Film Captain Marvel

Just seen it. Standard marvel stuff with the same formula, a few decent jokes and a pretty rubbish villain. Falls in line with pretty much every other marvel movie, though it does get pretty tiresome after the 15th time. Only real dissapointment was having a pretty underwhelming soundtrack despite having the first half of the 90s at your disposal.
The thing about them being too powerful only seems to be an issue when it's a female character. I think for most who make it it's just an excuse made up to mask the fact that they just don't like having women fronting these films.

It's a superhero film, all of their powers are dumb, and at least if they are really powerful it means that the battle scenes are not interminably long as is often the case even with the better films (we know she's not going to die because Avengers comes out next month so there's literally no jeopardy regardless of whether she's incredibly powerful or not).

Overall I quite enjoyed the movie, it's not amazing but Larson and Jackson are fun and put in good performances and it didn't drag as much as some of the other Marvel films.

That is dumb.

I mean why are you avoiding the fact that Wonderwoman, people had no issues with her being strong? Same as Tomb Raider, Alita, list goes on.

The issue is these characters are like a massive deus ex machina coming out from nowhere.

Rey taking the spot and disrespecting Luke, Captain Marvel stupidly the main avenger.

That's the issue.
I thought they were going to go full female but I guess they could't resist Nirvana.

Same. I was pleasantly surprised when that one started.

Good shout also on Jude Law. This is the only film I've seen him in aside from Spy where he's hasn't irritated me.
The thing about them being too powerful only seems to be an issue when it's a female character. I think for most who make it it's just an excuse made up to mask the fact that they just don't like having women fronting these films.

Nonsense. I liked the movie and I still think it was dumb to make her this powerful. It feels not really balanced compared to rest of the cast. Feels like she can take on Thanos on her own and the rest of Avengers are not really necessary.
The thing about them being too powerful only seems to be an issue when it's a female character. I think for most who make it it's just an excuse made up to mask the fact that they just don't like having women fronting these films.

Yeah, you really aren't as "woke" as you think you are mate.

It's a superhero film, all of their powers are dumb, and at least if they are really powerful it means that the battle scenes are not interminably long as is often the case even with the better films (we know she's not going to die because Avengers comes out next month so there's literally no jeopardy regardless of whether she's incredibly powerful or not).

Overall I quite enjoyed the movie, it's not amazing but Larson and Jackson are fun and put in good performances and it didn't drag as much as some of the other Marvel films.

I agree with most of this. Larson comes across as arrogant rather than cheeky though, that's the only thing I really didn't like, but Sammy L and Goose saved the day ;)
That is dumb.

I mean why are you avoiding the fact that Wonderwoman, people had no issues with her being strong? Same as Tomb Raider, Alita, list goes on.

The issue is these characters are like a massive deus ex machina coming out from nowhere.

Rey taking the spot and disrespecting Luke, Captain Marvel stupidly the main avenger.

That's the issue.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, hello ignore button! We got one!
In the football forums I'd agree. Oh my lord, do I agree!

However, I do find it childish, especially if you are directly going against a pov. It's such a kid putting their fingers in their ear move :lol:

Same thing with all forums for me, it's particularly useful in the current events forum. Some people even when presented with facts will never change their opinion as they're stubborn arseholes and dont want to admit to being wrong. Instead they double down their opinion. Those are people that i'd never get along with so best to phase them out so I can enjoy reading the forum. It's a bit like being at school and having the option of deleting bullies from your life.
Same thing with all forums for me, it's particularly useful in the current events forum. Some people even when presented with facts will never change their opinion as they're stubborn arseholes and dont want to admit to being wrong. Instead they double down their opinion. Those are people that i'd never get along with so best to phase them out so I can enjoy reading the forum. It's a bit like being at school and having the option of deleting bullies from your life.

True, but what if you didn't bother to try to engage them in the first place? Is that still okay, or your own version of the doubling down?
True, but what if you didn't bother to try to engage them in the first place? Is that still okay, or your own version of the doubling down?

I don't bother interacting, if I read a post and I roll my eyes and then read another post and roll my eyes again then they're on my official "should probably ignore" list. I just don't have the patience to attempt to discuss an issue with people that so clearly won't change their mind. As I say, reading this forum for me is about enjoyment, not getting involved in debates with people who I will never see eye to eye with.
I don't bother interacting, if I read a post and I roll my eyes and then read another post and roll my eyes again then they're on my official "should probably ignore" list. I just don't have the patience to attempt to discuss an issue with people that so clearly won't change their mind. As I say, reading this forum for me is about enjoyment, not getting involved in debates with people who I will never see eye to eye with.

