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This is a bit of a weird comment given this seems to be exactly what the game is with no need for any skill or thought.
I was being a bit tongue in cheek.
The notion that this game requires no thought is patently incorrect. You have to plan each action rather than react, along with planning your character progression, party makeup, party members character progression, item usage etc - it requires much more thought than pretty much any game that isn't in the grand strategy genre.
The combat gets pretty difficult imo, and does so earlier than most games. You won't be able to run around hitting things with basic attacks for long without getting smoked by most encounters. You'll definitely need to start combining party members skills along with utilizing the environment by act II.
I haven't played this yet as I was a bit apprehensive due to not being a huge DnD fan, but just read the last few posts and checked a few combat gameplay video and it looks fantastic! Love games that come with such varied and diverse combat mechanics and this seems to be right towards the high end in that aspect. I think I will pick this up once I am done with FF7, so thanks for the bump @Andersons Dietician
I'd never played nor had any interest in DnD before BG3 and it wasn't a barrier to me enjoying the story or game at all. It helps that the game is packed to the gills with lore you can explore through character conversations, items etc. I'm not sure I've ever spent so long in a game listening to conversations or enjoying them to the level I did with this.