On more than one occasion Farron has described Leave voters generally as intolerant, insular and lacked decency. His MPs have also committed to voting against A50 long before May's speech. He has only disdain for people such as myself, for all that we might share other Liberal Democrat policies.
You don't think that the composition of the Commons and its two-thirds support for EU membership makes a rather practical difference? Eurosceptics don't have the numbers to bring about a repeat, whereas those supportive of Brussels could well vote down the final deal. Even though they've lost the referendum, Remain has a political influence that would not be the case if the roles were reversed.
Farage is an unelected showman whose party has an MP in name only much of the time, not what i would consider comparable to the Lib Dems.
If you disagree with almost all of my posts, you must be more conservative and hawkish than i imagined you to be.