Television Breaking Bad

Has anyone seen this?



I'm preying they go all out and really take Walt down that route. That confrontation with Hank could be the trigger for him to start going after power.
I finally watched this episode last night.

I thought the same thing about Walter White transforming into Gus Fring. It wasn't the towel folding/kneeling scene that struck me but the car wash scene when that bird from the chemical warehouse came to see Walt - the way Walt addressed her was exactly how Fring would address Walter White from behind the counter at Los Polos in prior seasons.
Why does Walt not having seen it have anything to do with it? People are saying he's turning into Gus and that's mirrored on a few occasions, not that Walt's trying to copy everything Gus did to become like him. It's deliberate from the writers, not from the character.

Think that was my favourite Hank episode of the entire series.
Just had a real brief overlook of the article, I find it weird that the author cites The Wire as an example for her thesis about women in show by using Beady, Kima and Snoop as examples, apart from Kima I didn't feel the female characters were that developed in The Wire (but I wouldn't use it as criticism, mind). It was a very male focused show, and the most developed characters were men.

What a weird article in any case.
Presumably she would also class Jane as an 'underwritten character who only exists as a plot-enabling satellite to the men'.
Breaking Bad is ableist because Walt Jr is only ever shown eating breakfast!!!

Skyler is a more complex character than this writer is dismissing her as. She is a control freak, one who is essentially moral but needs to feel in control. She has as much of a crisis of conscience and complicity as Carmella does, albeit a far more abrupt one seeing as she finds out during the show.. and not years ago before they got married, her 'growth' as a character goes the other way as she becomes 'corrupted' by Walt after trying and failing to get rid of him- and even then she freaks the feck out when she sees just how far down the path Walt has taken her (after she intimidates Ted and enjoys the feeling of power).

I did enjoy that she linked to an article that said that people who don't like Skyler are misogynists.. and then 3 lines later the writer says she finds Skyler 'almost entirely unsympathetic'.
For what it's worth, Mythbusters have a Breaking Bad special this week. haven't seen it yet, so don't know if it's crap or which scenes they are testing.
Agree with you Drainy, I think Skylar is a pretty well developed character in this show, I know she's hated by quite a few fans, but her character development is at least as good if not better than that of any female character in The Wire I feel (it's easier of course, the cast is much smaller in BB).

Don't even know why we're debating this to be honest, it's such a ridiculous article. Bitches be crazy, yo!
For what it's worth, Mythbusters have a Breaking Bad special this week. haven't seen it yet, so don't know if it's crap or which scenes they are testing.

  • The exploding powder
  • The homemade RV battery
  • Cadaver/acid in a first floor bathtub
  • Car crusher magnet on police evidence store

Those would be my guesses.

Perhaps though they'll simply attempt to synthesise a batch of 97.8% pure blue crystal meth.
I finally watched this episode last night.

I thought the same thing about Walter White transforming into Gus Fring. It wasn't the towel folding/kneeling scene that struck me but the car wash scene when that bird from the chemical warehouse came to see Walt - the way Walt addressed her was exactly how Fring would address Walter White from behind the counter at Los Polos in prior seasons.

Yep, I was thinking the same.
Comment is free allowing yet another article designed only to stir up controversy and get hits, it really is just a lot of tabloid dirge there to try and get hits, pick a popular target and make up some complaint. As anyone who saw that "ways men should use their penis" article or whatever it was called last week.

For what its worth I am surprised people continue to hate Skyler, I can certainly understand in earlier seasons, but by season 5 she's a hell of a lot more sympathetic and makes herself look like the bad guy to try and protect her kids which is at least admirable. Of course she has deep flaws as well, but she's as much of a victim of the Heisenberg persona as anyone.
It seems like it's becoming the new in-thing in a way to criticise this show. That's a couple of articles I've seen now giving it some major criticism this week, probably knowing it'll get lots of attention because of how loved the show is.

The writer compares it to The Sopranos and The Wire, yet forgets that both these shows were intentionally packed with more characters. The Sopranos may have had it's main anti-hero, but due to his larger criminal enterprise and his whole family there were always going to be more female characters in the show. This is a lot narrower in focus, so it's naturally going to have less female characters.

There's plenty of great movies which are entirely male focused, for example, and aren't any worse for it.