Okay then, but if you are unwilling to engage them, then surely their beliefs shouldn't matter?

Each to their own mate, I have no problem with your reasoning. Personally though, I like to at least see what's going on otherwise we get hoodwinked rather quickly as the recent world kind of shows :lol:
He's not that powerful. I mean look how weak he is here...

Besides, I don't think Disney has changed Captain Marvels character from the comics? I've not seen the film but she was absurdly OP in the comics afaik. So surely its not Disneys fault, they're just following what the great man wrote.

She has had 7 reboots or something like that. Her powers shouldn't be a issue.
I think the character is fine. I think the movie should have been done in phase one. Putting it out now feels forced, but that's more of a timing thing with endgame being around the corner.
:lol: The meltdowns in this thread. I do find it funny that when people dont like things, they go out of their way to ensure nobody else likes it or to say why somebody is dumb for not liking it.
And likewise the other way, if somebody doesnt like something, they dont have to.

but that bit where people are called names is just too funny.

Nonsense. I liked the movie and I still think it was dumb to make her this powerful. It feels not really balanced compared to rest of the cast. Feels like she can take on Thanos on her own and the rest of Avengers are not really necessary.

Thor can now take on Thanos on his own, as he showed when he should have gone for the head. In fact within the space of 2 hours of getting absolutely decimated by Thanos, to managing to be blasted by the sun, to getting a new weapon, he managed to over power Thanos (who had every stone by that point).
Okay then, but if you are unwilling to engage them, then surely their beliefs shouldn't matter?

Each to their own mate, I have no problem with your reasoning. Personally though, I like to at least see what's going on otherwise we get hoodwinked rather quickly as the recent world kind of shows :lol:
In fairness he might just want to avoid seeing the posts if he knows he'll strongly disagree with them and doesn't want to engage with the poster at all. If it makes the Caf experience more enjoyable for him then who are we to argue? Also I suppose when you're talking about a Marvel movie it's a bit different to the actual discussions that go on in the CE.

I mean I've never put anyone on ignore because I enjoy getting pissed off far too much for my own good but I guess normal people prefer to use the ignore function :D
I see, I've been scrutinized here for being misogynistic, but I'm not slightly affected by that. I believe in equality, but in this case it's a obvious to see how the political agendas from Disney is slowly destroying the fun in movies.

In a world when men is fired for old tweets like James Gunn, it's so unfair to see Brie Larson freely commenting and spouting nonsense about men.

Yet people like most of you believe that all the "trolls" or "haters" here are misogynists.

I'm fecking tired of Mary Sue characters that came out of nowhere and CM is obviously the Rey of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Disney, stop this crap, and to those marvel fans who think that everything Marvel put on the plate is "brilliant", keep on supporting like a mindless sheep. It's all the same shyte when you read in reddit, fandom is just stupid to argue with.

Another thing I found annoying is how stupid some people said this is better than WW. WW has actual story unlike this clusterfeck.

to quote Nick Fury on the stupidest plothole in this movie from captain America:

"The last time I trusted a person, I lost an eye" (oh so tragic)

Nick Fury is a joke now.
Not that it'd be a plothole anyway, but he trusted the cat. Which works regarding the Captain America quote surely?

Her origin story is as sensible as most of the other characters in these films, or do you consider imbued with Asgardian divine strength to be well established?

Also, Brie Larson has never tweeted anything remotely comparable to Gunn (who nonetheless was harshly treated I feel).

I'm also not sure what similarities the character has to Rey other than having a vagina and being the lead in a sci fi/fantasy movie.
In fairness he might just want to avoid seeing the posts if he knows he'll strongly disagree with them and doesn't want to engage with the poster at all. If it makes the Caf experience more enjoyable for him then who are we to argue? Also I suppose when you're talking about a Marvel movie it's a bit different to the actual discussions that go on in the CE.

I mean I've never put anyone on ignore because I enjoy getting pissed off far too much for my own good but I guess normal people prefer to use the ignore function :D

Is this me? :lol:
Not that it'd be a plothole anyway, but he trusted the cat. Which works regarding the Captain America quote surely?

