Gaming Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios (PS5, PC, Mac, Xbox Series X|S)

After playing the first 3 hours yesterday i totally feel this post haha.

Is the portal now closed? Can you not interact with it anymore? In that case I would say that your role was indeed pretty bad.

To add more questions:
- Is it normal that I needed a long rest before AND after the fight against those 5 or 6 bandits down there or do i suck at fighting?
- Do you use speels that need one "spell slot" (I don't know if this is the correct translation, I'm playing on german but i think you know what i mean) with your sorcerers almost every turn or are you saving them?

The bandit fight can be a bit of a tutorial for how to use your environment to your advantage. Here's a hint: Hmm...look at those barrels they are standing right next to...oh, the contents are flammable? Sure would be a shame if a fire bolt hit one.

I usually ration my spells as needed, but remember that cantrips (fire bolt, eldritch blast, etc.) do not use spell slots and can be used over and over.
Nah it looked like i could use it to fast travel but the guy fell back in saying he'd die in there.
Well that would be enough for me to load an earlier save to be honest.
I'll describe in the spoiler what happened to me in case you want to know
The guy in the portal will join your group and he is a wizard. I don't know what class your main character is and how fast you can find another wizard for the group
- You have actions, bonus actions and movement. If you look at an ability or spell, it will tell you if it requires an action or a bonus action. By default you have one action and one bonus action each turn; it's up to you to figure out how to utilise them best. Your best abilities usually require an action though so keep that in mind.

- Play real time out of combat otherwise the game would take fecking forever. In some situations it's worth switching to turn-based if you need precise control of the characters. For example, in a trap-filled room or if you are trying to sneak.

- You missed out on a companion. It's not fatal or anything but he's a pretty good spellcaster.

- The ruins early on? It's fine to kill them.

Sweet thanks!
Well that would be enough for me to load an earlier save to be honest.
I'll describe in the spoiler what happened to me in case you want to know
The guy in the portal will join your group and he is a wizard. I don't know what class your main character is and how fast you can find another wizard for the group

Hmm ok maybe I'll reload. I did look but the autosave was from like an hour before.
After playing the first 3 hours yesterday i totally feel this post haha.

Is the portal now closed? Can you not interact with it anymore? In that case I would say that your role was indeed pretty bad.

To add more questions:
- Is it normal that I needed a long rest before AND after the fight against those 5 or 6 bandits down there or do i suck at fighting?
- Do you use speels that need one "spell slot" (I don't know if this is the correct translation, I'm playing on german but i think you know what i mean) with your sorcerers almost every turn or are you saving them?
It IS called a spell slot in English so you used the perfect term. I usually try to save them and use cantrips as much as possible but there's almost no downside to resting often, outside a few specific time-limited quests. So you can blast away to your heart's content. Just be aware that you can't rest in some areas so you might need to be a bit more economical there - but so far I haven't really had many of those. The older games had much more of those areas.
What is happening when I walk somewhere and it suddenly rolls and says certain people passed/failed survival checks?
Act 2 turned out better than I thought. So far Act 3 is my favourite in terms of quest variety but it's ever so slightly bare bones compared to the depth of content in the other acts. Still better than 99% of games out there though...

@Solius use the long rest as often as you can (one of your characters usually says something about needing a rest if it's been a while) because a lot of the personal quests advance in the camp.

Also, that place where Astarion shot down the rope and it smashed a hole in the ground? Yeah, there's a character down there that you might want to make sure you discover...
What is happening when I walk somewhere and it suddenly rolls and says certain people passed/failed survival checks?
Each of the characters has a chance to discover something based on their stats, be it a secret button or trap etc. It happens with perception, history, religion as well from time to time. If it was a survival one and at least one character passed the check then look around for an orange glow at whatever it is they discovered.
What is happening when I walk somewhere and it suddenly rolls and says certain people passed/failed survival checks?
Might be a treasure you could dig up if someone succeeds the check or a trap or secret lever or ..
Each of the characters has a chance to discover something based on their stats, be it a secret button or trap etc. It happens with perception, history, religion as well from time to time. If it was a survival one and at least one character passed the check then look around for an orange glow at whatever it is they discovered.

