Assassins Creed Hype

But I do find the whole free running thing quite frustrating, especially when I try to climb up a building and instead for some reason do a full 180 and land on the ground in the middle of around 10 hostile guards, with most my health gone from the fall.

:lol: I've experienced that. Once you've made the initial jump onto the building you want to climb, stop holding the trigger and x button(ps3). Instead use your thumbstick to control your climb. Up to go up etc. If you can't go up, its because there isn't anything Ezio can grab onto to continue his climb, so you have to navigate accordingly.
I'm loving this game. Its so much fun asking the 'whores' to distract the guards while you just walk past time.

I prefer the whole climb-up-the-wall-next-to-them-so-you-can-drop-down-on their-heads, method.
ive just completed the game today, great game, much better than the original, amazing how much detail there is in it.
I prefer the whole climb-up-the-wall-next-to-them-so-you-can-drop-down-on their-heads, method.

Dropping down onto two guards and killing them at the same time is pretty satisfying!

If theres more than three I like to lob a smoke bomb and either dissapear into the night or easily clean them all up with the hidden blades.

What's everyone best method of dispatching the big bastards? I can never seem to counter them so either have to do the smoke bomb trick or keep dodging and swiping.
Dropping down onto two guards and killing them at the same time is pretty satisfying!

If theres more than three I like to lob a smoke bomb and either dissapear into the night or easily clean them all up with the hidden blades.

What's everyone best method of dispatching the big bastards? I can never seem to counter them so either have to do the smoke bomb trick or keep dodging and swiping.

If you use the hidden blades and counter you can usually get them quite easily.
What's everyone best method of dispatching the big bastards? I can never seem to counter them so either have to do the smoke bomb trick or keep dodging and swiping.

i find it easier with the bigger guys just to switch to your hands then counter disarm and take their weapon then kill them
i find it easier with the bigger guys just to switch to your hands then counter disarm and take their weapon then kill them

this or hidden blades

if you take a swipe at the other dudes to back them off you can usually charge in with several quick hits with the hidden blades and eventually get the 'critical' where you kill them with one attack
almost finished the second one, have loved it all so far
Oh yeah, once i found out i could use them for battle i didn't use anything else.

Same, they take atleast one star of health on each good hit, plus if you spam the counter move you often just assassinate enemies in one move.
People get bare hyped over razz shit these dayz. Assassins Creed is a good example of this.
I wouldn't call Assassin's Creed shit by any means. It's what i expected from it, the battle aspect wasn't the greatest but then it wasn't in the first. Doesn't stop this being a very good game graphically, vocally, exploration and storywise.
So although i thought the first Assassins creed was shit and played it for a total of probably 2 hours, should i still bother investing in this next instalment?
So although i thought the first Assassins creed was shit and played it for a total of probably 2 hours, should i still bother investing in this next instalment?

You better stay away then. I finished the first one but the second one feels a bit repetive already and I have only played about half the game or something.
If you didn't like the first and didn't get the story then you might want to skip it. It's good fun to play and graphically it's much better (mainly because it's more colourful). The missions are a lot less repetitive and there's more customisation options. If you didn't like the first rent it first.
i didnt play the first one

initially thought the second one was great but its starting to get very tedious - a bit too much climbing up buildings and trying to do stuff which makes it very repetitive and boring

it lacks the gameplay of the likes of bioshock which was excellent
It's a completely different type game to Bioshock, a bit odd to compare it to that. The main selling point of the game is the freedom and being able to climb up buildings and look over an entire city.
Anyone else liked the settings in AC1 better? Italy is so boring somehow...
It's a completely different type game to Bioshock, a bit odd to compare it to that. The main selling point of the game is the freedom and being able to climb up buildings and look over an entire city.
i know what you mean - totally different game

just meant that it isn't as gripping and doesn't have the whats going to happen next effect some games have
i know what you mean - totally different game

just meant that it isn't as gripping and doesn't have the whats going to happen next effect some games have

It's got a different way of telling the story to the first. The main story with Ezio isn't the most interesting and i was always more interested with the story outside the Animus. The gaps between telling the parts of that story are more spread out which works better for the game but not as well for the main story arc of the trilogy. Although the ending is absolutely brilliant and means i can't wait for the third round.
The thing that gets me is how a game like this has a framerate all over the show on the PS3 (yes a solid framerate is important), yet still gets called good graphically. There is no excuse for it. It's over two years since they released the first one, which framerate wise was a disaster on the PS3, and they still haven't got it. Uncharted 2 runs at a locked no tear 30, why doesn't this, because although pretty to look at in stills, performance wise it's an ass, and it's not pulling half the tricks that UC2 is pulling either.
The thing that gets me is how a game like this has a framerate all over the show on the PS3 (yes a solid framerate is important), yet still gets called good graphically. There is no excuse for it. It's over two years since they released the first one, which framerate wise was a disaster on the PS3, and they still haven't got it. Uncharted 2 runs at a locked no tear 30, why doesn't this, because although pretty to look at in stills, performance wise it's an ass, and it's not pulling half the tricks that UC2 is pulling either.

Not had a problem with it on mine.
I started playing it yesterday and played it for a few hours today. Its good - far more variation that in the last one. I think the setting is fantastic - they have done a great job of capturing Renaissance Italy.

So far, so good.
I have played it for about 8 hours - not noticed any framerate issues so far.

Had a look on a few forums and some ppl are reporting it while others say they havnt had a problem. Strange.

Im guessing you havnt played it.

I haven't played it no, and I'm not going to when it has those sorts of issues, it's fecking shoddy work IMO, but then I trust digital foundry analysis over what people's eyes tell them. Most people wouldn't have a clue between 60fps and 30fps.
I haven't played it no, and I'm not going to when it has those sorts of issues, it's fecking shoddy work IMO, but then I trust digital foundry analysis over what people's eyes tell them. Most people wouldn't have a clue between 60fps and 30fps.

And surely for that reason, it doesn't actually matter?
Ok i just clicked on that link and watched the video of the gameplay. And i'm not sure what i'm looking for, it was talking about tears, now excuse my ignorance but i don't know what it means by that.

A tear is where you get two frames on the screen at the same time. The main reason for it happening is that the game took too long to render a particular frame.

Games normally work with a double buffer. That is a back and a front. The front is being displayed whilst the back is being drawn. Once the back has been drawn, the front and back are flipped. In this method, you don't see the drawing of the frame as it is displayed. However, if the front and back are flipped as the data is being output to the display device, you see a bit of both, resulting in artefacts such as this:

Ok i just clicked on that link and watched the video of the gameplay. And i'm not sure what i'm looking for, it was talking about tears, now excuse my ignorance but i don't know what it means by that.

Something which that video does highlight and something that i've noticed when ever i play a on a playstation, is just how washed out the PS3's picture is compared to that of the 360. Why is that?