Her origin story is as sensible as most of the other characters in these films, or do you consider imbued with Asgardian divine strength to be well established?

Also, Brie Larson has never tweeted anything remotely comparable to Gunn (who nonetheless was harshly treated I feel).

I'm also not sure what similarities the character has to Rey other than having a vagina and being the lead in a sci fi/fantasy movie.

Their made-up magic powers aren't realistic enough, unlike the made-up magic powers of boy heroes.
Their made-up magic powers aren't realistic enough, unlike the made-up magic powers of boy heroes.
Nope, that's not it. It's the fact there's no journey, development or tribulation (equivalent to what we see male characters go through) before they can magically do any and everything in record-breakingly short time.

Develop the characters properly then you can give them whatever power. Cutting that development to a quarter or a fifth and it's implausible, even in the made up worlds they inhabit.
I really wouldn't over think it. These are all fairly daft films, predictably telegraphed by 50 years of source material and never really intended for a serious cross examination.

@Sylar has probably said all that needs to be said, I'd only add; wait and see what happens in a couple of weeks. Whatever the outcome, it won't be worse than Ultron, The Dark World or Iron Man 3.
Thinking about these things make them more enjoyable than just taking it in, bad or not, and moving on. Even if they are superhero films, it doesn't mean they can't be cohesive and well written or take you on a journey that leaves an impression, which is why, as you've done yourself, we can tier these films and say what's dire, average or good.

I don't really get why people feel talking these films down has any merit when they, like everyone else, invests time and money in watching them.

I've stated multiple times in the past, that some of these films are definitely cinematic experiences that don't stand up without the spectacle, or certainly won't leave the same impression on you if you look at them objectively without the razzmatazz and over stimulation you can get at the cinema, but I would always hope to see films where the writers and directors have tried to provide both the former and the latter. I also think, on the whole, these MCU films are improving so you do hope that trend continues across franchises.
See, the problem is they had a few ways to introduce her but each one would have seen issues:

1) If they had introduced her previously, then the question throughout the whole of IW is where is she? Now its at most, why wasnt she called (after the fact).
2) If they intro her during Endgame, imo its actually worse (esp as her powers would have been established in that movie rather than before) - I think the anticipation of her and Thor going at it with Thanos is great.
3) if they dont introduce her at all, then basically its left to the same avengers from the first movie (but basically half of them).

I think the one point is what @beedoubleyou stated, it doesnt need much over thinking. Its not trying to be something it isnt, its meant to be a fun adaptation brought to screen of heroes kicking villains asses. Captain marvel is a kickass hero. Her own movie did what it needed to, intro'd her, established her history, her powers and that she has control over it. And is ready to come back to Earth to join up with the rest due to the emergency state.

I think it will be a fun climax and her addition is a welcome one.

1. That's easy - she's on the 'other side of the universe/galaxy' and preoccupied with some other villain with comms to her either not working or being interfered with by some other big, old meany. Hell, they could even have her going through her own tribulations as an inferior fighting for her own life etc.

2. Ties in with 1. you definitely don't want her introduced too late, unless Thanos 'Hulks' her, and we're instead dosed with more girlpower, it's going to be extremely anti-climatic a finale to literal decades of hard work and construct.

Your bolded really is glossing over all the gripes I and others in here have stated in saying the film barely does any of that and makes her seem detached and, effectively a trump card pulled out of nowhere (her film coming far too late) they missed a huge opportunity to insert the character, who is clearly integral, in a more seamless and agreeable way.

I feel exposition for extremely powerful characters is multiples more important than it is for lesser ones and by comparison, they were painstaking in slowly upping Thor's power before having him max out, finally, in his third film (onward), and look at what they've done with Hulk!

As I said in my earlier post, Superman has the same issues and it's why they're in a corner with him until the Darkseid's and Doomsday's enter the fray, even then, Superman is a multi-layered character compared to what they've offered up with Captain Marvel in this film.

I'm not going to call it a bad film, but at the same time, they've missed a trick, or several, with the way it has been written and that won't be rectified in End Game unless she's put through the mill and isn't just an easy saves the day character.
Not that it'd be a plothole anyway, but he trusted the cat. Which works regarding the Captain America quote surely?

Her origin story is as sensible as most of the other characters in these films, or do you consider imbued with Asgardian divine strength to be well established?

Also, Brie Larson has never tweeted anything remotely comparable to Gunn (who nonetheless was harshly treated I feel).

I'm also not sure what similarities the character has to Rey other than having a vagina and being the lead in a sci fi/fantasy movie.

That's the annoying thing about it, everything needs to be a gag. That eye patch included. When Nick Fury delivered that dramatic line captain america, he was dead serious.

Now we know he was play acting as an intimidating guy, it's another joke.

In Marvel everything is a gag. It becoming a problem now.
Red Letter Media review is up. They are usually more entertaining than the actual films.

That is spot on.

"I watched Captain Adequate, and then I found out about the Brie Larson's white men video, now I hate that movie". :lol:

Now Disney/Marvel are lucky because regular consumers don't really watch those stuffs, Brie is lucky.
That's the annoying thing about it, everything needs to be a gag. That eye patch included. When Nick Fury delivered that dramatic line captain america, he was dead serious.

Now we know he was play acting as an intimidating guy, it's another joke.

In Marvel everything is a gag. It becoming a problem now.
How is he play acting at being an intimidating guy? He's in countless bad ass scenes in what feels like several billion films and in this particular movie is continually shown as brave, respected, commanding and resourceful and takes the frankly incredible and life threatening events around him in his stride. He even has a character arc in this film, certainly more than the lead, from relatively naive run of the mill fed to something more like the older Fury we know later on. I think explaining the eye patch was unnecessary (not everything needs explained or linked back to other films) but it hardly weakens his character.
Saw it last night, thought it was a fun movie. It had the same issues most origin movies have with too much time spent mastering the powers, believing in themselves etc. etc. etc.

I thought Brie Larson was a bit wooden, like she was in a daze for the whole movie. Dunno if that was purposeful based on her having been reprogrammed but I have seen her more engaged in films before.

Talos was great but I am guessing the Skrull's being refugees rules out a Secret Invasion storyline?
That's the annoying thing about it, everything needs to be a gag. That eye patch included. When Nick Fury delivered that dramatic line captain america, he was dead serious.

Now we know he was play acting as an intimidating guy, it's another joke.

In Marvel everything is a gag. It becoming a problem now.

You should probably just stop watching Marvel movies.
You should probably just stop watching Marvel movies.

Funny thing is I watched every single one of them. I'm okay with all other Marvel movies except this, and Black Panther.

Should I to stop watching my favorite genre? Absolutely not.

Am I not allowed to criticize this Marvel mess? Oh hell yea, I can say anything I want.

Does Marvel have blinded fans? Of course.
Funny thing is I watched every single one of them. I'm okay with all other Marvel movies except this, and Black Panther.

Should I to stop watching my favorite genre? Absolutely not.

Am I not allowed to criticize this Marvel mess? Oh hell yea, I can say anything I want.

Does Marvel have blinded fans? Of course.

I'm probably going to regret asking, but what was wrong with Black Panther?
The annoying thing about Marvel fandom is that they think they are the best studio out there.

Proud of that "Marvel Formula".

The fans are toxic, they can't accept criticism.

The Marvel sheep fans are like Apple sheep, they are the same. They won't find any wrong in their favorite multi-billionaire company because they are simply the "BEST".
I'm probably going to regret asking, but what was wrong with Black Panther?

Generally because it is accepted as a masterpiece (better/same level as The Dark Knight), but the movie was honestly average.

The lore for Wakanda is just dumb as feck (Rhino farm, Spear battles, Lazy city building, etc). Nothing political for me.
The annoying thing about Marvel fandom is that they think they are the best studio out there.

Proud of that "Marvel Formula".

The fans are toxic, they can't accept criticism.

The Marvel sheep fans are like Apple sheep, they are the same. They won't find any wrong in their favorite multi-billionaire company because they are simply the "BEST".

Most of the Marvel films are downright average, with a couple really poor ones and a couple good ones. I find them fun but as a whole their not exactly masterpieces. No one in this thread has really acted in the way you suggest, you got called out because you complained about Marvel's 'political agenda' when it came to CM even though you hadn't seen the movie.
Generally because it is accepted as a masterpiece (better/same level as The Dark Knight), but the movie was honestly average.

The lore for Wakanda is just dumb as feck (Rhino farm, Spear battles, Lazy city building, etc). Nothing political for me.
Actual people claim this? That's a bit silly.