was a little more naive and normal given the age he would have been at the time. I thought he was still shown to be pretty cool: he handled encountering aliens with a bit of a shrug despite the obvious craziness and was clearly a pretty resourceful, intelligent and brave guy.
Meh, it was alright. Much like Black Panther and Ant man. The whole story was a bit disjointed, somehow the nostalgia didn't really hit home and the humour was forced (not a patch on the last for or even GoTG) but all in all it was just a decent mindless comic film.

The look and sound really didn't seem right though. It felt like the first Marvel film where they are finding their feet rather than the latest.

That all being said, the only thing I didn't really like was she came across as really smug rather than a bit cheeky, maybe that was planned and not just her acting though. The rest was entertaining enough.
Feck, I’m so behind the times we find ourselves in. Seemingly gone are the days (if they ever existed in the first place) of just watching a movie and either enjoying it or not enjoying it.

Now people actually go to length to strategically vote and downgrade/upgrade movies to push certain agendas for and against. I’m so lost. Now let me go back to my naive little existence.
So the sequel of this would be still a prequel to current times but exploring her when she goes away which could be awesome

The Stan Lee cameo was cool, given what he was reading and when the film was set.

And how it was done too with the smile. Perfect
My girlfriend saw it today and said it was bang average. She gave it a 5/10. I’m gonna see it on Sunday so I shall return with my thoughts then. Stay tuned for more.

I thought it was good. Not in the top tier of marvel movies, but I enjoyed it. I would give it a 6-6.5/10.
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I liked it. I thought Larson and Jackson were excellent and I loved the Aussie lizard alien fella. It was a bit star trekky at times and there were some silly bits but it was an enjoyable watch and the all the feminist/sjw shite people were talking about was totally irrelevant to the actual movie.

Not as good as Thor Ragnarok or Infinity War but much better than Ant Man 2 or Black Panther from the recent movies in the series.

Yeah I thought BL was decent and played to the character well. Really interested to see how shes integrated with the Avengers. Assuming we will see more vulnerabilities to her now that her introduction movie is out.
What gave you reason to assume that? Surely the time to give the character vulnerabilities, charisma and any kind of essence is during an initial origin movie, or at least prior to ascension, which they made no attempt whatsoever to do.

They had ample opportunity to take her on an exploratory journey and opted not to, unless told in retrospect, how can they give a now-god any of that unless she's contesting celestials and other higher powers that dwarf and give cause for humility and reflection?

That all-knowing smugness has no reason to diminish unless they really do ramp up the villains, but how can that happen when she's going to be thrust into a Royal Rumble against Thanos?

For universe so structured and planned, they really do seem to have forcibly inserted this movie, especially so when the character is so definitive.
What gave you reason to assume that? Surely the time to give the character vulnerabilities, charisma and any kind of essence is during an initial origin movie, or at least prior to ascension, which they made no attempt whatsoever to do.

They had ample opportunity to take her on an exploratory journey and opted not to, unless told in retrospect, how can they give a now-god any of that unless she's contesting celestials and other higher powers that dwarf and give cause for humility and reflection?

That all-knowing smugness has no reason to diminish unless they really do ramp up the villains, but how can that happen when she's going to be thrust into a Royal Rumble against Thanos?

For universe so structured and planned, they really do seem to have forcibly inserted this movie, especially so when the character is so definitive.

Because she will still be going against Thanos with his stones, who has beaten the shit out of Gods like thor (in the first battle) and destroyed Hulk, with only one stone. (and shes not going against jobber Kree or Skrull.)

Also different director and different setting. Plus 20 or so years as a hero in terms of timeline may do that to her. I very much doubt she just comes in, says 'things will be different cos you now have me' and wham, Thanos defeated with one strike.
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Because she will still be going against Thanos with his stones, who has beaten the shit out of Gods like thor (in the first battle) and destroyed Hulk, with only one stone. (and shes not going against jobber Kree or Skrull.)

