Film Captain Marvel

The annoying thing about Marvel fandom is that they think they are the best studio out there.

Proud of that "Marvel Formula".

The fans are toxic, they can't accept criticism.

The Marvel sheep fans are like Apple sheep, they are the same. They won't find any wrong in their favorite multi-billionaire company because they are simply the "BEST".
You are someone who has seen all the preceeding films and is now literally boycotting a movie because you believe there is a political agenda. You are the toxic fan! Jesus Christ thats pathetic.
@Fortitude those are good criticisms to have. I dont entirely disagree with everything you said.
Same time I think regardless of what Marvel did, it would have seen criticisms (and thats fair, you cant please everybody all of the time). As I said I have no issues with the timing of her movie, as her character will be fresh in the mind.

Of course I will review everything myself after EndGame happens to see how everything ties in.

I'm not going to call it a bad film, but at the same time, they've missed a trick, or several, with the way it has been written and that won't be rectified in End Game unless she's put through the mill and isn't just an easy saves the day character.

Yeah, I dont want her to just appear and end Thanos like its nothing. I have faith given what weve seen so far in the team up movies that wont be the case, but i think she will be part of taking him down along with Thor (the other Captain), and what ant-man brings regarding QR knowledge.

Actual people claim this? That's a bit silly.
TBH, yet to see proof of people being actually genuine (or otherwise) about this statement.
No one other than comic nerds and Nolan fanatics give a shit about TDK being ‘the best superhero movie of all time’. If a black kid somewhere watched Black Panther and thought that was the best thing since sliced bread, then posted as such online, power to him.

The real sheeps are the ones so riled up about that they need to make their hurt feelings known on a football forums :lol:
Question: why was she able to absorb the force from the energy-core as a human being? Was it random? Or like Star-Lord/Peter Quill, she actually has some alien blood that allows her to do so?
Question: why was she able to absorb the force from the energy-core as a human being? Was it random? Or like Star-Lord/Peter Quill, she actually has some alien blood that allows her to do so?
Don't think its specifically explained but Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver absorbed it without being aliens so I assume its about doses of the energy
No one other than comic nerds and Nolan fanatics give a shit about TDK being ‘the best superhero movie of all time’. If a black kid somewhere watched Black Panther and thought that was the best thing since sliced bread, then posted as such online, power to him.

The real sheeps are the ones so riled up about that they need to make their hurt feelings known on a football forums :lol:
Nonsense, everyone who disagrees should be hunted down, tied to a giant search light and have their broken body projected into the air like a Batman sign.

also, complaining about people who complain about people complaining about something is still complaining.
Funny thing is I watched every single one of them. I'm okay with all other Marvel movies except this, and Black Panther.

Yeah that is funny and probably why Disney are laughing all the way to the bank. They've hooked you in and you can't stop watching, even when they make movies that seem to really upset you
No one other than comic nerds and Nolan fanatics give a shit about TDK being ‘the best superhero movie of all time’. If a black kid somewhere watched Black Panther and thought that was the best thing since sliced bread, then posted as such online, power to him.

The real sheeps are the ones so riled up about that they need to make their hurt feelings known on a football forums :lol:

Factually, it is.

Because of TDK, the super hero craze became a worldwide phenomenon.

For the first time ever you can make a serious movie about a superhero and during that time it was something never been seen before.

Well I'm not hurt, just giving my thoughts on this matter about CM.

I don't like it, others can like it, fans can worship it.

It's a forum, I put my opinion. I would never talk about this in real life if I stumbled upon Marvel fanboys, they can have their sweet discussion.
Saw it today, pretty underwhelming IMO especially the finale
Fantastic CGI ,Ok acting, don't think there's any particular scene that I'm gonna remember after a few weeks except maybe for that transformation scene
Edit - forgot the jokes, my God they were so bad and forced. Samuel L Jackson was funny but most of the jokes were really bad
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Factually, it is.

Because of TDK, the super hero craze became a worldwide phenomenon.

For the first time ever you can make a serious movie about a superhero and during that time it was something never been seen before.

Sure, if only we discount Batman Begins, from the same director, or Superman, or Spider-Man, or Iron Man which ironically came out the same summer.

It is a great crime thriller on its own, elevated by both the performance and tragic death of Heath Ledger, but it wasn’t some sort of groundbreaking masterpiece that became the blueprint for future comic adaptations, as evidenced by DC’s abject failures trying to ape its style with lesser directors.

Marvel films are what it is, fun spectacles ranging in quality with very similar tone and plot with a few notable exceptions (Ragnarok, Guardian 1, Winter Soldier). No one aside from the neck beards that populate YouTube comment section and 4chan/reddit think of them as all time greats, or pay attention to them beyond the customary 2.5 hours in the cinema every few months.
Don't think its specifically explained but Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver absorbed it without being aliens so I assume its about doses of the energy

That's great news. That means even a mere mortal like myself will have a chance to have superpowers then.
You go to Marvel reddit. :wenger:

They put it on par with TDK after that Oscar nominations.
I wouldn't take reddit as a serious reflection of public opinion. They also think Disney are weaponizing Marvel movies to urge young women to make false accusations of rape.
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The annoying thing about Marvel fandom is that they think they are the best studio out there.

