Film Captain Marvel

I was quite looking forward to this. Didn't expect great things, but thought it would be more entertaining than it turned out to be. Found it underwhelming and, overall, just not that interesting. 2/5.
Nope, that's not it. It's the fact there's no journey, development or tribulation (equivalent to what we see male characters go through) before they can magically do any and everything in record-breakingly short time.

Develop the characters properly then you can give them whatever power. Cutting that development to a quarter or a fifth and it's implausible, even in the made up worlds they inhabit.
They did all that in the film. Did you miss half of it or something?

Personally, I appreciated the fact that they didn't retread the same origin story formula that all the previous heroes had in the same construct. It's what made Doctor Strange one of the weaker of the recent films - it played out like a straight rehash of the first Iron Man, and we've all seen that before, countless times now.
They did all that in the film. Did you miss half of it or something?

Personally, I appreciated the fact that they didn't retread the same origin story formula that all the previous heroes had in the same construct. It's what made Doctor Strange one of the weaker of the recent films - it played out like a straight rehash of the first Iron Man, and we've all seen that before, countless times now.
I hope you're joking - if that qualifies as exposition for you, then I don't know what to say because padding out a character like that takes more than a few cursory lines and flashbacks (which is why they should've written her in a good while back and given her at least two films)!

Anyway, I think it's clear this film polemicises and I don't think anyone who's seen it is going to change their take from whatever it was to something else, which is fair enough.

As I say, I just hope they don't go and ruin the finale by inserting her incorrectly.
Saw it yesterday. Was OK, a bit meh and a little heavy handed here and there with the men suck stuff. But over all just another marvel movie, enjoyable enough if you don't think about it too hard.
Watched it yesterday. Was a bit disappointed with the plot, but entertained nonetheless.

I don't really like the Superman movies, simply because the plot is always him swooping in to save the day with his invincible powers. Barring Kryptonite, there is nothing in the universe that can seemingly stop him, and all villains seem like toys compared to his strength by the finale of every movie. More importantly, all co-heroes seem like props in his presence.

And that is precisely the mistake Marvel have made with this movie. You cannot make her all-powerful with inter-galactic travel, flight, super-human strength and invulnerability all bundled into one package and suddenly make her the first and the most important Avenger. Black Widow, Ant Man, Spiderman and even the Cap will all look like props next to her strength the way it has been established. Its as if we spent a decade getting attached to the side kicks while the main protagonist's story was crammed in a month before showdown.

Also, if she was so damn powerful in the MCU, why the feck did she not have more movies to sort her character arc out? To have her go through some sort of challenges? To help us see how she works in a team if not with the Avengers then at least with some other superheroes in the galaxy she was? To give the audience equivalent time to get attached to her character the way they did with the other Avengers? Hope Thanos kicks her ass in Endgame just for the movie's sake.

As for the movie itself, it was a fun couple of hours spent. I liked the chemistry she shared with Fury, and of course I liked Fury himself - he had some good lines. The plot was predictable, so were some of the punchlines, but the action scenes were cool.
I'm feeling pretty good about the ignore feature right now.

Would you like a medal?

What do you want from me?

This type of poster is so annoying.

Thinks he is above everyone else with that ignorant attitude.

No one cares, idiot.
Saw it. Nothing great, but standard origin Film. Probably will never rewatch.
Watched it yesterday. Was a bit disappointed with the plot, but entertained nonetheless.

I don't really like the Superman movies, simply because the plot is always him swooping in to save the day with his invincible powers. Barring Kryptonite, there is nothing in the universe that can seemingly stop him, and all villains seem like toys compared to his strength by the finale of every movie. More importantly, all co-heroes seem like props in his presence.

And that is precisely the mistake Marvel have made with this movie. You cannot make her all-powerful with inter-galactic travel, flight, super-human strength and invulnerability all bundled into one package and suddenly make her the first and the most important Avenger. Black Widow, Ant Man, Spiderman and even the Cap will all look like props next to her strength the way it has been established. Its as if we spent a decade getting attached to the side kicks while the main protagonist's story was crammed in a month before showdown.

Also, if she was so damn powerful in the MCU, why the feck did she not have more movies to sort her character arc out? To have her go through some sort of challenges? To help us see how she works in a team if not with the Avengers then at least with some other superheroes in the galaxy she was? To give the audience equivalent time to get attached to her character the way they did with the other Avengers? Hope Thanos kicks her ass in Endgame just for the movie's sake.