Also different director and different setting. Plus 20 or so years as a hero in terms of timeline may do that to her. I very much doubt she just comes in, says 'things will be different cos you now have me' and wham, Thanos defeated with one strike.
I take on what you're saying about Thanos and the stones, however, as it's a Royal Rumble, single character exposition is likely to be scarce, and even then, reserved for the stars of the franchise or the ones they are absolutely going to kill (a farewell moment).

They really needed to do this in a follow-up origin movie (or a lot more in this one) and not conflate in the Avengers. Like I said, it feels like they've inserted her, such an important character, too late in the Universe. They could have taken her on a proper journey with her own genuine trials and tribulations, and, more importantly, vulnerabilities (for the purpose of empathetic audience) to be soaked up. As is, and going into such a vital film, we're left with an over-powerful, all-knowing, smug blank slate.

It would be great if she's crushed and on the brink in the End Game, rather than Mighty Mouse saving the day, or at least, have it so that she is seriously tested to the point of self-doubt. As an inclusive character, the audience must be unsure she even makes it out alive.
What gave you reason to assume that? Surely the time to give the character vulnerabilities, charisma and any kind of essence is during an initial origin movie, or at least prior to ascension, which they made no attempt whatsoever to do.

They had ample opportunity to take her on an exploratory journey and opted not to, unless told in retrospect, how can they give a now-god any of that unless she's contesting celestials and other higher powers that dwarf and give cause for humility and reflection?

That all-knowing smugness has no reason to diminish unless they really do ramp up the villains, but how can that happen when she's going to be thrust into a Royal Rumble against Thanos?

For universe so structured and planned, they really do seem to have forcibly inserted this movie, especially so when the character is so definitive.

I really wouldn't over think it. These are all fairly daft films, predictably telegraphed by 50 years of source material and never really intended for a serious cross examination.

@Sylar has probably said all that needs to be said, I'd only add; wait and see what happens in a couple of weeks. Whatever the outcome, it won't be worse than Ultron, The Dark World or Iron Man 3.
What gave you reason to assume that? Surely the time to give the character vulnerabilities, charisma and any kind of essence is during an initial origin movie, or at least prior to ascension, which they made no attempt whatsoever to do.

They had ample opportunity to take her on an exploratory journey and opted not to, unless told in retrospect, how can they give a now-god any of that unless she's contesting celestials and other higher powers that dwarf and give cause for humility and reflection?

That all-knowing smugness has no reason to diminish unless they really do ramp up the villains, but how can that happen when she's going to be thrust into a Royal Rumble against Thanos?

For universe so structured and planned, they really do seem to have forcibly inserted this movie, especially so when the character is so definitive.

See, the problem is they had a few ways to introduce her but each one would have seen issues:

1) If they had introduced her previously, then the question throughout the whole of IW is where is she? Now its at most, why wasnt she called (after the fact).
2) If they intro her during Endgame, imo its actually worse (esp as her powers would have been established in that movie rather than before) - I think the anticipation of her and Thor going at it with Thanos is great.
3) if they dont introduce her at all, then basically its left to the same avengers from the first movie (but basically half of them).

I think the one point is what @beedoubleyou stated, it doesnt need much over thinking. Its not trying to be something it isnt, its meant to be a fun adaptation brought to screen of heroes kicking villains asses. Captain marvel is a kickass hero. Her own movie did what it needed to, intro'd her, established her history, her powers and that she has control over it. And is ready to come back to Earth to join up with the rest due to the emergency state.

I think it will be a fun climax and her addition is a welcome one.
Captain marvel is a kickass hero. Her own movie did what it needed to, intro'd her, established her history, her powers and that she has control over it. And is ready to come back to Earth to join up with the rest due to the emergency state.

I think it will be a fun climax and her addition is a welcome one.

Problem is, the movie was generally a really weak sauce introduction into her character and her powers were crammed into 15 mins.

She finds the full extent and they decide to shoe horn it into the final segments by having her fly though missiles saying "woohoo"?! For such a seemingly vital character they've fluffed up the film in my opinion.

I left the film getting no insight into her character. Just that she had a best friend. That's literally it. Nothing about her childhood, if she had any specific traumatic experiences (failing to climb a rope or do well in sport generally sint much). They just glaze over her relationship with her own family in 5 seconds through a kid saying "you didn't like your parents so you stayed with us".

