Gaming Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios (PS5, PC, Mac, Xbox Series X|S)

Someone talk me out buying this. I was holding out for Series X release as i'd prefer that for potential online play, but something is nagging me to get it now.
I read that they are working on online cross play. Can anybody confirm?
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who said Act 3 isn't very good was talking a load of shite. So far it's been awesome and I'm pretty certain I'm coming to the end of it in the next quest.
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who said Act 3 isn't very good was talking a load of shite. So far it's been awesome and I'm pretty certain I'm coming to the end of it in the next quest.

From what I have seen it's in comparison to how polished act 1 is, it's still class apparently.
Anyway I played for about five hours today. Am deep into the
goblin stronghold having chosen to talk my way in, I decided to keep the bear with me and have so far found it ok fighting my way back out. Next up is one of the leaders mind so I thought I'd leave that for tomorrow.

This is quite clearly a phenomenal game but I am so out of my depth with the combat in general, think I have barely scratched the surface of the clever things you can probably do in game.
spoilery stuff thats fun to do in the goblin camp. Its probably more fun to find them yourself but -
- poison the beer barrel outside at the party. Poison resistance elixir helps if you have to drink it to avoid suspicion when half the party dies. Meat might work too?
- push patrolling guards into spider nest / hit lever next to gate with arrow to release spiders / convince spiders you'd make a rubbish meal and they should murder the goblins instead, then release them
- bridge next to minthara can be broken without much consequences, even if a guard or minthara is stood on top of it at the time. You can swap to turn based at any time to get the timing right.
- People tend not to notice when a guard stood next to an abyss suddenly disappears.
- Kinky emo sado masochism dude is your friend. Do it.
- The rafters help.
- Theres a room full of explosive barrels in room behind zhentarim trader, you can get to them from gluts room. Good strength character can carry a few in inventory. Most of the bosses are a bit easier with a pyramid of explosive barrels lined up around them.
You need to be sneaking to get away with a lot of the above (not the exploding barrels being put directly on top of them though strangely enough).
spoilery stuff thats fun to do in the goblin camp. Its probably more fun to find them yourself but -
- poison the beer barrel outside at the party. Poison resistance elixir helps if you have to drink it to avoid suspicion when half the party dies. Meat might work too?
- push patrolling guards into spider nest / hit lever next to gate with arrow to release spiders / convince spiders you'd make a rubbish meal and they should murder the goblins instead, then release them
- bridge next to minthara can be broken without much consequences, even if a guard or minthara is stood on top of it at the time. You can swap to turn based at any time to get the timing right.
- People tend not to notice when a guard stood next to an abyss suddenly disappears.
- Kinky emo sado masochism dude is your friend. Do it.
- The rafters help.
- Theres a room full of explosive barrels in room behind zhentarim trader, you can get to them from gluts room. Good strength character can carry a few in inventory. Most of the bosses are a bit easier with a pyramid of explosive barrels lined up around them.
You need to be sneaking to get away with a lot of the above (not the exploding barrels being put directly on top of them though strangely enough).
For your last point:

barrelmancy is a foundational principle of Larian games and should never be questioned. NEVER BE QUESTIONED.
At some goblin camp in act 1

Probably the most enjoyable bit so far. I’ve disguised Shadowheart as a Drow so I’m getting entry to everywhere. Managed to kill Gut after she took us aside in her chamber and I sneak attacked her before she could call for help. Killing Ragzlin seems harder though and same with Minthara but I’m hoping I can lure her towards the Grove and then kill her. Also stole a shitload of treasure by distracting a few people and using Gale to unlock the gate.

I struggled with them on my first playthrough, but i found out later that you can kill them quite easily without even fighting them.
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who said Act 3 isn't very good was talking a load of shite. So far it's been awesome and I'm pretty certain I'm coming to the end of it in the next quest.
It’s brilliant but it’s definitely less polished than act 1 and the quests are a bit all over the place.
Feel like creating a Reddit shit post myself because my wife keeps planning events so I have to spend time with her and not time with Shadowheart. :mad::nervous:
Feel like creating a Reddit shit post myself because my wife keeps planning events so I have to spend time with her and not time with Shadowheart. :mad::nervous:
To be fair I find her quite annoying and a bit useless in battle. Maybe she's not for me.
She sounds like Holly Walsh too, I can't unhear it.
I like her voice, especially when she says the word "overinflated". I just picture her saying it the same way that Keira Knightley would do when she overemphasized her "Ts" in Pirates of the Caribbean, leaving her mouth slightly open and her jaw loose. Then I would have a couple of cold showers.

But Karlach is the best. Riding me until I see stars. Sold! Shite, I'm stuck in a relationship with Elfy McBumface, cleric extraordinaire who can't hit a barn door.
As my post up there says I am massively out of my depth combat wise and it's become a major issue for me.
I have killed the goblin priestess without any real issues but the other two bosses have absolutely destroyed me. I actually managed to kill the big orc in the main room, after the hanging lamps took out most of his soldiers before the battle even started, but he killed shadowheart and Karlach, and when I got back to camp the skeleton had fecked off so I couldn't even pay to get them back, so reloaded. I also assume I love all their equipment anyway so not a viable strategy really.

No idea how to beat these guys, I am only level four. I do have the trolls horn but I feel like I am going to need it for both fights, and the damage the main bosses do seems totally unmanageable, one of the attacks did over 30 damage. That's basically a one shot on me
As my post up there says I am massively out of my depth combat wise and it's become a major issue for me.
I have killed the goblin priestess without any real issues but the other two bosses have absolutely destroyed me. I actually managed to kill the big orc in the main room, after the hanging lamps took out most of his soldiers before the battle even started, but he killed shadowheart and Karlach, and when I got back to camp the skeleton had fecked off so I couldn't even pay to get them back, so reloaded. I also assume I love all their equipment anyway so not a viable strategy really.

No idea how to beat these guys, I am only level four. I do have the trolls horn but I feel like I am going to need it for both fights, and the damage the main bosses do seems totally unmanageable, one of the attacks did over 30 damage. That's basically a one shot on me

Level 5 is a big boost for all classes. If the fight is too hard for now, you can always level up somewhere else first.
Level 5 is a big boost for all classes. If the fight is too hard for now, you can always level up somewhere else first.

I am working with the druid, can I just tell him to wait and feck off elsewhere to fight some other enemies and come back without him dying?
As my post up there says I am massively out of my depth combat wise and it's become a major issue for me.
I have killed the goblin priestess without any real issues but the other two bosses have absolutely destroyed me. I actually managed to kill the big orc in the main room, after the hanging lamps took out most of his soldiers before the battle even started, but he killed shadowheart and Karlach, and when I got back to camp the skeleton had fecked off so I couldn't even pay to get them back, so reloaded. I also assume I love all their equipment anyway so not a viable strategy really.

No idea how to beat these guys, I am only level four. I do have the trolls horn but I feel like I am going to need it for both fights, and the damage the main bosses do seems totally unmanageable, one of the attacks did over 30 damage. That's basically a one shot on me

It's ok to change to easiest difficulty to experience the story and learn stuff.
I'm on explorer and almost done with second playthrough. Doubt i'll be good enough on third, but will try the medium difficulty.
Also you can change at any time if you're stuck.

Remember you can use enviroment to kill them too,(i think it is easier if you talk your way in instead of fighting) like push them into holes or destroy things (like bridge) they stand on.
As my post up there says I am massively out of my depth combat wise and it's become a major issue for me.
I have killed the goblin priestess without any real issues but the other two bosses have absolutely destroyed me. I actually managed to kill the big orc in the main room, after the hanging lamps took out most of his soldiers before the battle even started, but he killed shadowheart and Karlach, and when I got back to camp the skeleton had fecked off so I couldn't even pay to get them back, so reloaded. I also assume I love all their equipment anyway so not a viable strategy really.

No idea how to beat these guys, I am only level four. I do have the trolls horn but I feel like I am going to need it for both fights, and the damage the main bosses do seems totally unmanageable, one of the attacks did over 30 damage. That's basically a one shot on me
Maybe I‘m wrong here so someone please correct me but in case you revive via withers they keep all their items and equipment. Pretty sure about that. The throne room was very hard for me as well. The drow can be cheesed a bit via bridge construction.
Maybe I‘m wrong here so someone please correct me but in case you revive via withers they keep all their items and equipment. Pretty sure about that. The throne room was very hard for me as well. The drow can be cheesed a bit via bridge construction.

My main died in the iron throne, one of the companions revived him. Would suck ass if i had lost all the quest items, including the prism. Could be interesting, though.
My main died in the iron throne, one of the companions revived him. Would suck ass if i had lost all the quest items, including the prism. Could be interesting, though.
Ok, if the main dies it‘s a bit different. Not sure you can even enter the camp that way.
Ok, if the main dies it‘s a bit different. Not sure you can even enter the camp that way.

I could. I don't want to spoil too much, but the iron throne is under water, so i couldn't reach the body.
Entered the camp while controlling Wyll and used Withers to resurrect my main. No problem at all.
Maybe I‘m wrong here so someone please correct me but in case you revive via withers they keep all their items and equipment. Pretty sure about that. The throne room was very hard for me as well. The drow can be cheesed a bit via bridge construction.

So after taking a break to do some work I have gone back and absolutely ruined both the drow and the main orc this afternoon easily. Barely took any damage either encounter.
I've talked to Lord Gortash before his big coronation and, well, I think this was handled in a way that stretched my suspension of disbelief a little bit.

I mean, there we stood in a huge, open chamber, surrounded by the high society of Baldur's Gate and Gortash revealed his entire villainous plan, his voice echoing and reverberating from all over the walls. He didn't even whisper or anything - there's absolutely no way the gathered aristocracy didn't hear how he plans to turn into a petty tyrant, saving them from a horror he himself unleashed.

Larian could have handled this a bit better - he could have invited us into his private office/study for a chat, not lay out his entire project roadmap right there. His plan does require a certain amount of discretion, especially when dealing with doppelgangers.

