Assassins Creed Hype

My game keeps freezing. Anyone had this happen to them?
Napoleon age would be epic, like you end up on the boat assasinating napoleon.

civil war era would be a good one as well IMO.
Just completed it, good game. Much better than the first, didn't get boring like Number 1 did.
I don't think i'm close to finishing it yet, i'm doing all the side stuff before i do the missions. I've only got access to three places at the moment, Tuscany, Florence and the Villa Auditore. And the Villa's already fully restored, just the stuff to collect which i can't do yet as i'm not able to get to the other cities!
I don't think i'm close to finishing it yet, i'm doing all the side stuff before i do the missions. I've only got access to three places at the moment, Tuscany, Florence and the Villa Auditore. And the Villa's already fully restored, just the stuff to collect which i can't do yet as i'm not able to get to the other cities!

I'vej ust got to the bit where you can stuff upgrading your city and stuff :) it's good!!!
How you liking it so far mate?

yeah dude its really good, only problem im having is that im so used to uncharted 2 and the whole climbing around gimmick that it has that im confused by the assassins creed 2 controls :S ill get it eventually though im sure :P
bought mine off ebay for £34 still waiting for it in the post. ARGHGH!

Am I the one who really had no beef with Assassins Creed I ? Yes it got repetitive but i really loved it. I mean it must help when you have always been fascinated with that era. The whole free running idea got me enthralled in the game. I could play for days after i completed the games just killing guards and escaping across the map. I loved it.

The thing i had most beef with on the last one was that every tall building had a hay bail at the bottom to drop in. I thought they could of come up with some more ways of jumping off buildings? (That one at the bottom of the church was ridiculous you would be dead no matter what). It is a bit of a brainteaser to think of other ways but even if you had to climb back down i wouldnt be that arsed because it makes it more realistic and the only reason you go up these tall buildings is to scout out positions!
bought mine off ebay for £34 still waiting for it in the post. ARGHGH!

Am I the one who really had no beef with Assassins Creed I ? Yes it got repetitive but i really loved it. I mean it must help when you have always been fascinated with that era. The whole free running idea got me enthralled in the game. I could play for days after i completed the games just killing guards and escaping across the map. I loved it.

The thing i had most beef with on the last one was that every tall building had a hay bail at the bottom to drop in. I thought they could of come up with some more ways of jumping off buildings? (That one at the bottom of the church was ridiculous you would be dead no matter what). It is a bit of a brainteaser to think of other ways but even if you had to climb back down i wouldnt be that arsed because it makes it more realistic and the only reason you go up these tall buildings is to scout out positions!

It's only a game mate, I think going back in time to live as your ancestors is also slightly unlikely. Also, you seem to have come across a hefty amount of beef.
:lol: Yeah this game and realism don't really go hand in hand. For a start it's about a theory that a group of people have controlled the world from the very start.
So i've now collected all the armour, weapons, models, seals and statues. Only got 9 more feathers to go, 1 more codex page to decipher and i've just revealed "The Truth", which is a tad weird to say the least. Now to actually get back onto actually doing the story!
Just finished it, nice ending. I can already tell you the release date for the next game after that, 21st December 2012. Well it'll probably be just before that but if they could release it then it'd be a nice touch.

Loved the credits sequence as well, it looks like

The next game will be Desmond searching the world for these vaults to try and get the information needed to stop the polar shift. It was pretty sweet playing as Desmond with the hidden blade, although why the enemies were carrying pipes rather than guns (you heard them shooting assassin's at the end of the first game) is beyond me.
Ok here is my, rather long winded, breakdown of my take on the story of Assassin's Creed. Made from the truth video, the glyph puzzles and e0mails from the first game.

Before humans there was a race of people on the planet with very advanced technology. One particular piece the "Apples of Eden" could help them to find solutions to problems, control people and seemingly see into the future.

But they didn't seem to want to put in the manual labour so needed to find some form of worker. To do this they created humans, altering the genetics of primates to create a race in their likeness. These humans were used as workers in their city (as seen in the truth video) controlled by the apples of Eden.

Two humans (Adam and Eve, again truth video) aren't affected by the Apples and escape, taking an Apple with them. Somehow they must have managed to get more of the people out using the Apple because a war breaks out between the humans and the race that created them. The humans win by sheer numbers and the creators are down to very few.

This is where the truth becomes myth, as the humans pass the time the story of their escape from their creators becomes more elaborate, until it eventually becomes the story of creation we know from the Bible.

It then seems that two groups appeared, the Templars and the Assassin's. The Assassin's believed "nothing is true, everything is permitted" that everyone should be able to do as they please and not be controlled. The Templars wanted control, full control over everything. The Templars somehow got their hands on the Apples and throughout history they used them to get what they wanted. From halting the development of electricity to starting world war 2 and beyond. But they lost it, or it was destroyed, and they need to find others. That is where the animus and the test subjects come in.