Ah ok cheers. Astorian said “there’s something over there” but I couldn’t see anything in orange. Found a dirt mound though which I dug up.
Probably a buried chest. You only need one character to see it, but if nobody does you won't know where it is. You could just dig around anyway, I guess.
I think the map (at least often) shows it but it‘s super subtle.
Are you guys switching party members often? I don‘t, substituted Astorion for Karlach once but that‘s it so far.
Ah ok cheers. Astorian said “there’s something over there” but I couldn’t see anything in orange. Found a dirt mound though which I dug up.
the dirt mound should have been highlighted orange and maybe have a vertical line coming out of it. Isn't always consistent with firing off.
Hold down alt while moving around btw.
Are you guys switching party members often? I don‘t, substituted Astorion for Karlach once but that‘s it so far.
I did a fair bit but there was a couple that were always there. Gale I'd just drag out for a fight or two and fire all his biggest spells off immediately, after which he'd need a long rest so i'd swap in wyll who's can recover faster and easier or Lae'zel who always did pretty good damage. I was playing a barbarian so didn't use Karlach much but tried to drag her out every so often because i just liked her. Shadowheart and Astarian were in my group most of the time. Astarian mostly for disarming traps but rogue is quite fun too
Are you guys switching party members often? I don‘t, substituted Astorion for Karlach once but that‘s it so far.
My normal party is Laezel, Karlach, Shadowheart, and my Sorcerer. At the start I was rolling with Astarion a lot but my main now has excellent Dex so we don't need him for traps/locks and I like Karlach better than him. I occasionally miss his spellcasting though, would be nice to have someone set up the environment for my Sorcerer to focus on dealing damage.
I did a fair bit but there was a couple that were always there. Gale I'd just drag out for a fight or two and fire all his biggest spells off immediately, after which he'd need a long rest so i'd swap in wyll who's can recover faster and easier or Lae'zel who always did pretty good damage. I was playing a barbarian so didn't use Karlach much but tried to drag her out every so often because i just liked her. Shadowheart and Astarian were in my group most of the time. Astarian mostly for disarming traps but rogue is quite fun too

Yea, I liked having him around..but I wanted two damage dealers so „needed“ Karlach and Laezel. Will try out Halsim at least once, could be fun to play I think. Wyll is redundant with my char.

But all the interactions, dialogues, etc makes it somewhat hard to drop one from my group as it seems…off? They grew a lot on me.
It’s hilarious that you can completely miss out on Gale just by throwing a bad dice. The guy is such a massive part of the plot in my game :lol:
Is it normal to find the people in the Rectory difficult? I did it last night with just 3 people but now re-doing it with Gale I struggled massively. I blew up the barrels and stuff but the guy with the rage is a problem. Managed to kill them all barely but Gale is now dead and wants me to use his pouch to summon a demon to resurrect him or something but as I grab the pouch from his body everyone starts taking necrosis damage or some shit and Shadowheart collapses. I can’t keep up with wtf is going on :lol:
Is it normal to find the people in the Rectory difficult? I did it last night with just 3 people but now re-doing it with Gale I struggled massively. I blew up the barrels and stuff but the guy with the rage is a problem. Managed to kill them all barely but Gale is now dead and wants me to use his pouch to summon a demon to resurrect him or something but as I grab the pouch from his body everyone starts taking necrosis damage or some shit and Shadowheart collapses. I can’t keep up with wtf is going on :lol:
Wtf is a Rectory?
Refectory :lol: ffs

It’s a tough fight. Larian games don’t have “easy” fights. Every fight is unique and will present different challenges based on your party type. There are no throwaway fights in their games just for the sake of it.

