Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Might get hate but why has the world become so sensible. Like nothing is proven, let the authorities do their work and if he gets judged guilty, we can suspend him. Never got the public pressure to suspend someone who is part of investigations, it’s 50:50 right now, the things could also be made up by that girl.
Every time an allegation is made we have to suspended players for months or possibly years it might take for authorities to make a decision on whether to charge them?

The allegations went public earlier this summer but not much was made of it then, even after Antony posted a public denial. The big difference now is potential graphic evidence reaching the public sphere, which makes it harder to ignore.
You’d be surprised of all the things every high profile clubs have to do to cover their players « antics »
It’s unfortunately not uncommon for footballers
Tbf, the Greenwood and Antony cases only play a bit part in the sad state of our club.

I’m thinking Glazers, the fall from grace since SAF left, our unrivalled ineptitude in the transfer market (okay, maybe Chelsea are worse), growing list of failed managers etc. etc.
If there are any “gowls” it’s probably you.

People are entitled to their own opinion, if you don’t like it ….then tough!

Are you offended by that because you are trying to point score? Otherwise why reply like that?
Might get hate but why has the world become so sensible. Like nothing is proven, let the authorities do their work and if he gets judged guilty, we can suspend him. Never got the public pressure to suspend someone who is part of investigations, it’s 50:50 right now, the things could also be made up by that girl.
People are blood thirsty. They aren't interested in facts.
Utd have had such rotten luck with players over these last few years

Yeah this is the one area that I would say we have been really unlucky, and it's not something of our own doing. Greenwood and then this is nothing short of awful luck that I don't think anyone could really have seen coming.
Absolute disaster. We’ve set a precedent with Greenwood I’m expecting Antony to be suspended from tomorrow.

This is bigger than football but since we’re on a football forum I’ll keep to the subject. Antony at 90m, Greenwood valued around the same when he was suspended and the Sancho situation…..around 250m worth of attackers in the shit.

Im on the verge of just giving up. The club is a circus. I’m a local Manchester lad who’s supported the club for 30 years and I’m fecked off with everything to do with the club
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i’ve got an exclusive picture of next year’s home and away kits.

Yeah this is the one area that I would say we have been really unlucky, and it's not something of our own doing. Greenwood and then this is nothing short of awful luck that I don't think anyone could really have seen coming.

It’s mental when you think about it. Two players in the same position. One was brought in to replace the other.
He denies it, police haven't yet decided there's sufficient evidence to charge him...Caf already decding how much commissary he should receive.
So without reading anything about this because I’m on holiday, what exactly has changed since the original allegations back in May/June? Like why have Brazil called him up and then dropped him, what’s changed?
Might get hate but why has the world become so sensible. Like nothing is proven, let the authorities do their work and if he gets judged guilty, we can suspend him. Never got the public pressure to suspend someone who is part of investigations, it’s 50:50 right now, the things could also be made up by that girl.
Even if the police or prosecution can't prove it in court, it doesn't mean he's innocent.
He always looks like an angry narcissist whenever the camera is on him. Is the club protected from this in anyway financially if he’s guilty or do we just shoulder every penny?
Are you offended by that because you are trying to point score? Otherwise why reply like that?
Just don’t like people randomly name calling in order to suit their own agenda.
So without reading anything about this because I’m on holiday, what exactly has changed since the original allegations back in May/June? Like why have Brazil called him up and then dropped him, what’s changed?

Looks like she gave an interview to a magazine.
Tbf, the Greenwood and Antony cases only play a bit part in the sad state of our club.

I’m thinking Glazers, the fall from grace since SAF left, our unrivalled ineptitude in the transfer market (okay, maybe Chelsea are worse), growing list of failed managers etc. etc.
We have management issues that’s for sure.
But I’m not sure this has anything to do with whatever Antony is accused of and Greenwood was accused of.

I have a few friends who are in the football industry as lawyers or agents, and a lot of football players have off field issues.
So without reading anything about this because I’m on holiday, what exactly has changed since the original allegations back in May/June? Like why have Brazil called him up and then dropped him, what’s changed?
Think it's actually being investigated by the police now, before just a media thing.
Hopefully the investigations won't drag on like Greenwood's.
We have management issues that’s for sure.
But I’m not sure this has anything to do with whatever Antony is accused of and Greenwood was accused of.

I have a few friends who are in the football industry as lawyers or agents, and a lot of football players have off field issues.
I don’t doubt that you’re right. It just seems too stupid to be true that we’re hit with two of these cases in straight succession - and the Sancho stuff on top of it.
Hence the notion that we seem cursed.
Retrospective domestic abuse charges are incredibly difficult. Even evidence of injuries are difficult to prove happened as a result of abuse even if reported contemporaneously, let alone attributed a significant time after the fact.
With no evidence, how can he be found guilty? Doesn't really make any sense.

This means that every ex-girlfriend of a football player can make claims and pretty much ruin a footballer's career.
You’ve not seen the photo then?
Man what exactly is the club supposed to have done here? Or what did they do wrong that makes this pertain to us being the worst run club in the world? Hasn't most of this allegedly taken place before he was even a United player?
Two of the alleged incidents took place this year.
Think it's actually being investigated by the police now, before just a media thing.
Police complaint was made back then as well if i remember correctly. This time alleged victim has added few more details ( Assault in england was not part of previous accusations) and leaked the details to brazil news site
I’ve not seen any images, or whatever of the alleged abuse.

The club have set themselves a precedent though with Greenwood. The club put out a statement saying he hadn’t done anything wrong, wasn’t charged etc and still got rid.

It’s not looking great for Antony if there’s any truth in it.
You’ve not seen the photo then?

I have but legally is there any evidence beyond her claim that this was how that injury was incurred? Unless there's a contemporaneous police report it's very difficult to prove, which may explain why they're possibly trying to build a case rather than simply charging based on the evidence they have.
It was released in the papers 4 months ago too. One of the allegations was him hitting her so hard he removed one of her implants and the club doctor treated her.

Wow this could be absolutely huge if true

The club will be in all sorts of shit.
It was released in the papers 4 months ago too. One of the allegations was him hitting her so hard he removed one of her implants and the club doctor treated her.
That is the only accusation that there is no proof presented at the moment. Rest of the other proofs are bunch of pics and snapshot of whatsapp which are not enough proof.

Considering its club doctor, it should not be too hard to prove. But i wonder why this was not part of previous allegations.
Any chance all the non-football stuff can go in its own thread?
He denies it, police haven't yet decided there's sufficient evidence to charge him...Caf already decding how much commissary he should receive.
Yes very different feel to this vs Greenwood despite all the media attention. Kind of weird Brasil just dropped him, I thought this was quite an old story in Brasil.