Gaming Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios (PS5, PC, Mac, Xbox Series X|S)

Playing on ps5 and loving it. Just got to that first settlement.

I have a question around loot, I have been picking up so much shit, my main character got over encumbered at one point so I had to move some stuff about but this is clearly not sustainable. Is the expectation that I store this stuff, sell it, use it for crafting? I have a lot of armor and weapons which I doubt I will use as I already have better stuff, am I ok to sell them?

I noticed you can send stuff straight to camp from your inventory so that helps with the encumbered stuff. I’m planning to sell most of it.
Playing on ps5 and loving it. Just got to that first settlement.

I have a question around loot, I have been picking up so much shit, my main character got over encumbered at one point so I had to move some stuff about but this is clearly not sustainable. Is the expectation that I store this stuff, sell it, use it for crafting? I have a lot of armor and weapons which I doubt I will use as I already have better stuff, am I ok to sell them?

Yeah most weapons and stuff are there to be sold, just keep stuff with stats that look potentially useful to a character at some point. Carry capacity is driven by strength, so keep most stuff on your strength based char (assuming you have one), perhaps have them pick anything up in the first place.

Stuff you just wanna hoard and not use you can 'send to camp', which will send it to your camp chest, can do this from anywhere. Also you can sort inventory by weight to see what the biggest culprits are.
I really hope they add a dye preview menu to the game. There's nothing more annoying than finding out that you've wasted a rare dye on a piece of clothing and it barely changes its look.
On inventory and there a system which makes it easier in terms of equipping items on people or sorting it? It feels really cumbersome and slow having to sort through stuff at times.
On inventory and there a system which makes it easier in terms of equipping items on people or sorting it? It feels really cumbersome and slow having to sort through stuff at times.
The inventory management is just bad, that's all. On PC the inventory doesn't even stay sorted once you exit the inventory menu which is... almost Bethesda level of awful.
The inventory management is just bad, that's all. On PC the inventory doesn't even stay sorted once you exit the inventory menu which is... almost Bethesda level of awful.

I don't think it does on PS5 either from memory. We can't even get mods to fix that!
I think I'm also about to reach the first settlement. Just went through a gate after killing Goblins, but I need to get a trap disarm kit from somewhere because I feel like I was supposed to open that tomb.
@Simbo @Solius thanks. Assume there is someone I can sell stuff too in this settlement once I properly explore it.
Yeah, there's at least one trader in every major hub/settlement.

Speaking of traders, is anyone messing around with the Barter system? Because it seems a bit pointless to me.
On inventory and there a system which makes it easier in terms of equipping items on people or sorting it? It feels really cumbersome and slow having to sort through stuff at times.

On PC you just click an item slot on the character and it'll bring up all gear options that can be equipped in that slot, from everyone's bags. Same thing should be there on ps5, go to a gear slot at start pressing buttons.
On PC you just click an item slot on the character and it'll bring up all gear options that can be equipped in that slot, from everyone's bags. Same thing should be there on ps5, go to a gear slot at start pressing buttons.

Yeah, it's the same thing but I don't know, it just feels
The inventory management is decent on PC I think. Would like to be able to maximise the group inventory screen to fullscreen so that I don't have to scroll around there as well though.
It requires gaming it a bit alright. I mean the decision that makes her leave doesn't really make sense even if your evil. If your determined to go through with it then you can cause a lot of chaos without the goblins. By Act 2 you have enough credit with characters to get away with all sorts of junk. I think theres an element of the game being a bit surprised that Karlach and Wyll are still there so forgets to make them leave after you do random evil stuff at that point. The absolute is kind of going to be your enemy no matter what morality you have though.
You could deal with the druid grove and goblin camp before getting Karlach too.
I did deal with the druid grove beforehand but when I met Karlach she already heard what I did (from whom, I wonder?). Maybe there's a way around it.
I have a question around loot, I have been picking up so much shit, my main character got over encumbered at one point so I had to move some stuff about but this is clearly not sustainable. Is the expectation that I store this stuff, sell it, use it for crafting? I have a lot of armor and weapons which I doubt I will use as I already have better stuff, am I ok to sell them?
Sell the armor & weapons unless they're really exceptional, armor especially weights so much. You can store all of the food in the camp chest too, you can still use it during long rests.
I was not prepared for the harpies on the beach. Getting lured was a pain but I somehow managed to scrape a victory again. One of my party died early on though but I’ve got a ressurect scroll thankfully.

Am I going to need to keep a lot of those on me? Is a death permanent if not?
I was not prepared for the harpies on the beach. Getting lured was a pain but I somehow managed to scrape a victory again. One of my party died early on though but I’ve got a ressurect scroll thankfully.

