Television Breaking Bad

Can only agree with this. Hank has been working around the DEA ever since finding out and has on a few occasions thought of telling Gomez, but then stopped himself in the last second. All of a sudden he apparently did tell Gomez and we didn't get to see it. Given the whole build up to Hank telling anyone at the DEA it's quite puzzling why the writers (or directors?) left it out of the show.
Its unlikely but maybe they'll show that conversation via flashbacks at some point. Its very strange they left that out. I would expect that from the writers of Dexter no Breaking Bad...
I was thinking that maybe not showing everyone's reaction to Walt being Heisenburg was because it would get a bit old if we saw everyone do it.

I am in no doubt that it wasn't shown to save time for other things, and although I would like to have seen it, I'm not too fussed we didn't. As long as the other stuff is good.
Personally I don't care for seeing hank telling "gomie". Things are moving at an epic pace right now so there wasn't a need for a scene like that. I can totally imagine how it went anyway. Hesitancy from Gomez with Hank explaining how he's convinced by it all and telling him to "trust him on this one". feck it.
I was thinking that maybe not showing everyone's reaction to Walt being Heisenburg was because it would get a bit old if we saw everyone do it.

I am in no doubt that it wasn't shown to save time for other things, and although I would like to have seen it, I'm not too fussed we didn't. As long as the other stuff is good.

My main problem with them not showing it, is that it was built up like a really big deal. Then all of a sudden; apparently no longer a big deal. If they simply ran out of space to show it, it's poor planning to spend time building it up really. For a show that's so well written it seems very odd.
Interesting still from the last episode....


Nice. I bet you'll be able to write pages and pages about the foreshadowing in this season when it's done. :D
So his only blot was that he was willing to allow two meth empire running ex partners meet which could possibly lead to an altercation between the two but most likely would get him a confession and put a psycho murderer behind bars. A bit cold, yes, but he was getting the job done. And also, it didn't actually happen (and he was right that Walt wasn't going to do it). So, yeah, the guys clean. "

Blackmailing Jesse? When was this? You do realize he's a cop trying to catch these two criminals, right?

It's more than that for Hank; he needs to see Walt burn. He'd happily let Jesse free as in reality, he doesn't have a great deal against him, it's all on Walt. Or so we thought. He's led Jesse (and us) on, into thinking he genuinely cares about him, so long as Walt goes down. In reality he couldn't give a shit about Jesse.

Jesse is probably the only character universally liked. Walt cares for him, Hank does not.
Yet my missus hates him and wants him to lose miserably.

The writers of these shows know exactly what they're doing in polarising the audience thus. Just as in real life whereby people side with people for various reasons and not everybody will always agree on which side should be taken, the writers of shows like Breaking Bad emulate that tension and make compelling drama out of it.

It's Mockney who has missed the point if he thinks there are goodies and baddies set by the writers at any given moment. Perhaps he should stick to watching Eastenders in future, or perhaps WWE - keep things nice and simple for himself.

It took you a while to respond to his attack but you did it well :lol:
The problem with rooting for characters to the point where one MUST win for you to be satisfied, is that you're not following the story the storyteller is trying to take you on. The show has constantly tilted one way then the other to get you to root for certain people in certain situations. At the start it was all Walt, and Skyler was presented as the opposition (like Brwned has talked about) and then it tilted the other way. Early on in this season you're tilted towards rooting for Hank, who's presented as broken and faintly pathetic, but then in the last episode, when he dismisses Jesse's life, you're encouraged to tilt away again while Walt displays his desire to protect him. Mike is initially presented as a bad guy opposing Walt, then a good, loving grandfather who Walt fecks over, so when he does it's a big deal. Even Gus is given a backstory to root for at points where the writers want you to be on his side.

So picking a character, and then deciding everyone opposing them is opposing the best interests of the show, and that he must win for it to work is missing the point somewhat. It's fanboism really. And it's also how you get people still hating Skyler deep into season 5.

As long as the show gives you a reason why it should end the way it ends, and the whole thing is carried off well, it'll work.

Disagree. I've been for Walt all the way through, but Full Measure, Crawl Space, End Times and Face Off were all brilliant, and Walt's up against it in them all. As long as it's carried out really well, I'm not sure I'll be bothered what happens. For me it'd be preferable if it has a good ending for Walt, but I've been prepared for him to die for ages. I can't see how they can make Walt die and leave people like me satisfied, but that's why I'm not a top TV writer, and these people are.
Right, and part of writing a classic TV show is creating characters the audience grow attached to. What are you watching if you don't care about Walt/Hank/Jesse?

Them dying doesn't intrinsically make the show better or worse, only the way they're written to die. i.e, if Walt gets hit by a bus on the final show, it'll be an anticlimax, if his death makes sense to the story then it's a good thing. Walt's death, then, doesn't actually matter, just the story of how he died.
Them dying doesn't intrinsically make the show better or worse, only the way they're written to die. i.e, if Walt gets hit by a bus on the final show, it'll be an anticlimax, if his death makes sense to the story then it's a good thing. Walt's death, then, doesn't actually matter, just the story of how he died.

