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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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I keep reading about The Brexit party but for me they are simply Kippers 2.0 and there’s no substance to them. I don’t see how any of their support can be translated to actual seats. They are desperate to ride the Tory ticket and get a few of their cronies elected and this is why they’re pressing so hard for a pact.

They got 5.25m votes in EU elections and this will be their peak at any election give or take a bit because their backers will always turn out to vote. They should be a non issue for the big two and I think they’d only make the difference in a handful of very marginal seats but any pact would then alienate the base elsewhere so swings and roundabouts really.
Wait, them propping up the Tories in the past wasn't a red flag to you? Genuine question.

Past is the past, dynamics change. On balance I think Nick Clegg had a very difficult decision to make and with hindsight, perhaps he should have let the Conservatives govern with a minority government and force another GE.
Really starting to think it's a very, very bad strategy for them. Taking in some rebels is useful, but their desire to bring over all the Change UK mob when the very same people wanted to literally bring an end to the party seven months ago is bordering on pathetic and makes them out to be a party concerned with nothing other than Brexit when traditionally they've had more substance than that, even if they're not a party I would've voted for.

I began turning off them when they let Chuka Umunna, the careerist wally, in. My vote for Lib Dems would largely be a rejection of Labour as opposed to a vote for the Lib Dems in proper, but with such important ramifications of the result of a GE. I don't think my conscience can allow me to vote for anyone other than Labour. What's the point in being able to say "Well I voted Green" when the country is in turmoil because of a no deal Brexit?
I began turning off them when they let Chuka Umunna, the careerist wally, in. My vote for Lib Dems would largely be a rejection of Labour as opposed to a vote for the Lib Dems in proper, but with such important ramifications of the result of a GE. I don't think my conscience can allow me to vote for anyone other than Labour. What's the point in being able to say "Well I voted Green" when the country is in turmoil because of a no deal Brexit?
Just vote for the person most likely to beat the Tory.
Of course they are cowards, they are literally the definition of the word.

What the feck are you even talking about? Johnson set an incredibly obvious trap for the opposition. If they walked into it, they wouldn’t be brave, they’d be morons.
I mean, I'll be really glad if the Conservatives cease to exist but they'll just disseminate into other parties and sadly the Brexit Party in charge and Nige as PM seem more and more likely

Jesus didn't think I'd ever imagine a situation worse than Boris Johnson as PM
What the feck are you even talking about? Johnson set an incredibly obvious trap for the opposition. If they walked into it, they wouldn’t be brave, they’d be morons.

The Tories' tactics now seem to be mainly childish schoolyard taunts like this.

Did they really think Labor would be stupid enough to fall for triggering a GE so that the Tories could potentially win and push through a no deal Brexit?

And then they seemed suprised when it didn't work with no sensible alternative in reserve. Who is their strategist? Baldric?

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Jesus didn't think I'd ever imagine a situation worse than Boris Johnson as PM

May must be relieved that he took so short a time to take the title of worst PM in living memory from her. However Cameron must know deep down that he was the one to blame for this whole shit show.
May must be relieved that he took so short a time to take the title of worst PM in living memory from her. However Cameron must know deep down that he was the one to blame for this whole shit show.

I think it's lovely that the pig-fecker is the boy who destroyed the tory party.
Spare us the pre-school Tory attack lines. There will be an election called within a month or so, and no-one is fooled by the Tories transparent attempts to slip a no-deal Brexit through via trickery.

As for reapplying, it isn’t a gym membership we’re talking about. Even if the EU would readmit us (highly questionable), it would first involve huge economic damage from the original exit and then having to crawl back and be willing to accept much crapper terms than we already have. Yay, we’d be humiliated and much poorer too..

But... but ... that British Bulldog Spirit...??
May must be relieved that he took so short a time to take the title of worst PM in living memory from her. However Cameron must know deep down that he was the one to blame for this whole shit show.