Am I going to need to keep a lot of those on me? Is a death permanent if not?
There are multiple ways to resurrect party members. One costs money and you‘ll likely discover „it“ early on.
think I have finished my initial round for this area nearly. When I arrived it felt pretty overwhelming but I have just about done everything now I think and it's all nicely come together where I need to go and defeat the goblins and rescue the druid. Also managed to kill some harpies so that was good and I haven't had a long rest since before the initial goblin fight.

Loving the game so far.
Wow, I've made a right old mess of the final fight of Act II. Half the party spent the fight dead, mostly.

Pro tip: don't place your squishy Sorceress right next to the big bad who has a massive weapon. It's unhealthy.

... we still won though.
Not bought this yet but are people playing on performance mode or graphics mode? The usual argument i hear is that if it's not a quick action based game then quality is the way to go with a solid 30 FPS. Just curious what people are picking.
think I have finished my initial round for this area nearly. When I arrived it felt pretty overwhelming but I have just about done everything now I think and it's all nicely come together where I need to go and defeat the goblins and rescue the druid. Also managed to kill some harpies so that was good and I haven't had a long rest since before the initial goblin fight.

Loving the game so far.
Don’t be afraid to long rest. You pick up more than enough camp supplies to trivialise it throughout the game and the game throws a lot of important story bits at you during long rests too, so if you’re not doing them regularly then you can miss quite a bit. I’ve seen people online say they missed loads by not long resting.
Not bought this yet but are people playing on performance mode or graphics mode? The usual argument i hear is that if it's not a quick action based game then quality is the way to go with a solid 30 FPS. Just curious what people are picking.
I'd never, ever pick 30 fps mode in anything that's not a card game or similar. Certainly not in this one.
Are you guys switching party members often? I don‘t, substituted Astorion for Karlach once but that‘s it so far.

I had no idea when i started either, but when i got into it, i decided to use different companions in my next playthroughs.
They all have different stories and quests, and i plan to focus on one or two of them at a time.
I noticed you can send stuff straight to camp from your inventory so that helps with the encumbered stuff. I’m planning to sell most of it.

I do this with all the camp supplies, they weigh quite a bit.

If there's one tip i wish i'd had when i started first playthrough, it was to stack up on all camp supplies i could find in act 1 and 2, cause i struggled a bit with it in act 3.
Have no problem with this now on 2nd round, though.
Do weapons matter much in this? I've picked up loads and none have better stats than my starting weapon.
Do weapons matter much in this? I've picked up loads and none have better stats than my starting weapon.
Yeah, they do. Especially their special effects, look out for those because some are downright bonkers.

And weapons have an enchantment rating (+1, +2, +3, etc) - the higher the better because you add that number to your weapon attack roll.
Is there a better setting for the camera during fights? I just fought the owlbear but every time it flew in the air the camera went all over the place until it landed. I find it hard to know what’s going on sometimes.
Is there a better setting for the camera during fights? I just fought the owlbear but every time it flew in the air the camera went all over the place until it landed. I find it hard to know what’s going on sometimes.
Theres a birds eye view but it doesn't help with that much.
So I'm just casually murderhoboing everybody in the refugee camp at the start of act 3, and one of the guards turns out to be Orin, shapeshifted. She compliments me on my murderhoboing, and disappears into a puff of smoke. :lol:
I'd never, ever pick 30 fps mode in anything that's not a card game or similar. Certainly not in this one.
I thought the fights were quite slow and more tactical/turn based so 30 FPS wouldn't matter so much? I've 99% of the time been picking 60FPS when given the option on the PS5 but I'm tempted to go for graphics on this game.
I thought the fights were quite slow and more tactical/turn based so 30 FPS wouldn't matter so much? I've 99% of the time been picking 60FPS when given the option on the PS5 but I'm tempted to go for graphics on this game.
Its not an action game. 30fps wont hurt as much as others. I'd just rather have smoother frame rate in any and every scenario. Try both i guess.
People in my party keep just not following me over jumps. Or some will and others just stand there so I have to manually make them come. Is there a solution to this?
People in my party keep just not following me over jumps. Or some will and others just stand there so I have to manually make them come. Is there a solution to this?
Some can jump farther than others and they try to jump from their starting position rather than the closest position. No real solution. Breaking group up and regrouping them sometimes gets them to follow but a lot of the time you just have to do it manually.
People in my party keep just not following me over jumps. Or some will and others just stand there so I have to manually make them come. Is there a solution to this?
It's just a constant pain that you have to get used to. When/if you get flying it's even more annoying.
I had a really blonde moment yesterday. I did something so stupid that i really should just shut my mouth about it and not tell anyone, but i'll give you guys a little laugh.