As for the movie itself, it was a fun couple of hours spent. I liked the chemistry she shared with Fury, and of course I liked Fury himself - he had some good lines. The plot was predictable, so were some of the punchlines, but the action scenes were cool.
That's not really the plot of many of the Superman films. In Superman 2 he's up against 3 enemies as strong as himself and has to out smart them. Superman 3 he gets smacked around a bit by a computer woman, Superman 4 he get his ass kicked by Nuclear Man in a hilariously bad fight, Man of Steel he fights more Kryptonians, Batman V Superman he literally gets killed by something more powerful than him. Feck the quality of Superman films nose dived after Superman 2....

Superman and Superman Returns are really the only ones about him swooping in and being all powerful. He has godly powers, but so do a lot of people in the DC universe. Wonder Woman is arguably more over powered than he is.

I agree with the rest of your post, but for some reason got triggered by Superman getting tarred with the same brush. :lol:
That's not really the plot of many of the Superman films. In Superman 2 he's up against 3 enemies as strong as himself and has to out smart them. Superman 3 he gets smacked around a bit by a computer woman, Superman 4 he get his ass kicked by Nuclear Man in a hilariously bad fight, Man of Steel he fights more Kryptonians, Batman V Superman he literally gets killed by something more powerful than him. Feck the quality of Superman films nose dived after Superman 2....

Superman and Superman Returns are really the only ones about him swooping in and being all powerful. He has godly powers, but so do a lot of people in the DC universe. Wonder Woman is arguably more over powered than he is.

I agree with the rest of your post, but for some reason got triggered by Superman getting tarred with the same brush. :lol:

Yeah I bet if Brainiac invasion were to happen, that won't be an easy fight too.
Very average and unlike most of the other Marvel movies, I have no desire to watch this again.

It really felt like a filler movie, and she effectively got to the current power level of Thor - but instead of taking 10 years it took 1 movie.

All I can hope is she doesn’t appear in endgame and totally obliterate Thanos. She needs to be a side character against Thanos.
Very average and unlike most of the other Marvel movies, I have no desire to watch this again.

It really felt like a filler movie, and she effectively got to the current power level of Thor - but instead of taking 10 years it took 1 movie.

All I can hope is she doesn’t appear in endgame and totally obliterate Thanos. She needs to be a side character against Thanos.
Its marginally better than Ant Man, which are films i have no desire to watch again. It definitely is a filler film, but its also one that was necessary to complete the story, couldnt have captain marvel just jumping into the action in endgame, would feel like a cop out to the casual fan who doesnt know the comics.

Shes actually more power than thor tbh, dont know how well that would come across on film though.
What will be interesting is, when Disney completes the Fox takeover and get the Xmen get on board,
they do the storyline between her and Rogue
Watched it yesterday. Was a bit disappointed with the plot, but entertained nonetheless.

I don't really like the Superman movies, simply because the plot is always him swooping in to save the day with his invincible powers. Barring Kryptonite, there is nothing in the universe that can seemingly stop him, and all villains seem like toys compared to his strength by the finale of every movie. More importantly, all co-heroes seem like props in his presence.

And that is precisely the mistake Marvel have made with this movie. You cannot make her all-powerful with inter-galactic travel, flight, super-human strength and invulnerability all bundled into one package and suddenly make her the first and the most important Avenger. Black Widow, Ant Man, Spiderman and even the Cap will all look like props next to her strength the way it has been established. Its as if we spent a decade getting attached to the side kicks while the main protagonist's story was crammed in a month before showdown.

Also, if she was so damn powerful in the MCU, why the feck did she not have more movies to sort her character arc out? To have her go through some sort of challenges? To help us see how she works in a team if not with the Avengers then at least with some other superheroes in the galaxy she was? To give the audience equivalent time to get attached to her character the way they did with the other Avengers? Hope Thanos kicks her ass in Endgame just for the movie's sake.

As for the movie itself, it was a fun couple of hours spent. I liked the chemistry she shared with Fury, and of course I liked Fury himself - he had some good lines. The plot was predictable, so were some of the punchlines, but the action scenes were cool.
They made her powers on a par with Thor in the most recent films, and I didn't get any implication she was regarded as the most important one at all. Everyone loved the moment in Infinity War where the recently souped up God of Thunder crashed down from another galaxy and blew everyone away. I don't see how this character is much different in that respect, especially as we are all just guessing at the events of End Game. I expect more from the writers than for her to single-handedly defeat Thanos where everyone else failed, and the previous films they've written leave me confident that won't be the case.
They made her powers on a par with Thor in the most recent films, and I didn't get any implication she was regarded as the most important one at all. Everyone loved the moment in Infinity War where the recently souped up God of Thunder crashed down from another galaxy and blew everyone away. I don't see how this character is much different in that respect, especially as we are all just guessing at the events of End Game. I expect more from the writers than for her to single-handedly defeat Thanos where everyone else failed, and the previous films they've written leave me confident that won't be the case.