Cameron isnt to blame for the British public being stupid ignorant and racist enough to vote for Brexit thinking it meant no Muslims
It's quite possible Rudd has quit to avoid being voted out when the inevitable election happens over the next month or two.

Her majority was practically non existent and she was very lucky to still be an MP after the 2017 election.

I expect a few more will go as well.

The problem we are going to have as things stand is right now, the UK cannot do anything domestically let alone get Brexit concluded one way or the other.

The government party have a minority government of negative 45 or something, the opposition party's are made up of utterly useless labour clowns opposed to everything and anything, a nationalist party that would genuinely welcome the collapse of the UK and a load of minor party's who's sum achievements would fit on a pin head, with plenty of room to spare.

It can't carry on like this but we have cowards afraid of an election (nothing says you cannot reapply if you win the election even if Johnson takes us out...) And the government is run by maniacs. Hang them all on Pendle Hill.

And I’m affraid there are far too many Brits who (want to) believe this type shit. They are so ignorant & pig headed that they want the U.K. to crash out of the EU at all costs. They support an untrustworthy PM who’s totally unsuitable for the role. They don’t see Britain as being part of the European continent (maybe they should drag Britain towards America or something) and still live in some kind of nationalistic illusion that Britain is still a super power. This is why Boris & the Tories are heading for a massive victory in the election and why Britain is heading for a disaster. The country will fall apart, the divisions in society will become even greater and large portions of society are heading in to poverty. Democracy will be under threat and as a consequence a new World war is most likely. We’re heading for turbulent times my friends...
yes he is. If he hadn't given them a referendum then they would have just remained stupid, ignorant and racist.

Rubbish you can blame many people for Brexit such as Corbyn who made no attempt at encouraging people to vote remain during the campaign to the idiots who have admitted they voted leave because the thought remain would win and they really wanted to remain .

Cameron was foolish to offer a referendum in this just as he was to give Scotland a vote for independence however like most people he never thought it would come to this as he dicnt expect to get a majority in the election only doing so because Ed Milliband was such a disaster .

So now we can blame Ed too and the idiots who elected him .

Throw in Farage and Boris and you will get closer but the truth is there are many people to blame not just one person who allowed morons to have a say in how Government works
“Corbyn and Miliband are as much to blame for Brexit as David Cameron” is a spectacularly galaxy brain take.

And people still wonder why the left won’t just simply lie down like good dogs and accept the natural order of sensible centrism.
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Cameron isnt to blame for the British public being stupid ignorant and racist enough to vote for Brexit thinking it meant no Muslims

Lots of blame to go around but he started this shit show. He shouldn't have been so arrogant as to use a referendum soley for internal political reasons.
I think it's lovely that the pig-fecker is the boy who destroyed the tory party.

Who would have thought putting his old fella in a pig's mouth would be the second stupidest thing he would be publically known for?
He shouldn't have been so arrigant as to use a referendum soley for internal political reasons.

I think there was a growing appetite for a referendum, and I think it would have become an inevitably at some point.

What is unforgivable is putting no safeguards on the result. The fact we are changing the very constitutional fabric of our country on a majority of 3.8% is insane. There should have been a requirement of a super majority.
I think there was a growing appetite for a referendum, and I think it would have become an inevitably at some point.

What is unforgivable is putting no safeguards on the result. The fact we are changing the very constitutional fabric of our country on a majority of 3.8% is insane. There should have been a requirement of a super majority.

It had been promised by all of the major parties for the last few elections.

You are completely right. The referendum was inevitable, it's just that there wasn't a threshold that was the main problem.
What the feck are you even talking about? Johnson set an incredibly obvious trap for the opposition. If they walked into it, they wouldn’t be brave, they’d be morons.

You unfortunately don't get to decide the meaning of words you don't like.

They are coward by definition.
It had been promised by all of the major parties for the last few elections.

You are completely right. The referendum was inevitable, it's just that there wasn't a threshold that was the main problem.

