Television Breaking Bad

And it would make no sense for Gus to kill Brock or if he wanted to kill him to kill with Lily of the Valley. Just think about it, the only reason Gus would kill Brock would be to turn him against Walt (as Walt's the only person who knows about the Ricin according to Jessie) so killing him with something that has no link to Walt would be pointless.

Walt only suggests Gus is the guilty party when Jesse has a gun to his head accusing Walt of being behind the poisoning. That was when ricin was still believed to be the method of poisoning, too. Why Jesse still assumes Brock was poisoned intentionally when the doctors told him it was a plant poisoning that's common in young children (mistaking the berries for fruit)? That's the aspect of the stroryline that I think is sketchy enough.

Child is poisoned by a plant (a common occurrence in New Mexico according to the doctor at the hospital). Jesse realises the ricin was taken from him on Walt's orders. Ergo, Walt was behind the poisoning of the child too.

I understand that Jesse is aware of Walt's manipulation and penchant for lying, but he has NO evidence to suggest that Walt poisoned Brock. I can accept that Jesse is now in a state of mental disrepair, what with throwing away his money etc., but people justifying Jesse's actions and claiming he has all the evidence he needs are well-wide of the mark. Jesse's actions with the petrol can smack of a mentally-disturbed person acting in a fit of rage. Not the calculated actions of a man who has thought everything down to the last detail, in particular, how Walt could have executed the poisoning, which is what Jesse is assuming.
You're strange.

I have said it about twice now that I found Jessie coming to the conclusion that Walt poisoned Brock a bit weird. I was giving reasons as to why Jessie was intelligent enough to rule out Gus
Jesse is an emotional wreck. People accuse other people of shit once they made up their mind without always needing hard evidence. Once someone thinks they have connected the dots (as Jesse has), they react irrationally. This is not so out of character for Jesse. It would have been for Hank or Walt, but definitely not for Jesse. He also attacked Saul to get some sort of confirmation on them stealing his cigarette and once Saul confirmed that, Jesse would have made up his mind that he is right about Mike as well. People are caught up on Jesse reacting with no real proof of Walt's actions but someone like Jesse would act like this if his suspicions manifested the way they have.

That's pretty much the long and short of it, DS. I totally understand the character of Jesse and his mindset at this juncture, but his reasoning is still paper thin. Hence, I believe he won't carry out the burning of the house and he'll be talked out of it by one of Walt or Hank.
That's pretty much the long and short of it, DS. I totally understand the character of Jesse and his mindset at this juncture, but his reasoning is still paper thin. Hence, I believe he won't carry out the burning of the house and he'll be talked out of it by one of Walt or Hank.
I think (and this is only a guess) that Walt will talk him out of it by reminding him that Brock was poisoned by Lily Of The Valley. But at some point after Walt has once again tricked Jesse, possibly towards the end of the episode, Jesse will see the gun and all hell will break loose between them, making Jesse one of the people after Walt.
I think (and this is only a guess) that Walt will talk him out of it by reminding him that Brock was poisoned by Lily Of The Valley. But at some point after Walt has once again tricked Jesse, possibly towards the end of the episode, Jesse will see the gun and all hell will break loose between them, making Jesse one of the people after Walt.

I like your theory, and it's quite possible that that is what will happen.

Another theory I've been thinking about is the possibility of Hank following Jesse to the house. Hank knows that Jesse's testimony is all he's got now and he needs him to cave. The DEA can't trail Jesse anymore (Hank telling Gomez to pull his men off Jesse) and Hank left the office unexpectedly in the last episode and without giving any explanation. I think that Hank is following Jesse and will confront him at the house.

Hell, maybe both Walt and Hank turn up at the house we have a Mexican stand-off ménage-à-trois! :D
I assumed you were named after the other John Locke, you know, the liberal philosopher.

Nope, just the John Locke from Lost. I did politics at uni and had to learn about the real one, but the one in lost was far better.

I really did love that show, apart from the ending and all the unanswered questions. But I chose this name after I had seen it as I did a name change, I much preferred my old one of Gerbil but I had to change it.

