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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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It is an excuse. Why do you think that only small countries are tax havens? Its because its profitable for them not for the big guys

It's not really about tax havens. The UK is threatening to drastically lower its level of corporation tax, making it more attractive to inward investment. This has the effect of diverting investment from Europe to Britain, at the cost of reducing revenues to the British Exchequer. At the moment about 9% of tax receipts in Britain come from corporation tax, so halving corporate taxes would leave a 4.5% hole in British tax revenues.
It's not really about tax havens. The UK is threatening to drastically lower its level of corporation tax, making it more attractive to inward investment. This has the effect of diverting investment from Europe to Britain, at the cost of reducing revenues to the British Exchequer. At the moment about 9% of tax receipts in Britain come from corporation tax, so halving corporate taxes would leave a 4.5% hole in British tax revenues.

Who will foot the remaining bill? What happens if lets say other eu countries do the same?
They cant cos they're tied by eu regs

If the Uk starts a race to the bottom there's no reason the EU can't change those regs to remain competitive. Shitty outcome for everyone, of course. More money to the corporations. Less for the man on the street. Really stuck it to those elites, didn't you?
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It's not really about tax havens. The UK is threatening to drastically lower its level of corporation tax, making it more attractive to inward investment. This has the effect of diverting investment from Europe to Britain, at the cost of reducing revenues to the British Exchequer. At the moment about 9% of tax receipts in Britain come from corporation tax, so halving corporate taxes would leave a 4.5% hole in British tax revenues.

And how will the government fund the NHS and initiatives being diverted from Brussels to the UK with less tax coming in?
Yanited fans eh, completely missing the main point as usual.
Says the Arsenal fan by quoting another Arsenal fan :lol:.
And it's a good point, the EPL is about to get much weaker if nothing is done to preserve the pool of talent to European players, who are top players.
And how will the government fund the NHS and initiatives being diverted from Brussels to the UK with less tax coming in?
Who cares, apparently, it's the immigration that one needs to "fix" at all cost...
Says the Arsenal fan by quoting another Arsenal fan :lol:.
And it's a good point, the EPL is about to get much weaker if nothing is done to preserve the pool of talent to European players, who are top players.

The UK are leaving the EU not the UEFA.
Says the Arsenal fan by quoting another Arsenal fan :lol:.
And it's a good point, the EPL is about to get much weaker if nothing is done to preserve the pool of talent to European players, who are top players.

I was joking about it being the key issue, obviously I'm bothered about the economy. They'll probably fix it for rich wealthy football teams to have freedom of movement.
The UK are leaving the EU not the UEFA.
Yes but UEFA only controls the aspect of the rules regarding the competition and the eligibility of the players.
The UK will need to issue work permits now for all EU players who before did not need it to come and play.
That's a lot of paperwork and cost for clubs.

At least that's how I interpret the situation.

If we look at the work permit requirements for football players, it is:

What are the criteria which will be used?
Until 2015, football players needed to have played in at least 75% of their country’s senior international matches over the previous two years to play in the UK. Eligibility for a GBE now depends on a national team’s FIFA ranking, as follows:

Official FIFA Ranking Required % of international matches in past 2 yrs
FIFA 1-10 30% and above
FIFA 11-20 45% and above
FIFA 21-30 60% and above
FIFA 31-50 75% and above

In the case of players aged 21 or under at the time of application, the period is reduced to one year. The aim is to make it easier for young, outstanding talent to grow their game in the UK.

So we can only buy outstanding talents who have played international games, and not just some raw talent in EU countries.
Pogba would not be an United player in this case, for example.

We benefit from the EU free movements of workers.
Unless the UK issue a rule to wave the work permits for EU players but hell, given the tone of the Brexit speech this week, it seems highly unlikely that Theresa May listens to any of the interests for corporations, should they be financial (City) or sports related (EPL).
Yes but UEFA only controls the aspect of the rules regarding the competition and the eligibility of the players.
The UK will need to issue work permits now for all EU players who before did not need it to come and play.
That's a lot of paperwork and cost for clubs.

At least that's how I interpret the situation.

If we look at the work permit requirements for football players, it is:

What are the criteria which will be used?
Until 2015, football players needed to have played in at least 75% of their country’s senior international matches over the previous two years to play in the UK. Eligibility for a GBE now depends on a national team’s FIFA ranking, as follows:

Official FIFA Ranking Required % of international matches in past 2 yrs
FIFA 1-10 30% and above
FIFA 11-20 45% and above
FIFA 21-30 60% and above
FIFA 31-50 75% and above

In the case of players aged 21 or under at the time of application, the period is reduced to one year. The aim is to make it easier for young, outstanding talent to grow their game in the UK.

So we can only buy outstanding talents who have played international games, and not just some raw talent in EU countries.
Pogba would not be an United player in this case, for example.

