Assassins Creed Hype

I've just bought this, then read this thread.

Calling it shit is daft, Pro Evo and Fifa are repetative but that does not make them shit.

Thats a silly comparison tbh, football games are meant to be repetitive, you're not exactly going to have RPG elements in it with a storyline added iin.

Assassins creed is very mediocre, the hype practically set the game up for its downfall. IMO Hitman, Splinter Cell and Prinse of Persia are superior games, this games just plain boring and repetitive...and its not meant to be.

Its exactly why I dont keep tracking the progress of games in development anymore, I hype it up to something it never will be.
Didn't wanna happen open a new thread about but has anyone got the latest one ? I've been watching and listening to reviews and they all point out towards a better game, less repetitive and more action oriented.
I'm thinking of snatching tomorrow when it's released
I've got it on the way, and for the record i enjoyed the first game. But mainly for the story and how it would pan out. I'm very much a story > gameplay kinda guy, when the two mix it's a beautiful thing.
I did pre-order at a shop which would normally mean I can get it one day before official release so i'll try to phone the bastards if not then it's only tomorrow
I bought it today. Haven't played it yet but I notice that the manual is permeated by notes made by someone called Vidic. This can only be a good sign.

Vidic was the scientist from the first instalment. Not sure what happened to him as I could not be bothered to finish the first game.
The first one annoyed the feck out of me, same shit all the way through. Very apprehensive about buying the second.
You guys can be reassure when it comes down to the "repetitiveness" of the game.It has nothing to do with the first one, a lot more missions and most of them are different.Killing a guy isn't done with the same routine as the first (eavesdropping,pickpocketing etc etc ...).It's a lot different
Someone rank the following games for me.

Little Big Planet
Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time
Modern Warfare 2
Assassin's Creed II
Someone rank the following games for me.

Little Big Planet
Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time
Modern Warfare 2
Assassin's Creed II

Modern Warfare 2 - will provide more hours of gameplay with the addictive online hence best value for money.

Assassin's Creed II - based on the reviews.

Ratchet and Clank - can easily breeze it in a rent.

Little Big Planet - I didnt like it, hence I put it last.
But do you still have to do stuff like sitting on a bench and listening or pickpocketing?
I've been having trouble with my internet connection for the last month or so. Is the single player for MW2 good enough to keep me interested until i sort it out? And how exactly does LBP work? I know it's a platformer, but what's all this about designing levels and online play?
I've been having trouble with my internet connection for the last month or so. Is the single player for MW2 good enough to keep me interested until i sort it out? And how exactly does LBP work? I know it's a platformer, but what's all this about designing levels and online play?

MW2 = yes. I haven't had the chance to play online yet.

LBP is an innovative platformer that basically uses one button throughout but still remains fun. Then you get to play on levels that other people have made, which can be brilliant, or you can make your own which is time consuming. Overall you can tell it's just a very well made game with an enormous amount of effort and time spent on it.
I'll probably get MW2 in a couple of weeks, thanks.
Hmm, dunno whether to get AC2 or MW2 first...hmmmmmmmmm.
Just bought ACII tonight. Enjoying it so far (just got to the villa) but wish they had added some new animations so it feels like a newer game. A lot of aspects are similar to AC1 but it's definitely got more depth and more interesting stuff to do this time round.
Bought it today, just started playing it. I have no idea what the feck is going on. I played the first but even that and the recap at the start of the game didn't help. I haven't a clue who anybody is, and is it me or does the main character have the same voice as Drake from Uncharted?
It really sounds like Nathan Drake's voice, quite annoying actually.
His ancestor is called Ezio? I thought he was called Altair?
Liking it so far. Only thing annoying me is when I go to climb something and instead he just pushes off it and launches off the roof.
Liking it so far. Only thing annoying me is when I go to climb something and instead he just pushes off it and launches off the roof.

Don't hold A (or X if PS3) all the time, only when you need to jump for something.