Television Breaking Bad

I thought it was excellent. Watched the whole thing in 10 days. I don't usually get too attached to tv shows but this got to me :lol: I couldn't stand so many characters
Breaking Bads greatness is that it brought the The Wire in the king fans, and Prison Break who can't comprehend character development and too much intelligent dialogue fans together as one somehow.

I wouldn't have it top 10, but it done something special bringing everyone together in the final season. So I've got to give it that.
I thought it was excellent. Watched the whole thing in 10 days. I don't usually get too attached to tv shows but this got to me :lol: I couldn't stand so many characters

10 days? Pretty insane time to get through it all, but then I did watch seasons 4 and 5A within a few days. I tend to watch one episode a day on average of stuff when I first get into it, and then am racing through it towards the end.
10 days? Pretty insane time to get through it all, but then I did watch seasons 4 and 5A within a few days. I tend to watch one episode a day on average of stuff when I first get into it, and then am racing through it towards the end.

On my holiday from uni, my parents and sister were in America so had the house to myself. It was pretty hectic, when I was in my house it's pretty much all I did. Just about all I've watched on my tv apart from the news for the last week or so :lol:
Finished watching series 5. Ive been crying out for somthing without a "good guys win, everyone goes on to live a happy life" this was great for that. However, i wanted somthibg more from the last episode, not sure what I just feel empty. But i guess that could be the effect they are going for

Really? I though it was annoyingly close to that (Jesse survives and completes his transformation, Walt gets his peace of mind, Skylar gets off the hook and iirc they even get to keep a lot of money, bad guys all die).

And while it was without question a great show I think it's way overhyped - afaik there were even a lot of pathetic people who downvoted the wire on imdb to get BB into the top spot.
Really? I though it was annoyingly close to that (Jesse survives and completes his transformation, Walt gets his peace of mind, Skylar gets off the hook and iirc they even get to keep a lot of money, bad guys all die).

And while it was without question a great show I think it's way overhyped - afaik there were even a lot of pathetic people who downvoted the wire on imdb to get BB into the top spot.

Agreed. Great entertainment but not great drama - far too many convenient coincidences (almost deus ex machina) to make it great but thoroughly entertaining nonetheless.
I don't think you can enjoy BB now as much as someone that watched it week by week. There are so many little things you will miss because it seems to be designed as a show that requires it's audience to fully absorb the little nuances to fully appreciate it.
This thread was brilliant. What with cider and nahealia arguing about plot holes and this gem

Watched a the episodes at once. The last episode was predictable but still great viewing. We knew Walt would die and he would clean things up before he did. There was not much left to do honestly.

Some great moments.

Isaac 'Hank' Schrater's death was a great one. Walt's emotion when he was killed poured through the screen, that was Cranston at his best. Todd was an interesting character I always felt he had the potential to betray his uncle and the others, almost like he wasn't as sadistic, but he just went about his job in a different way. That poor kid who's mother he killed. Jesse will most likely look after the kid. Would have been great to her Jesse and Walt have it out they hadn't really spoken one on one all season. Walt loved him though.....


Funniest post in the Entertainment forum!
This thread was brilliant. What with cider and nahealia arguing about plot holes and this gem


Funniest post in the Entertainment forum!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: damn. This will haunt me forever.
I must have coughed up a lung when i first read that. Was in stitches.
Over 51,000 ratings on IMDB and still a full 10/10. Epic episode of television.

The only episode of anything on IMDb that has 10/10. 12 of the top 20 highest rated episodes in TV history are Breaking Bad on there, including each of the top 4.
Breaking Bads greatness is that it brought the The Wire in the king fans, and Prison Break who can't comprehend character development and too much intelligent dialogue fans together as one somehow.

I wouldn't have it top 10, but it done something special bringing everyone together in the final season. So I've got to give it that.

You wouldn't have this in the top 10 ever? Come on. It's certainly top 5 without question and then it comes down to individual taste.
I don't think you can enjoy BB now as much as someone that watched it week by week. There are so many little things you will miss because it seems to be designed as a show that requires it's audience to fully absorb the little nuances to fully appreciate it.

People also over analyse and obsess about all sorts of stupid things that mean nothing when theyre watching it weekly. And you notice plot holes. I prefered watching the first 3 series on a binge than the last two week by week.
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I watched the first four and a half on binge and then the last half week by week which worked out well for me. Especially season 4 ending, I remember having four episodes left and watched the first, then had to watch the follow up, and then thought, need to watch the next and by that time it was 2am and thought feck it, cant save the finale for later and ended up sleeping at 3am based on it. Season 4 goes down as my fav and s2 as the weakest, but overall I didnt mind s2 cos it was watched so quickly by me.

Id have it in my top 5 shows ever (along with Wire, Shield, GoT and Spartacus) far.
The only episode of anything on IMDb that has 10/10. 12 of the top 20 highest rated episodes in TV history are Breaking Bad on there, including each of the top 4.

To be fair, while BB's got some superb episodes, 12 in the top 20 is probably a bit too much, especially when you consider the number of great shows in recent years that all have a number of fantastic episodes.
Cleaned up at the Emmy's last night. Personally I thought True Detective was better than the final eight episodes, but the hype train is all over BB so it was always going to win, I guess.
This or prison break? I've seen all 5 series of BB and it'd be hard to beat, but I've heard great things about prison break too.
This or prison break? I've seen all 5 series of BB and it'd be hard to beat, but I've heard great things about prison break too.

If you're going to watch prison break then stop after season one and tell yourself it got cancelled.
Great re-cap.

Dude is trying to update it to include the final 8 episodes but keeps running into issues with Youtube apparently.
Hmm... the video might help.

This or prison break? I've seen all 5 series of BB and it'd be hard to beat, but I've heard great things about prison break too.

I only watched an episode of Prison Break so I'm probably not best placed to judge, but that episode was shite enough that I just started watching Oz again instead. So if you haven't seen Oz, I recommend you watch that. Fantastic show that came around before this golden era of TV drama, but its aged pretty well imo.