Agreed mate. This show is about the development of the characters and basic morality. The outcome of the characters is the most important facet of the next few episodes.

I'm going to miss breaking bad so much when it finishes.
It's more than that for Hank; he needs to see Walt burn. He'd happily let Jesse free as in reality, he doesn't have a great deal against him, it's all on Walt. Or so we thought. He's led Jesse (and us) on, into thinking he genuinely cares about him, so long as Walt goes down. In reality he couldn't give a shit about Jesse.

Jesse is probably the only character universally liked. Walt cares for him, Hank does not.
Why should Hank care about Jesse! He's a bloody drug peddler in the eyes of the law and needs to be put behind bars for it!

And yes hank wants to see Walt burn, and rightfully so. He's a cop for whom his job is his life. And here sitting under his nose is this famous Heisenberg who been selling meth for the last year in copious quantities and is responsible for almost 10 murders in that time too. As far as hank is concerned, brother in law or not, Walt is a psycho who needs to be put away.
Why do people keep saying that Jesse is universally liked? I, for one, don't subscribe to that train of thought. The sympathy Jesse receives - seemingly more so than any other character- from viewers of the show is very peculiar.
The TV show is nearly over, what difference does it really make who lives and dies? They're fecking characters on a TV show, not people whose funeral we'd attend.

Exactly, some weird posts in this thread. I honestly don't a give feck about who'll live and die, I'm just hoping the ending captivates.The Shield's ending was brilliant in that aspect. Everything was so fecked up that even the living characters were in the shit.
Why do people keep saying that Jesse is universally liked? I, for one, don't subscribe to that train of thought. The sympathy Jesse receives - seemingly more so than any other character- from viewers of the show is very peculiar.

Well I can tell from reading this thread that you're clearly bloody mental so we'll chalk that down as an anomaly.
Them dying doesn't intrinsically make the show better or worse, only the way they're written to die. i.e, if Walt gets hit by a bus on the final show, it'll be an anticlimax, if his death makes sense to the story then it's a good thing. Walt's death, then, doesn't actually matter, just the story of how he died.
Right, which is pretty much what I've said, I just don't see the issue with hoping there'll be a great ending (which I'm sure there will) AND your favourite character comes out on top.

Why should Hank care about Jesse! He's a bloody drug peddler in the eyes of the law and needs to be put behind bars for it!

It's not necessarily that he should care for him; this isn't my point. My point is that we all care about Jesse, right (apart from Silva who doesn't care about anyone)? You've also got what seems to be a majority of people wanting Hank to send Walt down. Well we've now seen that Hank doesn't give a shit about Jesse, despite pretending he does, whereas Walt does, when it appears he doesn't. It's a nice contrast, but in my eyes it makes Hank a prick. Like I said, sure he doesn't have to care about Jesse, but it's the way he's leading him on, when the audience above all seems to want Jesse to come through this okay.
Forget Jesse, if we look at the overall picure, in terms of "badness"'it is (as of now)

Hank>>>>>>>Jesse>>>>>walter white

Not caring for Jesse doesn't make Hank a prick. It makes him a cop doing his job. Walt cares about him because they made a lot of money and spent time together doing illegal activities. It's totally not comparable.

Anyway I don't care about who wins, I just want to enjoy the last remaining episodes of an utterly brilliant show.
Walt loves his children, that's his one redeeming quality.. that and his cheekbones.

It's the thing about Breaking Bad, every character is massively flawed and is a complete douche if you focus on the negative, but there is just about enough humanity in most of them that you should get mixed feelings about 'who you want to win'.
Walt loves his children, that's his one redeeming quality.. that and his cheekbones.

It's the thing about Breaking Bad, every character is massively flawed and is a complete douche if you focus on the negative, but there is just about enough humanity in most of them that you should get mixed feelings about 'who you want to win'.

Erm... and he cooks the purest blue meth anyone's ever laid eyes upon...
Watched all the latest 4 episodes on the bounce yesterday evening. That confession scene is literally made me drop my mouth.
Watched all the latest 4 episodes on the bounce yesterday evening. That confession scene is literally made me drop my mouth.
Same as that man. That was one mindblowing episode!!

Aye. I don't give a feck about how much he cares about Walter Junior. Humans are preprogrammed to love their children; who gives a shit?

I hope Walter Junior dies a horrible slow and painful death. Maybe leave him in the desert with no crutches.
I hope Hank kills Walter Jnr with a sniper rifle while he is eating breakfast.
In the last episode, I hope we see a montage of Walt Jnr eating cereal over the course of nine months and then it cuts to Walter in the diner.
Come on now guys, you're talking about a crippled kid here...

There are far easier ways for him to die than the ones mentioned above.