Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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The leave campaign has duped and fecked this country so bad.
That's a bit harsh, Corbyn was the best of the ''lot'' during the leadership race(Well I thought so anyway.

He was the candidate you liked but anyone with any sense knew he was unelectable and a disaster for the Labour party.

In political terms he was the worst candidate. Labour now becomes irrelevant and nothing more than the UK's middle class student party whilst UKIP becomes the voice of the working class. There is a very very real chance of that happening if it hasn't already.
So this is what a communist caf would have looked like in '91. Don't worry guys, you made the right call in the long run, as gloomy as it might seem to be right now.

In '91 the walls fell. Now there are new ones built. Weird analogy of yours...
What the hell... I wasn't even a little bit concerned about this, especially with literally everyone I know supporting "stay". What now, Trump to be elected as a president? :nervous:
Good morning indeed
Only if you look at it from this perspective. Hopefully Britain leaving EU is start of EU's downfall, just like USSR fell apart in '91.

Isolationism never made anyone rich. If Europe wants to maintain its position in a globalized world it needs to stick together. This notion of "let's all shut down our borders and we'll be great" is weird.
Only if you look at it from this perspective. Hopefully Britain leaving EU is start of EU's downfall, just like USSR fell apart in '91.

Denmark and The Netherlands are thought to be likely to seek a referendum next. I think if the EU is harsh on the UK it might actually encourage further Euroscepticism in the EU. Who wants to be bullied and consumed by the Leviathan?

Isolationism never made anyone rich. If Europe wants to maintain its position in a globalized world it needs to stick together. This notion of "let's all shut down our borders and we'll be great" is weird.

Isolationism is a curious word to use. Britain will seek trade deals with countries that it couldn't previously due to the EU and trade deals with the rest of the world.
Isolationism never made anyone rich. If Europe wants to maintain its position in a globalized world it needs to stick together. This notion of "let's all shut down our borders and we'll be great" is weird.

The notion that disbanding of EU means purely shutting down borders between countries and the global, european trade going to feck is a perfect bullshit agenda fed by EU and countries in power who are absolutely bricking it right now. Brainwashing at its finest.

Isnt it that Poland benefited a lot from Eu membership?

Yup, obviously. You know that there are plenty of drawbacks and one of the biggest ones for us would be joining the monetary union - which has to happen sooner or later given that we have very little power in the EU - so it's the high time things went south and we left.
Denmark and The Netherlands are thought to be likely to seek a referendum next. I think if the EU is harsh on the UK it might actually encourage further Euroscepticism in the EU. Who wants to be bullied and consumed by the Leviathan?

The opposite is true. It's not about being harsh, it's about sticking to the usual terms for non-EU countries. The Brexit campaign suggested that GB could have the cake and eat it, too. You cannot leave a club and still insist on the usual member benefits. This is what nobody wants on the continent.
I'm very sad here (and angry). The UK will now fall into a black hole of its own making. Disastrous, and the worst thing that's happened to my country in my lifetime.

High wages for foreigners, easy to find work, easy to get a visa, diverse international city, great base for traveling to other parts of China, cheap and efficient public transport, friendly and welcoming locals with decent level of English.. Among other things. I do really like it here but I guess it's not for everyone.
Sounds pretty attractive to be honest
The opposite is true. It's not about being harsh, it's about sticking to the usual terms for non-EU countries. The Brexit campaign suggested that GB could have the cake and eat it, too. You cannot leave a club and still insist on the usual member benefits. This is what nobody wants on the continent.

This is what Merkel & co do not want on the continent, not 'nobody'. Europe does not equal European Union.
We now get to make our own trade agreements and play by our own rules... Which will be a huge advantage as the queue to trade with us dwindles and dwindles.

The best thing about this is to trade with EU countries the UK will still have to stick to the European regulations, do the not? :rolleyes:
Older people have voted for a future young people don't want.

This is the most feck up part. Baby boomers about to kick the bucket have fecked us.

Addendum to this, though - those are breakdowns based on a 4 point remain win. Result was 8 points in the other direction, so may not be completely accurate there.
FTSE 100 falls more than 8% within minutes as markets open
Many stocks have refused to open.
Companies losing up to 30%.
This is what Merkel & co do not want on the continent, not 'nobody'. Europe does not equal European Union.

With memberships there come benefits and obligations. A system based on cherry picking doesn't work. But for sure you can explain why GB should be treated differently than Norway or Switzerland.
Seems like Tories want Cameron to stay but he's having none of it. Who wants to be the Guinea pig?
Queen's empire disappearing before her eyes.
Why not? They want to remain in the EU.
Considering a bulk of your trade is with EU, that's a ambiguous statement to make.

Obviously the UK will seek to trade with the EU as well, given that we are one of Germany's biggest trading partners and third largest export market, they might be interested in doing business too.

Calling it 'Isolationism' has been a remain buzzword throughout campaigning but it is largely disingenuous to term it that way. It isn't like we are going to start trading local and employing protectionist trade policies for UK goods. It is a globalised world and the UK will continue to be a part of that, just not as part of the EU.
With memberships there come benefits and obligations. A system based on cherry picking doesn't work. But for sure you can explain why GB should be treated differently than Norway or Switzerland.

It's not about what they 'should' be granted. It's funny to see how people now seem to perceive that everything that unfolds now is all about how Britain has to adapt, what Britain has to do, what Britain will lose. EU has to adapt to the new circumstances as well, they have just lost one of the big players in the EU and there will be plenty of countries within EU who will want to negotiate/re-negotiate different matters with GB, who benefit greatly with trading with GB and who will oppose to inevitable threatening and acting tough against GB by Merkel & friends.

It's not like EU can now pretend that nothing has happened, Britain's move has only negative implications on themselves and EU should not be concerned in the slightest. Oh they better fecking be now.
FTSE is down 7%, £ has dropped 8-12%. Banks are down 25%...

fecking shite
Oh wow. I was saying in the other thread how obvious it was that the UK were going to remain in the EU but the fact Brexit won actually shocks me. Really didn't expect the majority of the people to be against the EU, especially when I saw the amount of companies against Brexit which was far higher than the companies supporting Brexit.