Why would there need to be a threshold?

Sounds to me like you would have preferred an vote weighted heavily in favour of the status quo.
It had been promised by all of the major parties for the last few elections.

You are completely right. The referendum was inevitable, it's just that there wasn't a threshold that was the main problem.
No threshold. No planning for either outcome. No detail.

Gross incompetence.
You unfortunately don't get to decide the meaning of words you don't like.

They are coward by definition.
In the strategic world of politics. Calling someone a coward in this situation just doesn't cut it.

You're either extremely naive or trying to deflect from the current government's incompetence.
“Corbyn and Miliband are as much to blame for Brexit as David Cameron” is a spectacularly galaxy brain take.

And people still wonder why the left won’t just simply lie down like good dogs and accept the natural order of sensible centrism.

Corbyns been a vocal opponent of the EU for decades. His views were well established until he became the very thing he claimed to hate, career politician doing and saying anything to get the vote.
In the strategic world of politics. Calling someone a coward in this situation just doesn't cut it.

You're either extremely naive or trying to deflect from the current government's incompetence.

The government is without question impotent, not incompetent, it hasn't been given the opportunity to demonstrate its incompetence.

The opposition are cowards. They have been given the opportunity to demonstrate this.
I think there was a growing appetite for a referendum, and I think it would have become an inevitably at some point.

What is unforgivable is putting no safeguards on the result. The fact we are changing the very constitutional fabric of our country on a majority of 3.8% is insane. There should have been a requirement of a super majority.

Sod the appetite. There is an appetite for a referendum on capital punishment but we are a representative democracy for a reason.
The government is without question impotent, not incompetent, it hasn't been given the opportunity to demonstrate its incompetence.

The opposition are cowards. They have been given the opportunity to demonstrate this.

It is impotent because it is incompetent and has been for a long time.

And your repeated schoolyard taunt of cowardice is ludicrous. An opposition isn't cowardly for not falling for an obvious trap.
Who would have thought putting his old fella in a pig's mouth would be the second stupidest thing he would be publically known for?
You have to either be a complete moron or utterly deluded arrogant shitbag for facebanging a pig not to be the stupidest thing you have ever done :lol:
You unfortunately don't get to decide the meaning of words you don't like.

They are coward by definition.
What utter shit! Do you seriously believe walking into a ge now, potentially taking power and having to start cleaning up the utter shitshow that scum like may Johnson and mogg have led us into is sensible? Why don't labour just bend over and grease up in the house of commons like good little Etonian first years while they are at it?
All this is because David Cameron thought he would not win a majority in the election and he would be forming a coalition with the Libdems who would reject his pledge to hold a referendum. To his utter disbelief he won a big majority and he was dead the moment he won it.
You have to either be a complete moron or utterly deluded arrogant shitbag for facebanging a pig not to be the stupidest thing you have ever done :lol:

What utter shit! Do you seriously believe walking into a ge now, potentially taking power and having to start cleaning up the utter shitshow that scum like may Johnson and mogg have led us into is sensible? Why don't labour just bend over and grease up in the house of commons like good little Etonian first years while they are at it?

I believe these clowns have had 3 years and have achieved the sum total of nothing.
The government is without question impotent, not incompetent, it hasn't been given the opportunity to demonstrate its incompetence.

The opposition are cowards. They have been given the opportunity to demonstrate this.
The government is both incompetent and impotent. They're intrinsically linked.

Your tenacity with the cowardice line, despite its obvious inaccuracy, is the only thing I can give you credit for.
Why would there need to be a threshold?

Sounds to me like you would have preferred an vote weighted heavily in favour of the status quo.

Well yes, because any changes will be expensive to implement and idiots use the ballot to protest the government.

You will deny it because you're obviously a leaver but a lot of people voted to leave in protest of the Tories.

Edited as wasn't clear that I meant 'one of those people' as in will deny anything to do with brexit, rather than one of the idiots who voted to protest the Tories