Television Breaking Bad

Without wishing to go too deeply into it, I'd say those guys got out to Walt pretty damn quickly, considering he was in the desert, and Walt got off the phone with them as Hank and co pulled up. From what I could tell, Hank got Walt to come out pretty quickly after that, and then read him his rights. Sure he fecked around a bit with the call to Marie, but I'm guessing the whole thing would have taken about 15 minutes. For those guys to make the decision to disobey Walt (I'd presume that they at least discussed it,) and then get out there that quickly, it all seemed to happen a bit too quickly.

Yeah, I thought Hank, Gomie and Jesse got there pretty quick too. Still, maybe the Nazis just happened to live close by. Plus they drove really fast. Problem solved. :)
Yeah, I thought Hank, Gomie and Jesse got there pretty quick too. Still, maybe the Nazis just happened to live close by. Plus they drove really fast. Problem solved. :)
Yeah I'm more than willing to get past it, especially considering how enjoyable that episode was.
Yeah I'm more than willing to get past it, especially considering how enjoyable that episode was.

Yep, it was good enough to deserve some suspension of disbelief. This show does tension like no other.
Please. You'd have to be really anal to be bothered by that. My heart was in my mouth the entire episode.
Loved the phone conversation between Walt and Jesse, even Jesse calling him "Walt" instead of "Mr. White" was epic.

I also liked that Hank basically used the same plan that Walt was using to lure Jesse. Threaten something dear to them to lure them in, with Jesse it was his ex, with Walt it was his money.

Any scene with Saul in it is great too.
Thought that was probably the weakest episode of the show, so far. Which is easily done, given the standards it's set.

I really got the feeling that the aim was to find a way of detailing as little as possible, whilst credibly spanning an episode.
Also, I've never read this thread before and I'm horrified... people are on Hank's side?!? Are we not meant to be on Jessie's? Hank is a man who professed an utter disinterest in whether Jessie lived or died. He deserves non but that which shall befall him.
Got to say I wasn't enjoying that episode as much, in no small part due to it being about Walt's downfall and subsequent arrest (further validating my point to Brwned, Solius etc. about enjoying the show more depending on the outcome of who your favourite character is, so feck you guys). But when Jack and co. turn up to the desert... oh shit.

What I found slightly disappointing is that 600 rounds were fired and not one landed. They even tried the GTA method of just shooting at the engine until it ignites. But you don't go through an entire shootout like that without people dying.

Gomez'll die, and I'm betting a lot of Jack's team. Maybe this is the bloodbath I was waiting for. I just hope it doesn't end with zero fatalities and everyone runs out of ammo.
Also, I've never read this thread before and I'm horrified... people are on Hank's side?!? Are we not meant to be on Jessie's? Hank is a man who professed an utter disinterest in whether Jessie lived or died. He deserves non but that which shall befall him.
For sure, he only knows Jesse to be a drug dealing junkie shit. I would want him to die too if I was Hank.
Might have missed/forgotten something but are we sure Walt's on the run in the flash forwards? Is it possible that he may be presumed dead?
I'm of the opinion that he's assumed dead.
Please. You'd have to be really anal to be bothered by that. My heart was in my mouth the entire episode.
And you'd have to be a bit special to have not read what I actually wrote: "Putting aside any questions of feasibility (and I can think of a big one,) that was an incredible episode. There is no show that ratchets up the tension the way Breaking Bad does."
Walt needs to stop playing both sides (concerned family man, criminal boss). If he's gonna be a criminal, he can't have any qualms about eliminating those who encroach on his turf. Yes, Hank and Jesse. They should have been "got" a few episodes ago.

They can kill Jesse now, he's a rabid dog at the moment, no pun intended.
Great episode but a slight gripe of mine is the shootout at the end. How the hell could one person not be hit by a bullet ? Anyway, Jesse/Hank's plan to flush out Walt was great.
Hank's dead. Walt's flashforward is now surely his revenge?

It would almost be a cop out to not kill Hank now. They gave him his "victory" and his "love you" to Marie. To open next week with him & Gomie still alive would feel like a missed opportunity. Initially at least.

Got to say I wasn't enjoying that episode as much, in no small part due to it being about Walt's downfall and subsequent arrest (further validating my point to Brwned, Solius etc. about enjoying the show more depending on the outcome of who your favourite character is, so feck you guys)..

Well it validates it to yourself. To me it validates my opinion that you're at a massive disadvantage in not enjoying brilliant episodes like that. I wouldn't watch next weeks either tbh, considering it's called Ozymandias. Just skip to the end. (Cheer up, it's drama 101 to put your character at his lowest before giving him any kind of "victory")

I also thought the last 15 minutes or so were brilliantly shot. Those insane action movie zoom ins made it fittingly cinematic. Though the similarly action movie inability for anyone to hit anyone with heavy artillery was a bit pffft. Minor quibbles though.

I'm now shipping for Todd & Lydia. Toddia. OMG. LOLZ.
Also, I've never read this thread before and I'm horrified... people are on Hank's side?!? Are we not meant to be on Jessie's? Hank is a man who professed an utter disinterest in whether Jessie lived or died. He deserves non but that which shall befall him.

Er, Hank is an upstanding family man with strong moral convictions and Jesse is a feck up, amongst other things.
It really would be a cop out now if Hank makes it out of that alive. It's set up perfectly for him to die, and the fact that not a single person got hit by that many bullets is just completely unbelievable.

I'm not agreeing with Liam by any means but it was a little disappointing to see Walt finally get caught, and he got outsmarted so easily as well. It was a great episode though.
We haven't had any sex scenes since about season 2, and there's been no cooking montages this half season.

Logical solution; A long Room-esque sex montage of Toddia banging in a pesticide tent. I'm rooting entirely for that now. I don't care what else happens.
It's set up perfectly for him to die
Yep. He was basically given a send off.
Walt needs to stop playing both sides (concerned family man, criminal boss). If he's gonna be a criminal, he can't have any qualms about eliminating those who encroach on his turf. Yes, Hank and Jesse. They should have been "got" a few episodes ago.

They can kill Jesse now, he's a rabid dog at the moment, no pun intended.

It's not as clear cut as that though is it. Yes Walt became some criminal boss and a heartless ruthless one at that but that doesn't mean that he's completely lost of all sense of who he was.

Jesse was his partner, he became like a son to him and they went through a lot together so it's natural that he doesn't want to just kill him as easily as he did everyone else that came into his life.

And with Hank, that's still his brother in law. No matter how much Hank hates Walt, I very much doubt that the hate is completely mutual.
Epic episode, just brilliant.

It'd have been better if it ended with hank getting killed, anything other than this in the next episode will be a let down.
I thought the perfect end would've been to cut to black a split second after Hank was hit. And then maybe linger on the black for a second before a credit came up. It's tantalising to end it where it did, but it means either starting a new episode in the midst of an action scene, resuming after it with no one hurt, or not showing the death of a central character. All of which seem a bit weird at this juncture.

I've certainly never been as desperate for the next episode quite as much since probably Full Measure.
Also, I've never read this thread before and I'm horrified... people are on Hank's side?!? Are we not meant to be on Jessie's? Hank is a man who professed an utter disinterest in whether Jessie lived or died. He deserves non but that which shall befall him.

Why should Hank care about Jesse? All he knows about Jesse is he's a drug dealer who's directly killed and been directly involved in multiple murders, screwed around Hank personally (the whole Marie in the hospital thing), and only because Walt's actions ended up eventually hit him personally as well is he willing to help.

It's testament to Hank's desperation to catch Walt that he's prepared to actually be cordial to Jesse in order to do so.