Television Breaking Bad

Loved the episode really. The confession tape was brilliant, really no loopholes left in that.

As predicted Jessie is going to take center stage in taking Walt down. Had to be that.
Actually, it was funny seeing Jesse figure out the nicking of the ricin cig and the pack of dope from the pocket after using none of his brain cells in the past 5 seasons.

It's as if a bulb lit up in his brain and he suddenly realized that the cig was nicked. I don't think a person would usually go back to the person "helping" all of a sudden accusing him of stuff.
What happened to Liam in this thread?

He storms in tells everyone we don’t get the show or the character and then gets butt hurt with the expected smart remarks in answer to him.

What an odd little fellow.
I feel sorry for you who hate Walt. I imagine that the confession tape was somewhat lost on you. I was watching in awe of the sheer genius of the man, whereas I imagine most of you just hated him even more.

At the moment, Walt is winning, and Hank's getting his arse handed to him.

I came in to post this exact thing, Liam. I am cheering for Walt now more than ever before. I was a Hank fan right up until he took a dump in his brother-in-law's en-suite shitter (plausible, right?). That was the straw that broke the camel's back, for me.
Some really amazing moments in this episode. The confession was brilliant, I thought Hank was going to shit again.

But Jesse's TOTAL FLIP OUT with the Ricin was amazing. I thought when is that going to come up again, and it did like an explosion from a meth crystal. I wanted him to shoot the thumb head.
Call me thick as two short planks, but can anyone explain to me why they took the Ricin cigarette?
I think this Liam fella getting confused.....I think absolutely everyone appreciates the brilliance of the character.
To make Jesse think Gus took it

feck me. Christ it's been so long since I watched that episode, I completely missed what Jesse's realisation was. Bloody hell.

(In my defence, my son was born 2 days ago and sleep has been a luxury)
Liam feels sorry for people who hate Walt. Jesus mother fecking Christ...

FWIW, I don't feel sorry for you, I'm embarrassed for you all though, embarrassed that you have a negative opinion about a TV character. How embarrassing.
Did anyone else think the scene in the bathroom with Todd's crew had any extra significance, or am I reading too much into it? The way it was shot suggested that the
tissue his uncle used to wipe the blood from his shoe never flushed properly and that it could be linked back to the massacre out in the desert.

Whatever was intended, I think we can all agree that we haven't seen the last of that crew yet. They've been very prominent in these new episodes and I reckon they'll have a big say on how this pans out.
I love the fact that folk here are trying to paint the rest of the main characters/Walt's family as being "victims". That couldn't be further from the truth. Every one of the main cast (apart from Walt Jnr., but he's annoying anyway) has shown a character flaw. Skyler is a domineering wife who had an affair out of spite. Marie is a kleptomaniac. Hank is a bully. Jesse murdered at least two people, as well as helping to orchestrate more.

Walt's family in particular are very tough on him. Every one of Skyler, Walt Jnr., Hank and Marie has either wished death on him, or suggest that he should just "die already". Family support, eh?
"I am the one who knocks" has to be one of the most misinterpreted scenes ever on TV.

It's ironically a bit like (but not entirely - mainly since BB is infinitely better and more nuanced) people who adore Scarface for all the wrong reasons.

Rappers I'm looking at you.

She fecked a collegue while her dying husband was trying to provide for a great life for her and their kids when he wouldn't be around anymore.

Why can't some people understand that she isn't liked by the majority only for this reason. You should stick by your man as long as his intentions are good, no matter what.



What happened to Liam in this thread?

He storms in tells everyone we don’t get the show or the character and then gets butt hurt with the expected smart remarks in answer to him.

What an odd little fellow.
What a spectacular load of pretentious bullshit.

I'm actually impressed.
I think this Liam fella getting confused.....I think absolutely everyone appreciates the brilliance of the character.
fecking hell. Are you people retarded or can you just not read? I'm not saying people won't get it or whatever, I'm saying that if you want Walt to 'beat' Hank, then you'd surely have enjoyed that scene more than those who want Hank.

Like the toilet scene. Of course I was taken aback by it, but I wasn't excitedly waiting for him to confront Walt; I was more concerned that Walt had blown his cover.

Like the 'run' scene. If you wanted Jesse to die you wouldn't have enjoyed Walt coming out if nowhere to run them down and save his life. I doubt anyone wanted Jesse to die but the point stands.

And with last night, if you're wanting Hank to come down on Walt like a tonne of bricks, while you may well appreciate the brilliance of the tape, I doubt you quite enjoyed as much as us who were loving Walt regaining the upper hand, just when you think he's given in.

I'm not saying the show's lost on you, just that you'd probably be enjoying it more as a fan of Walt.

Oh, and the 'I feel sorry for you' was a play on Gretchen's remark. In fairness it got a similar response.
I know we're on a football forum Liam, this may be what's confusing you, but people's appreciation of fictional drama doesn't necessarily correlate with which team they're rooting for.

