Assassins Creed Hype

A tear is where you get two frames on the screen at the same time. The main reason for it happening is that the game took too long to render a particular frame.

Games normally work with a double buffer. That is a back and a front. The front is being displayed whilst the back is being drawn. Once the back has been drawn, the front and back are flipped. In this method, you don't see the drawing of the frame as it is displayed. However, if the front and back are flipped as the data is being output to the display device, you see a bit of both, resulting in artefacts such as this:


I get a similar effect when i output my laptop to my projector via a VGA cable.
Ah right you are, to be honest when i played through the game i don't think i ever noticed anything like that happen. The only graphical thing i can think of that was a little off putting is when you first start running half of your arm goes through your cape. But that's a tiny little thing and not enough to put me off a game.
Some people are not that sensitive to it no, so in these cases it doesn't matter. I'm not sensitive to screen tear, but I am to framerate, it's jarring at times.

If the screen tear is as bad that video shows it to be, then i certainly think i would have an issue, albeit being in slow motion.
So although i thought the first Assassins creed was shit and played it for a total of probably 2 hours, should i still bother investing in this next instalment?

I tried with all my might to muster the effort to finish the first one but just couldn't be bothered. That said, I fecking loved the second one despite getting to the point with the first one that I would have preferred to watch paint dry.
This is probably one of the best games I've ever played. Not really because of gameplay, but the setting is just unbelievably awesome. I love renaissance Italy, especially Firenze. This might sound stupid but I love just walking through those cities in the game.
And I like the storyline as well.

The only real problem I have is the fact that the fights and battles are just far too easy. It's almost impossible to lose, even if you'd only use your fists.
Never played the 1st. But got this couple of weeks ago and have played ever since. Really outstanding game and right up there for me.

Just about to finish game but 1st collecting last few bits. I assume Sequence 12 and 13 are going to be downloadable? Money grabbing bastards!!!
whats the story with redeveloping the town - is it worth it?

You can upgrade your own little Villa and yeah it's worth it. You get discounts in your own shops and it generates money for you every 20 minutes which means if you upgrade it early on then you'll reap the benefits quickly and be able to equip the best available items earlier on.
One thing I don't get is when someone doesn't like the game and that he criticizes the ones that do as if he has the real and only valid opinion.
Well i've got 95% completed, just got to collect the feathers and 1 awol weapon!

I didn't play AC1 so this was a new experience for me. It's a beautiful game, slightly competitive, but I found mixing it up with the other gamemodes helped to break it up. I found the controls a little frustrating to begin with, but soon got used to it.

The story in general was interesting, the end however was very disappointing (although the section in the end credits was... intriguing). I just hate how these type of games have to go down the mythical road. Theres no need for it!

I'd probably give the game a solid 9 out of 10. I've been glued to it for the last 7 days and had good fun playing it. Now I should really get on and play MW2.
There's a main story arc going over from the first and will continue into the third. The mythical part of the story would probably not mean a lot to you if you hadn't have played the first and known the story. The start of the game must have been a bit odd for you!

That being said what happened to Lucy's finger? In the first she shows it to Desmond and she's missing it and in this one it's back!
There's a main story arc going over from the first and will continue into the third. The mythical part of the story would probably not mean a lot to you if you hadn't have played the first and known the story. The start of the game must have been a bit odd for you!

That being said what happened to Lucy's finger? In the first she shows it to Desmond and she's missing it and in this one it's back!

I only have one question really, the main character in real life (whats his name?) were you him in AC1 or was it the other fella patient 16?
finished the game loved it now to move on to uncharted 2
Well i've got 95% completed, just got to collect the feathers and 1 awol weapon!

I didn't play AC1 so this was a new experience for me. It's a beautiful game, slightly competitive, but I found mixing it up with the other gamemodes helped to break it up. I found the controls a little frustrating to begin with, but soon got used to it.

The story in general was interesting, the end however was very disappointing (although the section in the end credits was... intriguing). I just hate how these type of games have to go down the mythical road. Theres no need for it!

I'd probably give the game a solid 9 out of 10. I've been glued to it for the last 7 days and had good fun playing it. Now I should really get on and play MW2.

I am about the same now. Only the feathers and 3 achievements to get. One of them being get all the feathers. The one weapon you still require is Im guessing the one you get for collecting 50 feathers by the way.

Anyone know an easy way to collect the remaining ones? I got them all randomly as I saw them. Cannot really be arsed looking in every nook and cranny for the rest
up to 97 feathers.

have no idea where the remaining 3 are. such a pain in the hole. Wish I even knew which area of the game they are in. least that would narrow it down.

Mitch, if you go into the DNA section, scroll right to the end, about 5th from the left is 'feathers'. You can then browse to see where you're missing the feathers, including districts. Helps to narrow it down!
I am about the same now. Only the feathers and 3 achievements to get. One of them being get all the feathers. The one weapon you still require is Im guessing the one you get for collecting 50 feathers by the way.

Anyone know an easy way to collect the remaining ones? I got them all randomly as I saw them. Cannot really be arsed looking in every nook and cranny for the rest
Here you can find maps with all the feather locations mentioned:
Assassin's Creed II – Feathers and treasure chests guide | GamesRadar
Mitch, if you go into the DNA section, scroll right to the end, about 5th from the left is 'feathers'. You can then browse to see where you're missing the feathers, including districts. Helps to narrow it down!

awesome. didn't realise that. That will make things a lot easier tonight so. thanks.
My wife bought me this for Xmas and it's all I've been playing for the last 2 weeks. I fecking love it and I don't usually like this type of game.

I am addicted to finding all of the vantage points at the moment, it's keeping me from working!
I enjoyed this, too. I beat it in a couple of weeks, but I don't have the patience to go looking for all of the feathers/glyphs. Apparently the first DLC is a pile of shit. I don't think I'll bother with the second either.
I liked the Assassin's tombs. I did all of those, a whole bunch of side missions/contracts, and renovated everything at the villa to the maximum. Probably put somewhere between 30 and 40 hours into it.

I don't envisage playing it again, though. :(
I liked the Assassin's tombs. I did all of those, a whole bunch of side missions/contracts, and renovated everything at the villa to the maximum. Probably put somewhere between 30 and 40 hours into it.

I don't envisage playing it again, though. :(

I'm like that, i'll probably play it through again before the third comes out. Just to refresh the memory banks.
I half played the storyline and got bored of it. it's been sittin there for weeks but I'm goin to give it another try later
Same here, the only thing i'm missing is a couple of achievements. No biggy though i'll grab them on my play through before the third.

I played it twice to complete everything but after that I can't play anymore.I cannot video games anymore, my entire focus is on Heavy Rain and shortly after the immense GOWIII
I played it twice to complete everything but after that I can't play anymore.I cannot video games anymore, my entire focus is on Heavy Rain and shortly after the immense GOWIII

I'm the same, i used to play games tons, but the internets with it's faq's and such mean i play a game once or twice and then never again. More's the pity.

I'm on inFamous and GOW1 and 2 at the moment. And then Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy XIII :drool: