Assassins Creed Hype

The voice actor for Uncharted is the same for this. Mostly due to the fact that both games use real time footage for cut scenes etc.

I fail to see the connection between real time footage for cutscenes and having the same voice of another videogame character, seems like a fecked up explanation
I fail to see the connection between real time footage for cutscenes and having the same voice of another videogame character, seems like a fecked up explanation

Because there is a requirement for the voice actors to do more then sit on their arse nowadays. The physical interaction with other for example 'so it looks fecking real' and certain stunts. Watch the making scenes in Uncharted Drakes fortune.
im getting this off my younger brother for xmas which is a bit of a pain in the tits because if that was not the case i would buy it now, loved the first game so i might play through that again to prepare myself for this one
I'm really enjoying this so far, only just started really but good stuff finding all the treasure chests and pickpocketing. Finding the feathers will be a bitch but hey-ho, much more freedom of choice of what to do next and the shops are a fantastic addition.

My only downpoint so far is i'm not fond of your new compatriots in the real world, i'm not quite feeling them yet.
I'm really enjoying this so far, only just started really but good stuff finding all the treasure chests and pickpocketing. Finding the feathers will be a bitch but hey-ho, much more freedom of choice of what to do next and the shops are a fantastic addition.

My only downpoint so far is i'm not fond of your new compatriots in the real world, i'm not quite feeling them yet.

The British guy is annoying as feck. We don't all speak like that damn it.
Because there is a requirement for the voice actors to do more then sit on their arse nowadays. The physical interaction with other for example 'so it looks fecking real' and certain stunts. Watch the making scenes in Uncharted Drakes fortune.

The question is voice if it was the same actor who did the voices for both characters or not, it's just that simple
Why is there a sex scene in this game? Obviously under 15's will play this game and i even find it a bit inappropriate that it is rated 15 aswell. It should be 18.
Why is there a sex scene in this game? Obviously under 15's will play this game and i even find it a bit inappropriate that it is rated 15 aswell. It should be 18.

Why is this guy bothered?
You don't rate a game then expect those under the limit to play it so bumph it up a bit higher (then not expect those under 18 to play it?). That's stupid, you're stupid, who are you? Why am I here? I need a wee.
Why is there a sex scene in this game? Obviously under 15's will play this game and i even find it a bit inappropriate that it is rated 15 aswell. It should be 18.

Compare it to some movies that are rated 15. Are you really saying it should be rated higher than them?

The fact that under 15s may play the game has absolutely no bearing on what rating it should be. If people are going to ignore the rating anyway, why bother having the system in the first place?
Horribly average from start to finish.

You are kidding right? Or are you just ridiculously picky when it comes to games that you'll give praise? I haven't finished it yet but i'm finding it great fun, the stores and the upgrades for your villa are a great addition and the tombs are a neat side challenge. The graphics look tremendous and the guards no longer chase after you for mearly walking near them.

I haven't got very far with the story outside of the animus yet so i can't comment on how that will pan out but the missions as Ezio are fantastic. Much more open and enjoyable than completing the same three types of mission over and over again. The customisation aspect as well is very good to see, and the fact that they actually use Eagle-vision for something interesting this time whereas i hardly used it in the first.

The puzzles that you have to do after finding the glyphs provides a good little deviant from the norm and the feathers, treasure chests, codex pages and extra tombs will keep me playing this for a long while yet. I don't see how anyone could call this game horribly average.
There is so much related to these glyph and puzzles.As if the biggest events and most important individuals of human history where guided by/used "pieces of Eden" (Tesla,Ford,Hitler,Napoleon,G.Washington,Genghis Khan,Tunguska...)
Ubi used current theories of the origins of Mankind (it's based on the Sumerians) and used it as a root to build the entire game, it reminds of MGS in the sense that it's more than just a game, it is used a way to make you discover/remember historical events and deliver you messages (that some will believe I guess, I don't) regarding the origins of mankind.
I think it's what separates this game from others, I put in the "special" category alongside MGS and the type of games that make you think
The question is voice if it was the same actor who did the voices for both characters or not, it's just that simple

And I answered it if you could comprehend what i've written.

There in black and fecking white. They chose the same voice actor because the actor has to do physical acting as well as voice acting.

and just to reiterate my point, ITS THE SAME feckING ACTOR!
I've just found out who Shaun is voiced by. Danny Wallace, a comedian who i quite like, yet somehow he manages to just sound like a twat in this game. I thought it was him from the start as the character looks like him, but he doesn't sound that annoying normally.

Oh yeah and something else i was glad they changed from the original. Giving the main character a regional accent! It felt weird having a man with a full yank accent running around the Holy Land.
Combat is far too easy. All I do is stand there with the hand blades and hammer X whilst holding down RT and you can't lose.
And I answered it if you could comprehend what i've written.

There in black and fecking white. They chose the same voice actor because the actor has to do physical acting as well as voice acting.

and just to reiterate my point, ITS THE SAME feckING ACTOR!

That's my point, the rest of your post was irrelevant to the question
The end boss fight is also a massive anti-climax. I haven't played a good, properly epic boss fight in ages. All you had to do was just constantly grab him and slam him into a wall?
Might be picking this up today...

Hemming... is it good?

Did you like the first one? Cause if you did you'll love this one. I really like it, not got too far into it yet but the game is good fun and well worth picking up. The missions are much more enjoyable this time round and there's loads of stuff to do on the side to keep you busy.

So all in all, yeah it's pretty good (in my opinion anyway). It'll probably look even better on a PS3 as well... bastard.
The final fight in the first game wasn't the best, but then again the final fight in Devil May Cry 4 was piss poor as well. To swing it around the final fight in story mode of Street Fighter 4 was hard as nails.

Oh yeah, and after the first came out they said it was the start of a trilogy so i'm expecting another ending like the first.
Well, if you thought the final fight in the first game was bad, this one was even worse. The game on a whole was okay. Besides the flawed combat system, the cities were really polished and the graphics on a whole were good. Length wise, took me about about 8 hours from start to finish. Voice acting was good, Danny Wallace is a cnut and I love Kristen Bell.
It's called standards. If you think that final fight was anything other than incredibly shite then there is no hope for you, Solius :(

I haven't gotten that far yet. Even if it is shit your standards are too high. You moan about too many details rather than focusing on the game as a whole.
Just read on the Wiki that the sequel might possibly be set in WW2. Please, for feck sake game developers, we've had enough with World War fecking 2. Medieval England is also being touted (King Arthur etc).
I haven't gotten that far yet. Even if it is shit your standards are too high. You moan about too many details rather than focusing on the game as a whole.

My standards aren't too high at all. The overall standard of games nowadays is not just particularly great, from an Xbox360 users point of view. There are only a handful of titles every year that are any good. The rest is just a pile of utter tripe.
My standards aren't too high at all. The overall standard of games nowadays is not just particularly great, from an Xbox360 users point of view. There are only a handful of titles every year that are any good. The rest is just a pile of utter tripe.

I agree, but i would put Assassin's Creed definitely in the good pile. Batman Arkham Asylum, CoDMW2, Resident Evil 5, Star Ocean and possibly Wet, for the fun aspect, are the only other games this year that i've really gotten in to.
Batman was great, yet it was another game that suffered from an absolutely awful final boss fight. COD was good, if not as good as the first one, Dragon Age was fecking great and I'm getting L4D2 today. Wet looked good from the demo, but I got the impression that it would get really repetitive after you get over the fact that you can slide and jump around everywhere. Never been a fan of the RE games and what the hell is Star Ocean?
Wet did get a tad repetitive, but it was quite short so didn't feel that bad. Not played Dragon Origin so can't say but Left for Dead does look good.

Star Ocean is a JRPG, i'm a bit of a fan of them. It's got terrible voice acting for the women but it's a 3 disc 50 hour plus game with a lot of dungeon crawling and synth music. Actually if i'd read that before i wrote it i would never buy it. Anyway it's a type of game that i like, although i can see why people would think that riding a giant pink bunny over a desert sounds a bit shit.
Oh god, I hate JRPG's! Massive hair and horrible androgynous characters don't really appeal to me!
Got this today, got talked into buying the Limited Edition too, cnuts!
Yeah I didnt mind the 1st one, although didnt really give it a massive go. this one does look pretty good though. Dragon Age made my eyes bleed. Good game... just not for me, which is suprising as i loved NWN and Baldurs gate.
Just read on the Wiki that the sequel might possibly be set in WW2. Please, for feck sake game developers, we've had enough with World War fecking 2. Medieval England is also being touted (King Arthur etc).

:lol: for a very rare occasion I completely agree with you Domzi.WWII has been overabused when it comes to the entertainment industry.
I hope it'll be set in France during the revolution at the end of the 18th century, some connection would easily be found with the formation of the US.
However in the last game I believe it"ll be more about Desmond Miles than before because they hinted it was a trilogy and it's obvious to see than the previous games have been Desmond's final training in order to defeat the modern day templars