Proud of that "Marvel Formula".

The fans are toxic, they can't accept criticism.

The Marvel sheep fans are like Apple sheep, they are the same. They won't find any wrong in their favorite multi-billionaire company because they are simply the "BEST".
:lol: You sound like you’re crying as you typed this post. Movies, and almost all forms of art, have agendas whether it’s political or not. Where have you been?
The thing about them being too powerful only seems to be an issue when it's a female character. I think for most who make it it's just an excuse made up to mask the fact that they just don't like having women fronting these films.

This is literally the biggest problem with every Superman story, but sure chalk it up to sexism.
Is this movie meant to be 20 years before the events of Infinity war? Does Captain Marvel not age? Why would she not ever come back to Earth during that time. Even to check up on her best friend and that child. Seems like a long time to be away.

Decent film though. I enjoyed it. A very easy watch.
That's the annoying thing about it, everything needs to be a gag. That eye patch included. When Nick Fury delivered that dramatic line captain america, he was dead serious.

Now we know he was play acting as an intimidating guy, it's another joke.

In Marvel everything is a gag. It becoming a problem now.
Now? It's been like this in every single one of the preceding 20 MCU films and NOW it's becoming a problem? :lol:
Watched it, bog standard, middle of the road marvel flick, about as edgy as custard. The whole controversy with Brie Larsson might be Studio/Marketing brilliance because it has turned what is really a Tuesday Night Netflix watch into one of the most talked about movies of the year.

Wonder Women did it better for me, more charismatic lead, far more interesting journey.
Is this movie meant to be 20 years before the events of Infinity war? Does Captain Marvel not age? Why would she not ever come back to Earth during that time. Even to check up on her best friend and that child. Seems like a long time to be away.

Decent film though. I enjoyed it. A very easy watch.

You would have thought that, when the unstoppable alien menace invaded in Avengers Assemble, Fury might have thought to give her a bell, because there was no way to see that the Avengers would win.

Or when Shield turned out to be taken over by Hydra and the Helicarriers were going to kill millions.

Or when Ultron started tearing shit up.

Or when Thanos forces first turned up, killed thousands, kidnapped the wizard, Iron Man and Spiderman disappeared, Thor and the Hulk were missing, and Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon were disavowed and in the wind, Ant Man and Hawkeye were under house arrest.

Or even after the events of Civil war when the Avengers initiative turned to shit.

You would have thought that, when the unstoppable alien menace invaded in Avengers Assemble, Fury might have thought to give her a bell, because there was no way to see that the Avengers would win.

Or when Shield turned out to be taken over by Hydra and the Helicarriers were going to kill millions.

Or when Ultron started tearing shit up.

Or when Thanos forces first turned up, killed thousands, kidnapped the wizard, Iron Man and Spiderman disappeared, Thor and the Hulk were missing, and Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon were disavowed and in the wind, Ant Man and Hawkeye were under house arrest.

Or even after the events of Civil war when the Avengers initiative turned to shit.

Maybe he did and she ignored him, because she was also doing important shit
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, hello ignore button! We got one!

What do you want a medal?

I wish I could be so nerdy and caught up on movies as some of you lot. I don't remember shit about them 2 hours after watching except the really really good action scenes
Is this movie meant to be 20 years before the events of Infinity war? Does Captain Marvel not age? Why would she not ever come back to Earth during that time. Even to check up on her best friend and that child. Seems like a long time to be away.

Decent film though. I enjoyed it. A very easy watch.

My take

Yes it's that long before infinity war

I think maybe the kree blood stops her from aging. As she looked similar at the end to when she was taken compared to the end credit scene
She's like wolverine haha

Maybe she was occupied. I suspect they might cover that in convo during endgame (I can imagine banner saying ''we really could have used you many times before this" and her saying she was busy. I suspect we get that covered in captain marvel 2 though as that will likely be a prequel sequel
Maybe he did.

Maybe its just lazy story telling to shoe horn her into the universe.


Although it was announced for phase three around same time black panther was and I'm sure initially she was meant to be part of an earlier avengers (Ultron?)

Given the planning around the universe and given it was pretty much planned since around 2014 I wouldn't classify it as a shoehorning her (I would be more tempted to say that for dccu rather than mcu)
We're rooting for you buddy


You feel it?
CGI was brilliant. Story telling so so. Lead actress likeable but yeah a solid 6/10 for me.
You are someone who has seen all the preceeding films and is now literally boycotting a movie because you believe there is a political agenda. You are the toxic fan! Jesus Christ thats pathetic.

I'm feeling pretty good about the ignore feature right now.
What do you want a medal?

I wish I could be so nerdy and caught up on movies as some of you lot. I don't remember shit about them 2 hours after watching except the really really good action scenes

Would you like a medal?

What do you want from me?