It seems that subject 16, the guy who painted the walls in blood for you in the first game, is a direct decendent of Adam or Eve. Hence why when he was freaking out due to over exposure to the animus he was able to go back to the very beginning and see them escaping.

Desmond seems to be even more important. His ancestors were heavily involved in the running of the Assassin's and even had access to the Apples on various occasions. From Altair who became leader of the guild to Ezio who was a prophet of kinds. This is where it gets weirder.

The people beforehand didn't completely die out during the war, but were severely reduced in number. So much so that they hid information in "vaults" about themselves and the dangers that lay ahead. These dangers they could forsee due to the Apples but the humans seemed more and more over time to not feel that they didn't needed their creators so wouldn't listen. They also ignored and took for granted something much more powerful, the Sun.

Now i don't know if the creators were from the Sun or some other planet in general but they knew that the Sun was going to create a giant flare that would cause a massive polar shift. This would cause destruction on a large scale and even the possible end of the world. The creators also knew that this would take place several hundreds of years in the future, so needed a way of getting the message across to the people of that time. Through the Apple they foresaw the creation of the animus and that people would travel back into their ancestors memories so made Vaults knowing that at points in history they would be opened and they could tell their story to someone from a closer time to the incident.

So both groups, Assassin's and Templars, nw know of the impending destruction and both want to get their hands on the remaining Apples for their own reasons. Templars wish to create a satellite that they could use to brainwash and control the entire world, whereas the Assassin's motives aren't clear but they usually want freeedom.

So now both groups know the location of the Apples, but it seems only the Assassin's know the locations of the vaults (found through the codex pages by Desmond and Ezio). So a race is on to find the Apples and get into the vaults to save the Earth from destruction to then do with it whatever the victor wants.

And that's about where we are, there are other things that have yet to be explained properly. Like the child that Altair and the Templar have, who is it and who does it grow up to be? A message mentions "See the Assassin, born of two worlds" this makes me think that Desmond is a direct decendent of that child making him part Templar and Assassin which is what makes him special. But that's all my own bollocks, infact most of that probably is but enjoy my ramblings anyway.
Is the game worth shelling out $110 for? Or would Dragon Age be my next investment?
Great post Xander but you seem to have forgotten an element
Minerva at the end of ACII said that the disaster that will struck the earth (polar shift, solar flare or whatever) already happened before and almost eradicated humans and her race.From that moment I think humans becomes "stupid", loses all the technology and knowledge brought by the superior race and it sort of makes the start of human life in science books with the evolution and all.Seems like the superior foresaw everything and made the proper arrangements to warn Desmond through Ezio that something would have to be prevented as now maybe that solar would eradicate the earth completely (since in terms of technology and strength the state of the earth is far from the solar thingy hit the first time)
Sorry if it's badly explained
Great post Xander but you seem to have forgotten an element
Minerva at the end of ACII said that the disaster that will struck the earth (polar shift, solar flare or whatever) already happened before and almost eradicated humans and her race.From that moment I think humans becomes "stupid", loses all the technology and knowledge brought by the superior race and it sort of makes the start of human life in science books with the evolution and all.Seems like the superior foresaw everything and made the proper arrangements to warn Desmond through Ezio that something would have to be prevented as now maybe that solar would eradicate the earth completely (since in terms of technology and strength the state of the earth is far from the solar thingy hit the first time)
Sorry if it's badly explained

Good point i did forget that,

Must have been after the war then, but i don't remember her saying exactly when it happened.

I've got to say i loved the story, i loved it in the first game and in this one they've expanded on it more to really mess with your head. A dash of Da Vinci code (that must have been the reason they made him your little translator) and a hint of mass destruction, what more do you want?
Is the game worth shelling out $110 for? Or would Dragon Age be my next investment?

$110? Is that for the collector's edition? I'm not up on the exchange rates but that seems a tad pricey, mine was only £69.

From what i hear Dragon Age has a longer life, but Assassin's Creed is definitely a story, and game, that you'll want to play at some point.
$110? Is that for the collector's edition? I'm not up on the exchange rates but that seems a tad pricey, mine was only £69.

From what i hear Dragon Age has a longer life, but Assassin's Creed is definitely a story, and game, that you'll want to play at some point.

According to the exchange rates $110 equates to £61, today. All the new games sell for around $110 down here.

Yeah I think I'll just get this one, I've heard too many good things not to give it a go. I'll get Dragon Age another time.
According to the exchange rates $110 equates to £61, today. All the new games sell for around $110 down here.