Anyway, Walt poisoned Brock and JessIe (;)) knows it!
Lost series 1 was very good. And it didnt completely collapse in series 2, but it did start a gradual decline quite early, for me. I said it years ago in the Lost thread, for me it all went wrong when they didnt follow up on the lottery winning numbers being etched on the door to the underground bunker. That was the apex of interest in Lost for me, I was fascinated by that but when they just seemed to pretend that hadnt happened, and never follow it up, I quickly lost faith that any of the threads would ever get tied together in anything other than a Dallas-esque, "shit, Bobby is alive, it was all a dream" kind of a way, as indeed turned out to be the case.
Im feeling simultaneously very excited and extremely apprehensive about the end of Breaking Bad. Apprehensive because I think alongside Game of Thrones it is the best thing on TV at the moment, and it will soon be over and that is a sad thing. But excited because the skill with which the writers pull surprises out, like rabbits out of a magician's hat, gives me great confidence the ending will be sheer quality. As I have also said in a dozen different threads on a dozen different occasions, for me The Shield has been the best ending to a series I have seen, but I wouldnt put it past Breaking Bad to eclipse it.
I liked all that shit too, and especially Desmond's time travel shit, and all the mystery; which is still a mystery. cnuts.

I like the idea of Jesse, Hank and Walt all being at the house at the same time. That would be tense.
Now that the ricen is out of the bag, the main two secrets remaining for me are Walt allowing Jesse's girlfriend to die and Flynn finding out the truth. The second one seems pretty likely to happen and is probably the one of the rare things that should hurt Walt.
No exactly. I wouldnt bet on it. But neither would I put it past it. I cant think of any other shows where Ive felt it was on the cards, even as a long shot.

Fck The Shield ending was good.

It was epic! If BB is half as good as that it will still be fantastic. As long as its better than lost, which is hardly pushin the boat out, it will do.

I do have a good feeling about it. I hope it doesn't do anything stupid, like the bit where Gus walks out and fixes his tie. Although it was quite cool, it was totally unbelievable and there was no need.
How Jessie reaches to the conclusion that Walt poisoned Brock I am not too sure either as it wasn't the Ricin that was responsible. But Jessie's intelligent to know that it couldn't have been Gus.
He initially accused Walt of poisoning Brock at the time as he was the only one who knew of the Risin and could have had it removed from his pocket via Huell. For him to go back to that assumption having now realised it was Huell who pickpocketed him isn't that much of a stretch. It would've had to have been a coincidence that Brock got poisoned the day his risin was stolen for it to be nothing to do with Walt, even if it wasn't the risin found in Brock's system.

I think the problem was the whole 'steal the Risin from Jessie and poison the kid with a plant and blame it on Gus to get him on side' storyline was a bit farfetched to begin with, rather than Jessie figuring it out now...
"We haven't had one of these in, like, thirty seconds. Let's stick one in!"



That's not POV, unless it's a POV from a spider on the side of the jerry can
Also like I said earlier in the thread, the whole 'riacin switcheroo to get Jesse on side' plot was ridiculously contrived in the first place but nobody had a massive issue with that.
I agree with this. It made for amazing TV, but if you think about Walt's thought process at the time, it doesn't make a great deal of sense.

Make Jesse believe that Gus poisoned Brock to turn Jesse against Gus. That's fine, good idea. But there has to be a better way to frame him than by lifting a poison cigarette that only Walt and Jesse know about. That was your plan to implicate Gus? And it worked? Pretty farcical.
I agree with this. It made for amazing TV, but if you think about Walt's thought process at the time, it doesn't make a great deal of sense.

Make Jesse believe that Gus poisoned Brock to turn Jesse against Gus. That's fine, good idea. But there has to be a better way to frame him than by lifting a poison cigarette that only Walt and Jesse know about. That was your plan to implicate Gus? And it worked? Pretty farcical.

In fairness Walt played mind games with him telling him to pull the trigger. He basically used suggestion on a guy who was seething with rage and vulnerable to being manipulated. You can actually see it with Jesse. He points out that no one else knew about it, but Walt made far more sense in pointing out that Gus has no issue with using children, whereas Walt does. He knows Gus wants to kill Walt. "If you really believe I did this, do it. Go on. Pull the trigger." He's in Jesse's head. He makes it plainly clear that Walt had no way of getting the cigarette, and therefore couldn't have poisoned Brock. If Jesse was thinking clearly he could've realised Walt was lying. But he was overcome with emotion.