Early on in act 1 i noticed Lae'zel was missing her weapon, couldn't find it at all. I just gave her something else i had in the bag and forgot about it.
Yesterday i did a quest in act 3 where i was looking through a hideout, and i was struggling to find out how to complete the quest. Had a quick google, since i had done it on the first playthrough, so it didn't feel like cheating.
I had to pick up a sword that was in the room. I opened the character sheet and saw my character having the weapon equipped, not just sat in the bag.
Looked through my and my companions' bags for atleast 5 minutes, to find out where my original weapon was. Couldn't find it.... "fecking hell, it happened again!" i thought, so i loaded the last save, which was like 30 minutes old, and went back into the hideout.
I checked to see if i had my weapon equipped, and prepared to put it safely in my bag before i picked up the weapon for the quest.... then i realized i was playing monk.

Yes.... this is 100% true. :lol:
I had a really blonde moment yesterday. I did something so stupid that i really should just shut my mouth about it and not tell anyone, but i'll give you guys a little laugh.

Early on in act 1 i noticed Lae'zel was missing her weapon, couldn't find it at all. I just gave her something else i had in the bag and forgot about it.
Yesterday i did a quest in act 3 where i was looking through a hideout, and i was struggling to find out how to complete the quest. Had a quick google, since i had done it on the first playthrough, so it didn't feel like cheating.
I had to pick up a sword that was in the room. I opened the character sheet and saw my character having the weapon equipped, not just sat in the bag.
Looked through my and my companions' bags for atleast 5 minutes, to find out where my original weapon was. Couldn't find it.... "fecking hell, it happened again!" i thought, so i loaded the last save, which was like 30 minutes old, and went back into the hideout.
I checked to see if i had my weapon equipped, and prepared to put it safely in my bag before i picked up the weapon for the quest.... then i realized i was playing monk.

Yes.... this is 100% true. :lol:

I lost a couple good weapons before I realised when you get disarmed you have to physically pick them back up from the ground...
Does anyone ever change their party? I have my favourites and just seem to stick with them. i'm playing an Eldritch knight and running with Karlach, Lae'zel and Shadowheart. Feels stupidly unbalanced (only in act 1) with all melee but they seem like the most interesting characters by far.
I'd follow Shadowheart to the ends of the earth, ditch her for Karlach in an instant (no idea how I got zero romance options with her ffs) but if something happens to Boo I would burn down the whole of Fae-run.

This game is seriously fecking good. I can't think of the last time I played something that made me care about the characters so much. And I feel it's mainly down to the voice performances - they're all utterly amazing.

Another thing; once I'm finished with this first playthrough I feel like I'm going to enjoy going down the evil route. I've never had that in any other morality inclusive game. I've played the ME trilogy about five times and never once gone down any other route than the same boring Paragon one, because it felt like the only way to really play it without being a dick. Because of the variet in this game I don't feel like it's going to be a problem playing slightly like a knobhead.
I'd follow Shadowheart to the ends of the earth, ditch her for Karlach in an instant (no idea how I got zero romance options with her ffs) but if something happens to Boo I would burn down the whole of Fae-run.

This game is seriously fecking good. I can't think of the last time I played something that made me care about the characters so much. And I feel it's mainly down to the voice performances - they're all utterly amazing.

Another thing; once I'm finished with this first playthrough I feel like I'm going to enjoy going down the evil route. I've never had that in any other morality inclusive game. I've played the ME trilogy about five times and never once gone down any other route than the same boring Paragon one, because it felt like the only way to really play it without being a dick. Because of the variet in this game I don't feel like it's going to be a problem playing slightly like a knobhead.
I'm finishing my second play-through and I haven't even met Boo :lol: The amount of options in this game.

edit: feck, I did, now I remember. But I'd rather not remember that encounter
I lost a couple good weapons before I realised when you get disarmed you have to physically pick them back up from the ground...

Aha... I didn't know that.
It was still funny when i realized i had never used weapons after looking for one i thought i had lost :)
(no idea how I got zero romance options with her ffs)

I think you have to give her a hug while she burns. She asks if you're sure and you have to insist.

Started my second playthrough now as a drow vengence paladin. Altough I lean towards an evil run, I'll try to keep Shadowheart and Karlach. I can't play that game without them anymore :lol: But I also need to recruit Minthara this time, for reasons :nervous:
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