Assassins Creed Hype

Really love this series. Although i have never played part 1.

For me Part 2, Brotherhood and now Revelations are all 9/10 games. Yes they are all the same but I didnt really want them to change. The story progressed very well IMO

Just completed the latest one but I dont think I have seen anyone on here discuss it previously
Really love this series. Although i have never played part 1.

For me Part 2, Brotherhood and now Revelations are all 9/10 games. Yes they are all the same but I didnt really want them to change. The story progressed very well IMO

Just completed the latest one but I dont think I have seen anyone on here discuss it previously

Revelations was very good but the fort defense minigame was quite annoying and the ridiculous first person Desmond platforming sections felt really out of place.

I really liked that they finished off the story of Altair and Ezio, but the stuff with 16 and basically all the Desmond stuff just felt off.
I left the Desmond stuff until after I had completed it. Yes it was a bit pointless.

I went around and bought/upgraded everything in the entire city and there was no trophy which annoyed me a tad also.
Revelations was very good but the fort defense minigame was quite annoying and the ridiculous first person Desmond platforming sections felt really out of place.

I really liked that they finished off the story of Altair and Ezio, but the stuff with 16 and basically all the Desmond stuff just felt off.

Is that optional? I've been putting this game off partly due to this
Is that optional? I've been putting this game off partly due to this

So long as you keep your 'notorious' level in check you'll probably only have to do it once as part of a quest (I think)... not a great addition to the game, but as it's an easily avoidable one, I won't complain about it too much.

Same with the Desmon first person thing really... totally pointless, and not a great deal of fun (or very interesting either), but again, you only have to do them if you want to/want the achievements/trophies they give.

The game itself is good I thought, if not quite on the level of 2 or Brotherhood. The Scope doesn't feel as big for some reason, and the game itself feels a lot shorter then both of those. Also, there's nothing that compares with the Tombs or Leonardo's quests from Brotherhood (which were fantastic I thought).

But yeah, if you love the series, I can't see anyone not enjoying this game... but as a way of getting into the games, I would still point people in the direction of AC2.
Having played the latest 3, is there any point in attempting part one? It was a free download with Revelations but Ive not tried it yet
ACI was horrendous, i wouldn't bother if i were you. 2 and brotherhood are better in every single way

I got revalations for Xmas but I've only put 2-3 hours into it so far. Am i the only one who thinks it doesn't feel as 'tight' as the others. It's never been perfect but the free running is not as good as previous incarnations IMO the cut scenes are choppy too, the whole thing looks rushed to me
Having played the latest 3, is there any point in attempting part one? It was a free download with Revelations but Ive not tried it yet

Only if your a real purist... I enjoyed it at the time (despite it being extremely repetitive), but I figure if you went back to play it now, it'd be like playing a 10 year old version of FIFA.
the only problem with 1 is it is very repetitive, you are doing exactly the same thing in each city
the only problem with 1 is it is very repetitive, you are doing exactly the same thing in each city

Yep, and when I originally played it the ending was a real let down, but then again I didn't realise that it was just the beginning of a franchise.

Seeing as it's free it's definitely worth a go but as you've already played the later ones you probably will find it quite dull in comparison.
ACI was horrendous, i wouldn't bother if i were you. 2 and brotherhood are better in every single way

I got revalations for Xmas but I've only put 2-3 hours into it so far. Am i the only one who thinks it doesn't feel as 'tight' as the others. It's never been perfect but the free running is not as good as previous incarnations IMO the cut scenes are choppy too, the whole thing looks rushed to me

I said similar things in a thread about what games let you down in 2011. It feels rushed and the movement/camera feel off. Really puts me off the game.
Revelations was the first one I played. I really loved it (and the intro video was pure awesomeness).

Then I got my hands on the first one, but as everyone suggested, it was very repetitive. Didn't bother finishing it.