Eh? That's one of the strangest things I've ever read.
- They're hugely anti-immigration, cracking down on people who have lived here for decades.
- They're hugely anti government spending, enacting the 8th year of government spending cuts.
- They're becoming more authoritarian, creating a UK firewall to stop people watching legal pornographic material.
- They're cutting ever more social benefits, taking away millions of disabled people's benefits
- and the list goes on and on
Now what you've described as trying to win back voters... on student loans and housing. What exactly are you talking about? Can you name the policy?
The Tory led coalition were the ones who raised the University cost from £3,290 to up to £9k. The Tories are indeed encouraging house building, but it's not government led, and there is a huge shortage of social housing and low cost housing. The government say they are trying combat that, but what are they doping about it?
So... what are you talking about?
One of the strangest things you've ever read? Lol ok. The conservatives are a centre party, you could classify them as centre right if you want but there's nothing wrong with the rest of what I've said. They're more centre than the republicans in the US for example and probably at the same spectrum as the democrats. None of the policies you've listed remotely make them right wing so i don't where the faux outrage is suddenly coming from. Those policies may seem bad when you phrase them in a subjective manner as you've done, but they can easily be written as:
- They're committed to bring down immigration to a manageable level, which is to under 100k net per year. That's not anti-immigration. Not sure what where you're getting the cracking down on people who've lived here for decades bit from, unless it's a couple of outlier examples, for everyone else there's citizenship after x amount of years (10 years for non-EU and for EU people they have a right to remain here).
- You could write that as they're committed to balancing the books, so that we no longer post a trade deficit year after year and increase out our total debt. Sometimes you have to cut to do that if you're not earning enough. That's what happens in business (and yes, I know the running of the country's not a business, but that doesn't exempt you from being financially responsible). Ditto on the cuts on benefits.
- If I'm not mistaken the porn law's not been enacted yet, only consulted on, and even if it were put in place the worst case is you call up and get your ISP to allow porn. Not great but hardly something to justifying terms like authoritarian around, especially when it's coming from the perspective of child safety. If you want authoritarian, go look at what Xi Jinping just passed through law in China.
So yeah, nothing actually majorly right wing there, nowhere near enough to justify the sort of surprise you're giving. On student loans and housing, I'm referring to the last 2-3 weeks in the news that May's given speeches on. 1) The student loan review that started last month and will last up to a year to see how to reform the loans. The justification for this is less them giving a crap but more being surprised at how many young people flocked to labour in the election. I'll be shocked if they don't at least cut the interest rate in the reform since there's little else they can do at this point (they've already frozen the rises), and if they're feeling brave they'll lower the loan size. They might cop out and make their sole change the ability to get 2 year degrees, but I'll be surprised if that's the only change. And yes I know the Tories increased to £9k, I started uni the first year it was enacted and left with £40k+ debt, but clearly I'm talking about current policies, not from 8 years ago.
2) On housing just this week:
I'm not necessarily arguing the changes, because I'm annoyed at both Labour and the Tories policies (or lack of) on housing, but I was referring more to their acknowledgement of needing reform on housing planning / policies and trying to bring those in.
Content? I've named the policies.