If it ends like Scarface (Which, tbf, is what everything is, and has been pointing towards from the very first pitch onwards) are you suddenly going to decide you haven't enjoyed it?
Who wants anyone to beat anyone? It's a fecking TV show, everyone loves a villain but I just want the writers to nail the ending, if Walt has to die so be it. I don't want any anti-climatic bullshit. Didn't know people got so emotionally vested in TV shows, I guess that's testament to the level of writing and acting in this show though.
Did anyone else think the scene in the bathroom with Todd's crew had any extra significance, or am I reading too much into it? The way it was shot suggested that the
tissue his uncle used to wipe the blood from his shoe never flushed properly and that it could be linked back to the massacre out in the desert.

Whatever was intended, I think we can all agree that we haven't seen the last of that crew yet. They've been very prominent in these new episodes and I reckon they'll have a big say on how this pans out.

Not sure I can see anyone fishing out the tissue from the toilet but maybe it's to show how careless and blase they are about murder.

I'd hedge my bets that the M60 is intended for them. We know that Todd isn't the most careful cook in the world so it's quite feasible that they might come looking for Walt and/or Jessie at some point whether they want to or not. If it's Walt then his family could be kidnapped or threatened, if it's Jessie then maybe Walt is coming out of hiding to save him (if he doesn't kill him himself)?
I know we're on a football forum Liam, this may be what's confusing you, but people's appreciation of fictional drama doesn't necessarily correlate with which team they're rooting for.

If it ends like Scarface (Which, tbf, is what everything is, and has been pointing towards from the very first pitch onwards) are you suddenly going to decide you haven't enjoyed it?

Fantastic episode. That confession tape took me from disliking Walt to properly hating him. It was brilliant of course, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for Hank and Marie while watching it.

Jesse possibly burning the house down seems to explain Walt returning to the house at the end with it looking burnt out.

I reckon one of Walt's children, Walt Jr possibly, will die in a fire.

Saul and Huell are also managing to remain hilarious even in the most serious situations.
The way he was manipulating his own son was ridiculously slimy
Him piecing all the details together to set Hank up is brilliant, no doubt, but my feeling of disgust towards Walt framing an innocent man, who is family, far outweighs any admiration for his plan.
Of course, everyone seems to have loved the episode, and it seems everyone thought that scene was fantastic, and you can't tell who everyone wants to win, so maybe you're right, but these ones didn't seem quite as positive as the rest.
Also, I haven't seen Scarface, though I think I now know the ending. But I've said all along (well, since the end of S5a anyway) that Walt has to die. I'm loving that he's on top of Hank and that he's even got Skyler back on side, but ultimately, I'm sure he'll die one way or another. I'm not bothered too much by how it ends as long as the writers make it satisfying. Walt riding off into the sunset with hundreds of millions of dollars, while great for Walt, is poor for the show.
If the writers could somehow incorporate a happy ending of sorts for Walt whilst making it as brilliant as the rest of the show, then great, I just think the best ending will have him dying. But I'd also quite like him to take Hank down too, which is a big part of why I enjoyed the confession so much (as it tied Hank's hands and pretty much dropped him in it with no way out). But if you're wanting Hank to take Walt down, well, it's becoming increasingly unlikely with that tape isn't it?
the confession tape was just brilliant. i sat watching it with the exact same expression as hank and marie, it was total genuis
i have to say that i found Jesses' ricin cig leap a little tenuous though, there was nothing really conrete there and yet he's immediately gone full mental over it, didnt help that saul immediately fessed up of course (the brilliant coward)
its really ramping up now though, I can't remember the last time a tv show got my juices flowing like this, just thinking about the possibilities makes a little pee come out
i'm firmly in the walt camp too btw, i really hope he gets away with it all but i cant see it now, almost everyone is out to get him
think mockney has a point about the scarface ending, what the feck else is walt gonna do with a gun like that
Walt surviving, even with his millions, and the rest of his family perishing isn't a good ending for Walt. I think the chances of someone in his family dying are quite high as Vince Gilligan told Cranston that his character was
trying to save someone
in those flash-forward scenes (so Cranston could act accordingly. That was the only information he gave him, apparently) that they shot before the ending was decided upon.
The fact that all of Marie, Skyler and Hank at some point in time were happy for Walt to die clearly suggests that the problem is actually with Walt not any of them. The whole "did it for the family" is not a good enough reason for the things he has done and things he has put through his family. Hank putting a bullet through his head would be a satisfactory ending
The family and Jesse don't even know of half of the things that we know Walt committed (killing those two street dealers, allowing Jane to die, killing Gale, poisoning Brock etc). I can understand why viewers have a distinct dislike for Walt, but that doesn't excuse why the main characters should too. They're not aware of many of the acts he's been behind.
All of them know he has blood on his hands, runs a meth empire and has continually lied to them.