Yeah I think I'll just get this one, I've heard too many good things not to give it a go. I'll get Dragon Age another time.

dont pay $110 for it Cesc, you can definately get it for cheaper... Pretty sure I saw it for around $79 when it was first released, can't remember where though... either K-Mart or JB Hifi.
'Course JB would be the place to go! feck, can't believe I didn't think about it before... I was looking at EB Games.
this is for Xander
I've been checking some french forums and I got more informations.Apparently Minerva and her buddies (the first people on Earth) are Anunakis (there are a lot of infos on the web) during the Sumerian era.
There a lot of things relating to that (codex pages, glyph etc etc..) and having read all of that I'm impressed how far Ubisoft have gone when it comes to making the story of this game.
They've used history (accurate or not), theories and embedded everything to make a fantastic game.
this is for Xander
I've been checking some french forums and I got more informations.Apparently Minerva and her buddies (the first people on Earth) are Anunakis (there are a lot of infos on the web) during the Sumerian era.
There a lot of things relating to that (codex pages, glyph etc etc..) and having read all of that I'm impressed how far Ubisoft have gone when it comes to making the story of this game.
They've used history (accurate or not), theories and embedded everything to make a fantastic game.

Cheers Kouroux. Oh another thing:

I loved how nearly every character, even minor ones like the woman who gives you the pass for Venice, are real people. And it annoys me that people were saying how you killed Borgia at the end. He quite clearly says he's leaving him alive and in real life he was Pope Alexander VI who was known as one of the most contraversial popes of all time. They really have done a great job with the story.
Cheers Kouroux. Oh another thing:

I loved how nearly every character, even minor ones like the woman who gives you the pass for Venice, are real people. And it annoys me that people were saying how you killed Borgia at the end. He quite clearly says he's leaving him alive and in real life he was Pope Alexander VI who was known as one of the most contraversial popes of all time. They really have done a great job with the story.

what people ?
This game had me constantly checking historical events to see if they were accurate or not, they did a great job using the Templar/Assasin element within historical facts.
'Course JB would be the place to go! feck, can't believe I didn't think about it before... I was looking at EB Games.

You never know what you're gonna get with JB though. Saw in their catalogue yesterday that they had priced COD:MW2 as - "come in and make us an offer", or something to that effect.
Would I get most out of this in a rental? Dont really fancy paying full price for a single player game that probably wont last very long.
Would I get most out of this in a rental? Dont really fancy paying full price for a single player game that probably wont last very long.

How long is the rental for these days? If a week then yeah probably. It took me longer than that, but i was looking for all the glyhs, feathers and all the other stuff. You'd finish it within that time if you played a few hours a night just doing the story.
Cheers buddy!

Though I don't know where any Big W's are around here... Will have to suss it out.

Do you have it mate? What do ya reckon?
You never know what you're gonna get with JB though. Saw in their catalogue yesterday that they had priced COD:MW2 as - "come in and make us an offer", or something to that effect.

Hahaha that's awesome, though it has to be said JB are usually the cheapest as a mean compared to the rest... Especially EB.

Bought the new Modern Warfare the night it was released for 110, in hindsight (I don't even have my box connected to the net as yet) that wasn't the best decision!
Awesome. And to think I was going willing to pay nearly double that, all because the kid seemed nice! BAH!

Anyway do you have the game man, what do you reckon?
Would I get most out of this in a rental? Dont really fancy paying full price for a single player game that probably wont last very long.

I rented it, goes back tomorow, and I've got the bulk of it done i reckon but as i've enjoyed it so much i'm still consdering buying it anyway (though not till it reduces in price)

I'll finish the story tonight, and get my last 2 codex pages.
I have all the seals, armor, weapons, artworks and villa upgrades
I haven't done the feathers as there are too many and I'm not sure if i'll finish the glyphs
Apart from that i've done lots of contract killings, races & beat-up missions too

It's miles better than ACI, the first hour or so is a slog but after that it gets better and better, they filter in abilities at a good pace keeping it fresh and each location is better than the previous

i have had freezing issues too, 3 or 4 times in around 6 days but there's regular checkpoints so its never effected my progress
Right so I got it for Christmas and have finished all that training malarkey, with the whole
watching your family die horribly and painfully, and learning how to blend into crowds and steal stuff from that whore

So far I like it a loooot more than the first one. Ezio moves slightly faster than Altair, who I always felt was a little bit too slow to feel truly fluid when free running/climbing. The graphics seem five times better on this, although that might be due to a change in the art style to a more renaissance (colourful) style.
OK ive just rented it, played it for a few hours. Bear in mind this is first AC game ive played, so far the games quite impressive and it feels like Hitman on a larger scale, brilliant.:devil:

But I do find the whole free running thing quite frustrating, especially when I try to climb up a building and instead for some reason do a full 180 and land on the ground in the middle of around 10 hostile guards, with most my health gone from the fall.