For what it's worth, I don't think Skyler's that great and is a weaker character than a lot in the Sopranos for example, but she's still better than the writer of the article gives her credit for and is well developed overall.
It's not surprising that people still don't like Skyler. She's still a bit of an obstacle to the protagonist doing interesting things.. plus she's kinda mopey all the time, which as you can see from this thread people don't like- even when it's not Skyler who's moping. It's perfectly understandable why, but casual viewers won't exactly spend the time to consider her perspective, it's likely they've already been swept along to the next plot point.

In the same way that most people will think Marie is just completely bonkers, in the way that she enjoys the thrill of stealing maybe she is but I think the reason she makes up stories about herself to strangers is more interesting than that. She's self absorbed/ borderline narcissistic and needs to be the focus of attention.. and when Hank starts ignoring her/ treating her like crap because he's too busy with work/ is dealing with the fact he's been shot and is no longer independent, she starts acting out in strange ways, but to most people she's an irrelevant character so who gives a feck about her emotional needs, she's just mental.
The main reason I don't like Skyler is because of her face. It looks like some kids have been throwing rocks at a propped-up ironing board down the beach.

I'm not saying she's ugly, just that she looks like that goth off The Mighty Boosh. Like a potato left out in the rain or a well weathered, sandstone boulder with lipstick drawn on in the shape of the mouth. She has a face like a Nik-Naks television advertisement.
The main reason I don't like Skyler is because of her face. It looks like some kids have been throwing rocks at a propped-up ironing board down the beach.

I'm not saying she's ugly, just that she looks like that goth off The Mighty Boosh. Like a potato left out in the rain or a well weathered, sandstone boulder with lipstick drawn on in the shape of the mouth. She has a face like a Nik-Naks television advertisement.

She looks like a fish.


Youy should really spoiler that shit!

It's Thursday MUFC07. The show was aired 4 days ago, and anybody who hasn't seen the episode and is flirting about this thread is going to learn certain things about the episode and series in general. I don't think Spoilers are required for theories or dated episodes.

My theory earlier on (2 pages or so back) was that Walt has more than 6 months to live, and is using the whole terminal illness to his advantage. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Walt is actually complete free of Cancer. The flash-forward scene is longer than 6 months in my opinion. In fact I'd go as far as to say a year plus.

My belief that this is the case was strengthened when some other posters pointed out the Walt / Gus likening with the towel whilst vomiting, extreme likening to Gus during the scene at the Car Wash etc
It's Thursday MUFC07. The show was aired 4 days ago, and anybody who hasn't seen the episode and is flirting about this thread is going to learn certain things about the episode and series in general. I don't think Spoilers are required for theories or dated episodes.

My theory earlier on (2 pages or so back) was that Walt has more than 6 months to live, and is using the whole terminal illness to his advantage. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Walt is actually complete free of Cancer. The flash-forward scene is longer than 6 months in my opinion. In fact I'd go as far as to say a year plus.

My belief that this is the case was strengthened when when some posters pointed out the Walt / Gus likening with the towel whilst vomiting, extreme likening to Gus during the scene at the Car Wash etc

But it was his 52nd birthday when he was in Denny's, and we've seen his 51st earlier in the series.
How would Walt even know about the Gus thing? He did that once and in private.

Dunno mate. It could be a more symbolic thing to show us that he spirit of Gus has taken over Walter, and not everybody was quick enough initially to point out that Gus did the towel thing. That and the Car Wash scene should be enough I reckon.
It seems like it's becoming the new in-thing in a way to criticise this show. That's a couple of articles I've seen now giving it some major criticism this week, probably knowing it'll get lots of attention because of how loved the show is.

The writer compares it to The Sopranos and The Wire, yet forgets that both these shows were intentionally packed with more characters. The Sopranos may have had it's main anti-hero, but due to his larger criminal enterprise and his whole family there were always going to be more female characters in the show. This is a lot narrower in focus, so it's naturally going to have less female characters.

There's plenty of great movies which are entirely male focused, for example, and aren't any worse for it.

For what it's worth, I don't think Skyler's that great and is a weaker character than a lot in the Sopranos for example, but she's still better than the writer of the article gives her credit for and is well developed overall.

They can go feck off and save it for Dexter

People are morons at times :rolleyes:
Sorry I'm not following, you'll need to elaborate

I'm going on 2 hours sleep last night and am a tad bit slow today :(

In the flash forward, cold open of S5E01, he was sat in Denny's waiting for the gun dealer, and it was his 52nd birthday (he arrange the bacon to the number 52).

We've already seen his 51st birthday earlier in S5, so we know that the flash forward scene is less than a year away.