Yeah at this point it is sensible thing to do to trust the Russo brothers to get the power balance right. Remember Vision in Age of Ultron? He was easily the most powerful character there, but in Civil War and Infinity War they found ways to limit his powers and make him mortal. They also found a believable way to make Cap go head to head against Iron Man and not make it one sided, so I think they are very good at balancing the strengths and skill sets of the different characters.

I was not blown away by the movie, the writing was weak at times and I didn't enjoy the visuals because I sat in a cinema with horrible 3D. One of the most forgettable marvel movies for sure. That said, I did think Brie Larson pulled it off big time and the casting of the main characters has always been the most important part of Marvel, that's one of the reasons why the ensemble pieces work so well. She's annoying, smug and overconfident, but I think that fits well into her character as an Air Force Pilot / Kree special agent. Where they failed a bit was establishing more characters which we would like to revisit in a Captain Marvel 2 set at the other end of the galaxy - the people from earth stay there (including Fury), the story with Jude Law has been told and we knew Ronan already, and tbh he's one of the worst villains in the MCU.

I did enjoy to learn that Captain Marvel was a financial success, simply because there has been a massive smear campaign talking about how the movie will fail and how Disney is destroying the MCU with it's agenda. The youtube algo recommended me those awful videos a month before the movie was even out, titled "How Captain Marvel destroyed the MCU" etc. etc., talking about SJW, Mary Sue's and a lot of right-wing propaganda.
An average movie; very forgettable and felt cheated as it felt like a filler or intro movie designed for the Endgame.
Were people expecting a groundbreaking film?

Im not disappointed because it was exactly as expected, a filler film ill probably never watch again. Its Ant-Man.
I watched it in 3D. All I can say is I really enjoyed the out of space dog fight, wish it was longer. The rest of it was meh but overall mildly entertaining. 5/10
Average movie but set the scene up for Endgame which is where it’s at!

And why is everyone dissing Antman, I enjoyed that movie far more than this.
Were people expecting a groundbreaking film?

Im not disappointed because it was exactly as expected, a filler film ill probably never watch again. Its Ant-Man.

I really enjoyed Ant Man and have watched it again. I think Paul Rudd was an excellent choice. Haven't seen captain marvel yet.
I really enjoyed Ant Man and have watched it again. I think Paul Rudd was an excellent choice. Haven't seen captain marvel yet.
I love Paul Rudd and I enjoy him as Ant-Man, but the film as a whole is not one I'd ever choose to watch again.
I love Paul Rudd and I enjoy him as Ant-Man, but the film as a whole is not one I'd ever choose to watch again.

Ant-Man was great. I share your views towards Ant-Man and the Wasp. Don't think I would watch that again.
Saw this today, didn't like it that much. Thoughts in spoiler tags.

I appreciated that it was trying to communicate its values in ways that weren't too heavy-handed and gave the audience some credit (Carol wasn't so much a female superhero as she was just a superhero), and the "villain's not actually a villain/good guys aren't what they seem" switcheroo was pretty nice. But Marvel films are almost always horrible to look at and this was no different, with lots of heavily edited and dull fight scenes. The handful of jokes it attempted didn't really land, the endless stream of inappropriate music cues were nauseating by the end, and the shoehorned 1990s cultural references had my eyes rolling out of my head. I'm not sure they ever got a handle on Carol's powers or true nature either, and she didn't seem to have anything resembling an arc, which is a big problem considering it's supposed to be an origin story.

The biggest problem I had, though, was that Infinity War and Endgame were constant elephants in the room. This should just be a standalone origin movie that introduces a new hero to the universe, not essential connective tissue (as Kermode put it) between two films that are going to define the franchise for years to come - it stops the movie from being a fun experience and makes it feel like an obligation, which dampens your enjoyment from the moment you take your seat. It seems to be marketed as this progressive step forward for Marvel as well, which I'm not sure it is. It's tiny baby step towards diversity that ultimately ends up being an advert for the U.S Air Force, so I guess that undermines the whole thing? I dunno, it's not as bad as I thought it would be but still not very good. I'm expecting Endgame to be better because there are at least stakes behind that story but knowing I had to see this to fully understand it just makes me feel frustrated.
Can we all agree that her female "friend" was far more than a friend? She's the only person she seeks out on earth, and all the photos in that woman's house, were of the three of them (with the kid). All the longing looks between them too. I wish Marvel hadn't pussied out, and had just fully embraced it.
Thought it was a good film, I enjoyed it more than I expected to. Sets up her character for Endgame, which was always the intention.
I hope you're joking - if that qualifies as exposition for you, then I don't know what to say because padding out a character like that takes more than a few cursory lines and flashbacks (which is why they should've written her in a good while back and given her at least two films)!