We benefit from the EU free movements of workers.
Unless the UK issue a rule to wave the work permits for EU players but hell, given the tone of the Brexit speech this week, it seems highly unlikely that Theresa May listens to any of the interests for corporations, should they be financial (City) or sports related (EPL).
If she doesn't help the clubs out she risks one of the UK's biggest assests becoming a lot less attractive and nearly worthless.
If the Uk starts a race to the bottom there's no reason the EU can't change those regs to remain competitive. Shitty outcome for everyone, of course. More money to the corporations. Less for the man on the street. Really stuck it to those elites, didn't you?
Race to the bottom? Lux has one of the finest standards of living. Junck has blocked the eu trying to counter his tax breaks and as a fan of the eu i guess you support him? But you dont think uk should go the same way, why not? the eu is the only race to the bottom, mass unemployment, almost no growth. While i hate the idea of tax havens, if its to the detriment of the eu and its support then good.
If she doesn't help the clubs out she risks one of the UK's biggest assests becoming a lot less attractive and nearly worthless.
She was ready to give up on the 9 EU passports for the financial industry in the City, which is also a very powerful industry.
As a proof, you see that the City lobby has now given up on the passports concept and focuses on the regulatory equivalence concepts, that they try to make it binding in order to be able to prove some sort of stability in the situation in regards to foreign banks and investors.

What makes you think that seeing one of the UK's biggest assets becoming a lot less attractive and nearly worthless is of importance now for Theresa May, given the above?

Her speech has made it clear that Theresa May won't give any leverage to EU negotiators.
That means that she's ready to sacrifice everything, financial passports or EPL, as long as the question on the immigration is tackled "properly".

She's basically saying that no deal is better than a bad deal, from a UK standpoint.
The EU will probably adopt a similar stance.
Yes but UEFA only controls the aspect of the rules regarding the competition and the eligibility of the players.
The UK will need to issue work permits now for all EU players who before did not need it to come and play.
That's a lot of paperwork and cost for clubs.

At least that's how I interpret the situation.

If we look at the work permit requirements for football players, it is:

What are the criteria which will be used?
Until 2015, football players needed to have played in at least 75% of their country’s senior international matches over the previous two years to play in the UK. Eligibility for a GBE now depends on a national team’s FIFA ranking, as follows:

Official FIFA Ranking Required % of international matches in past 2 yrs
FIFA 1-10 30% and above
FIFA 11-20 45% and above
FIFA 21-30 60% and above
FIFA 31-50 75% and above

In the case of players aged 21 or under at the time of application, the period is reduced to one year. The aim is to make it easier for young, outstanding talent to grow their game in the UK.

So we can only buy outstanding talents who have played international games, and not just some raw talent in EU countries.
Pogba would not be an United player in this case, for example.

We benefit from the EU free movements of workers.
Unless the UK issue a rule to wave the work permits for EU players but hell, given the tone of the Brexit speech this week, it seems highly unlikely that Theresa May listens to any of the interests for corporations, should they be financial (City) or sports related (EPL).

Murdoch will tell her what to do, don't you worry.
Race to the bottom? Lux has one of the finest standards of living. Junck has blocked the eu trying to counter his tax breaks and as a fan of the eu i guess you support him? But you dont think uk should go the same way, why not? the eu is the only race to the bottom, mass unemployment, almost no growth. While i hate the idea of tax havens, if its to the detriment of the eu and its support then good.

Again with the not getting people's points. I'm talking specifically about the race to the lowest corporate tax rates. Nothing else. An issue that your hero in the tartan pant suit has deliberately and provocatively put on the table and will be music to the ears of the corporates and 1%ers.

That's what happens when people think they're fecking over The Man by voting for a Tory/UKIP/Murdoch initiative. Well done all. Really thought this through.
The press will tell her what to do, she intends to stay in power and she needs to be popular.
I think the interprets the popularity based on the referendum only.
She also interprets the results of the referendum as the will of citizens to focus only and primarily on immigration.

The City and the EPL are probably starting to realise that they are not in her mind when negotiating with the EU.

If Theresa May was looking at the press, she would propose a second referendum just to be certain that the UK citizens are ready to take the plunge.
Since she does not, I can only assume she doesn't want to confirm in any ways.
Note that it's not necessarily a reproach, just an assessment.
I think the interprets the popularity based on the referendum only.
She also interprets the results of the referendum as the will of citizens to focus only and primarily on immigration.

The City and the EPL are probably starting to realise that they are not in her mind when negotiating with the EU.