Which, by the way, is another thing I'm not a huge fan of. Yeah, it was fun and interesting in the first game but it was a plot point that gathering this many doppelgangers was a huge and unprecedented feat by Sarevok. It didn't need to be repeated. Of course I'm still early in the Act, maybe it will have a big payoff that makes it worthwhile or they take it in a direction I couldn't possibly expect, something like that.
I've talked to Lord Gortash before his big coronation and, well, I think this was handled in a way that stretched my suspension of disbelief a little bit.

I mean, there we stood in a huge, open chamber, surrounded by the high society of Baldur's Gate and Gortash revealed his entire villainous plan, his voice echoing and reverberating from all over the walls. He didn't even whisper or anything - there's absolutely no way the gathered aristocracy didn't hear how he plans to turn into a petty tyrant, saving them from a horror he himself unleashed.

Larian could have handled this a bit better - he could have invited us into his private office/study for a chat, not lay out his entire project roadmap right there. His plan does require a certain amount of discretion, especially when dealing with doppelgangers.

Which, by the way, is another thing I'm not a huge fan of. Yeah, it was fun and interesting in the first game but it was a plot point that gathering this many doppelgangers was a huge and unprecedented feat by Sarevok. It didn't need to be repeated. Of course I'm still early in the Act, maybe it will have a big payoff that makes it worthwhile or they take it in a direction I couldn't possibly expect, something like that.

Was also a bit generally disappointed by the character, along with another couple of the villains. His aging anime villain deal didn't really do anything for me, and I'm not too disappointed that he never got the chance to actually say anything in my save outside of the illithid hive scene with the other Chosen at the end of Act 2.

I found Cazador to be a little bit lame as well, given the massive buildup he's given during Astarion's quest line and interactions. The vast majority of characters and voices are brilliant though, of course.
So after taking a break to do some work I have gone back and absolutely ruined both the drow and the main orc this afternoon easily. Barely took any damage either encounter.
Did Halsim joined your group of four? Because he left for the grove before I went onto those two bosses and it felt a bit balanced towards Halsim joining your crew.
Really struggled to get that gem in the spiders lair. Left it for a while then realised I could just send Gale using his invisibility. There was some grease on the ground that I must’ve left days ago but luckily I passed the check. Then when I picked up the gem it dropped the concentration and I was visible with like 15 spiders around. The sheer panic I had trying to reactivate the spell before one spotted me :lol:
Really struggled to get that gem in the spiders lair. Left it for a while then realised I could just send Gale using his invisibility. There was some grease on the ground that I must’ve left days ago but luckily I passed the check. Then when I picked up the gem it dropped the concentration and I was visible with like 15 spiders around. The sheer panic I had trying to reactivate the spell before one spotted me :lol:
You can also get up to level 5ish and then fight the spiders. It’s a good boss fight, one of the more challenging in act 1.
Act 1 Goblin Camp

So I’ve killed Ragzlin but this seems to have aggro’d the whole goblin camp. I’ve tried disguising Shadowheart and going back as someone different but it instantly starts a fight. Is there a way to stop this? I still need to get Minthara.
Is there a reason why my melee characters miss so often? My range characters can destroy stuff in a turn while Lae'zel keeps swinging at air. If the attack percentage usually shows 35%, does this mean she is going to miss 65% of the time?
Is there a reason why my melee characters miss so often? My range characters can destroy stuff in a turn while Lae'zel keeps swinging at air. If the attack percentage usually shows 35%, does this mean she is going to miss 65% of the time?

Yep. I think it can vary on different things like how high their armour class is, whether you have advantage, etc…
Is there a reason why my melee characters miss so often? My range characters can destroy stuff in a turn while Lae'zel keeps swinging at air. If the attack percentage usually shows 35%, does this mean she is going to miss 65% of the time?

Examining those you attack to see their resistances and weaknesses is very helpful.
Got to Act 2 last night. Took the

This is my game of the year. Missus is away this weekend so will be racking up serious hours.
Act 1 Goblin Camp

So I’ve killed Ragzlin but this seems to have aggro’d the whole goblin camp. I’ve tried disguising Shadowheart and going back as someone different but it instantly starts a fight. Is there a way to stop this? I still need to get Minthara.
That section is basically fantasy Hitman.
If you find the purple teleport portal thing within the camp you will be able to fast travel leave the camp, grind some more and comeback stronger to wipe out the entire camp. That's what I had to do after killing all three leaders, the entire camp targeted me and I couldn't fight my way out. It you want to remain within the camp, there are a lot of secret tunnels you can use to travel safely. Failing all that, there is also a very powerful character you can find in there who will fight alongside you against the goblins. The camp is huge with lots of secrets.
That section is basically fantasy Hitman.
If you find the purple teleport portal thing within the camp you will be able to fast travel leave the camp, grind some more and comeback stronger to wipe out the entire camp. That's what I had to do after killing all three leaders, the entire camp targeted me and I couldn't fight my way out. It you want to remain within the camp, there are a lot of secret tunnels you can use to travel safely. Failing all that, there is also a very powerful character you can find in there who will fight alongside you against the goblins. The camp is huge with lots of secrets.

Cheers! It did remind me of Hitman too! Yeah I found Halsin but told him to stay out for now as was still trying to sneak method but maybe I’ll go back and get him.