that said I found act 1 by far the hardest and act 2 and 3 so far have been fairly easy In comparison. Not sure if that’s my characters getting too powerful or just me understanding the mechanics better, or both.
Right I’ve resurrected Gale with the flute now. Laughed at order of the letters when I realised.
I stole Shadowheart’s contraption before I revived her. Doesn’t seem to have noticed. Even when I have it out in front of her trying to force it open.
It’s hilarious that you can completely miss out on Gale just by throwing a bad dice. The guy is such a massive part of the plot in my game :lol:
You need to fail two checks, I think, but yeah, it's pretty fecking harsh.
Also, that place where Astarion shot down the rope and it smashed a hole in the ground? Yeah, there's a character down there that you might want to make sure you discover...
He joins you anyway, just without any previous interaction. I’ve missed that part completely in my first ran and he still appeared in my camp soon after.
Is it normal to find the people in the Rectory difficult? I did it last night with just 3 people but now re-doing it with Gale I struggled massively. I blew up the barrels and stuff but the guy with the rage is a problem. Managed to kill them all barely but Gale is now dead and wants me to use his pouch to summon a demon to resurrect him or something but as I grab the pouch from his body everyone starts taking necrosis damage or some shit and Shadowheart collapses. I can’t keep up with wtf is going on :lol:
Yes, its normal. I'd say 90% of the deaths in this game probably happen in the first few fights. You get a couple of levels and you can start taking more than one hit and it gets much easier. I find killing weaker, lower health enemies better than focusing on one dangerous enemy as a general rule.
Shadowheart dieing was probably due to standing in a pool of acid or something. Or maybe you got far enough in to set off a gas trap. Characters will usually avoid that stuff themselves but sometimes its better to break the group up (g on keyboard) and have one character explore the trap riddled, acid floored tomb. Astarian is quite good at that, let him clear a path and ignore the others till you get a failed perception check on astarian.
Yea, I liked having him around..but I wanted two damage dealers so „needed“ Karlach and Laezel. Will try out Halsim at least once, could be fun to play I think. Wyll is redundant with my char.

But all the interactions, dialogues, etc makes it somewhat hard to drop one from my group as it seems…off? They grew a lot on me.
Rogues do great damage. They just cant take a hit like a warrior (then again they dodge most stuff anyway)
I stole Shadowheart’s contraption before I revived her. Doesn’t seem to have noticed. Even when I have it out in front of her trying to force it open.
Try give it back to her :). Drag and drop in inventory usually works.
Its weird. I felt like I did a lot tonight and I barely covered anything on the map. :lol:
Not sure how to do that on PS5!
On pc you can right click items and you get a bunch of options. 'send to shadowheart' will be there. Just throw it at her, that'll work too. Or throw it in a lake. It doesn't follow normal rules
You couldn't give it back to her even if you wanted to.
He joins you anyway, just without any previous interaction. I’ve missed that part completely in my first ran and he still appeared in my camp soon after.
Oh, nice! That'll save me twenty minutes on my next playthrough when I go evil and bang Karlach - just wanted to fix the error of my ways when I got locked into this stupid fecking Shadowheart romance.
I'm not sure if those two work together :( You'll get Minthara though!
It requires gaming it a bit alright. I mean the decision that makes her leave doesn't really make sense even if your evil. If your determined to go through with it then you can cause a lot of chaos without the goblins. By Act 2 you have enough credit with characters to get away with all sorts of junk. I think theres an element of the game being a bit surprised that Karlach and Wyll are still there so forgets to make them leave after you do random evil stuff at that point. The absolute is kind of going to be your enemy no matter what morality you have though.
You could deal with the druid grove and goblin camp before getting Karlach too.
I should really finish act 3 but i've just been leveling a random character. I should have gotten minthara in that playthrough because its hard to see myself playing a character as evil again but making the last vestiges of each side run into a minefield against each other kind of felt a good end all the same.
I had a more normal evil playthrough but I haven't gone back to that since scratch attacked me in camp. I couldn't go through with killing him so the most recent save is just me standing over his unconscious body which is following me from camp to camp. Just seeing the little thumbnail makes me nope out of it to another character.
I had to kill Astarion :(

It was after helping him become the king of vampires and killing 7,000 thralls (which seemed like an easy way to kill lots of evil vampires and have a super powerful best friend when it came to the big brain battle). But he started becoming more of an arrogant dick than usual, and was talking about how he's going to enslave the entire world. When the opportunity popped up I took it and had to kill him. Good night, sweet Prince.
Playing on ps5 and loving it. Just got to that first settlement.

I have a question around loot, I have been picking up so much shit, my main character got over encumbered at one point so I had to move some stuff about but this is clearly not sustainable. Is the expectation that I store this stuff, sell it, use it for crafting? I have a lot of armor and weapons which I doubt I will use as I already have better stuff, am I ok to sell them?