If Theresa May was looking at the press, she would propose a second referendum just to be certain that the UK citizens are ready to take the plunge.
Since she does not, I can only assume she doesn't want to confirm in any ways.
Note that it's not necessarily a reproach, just an assessment.
Well when she eventually sells us all down the river, she could always buy a nice little house in France or somewhere to retire.
You have no choice on this issue. At all.
Are you taking about the 40B EUR that the UK committed to pay already but has not paid yet?

The UK could refuse to pay, but that would be a strange move on the international scene.
One that could trigger a war in fact, as it would be a questioning of all international legal treaties...
Who would trust the UK then?
How would they "prove" that they wouldn't do other countries trying to get a treaty with them what they did to the UK?
I think the interprets the popularity based on the referendum only.
She also interprets the results of the referendum as the will of citizens to focus only and primarily on immigration.

The City and the EPL are probably starting to realise that they are not in her mind when negotiating with the EU.

If Theresa May was looking at the press, she would propose a second referendum just to be certain that the UK citizens are ready to take the plunge.
Since she does not, I can only assume she doesn't want to confirm in any ways.
Note that it's not necessarily a reproach, just an assessment.

I think that the second referendum isn't an option because she didn't gain her position through general elections and she could lose everything.
Are you taking about the 40B EUR that the UK committed to pay already but has not paid yet?

The UK could refuse to pay, but that would be a strange move on the international scene.
One that could trigger a war in fact, as it would be a questioning of all international legal treaties...
Who would trust the UK then?
How would they "prove" that they wouldn't do other countries trying to get a treaty with them what they did to the UK?

They can negotiate all they want about future commitments. They can't walk away from existing liabilities. For obvious reasons. I mean, if they could literally do whatever the hell they want why not kick things off by cancelling all of their current national debt? Boom! A trillion quid out of nowhere!
Again with the not getting people's points. I'm talking specifically about the race to the lowest corporate tax rates. Nothing else. An issue that your hero in the tartan pant suit has deliberately and provocatively put on the table and will be music to the ears of the corporates and 1%ers.

That's what happens when people think they're fecking over The Man by voting for a Tory/UKIP/Murdoch initiative. Well done all. Really thought this through.

Spot on. Anyone who cannot see this is either ignorant or wilfully blind.
They can negotiate all they want about future commitments. They can't walk away from existing liabilities. For obvious reasons. I mean, if they could literally do whatever the hell they want why not kick things off by cancelling all of their current national debt? Boom! A trillion quid out of nowhere!

Actually they can do all the things you mentioned, the real problem is that countries loan money to each other, banks too and when one country defaults his reputation(grade) is impacted and loans become expensive, sometimes extremely expensive.
Exactly, more flavours, more brands, more countries and more continents. Not just the eu

Except the EU has many trade deals, at great rates cause it's massive. We'll have to start again from a position of weakness

Talking Chocolate, the price of Freddos have gone up 5p from 25 to 30p, thus hurting the poorer consumer
Johnson is an idiot, and in isolation his babblings might get waved away as typical Boris. When the PM is behaving like a damn moron too however, it just cements our fast developing reputation as a nation of delusional xenophobes.
Haven't seen anything about Boris being criticised by May so maybe there's a subtext here. That the EU is simply being unreasonable and uncooperative, in Boris's case it might imply as always. The same line is being echoed in the pro-Brexit press - the EU is being awkward and silly and will ruin everything ! In effect, though, theGovernment may be preparing the way to blame the EU for their own future failures.
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I think the interprets the popularity based on the referendum only.
She also interprets the results of the referendum as the will of citizens to focus only and primarily on immigration.

The City and the EPL are probably starting to realise that they are not in her mind when negotiating with the EU.

If Theresa May was looking at the press, she would propose a second referendum just to be certain that the UK citizens are ready to take the plunge.
Since she does not, I can only assume she doesn't want to confirm in any ways.
Note that it's not necessarily a reproach, just an assessment.
I actually don't think the Premier League will be hit one bit.

It's probably our greatest British export, a beacon of British marketing success on the world stage, the epitome of what Theresa May hopes Britain will achieve on leaving the EU and she isn't going to let that die.

Let's not forget when she was home secretary and the FA was trying to force work permit tightening on Premier League clubs she refused to accept any proposal until it had the consent of the PL. Also bare in mind the core support of Brexit were the idiot working class "c'mon Hull"ers of the country, you think if the quality of the Premier League went to dirt they wouldn't be the first to be up in arms?

The EU has been a thorn in the PL's side for years in terms of how trying to curb how it sells its TV rights to maximise income - the British government has had to step in on more than one occasion and defend them - and so leaving the EU will open the door for whatever practises the PL chooses to maximise sales. Given Scudamore has got someone much more in line with his own views back running the FA I could even see the situation panning out in a renegotiation and slackening of the current non-EU rules resulting in even more player availability for English clubs. About right too because European players are completely overpriced compared to their South American counterparts.