Anyway, I think it's clear this film polemicises and I don't think anyone who's seen it is going to change their take from whatever it was to something else, which is fair enough.

As I say, I just hope they don't go and ruin the finale by inserting her incorrectly.
Having thought about it a bit, the structure of the film is not completely dissimilar to Memento. The setup works because we're experiencing the slow revelations about the character that brought them to the present point, at the same time as they are experiencing them - through this series of flashbacks, where a little more information is dripped to us as the film goes on. They can't show that happening to the character and show us a standard chronological origin at the same time.

Not only would that have been pointlessly going over the same story using the same formula as all the other films, it would have been irrelevant. The writers skipped all that as the point was to show her finding her identity as the events of the film panned out.
Thought it was pretty boring overall, though better than the Iron Man films. For a film about an intergalactic space war it's really amazing how little actually happened.

I just don't like Brie Larson as an actor/actress which didn't help. All the scenes of her being witty and charismatic just felt plastic and half arsed, although the whole film had this kind of tone to it. I do like that they now have a main player female character, as opposed to a few token sidekick women who are good at kicking people. I just think they could have casted better.


- There is less explanation for how Captain Marvel gets her powers that what you would get in an actual children's comic book. An exlosion happens and it gives her the power to do whatever she wants, just because. It kind of summed up the whole film. Just had a kind of "meh, that'll do" vibe to it.

- Her being called Captain Marvel doesn't really make much sense, what with her not being a captain and not being called Marvel. It's such a silly superhero name that their way of explaining how she got the name was to just not.

- The cat creature was stupid. It felt like a lazy plot device and yet the only parts of the plot it had any involvement in could have easily been done without it. Was it meant to be humour? Was it just because they wanted a cat in the film? It's main contribution was explaining how Fury lost his eye. He lost his eye because an alien cat scratched him for no reason. I would have been less underwhelmed with him accidentally poking himself in the eye with a fork.

- Ronan the Accuser is in this film. I liked him in GOTG. In this film he did literally nothing.
Thought it was pretty boring overall, though better than the Iron Man films. For a film about an intergalactic space war it's really amazing how little actually happened.

I just don't like Brie Larson as an actor/actress which didn't help. All the scenes of her being witty and charismatic just felt plastic and half arsed, although the whole film had this kind of tone to it. I do like that they now have a main player female character, as opposed to a few token sidekick women who are good at kicking people. I just think they could have casted better.


- There is less explanation for how Captain Marvel gets her powers that what you would get in an actual children's comic book. An exlosion happens and it gives her the power to do whatever she wants, just because. It kind of summed up the whole film. Just had a kind of "meh, that'll do" vibe to it.

- Her being called Captain Marvel doesn't really make much sense, what with her not being a captain and not being called Marvel. It's such a silly superhero name that their way of explaining how she got the name was to just not.

- The cat creature was stupid. It felt like a lazy plot device and yet the only parts of the plot it had any involvement in could have easily been done without it. Was it meant to be humour? Was it just because they wanted a cat in the film? It's main contribution was explaining how Fury lost his eye. He lost his eye because an alien cat scratched him for no reason. I would have been less underwhelmed with him accidentally poking himself in the eye with a fork.

- Ronan the Accuser is in this film. I liked him in GOTG. In this film he did literally nothing
He did. He begged the question 'how long after this film did he decide to go for the heavy eyeliner look?'
Having thought about it a bit, the structure of the film is not completely dissimilar to Memento. The setup works because we're experiencing the slow revelations about the character that brought them to the present point, at the same time as they are experiencing them - through this series of flashbacks, where a little more information is dripped to us as the film goes on. They can't show that happening to the character and show us a standard chronological origin at the same time.

Not only would that have been pointlessly going over the same story using the same formula as all the other films, it would have been irrelevant. The writers skipped all that as the point was to show her finding her identity as the events of the film panned out.

