I said this about BB and other shows back in 2010 in this very thread.. think it still holds except Dexter drowning in its crap -
BB has had strong character development and moments but it was always a more plot oriented show than any of its peers. When you think of the Hank gun fight in parking or Walt saving Jesse in Half measures or other action filed moments, it never tried to be a 'realistic' drama like Sopranos, let alone Wire.
Wire is in a different league with TV shows because it never took any dramatic license to shock, entertain and or introduce a twist. Dexter and Breaking Bad are still very mainstream in that respect.
And it is actually, Sopranos which is the most emotionally involving out of all these 4 IMO.
BB has had strong character development and moments but it was always a more plot oriented show than any of its peers. When you think of the Hank gun fight in parking or Walt saving Jesse in Half measures or other action filed moments, it never tried to be a 'realistic' drama like Sopranos, let alone Wire.