Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

The club is cursed. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Couple of things.

Firstly, you hope that it isn’t true because you don’t want an instance of domestic abuse to be true. Of course this would mean the allegations are false which will only embolden the usual suspects. Amber v Depp was an exceptional case and it isn’t a good way to go about it to assume every woman is a liar.

This also doesn’t mean to immediately assume Antony is guilty. I always took ‘believe women’ mantra as: don’t immediately dismiss it and take the allegations seriously and respond with tact. Already seeing shite like ‘this lying cnut!’ which is so tiring to read.

United are just unlucky in this instance, but again in the grand scheme of things the football element is the least important in these cases and United will be fine. All they need is to act accordingly. Which I’m sure that if for example they ban Antony due to legitimate reasons, they’ll get shite for it. No winning really for you except dealing with it the best you can.
Even if we don’t suspend him, how can he possibly be in the right frame of mind to play?

He will 100% get suspended pending investigation. I’m expecting a club statement at the latest tomorrow morning.

Police are involved in Brazil and England and it’s all over the media there’s no avoiding it
The state of this club.

Don't think we need to do anything until he's charged, but if that actually happens, then he has to be suspended. But feck me what a mess.
He will 100% get suspended pending investigation. I’m expecting a club statement at the latest tomorrow morning.

Police are involved in Brazil and England and it’s all over the media there’s no avoiding it

Suspended based on absolutely no new allegations being made that the club and police weren't already aware of?

Everyone talking as if this is anything other than her repeating allegations she's already made.

What would be rationale behind suspension tomorrow? The allegations seem more credible on a Tuesday?
The pictures seem to be making claims after the fact of what they show

If you allege someone punched you in face and you get police report at the time and then get them to document your injuries that's proof.

Showing a photo of an old injury and retrospectively assigning responsibility for that to someone else, really isn't a very strong piece of evidence legally. At least in this country. Brazil may be different but given the story has been running for a good while now, I suspect it might be the same.

Unless there are police reports made the time that substantiate the injuries from the photos then i would doubt they would even be admissible in any criminal trial. Civil court (or Brazilian equivalent) is different story.

Hypothetically in the Greenwood case had that gone to trial, the cut lip picture would not have been seen by the jury or permitted in court by a judge for the same reason as it wouldn't meet threshold to be considered evidence.

The photos really aren't evidence without police reports being made on the day they were taken by the police themselves

Of course the photos would be considered evidence. If someone says that they were punched on a particular occasion and have a contemporaneous photo then that’s evidence to support their allegation that they were injured. The prosecution would still need to prove how the injury occurred but the fact that there was an injury is a key starting point.
Suspended based on absolutely no new allega being made that the club and police weren't already aware of?

But the police are now investigating right? The noise before was just social media stories. It’s obviously escalated the player has even released a statement
Suspended based on absolutely no new allega being made that the club and police weren't already aware of?

You think that after the whole Greenwood thing this isn't going to be the media's new fascination? Yeah, this isn't dying down- especially not with the Brazilian NT axing him for it.
Pellistri rubbing his hands.

The club is cursed. You can’t convince me otherwise.
A quarter century of mostly success with Fergie. Now a quarter century of being mostly a banter club, at least we're almost halfway through it.
I'd prefer to give a chance of Pellistri ahead of Amad
It was released in the papers 4 months ago too. One of the allegations was him hitting her so hard he removed one of her implants and the club doctor treated her.
You’ve not seen the photo then?
Yeah i have also seen Michal Richards grabbing a supporter on video but that isn't the the whole truth either. How about we let the judicial procedure take place before we hang another player in the town square.
Surely ten Hag knew their relationship was toxic when they were at Ajax, bringing it all to United was a very poor decision.
If any truth…. €95m down the pan and may cost ETH his job.
What a mess.
He released a statement on June 28th too.

He’s been dropped by Brazil, the news is all over the Uk media sites and it’s now a police investigation

The club will have to respond
I don’t see how he doesn’t get suspended at this point. It’s virtually identical circumstances to the ones that lead to Greenwood getting suspended

It’s absolutely ridiculous that this is happening all over again, with it also being the player that came in to replace the one who this originally happened with.

If he does get suspended - which I still think is very unlikely unless he’s charged -

I believe Greenwood was arrested after he’d been suspended by the club.
Of course the photos would be considered evidence. If someone says that they were punched on a particular occasion and have a contemporaneous photo then that’s evidence to support their allegation that they were injured. The prosecution would still need to prove how the injury occurred but the fact that there was an injury is a key starting point.

There's nothing to evidence the photos are contemporary to the time frame of the allegation. They would not even be a starting point without accompanying police report.

Even within the much lower burden of proof required for an insurance claim i can't provide a photo of a scratch to my car and send it off to someone's insurance company and say "Trust me, i took this at the time and it proves the person you insure owes me money for damaging my car".

You say the blood was from me attacking you. I say we got into a fight and you cut yourself as i pushed you away in self defence. You cannot possibly prove your case nor can i prove mine. Which is why courts do not consider these things as evidence. Because they're not.

A scratch on a car or an injury to a human body could happen a million different ways. It's it probable he caused the injuries? Of course. But for a court of law in a criminal trial those photos are incredibly weak pieces of evidence without police reports substantiating them.
I believe Greenwood was arrested after he’d been suspended by the club.
Mason Greenwood didn’t publicly deny the allegations. There isn’t an audio of Antony ‘seemingly’ attempting to rape someone. Within 24 hours of the audio and pictures being released Greenwood had been arrested. The police have had the witness statements and evidence for months and are still yet to arrest Antony. The circumstances are completely different.
No. They won’t. They’ll say no comment pending outcome of police investigation.

The moment he’s arrested which will be anytime now he’s suspended. Give it 24 hours tops.

A multi billion pound organisation isn’t messing around with such a serious accusation
If he does get suspended - which I still think is very unlikely unless he’s charged - Mount will play right wing.

I'm actually curious to see how that would go. Cas-Amrabat, Bruno ahead of them and Mount on the wing. It's something new at least
Club lawyers wouldn't sanction the suspension of a player based on a reiteration of known allegations. For obvious reasons.
The club doctors treating her injuries seems like an incredibly bold and somewhat crazy thing to make up.
The moment he’s arrested which will be anytime now he’s suspended. Give it 24 hours tops.

A multi billion pound organisation isn’t messing around with such a serious accusation
There are numerous examples throughout the EPL of players playing whilst under investigation of a serious accusation. One of those players still plays for us.
I havn't seen the interview, but it takes quite a bit to sit for an interview like that and tell lies. When victims go public with a story, the story is likely to be true. It would take a very brave psychopath to make up a false story and go public with it. Possible, but not likely.
Amber Heard just popped by to say Hi.
There are numerous examples throughout the EPL of players playing whilst under investigation of a serious accusation. One of those players still plays for us.

Let’s see then. I’d put good money on him being suspended if he’s arrested by police I don’t see any other way around it now the story and photos have blown up all over the media
Nothing will come of it because unless there’s more to come, the evidence isn’t strong enough. The police will investigate and it’ll be dropped.