Memento? Are you sure you watched that film? Because its nothing like Captain Marvel in just about any way. They are both films, thats about it. This was par for the course amnesiac stuff. Resident evil (the first movie)springs to mind as a similar structure of plot. ie person wakes up remembering nothing, makes friends with strange man, man turns out to be a dick. but memento? Sorry, theres nothing at all similar in how they reveal their plots. One goes backwards, revealing plot in anti chronological way, and the other is a bog standard "I cant remember stuff but now I can with a cliché twist" thats been done to death in hollywood.
- There is less explanation for how Captain Marvel gets her powers that what you would get in an actual children's comic book. An exlosion happens and it gives her the power to do whatever she wants, just because. It kind of summed up the whole film. Just had a kind of "meh, that'll do" vibe to it.

- Her being called Captain Marvel doesn't really make much sense, what with her not being a captain and not being called Marvel. It's such a silly superhero name that their way of explaining how she got the name was to just not.

- The cat creature was stupid. It felt like a lazy plot device and yet the only parts of the plot it had any involvement in could have easily been done without it. Was it meant to be humour? Was it just because they wanted a cat in the film? It's main contribution was explaining how Fury lost his eye. He lost his eye because an alien cat scratched him for no reason. I would have been less underwhelmed with him accidentally poking himself in the eye with a fork.

- Ronan the Accuser is in this film. I liked him in GOTG. In this film he did literally nothing.

1) Agreed they could have explained that better but it's the same way the Hulk got his powers and we pretty much accept that without question. Why should this be any different?

2) She was never called Captain Marvel in the film. The character becomes that but in this movie she's just Vers or Carol Danvers.

My son did some reading on this and discovered she was given her name in the comics by Captain America. His theory is Captain America will sacrifice himself in Endgame to reverse the snap and someone will say "No, the world needs Captain America!" to which he'll reply "Not anymore, now they have Captain Marvel".

As much as I'm impressed by the logic of this I hope it doesn't happen as the same crowd who hated on this film before release will do the same for every future Marvel film if Cap passes the baton to a woman.

3) Yeah I also thought the cat creature was silly but have been reliably informed it's accurate to the comics. This cat has been part of CM's story for a long while though it had a different name in the comics that I can't remember right now.
Memento? Are you sure you watched that film? Because its nothing like Captain Marvel in just about any way. They are both films, thats about it. This was par for the course amnesiac stuff. Resident evil (the first movie)springs to mind as a similar structure of plot. ie person wakes up remembering nothing, makes friends with strange man, man turns out to be a dick. but memento? Sorry, theres nothing at all similar in how they reveal their plots. One goes backwards, revealing plot in anti chronological way, and the other is a bog standard "I cant remember stuff but now I can with a cliché twist" thats been done to death in hollywood.
Yes, although admittedly, it was probably more than a decade ago, and (ironically), I have a shite memory!
There's a much better explanation as to how she got her powers, and her name in the comics. It makes a lot more sense, and how she got her powers in this film isn't the best explained.
Unless she is half alien like Peter Quill?
Sort of but not exactly. Quill had alien dad, human mum. Danvers is all human, until an accident (an explosion still, actually) in which her DNA gets infused with the original Captain Marvel's DNA thus giving her the powers. She goes by the name Ms.Marvel, until I believe the original Captain Marvel dies, so she takes his name to carry on the legacy (could be wrong with him dying, he could have just retired can't remember).

The movie it seems like she shot an engine and won the lottery. Yon-rogg did mention something about his blood coursing through her veins, but I don't really know, the whole part about how she actually got powers wasn't well explained IMO.
Sort of but not exactly. Quill had alien dad, human mum. Danvers is all human, until an accident (an explosion still, actually) in which her DNA gets infused with the original Captain Marvel's DNA thus giving her the powers. She goes by the name Ms.Marvel, until I believe the original Captain Marvel dies, so she takes his name to carry on the legacy (could be wrong with him dying, he could have just retired can't remember).

The movie it seems like she shot an engine and won the lottery. Yon-rogg did mention something about his blood coursing through her veins, but I don't really know, the whole part about how she actually got powers wasn't well explained IMO.
I haven't seen Capt Marvel yet, but is the explanation any better than man gets hit by nuke and turns big and green?
Well, Captain america is an enhanced beefed up hero - so he basically won the lottery.
I saw this a couple of days ago. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, went into the cinema with the same expectations I had before I saw Black Panther thinking "Meh it'll be ok" Although it's nowhere near as good as Black Panther, it was a thoroughly enjoyable film. Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson were excellent. Captain Marvel is a welcomed addition to the Avengers film/s for me. The soundtrack is very good too.
What will be interesting is, when Disney completes the Fox takeover and get the Xmen get on board,
they do the storyline between her and Rogue

Is that really happening ?! :eek: The bit in the spoiler? Was a defining moment in my comic book reading days.