Its not really establishing her much is it? They dedicated most the screen time to action scenes. It was very man of steel esque. Except in man of steel they at least showed Clark going through adapting to his powers.
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The Daily Misogynist.

Seems to be the only explanation of why the bog standard Marvel origin story, which is a cut and paste of what they've done for a decade, is being put under such a microscope.

It's not just here, the Internet does nothing better than suck the joy out of movies by giving every dullard a platform to wrongly frame their nitpicking as actual criticism. Seems odd to start questioning Marvel's approach now.
I'd give it around 6 or 7 out of 10 though I didn't think it was great. Definitely enjoyed it more than Wonder Woman which all in all I thought dragged a bit.

I'd have it as up there with the Captain America: The First Avenger, not great but decent enough and whetted the appetite for End Game.

I think Wonder Woman gets judged a bit harshly. I thought it was quite good, right up until the ending. The whole “love conquers all, that’s the weapon that we need” thing was so cringey and awful, I think it made a lot of people judge the movie more harshly in hindsight.

On topic for this, I agree with you. It was a mid tier marvel movie, and very necessary because I would wager there are a lot of people who have been following these movies but aren’t too familiar with captain marvel. They could have done a bit more fleshing out of her character and her powers I suppose.
Seems to be the only explanation of why the bog standard Marvel origin story, which is a cut and paste of what they've done for a decade, is being put under such a microscope.

It's not just here, the Internet does nothing better than suck the joy out of movies by giving every dullard a platform to wrongly frame their nitpicking as actual criticism. Seems odd to start questioning Marvel's approach now.

Yup, it's the standard Marvel formula but a female fronting it has left a few boys with their panties in a bunch. The poster you quoted made his feelings clear earlier in this thread with this joke of a post.

It was an enjoyable middle of the road entry into the MCU that did what it needed to do - intro'd the character, gave a taste of her power, explained her connection to Fury and why she'd not been around previously.

It's by no means a perfect movie but it is a perfect example of a Marvel movie. Big, loud, colourful, CGI-tastic and loaded with quips. Better than some of the early Marvel films but not as good as Ragnarok and a few others.

The only downside to the female focus for me was with the music selection. Favouring female vocalists meant they missed out on a lot of great 90's music though in fairness all the songs they picked worked fine (plus I was delighted to be reminded of that great Des'ree song).
I thought it was fun. Enjoyed the story which I knew nothing about going in and all the cast were really good. Even Jude Law, who I usually can't stand.

Whoever didn't like this should probably just stop watching Marvel movies in general. I mean, you should really know what to expect by now. There's so many people out there complaining about superhero movies while at the same time paying to see them.
The only downside to the female focus for me was with the music selection. Favouring female vocalists meant they missed out on a lot of great 90's music though in fairness all the songs they picked worked fine (plus I was delighted to be reminded of that great Des'ree song).

I thought they were going to go full female but I guess they could't resist Nirvana.
I see, I've been scrutinized here for being misogynistic, but I'm not slightly affected by that. I believe in equality, but in this case it's a obvious to see how the political agendas from Disney is slowly destroying the fun in movies.

In a world when men is fired for old tweets like James Gunn, it's so unfair to see Brie Larson freely commenting and spouting nonsense about men.

Yet people like most of you believe that all the "trolls" or "haters" here are misogynists.

I'm fecking tired of Mary Sue characters that came out of nowhere and CM is obviously the Rey of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Disney, stop this crap, and to those marvel fans who think that everything Marvel put on the plate is "brilliant", keep on supporting like a mindless sheep. It's all the same shyte when you read in reddit, fandom is just stupid to argue with.

Another thing I found annoying is how stupid some people said this is better than WW. WW has actual story unlike this clusterfeck.

to quote Nick Fury on the stupidest plothole in this movie from captain America:

"The last time I trusted a person, I lost an eye" (oh so tragic)

Nick Fury is a joke now.
I see, I've been scrutinized here for being misogynistic, but I'm not slightly affected by that. I believe in equality, but in this case it's a obvious to see how the political agendas from Disney is slowly destroying the fun in movies.

