Television Breaking Bad

Don't know whether to be excited or expect a pale imitation of the main series......

It shouldn't have anything in common with the main series, other than featuring Saul, Mike and perhaps Huell. I think it's a stand alone show and can go where it likes.
Oh ye of little faith. He clearly knows exactly what he's doing.

Now, Val Kilmer and Slash on the other hand, less so. He doesn't seem to have actually hired them. Or indeed, spoken to them at all.
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Yeah but his neighbor's known Slash for ages so it's probably fine. And he really likes the Big Bang Theory, so that really makes me want to see his Breaking Bad sequel.

Not to mention him writing like a 12 year old girl.

There will be regular 12 step meeting scenes in Anastasia that Kilmer attends. We will invite stars in the entertainment industry who are in recovery themselves.Russell Brand, Jamie Lee Curtis, Steven Tyler, Dick Van Dyke, Drew Barrymore, Robert Downey Jr., Robin Williams, Neil Young, Eminem, on and on.

These will be guest appearances on separate episodes, and the star would be told that all the dialogue they use will be completely created by them.

I am confident these appearances will elevate Anastasia to an even higher level of quality and randomness.
Just started watching the other day. Now on s04e07. It's been brilliant so far.

Now, I haven't read this thread, but please tell me Hank Schrader survives?

Also, anyone find Skyler irritating? Namewise, lookswise, actionwise, screen-time wise, you name it.

BTW, Gustavo could jusy get Mike to kill Skyler as a warning to Walt. You know, like, same could happen to your kids, and will happen, the moment you turn against us or stop cooking. I mean, I expect it to happen in the next few episodes. Won't be surprised if I'm wrong, though. They seem to be finding ways of keeping the protagonist and co. safe.
Now, I haven't read this thread, but please tell me Hank Schrader survives?

Just watch it, nobody is going to tell you anything!

Also, anyone find Skyler irritating? Namewise, lookswise, actionwise, screen-time wise, you name it.

And nope... That's definitely just you.
I found Skyler pretty irritating, but she does spend most of her time angry. And who can blame her after what her husband has put her through?
Ana gunn is a good actress. She also wrote a piece about the general dislike towards Skyler. Google it.
I always found the Skyler hate a bit weird, I guess it's because she tries to contrary the hero's plans, but most of her actions are perfectly rational. I disliked Walt much more.
Ana gunn is a good actress. She also wrote a piece about the general dislike towards Skyler. Google it.

Dunno, hate it when she does that my-eyeballs-are-larger-than-a-barn-owl's stare. But yeah, like 2man said, it's probably because she spends most of her time in anger and shock.

I always found the Skyler hate a bit weird, I guess it's because she tries to contrary the hero's plans, but most of her actions are perfectly rational. I disliked Walt much more.

I'm leaning away from Walt, too. Love the action of Hank, Gustavo, Mike and Jesse, though. The plot's amazing, and the screenplay, too.
Hero might be the wrong word, but considering the entire show is about him it's hard not to empathize with him the most.

The idea was to turn him from protagonist to antagonist over the series.
Yep. I read an interview with Gilligan (or it may have been a talking bad) where he said he was worried he hadn't pushed it far enough because there were still so many people rooting for Walt.
After hearing and reading so much about it I finally got around to watching the show, all five seasons.

It's certainly a quality series, very well written, and I love Bryan Cranston. And yet, I feel it's a bit overrated. Worth watching? Absolutely. Best TV series ever? Not even close.
After hearing and reading so much about it I finally got around to watching the show, all five seasons.

It's certainly a quality series, very well written, and I love Bryan Cranston. And yet, I feel it's a bit overrated. Worth watching? Absolutely. Best TV series ever? Not even close.
What's the best TV series ever then?
After hearing and reading so much about it I finally got around to watching the show, all five seasons.

It's certainly a quality series, very well written, and I love Bryan Cranston. And yet, I feel it's a bit overrated. Worth watching? Absolutely. Best TV series ever? Not even close.

This is what I did. I really didn't enjoy though, I thought the writers handled some of the characters poorly. I was going to stop watching it but because of the hype I kept powering through it, I even started fast forwarding a few scenes. Might just be the most overrated show IMO.
After hearing and reading so much about it I finally got around to watching the show, all five seasons.

It's certainly a quality series, very well written, and I love Bryan Cranston. And yet, I feel it's a bit overrated. Worth watching? Absolutely. Best TV series ever? Not even close.

I see it the same way, i didn't watch it when it originally aired but my mate bugged me for years saying i had to watch as its the best show ever. I found it hard to get into at first, season 1 didn't do much for me. But i persevered and got into it loved seasons 2 & 3. Personally thought it started to go downhill around the time
gustavo died

I liked season 4 but by season 5 my interest was waning, mostly because jesse was getting on my tits by that stage, couldn't stand watching him by the end.

Its an excellent show with great writing and some brilliant acting Cranston especially, but for me its overrated also. Not the best show ever for me either, though probably still one of the top 10 shows i've ever seen.
Might wanna spoiler that for old Gandalf, @stevoc

Cheers mate missed that, i removed another part of that post because it would spoil it and forgot about that part.

I hate getting anything spoiled myself, my mate actually ruined the end of Breaking Bad for me by telling me too much.
Cheers mate missed that, i removed another part of that post because it would spoil it and forgot about that part.

I hate getting anything spoiled myself, my mate actually ruined the end of Breaking Bad for me by telling me too much.

The bit where
into the
with his

Man, that bit was fecking huge! Best
in Tv history by a country mile!
I was going to actually put
in the final one, but thought it might have been harsh if he'd read it.
I found Skyler pretty irritating, but she does spend most of her time angry. And who can blame her after what her husband has put her through?

feck Skylar.

A scene that will stick with me is her giving her husband the most pathetic halfhearted handjob I have ever seen in my life. She does this with one hand, while browsing on Ebay with the other. Or how about her forcing Walt to go through with chemo. Or cheating with her boss. Or willingly throwing herself into the meth business. That's not to mention the whining, or irritability. Move the feck out the way and let Walt work.

rant over
Yep. I read an interview with Gilligan (or it may have been a talking bad) where he said he was worried he hadn't pushed it far enough because there were still so many people rooting for Walt.

It's hilarious how rooting for Walt was analyzed as something going wrong with people.