In a world when men is fired for old tweets like James Gunn, it's so unfair to see Brie Larson freely commenting and spouting nonsense about men.

Yet people like most of you believe that all the "trolls" or "haters" here are misogynists.

I'm fecking tired of Mary Sue characters that came out of nowhere and CM is obviously the Rey of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Disney, stop this crap, and to those marvel fans who think that everything Marvel put on the plate is "brilliant", keep on supporting like a mindless sheep. It's all the same shyte when you read in reddit, fandom is just stupid to argue with.

Another thing I found annoying is how stupid some people said this is better than WW. WW has actual story unlike this clusterfeck.

to quote Nick Fury on the stupidest plothole in this movie from captain America:

"The last time I trusted a person, I lost an eye" (oh so tragic)

Nick Fury is a joke now.

do you have similar issues with Thor? he's stupidly powerful too. or is it OK for men to be powerful?
do you have similar issues with Thor? he's stupidly powerful too. or is it OK for men to be powerful?

He's not that powerful. I mean look how weak he is here...

Besides, I don't think Disney has changed Captain Marvels character from the comics? I've not seen the film but she was absurdly OP in the comics afaik. So surely its not Disneys fault, they're just following what the great man wrote.
do you have similar issues with Thor? he's stupidly powerful too. or is it OK for men to be powerful?

Nope, because Thor earned it. He earned his strength.

Same as others, Ironman, Steve Rodgers, everyone earned their status as the original avengers.

This girl came out of nowhere and suddenly the name "avengers" is not special anymore.

Oh you think Captain America was the first? Nope!
Here comes Mary Sue.

Well let me put this into a perspective. For all the success Marvel has earned, this is actually the first time it got divisive for audiences.

Remember The Last Jedi? Learn from that.
I see, I've been scrutinized here for being misogynistic, but I'm not slightly affected by that. I believe in equality, but in this case it's a obvious to see how the political agendas from Disney is slowly destroying the fun in movies.

In a world when men is fired for old tweets like James Gunn, it's so unfair to see Brie Larson freely commenting and spouting nonsense about men.

Yet people like most of you believe that all the "trolls" or "haters" here are misogynists.

I'm fecking tired of Mary Sue characters that came out of nowhere and CM is obviously the Rey of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Disney, stop this crap, and to those marvel fans who think that everything Marvel put on the plate is "brilliant", keep on supporting like a mindless sheep. It's all the same shyte when you read in reddit, fandom is just stupid to argue with.

Another thing I found annoying is how stupid some people said this is better than WW. WW has actual story unlike this clusterfeck.

to quote Nick Fury on the stupidest plothole in this movie from captain America:

"The last time I trusted a person, I lost an eye" (oh so tragic)

Nick Fury is a joke now.

Have you seen the film?
Nope, because Thor earned it. He earned his strength.

Same as others, Ironman, Steve Rodgers, everyone earned their status as the original avengers.

This girl came out of nowhere and suddenly the name "avengers" is not special anymore.

Oh you think Captain America was the first? Nope!
Here comes Mary Sue.

Well let me put this into a perspective. For all the success Marvel has earned, this is actually the first time it got divisive for audiences.

Remember The Last Jedi? Learn from that.

No it's not. You all got pissed off when they made a film about black people too.
Nope, because Thor earned it. He earned his strength.

Same as others, Ironman, Steve Rodgers, everyone earned their status as the original avengers.

This girl came out of nowhere and suddenly the name "avengers" is not special anymore.

Oh you think Captain America was the first? Nope!
Here comes Mary Sue.

Well let me put this into a perspective. For all the success Marvel has earned, this is actually the first time it got divisive for audiences.

Remember The Last Jedi? Learn from that.

Hahahahahaha! Forget my last question, I don't need to know anything more. Thanks for the posts, really enjoyed them.
No it's not. You all got pissed off when they made a film about black people too.

No way, it's nothing like shoving away white men.

Black Panther was a black superhero movie, but they don't push their agenda to cast away white men.

People had no issues with that movie.

This one is a different story.