Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

The club took a much more proactive approach this time, but what a horrible few months for the club, some of the lowest points in years. It genuinely saddens me seeing our club dragged thru the mud by selfish, idiotic and clueless people from top to bottom.

Ten Hag has a huge job ahead to lift the morale of the squad. Thank goodness we play at home against Brighton, the players who actually care about the Club and act in a manner deserving of playing in our shirt deserve some good fortune.
You could dare, but it would paint you as a dumbass who doesn't understand the situation. So I would advise against it, personally.

This should be an auto-reply to anyone who uses the term "woke" in earnest with respect to matters like these.
I once wheeled my mum around a hospital in a wheelchair after my old man broke her ribs the night before and as a 9 yr old, I heard her squeal like a pig as he hit her and crept downstairs once he’d got his drunk arse to bed, terrified he find me going down and give me more of the same.

We’ve all got a shit story to tell, but none of us should respond to a person that’s actually gone through it like Scarlett in the way you did.

And of course you have a story to tell, I wouldn’t expect any less. Whenever you need to attempt to validate your point you suddenly have a mate, or have a story to pull out, but if Scarlett does that it’s something cheap to you, go figure.

Regardless of my intentions and what I thought of Scarlett's comment I wrote out an apology to them for addressing it like that. It would have best to not broach that subject at all.

Between us, my frustration is that you're invalidating my opinion because I didn't have a personal story to share aside from some vague mention of a friendship. And I agree that we all have a story to share and feel those individual experiences should not be used to invalidate someone else's experience. They can be used to offer another perspective but there is a strong difference. But when they are used to say someone else's opinion is invalid as has been done here we've crossed a line where it's not constructive discussion. To avoid the nuance entirely I've been trying to focus on generally accepted facts and stats.

Like I said , this has all has me heated and I'm sorry for insulting you as well.
To be fair, the football media outside of the UK aren’t roasting the player or club neither and they’re outside of any jurisdiction.

That might be.

Part of the reason undoubtedly is that Arsenal aren't as newsworthy (this is pretty obvious).

Personally, I find it a bit odd - not too say a bit uncomfortable - that people focus on this: in what way is it relevant that a certain other club has not been targeted to the same extent as United? Unless they actually believe in an "ABU conspiracy" perpetrated by media outlets in multiple countries, what possible relevance does it have? Isn't the obvious explanation enough? United are more newsworthy than most other clubs because we have more fans across the world.

ETA And, again, at least for the UK media, the fact that they can't name the player - or the club - is another obvious explanation for why there has been less noise about the case.
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I wasn’t replying in defence / reaction to the poster or the previous exchange there, I was talking generally and was actually replying to you being accused of having ‘an agenda’ - hence my post began, ‘you don’t have an agenda’.

If you read it back within this context it will make sense.

Saying my Greenwood, ‘I hope they turn it around and manage to have a happy life’ post reads well but is not connected to reality isn’t true or fair - neither is calling it ‘sinister’.

I personally try to have empathy as much as possible and also hope for realistic best outcomes in situations where suffering and / or upset is clearly present.

In Greenwood’s case, that is the best outcome, and I believe a realistic one, though maybe I’ll be wrong.

The media silence from him and his partner was quite obviously strongly suggested / enforced by Utd, hence literally the moment they’ve parted ways with Utd both Mason and H are immediately posting freely on social media. It’s not fair to hold that (the media silence) against them when it’s obviously something they were told to do.

Viewing everything through the lens of absolute cynicism is less connected to reality than thinking ‘that’s shit but I hope it improves a bit’ - on any situation.

They’ve had a baby and for me I don’t instantly think ‘oh they’ve done that to try and manipulate the media narrative’, that to me is a troubling and sinister outlook.

I don’t view Greenwood as some kind of mastermind manipulator - I view him as a fecking idiot kid tbh, same as the guy I was born to actually.

And I hope that Greenwood sees his little baby and realises, ‘this little being needs me and always will, I have a chance to build a great life here in this situation, I have a chance to be a gentle and loving Dad’ and does so… unlike the guy I was born to.

That’s my take on it - obviously it’s different to yours, but then my life has been different to yours and thus the lens I look through is my own and not yours.

I respect your take on that fully. I just disagree. I happy to disagree.
I may be confused because I'm not from England but if he's been bailed doesn't that mean he's been arrested?

Yes, but arrested without being charged. I believe this guy is on what's known as "pre-charge" bail: he was brought in but there wasn't enough evidence to charge him, so further investigation was deemed necessary, and he was temporarily released under certain conditions.

(In other words, the police consider the matter open but in need of further investigation.)
This is Antony’s expert commenting on the new filings regarding WhatsApp’s showing how one of them has been manipulated. I’ve never seen anything like this play out this publicly before. It is properly mad.

Without commenting on the morality or issue of guilt. He certainly seems to understand how important public perception is going to be for him. He's taking the fight on in the media. Probably his best chance to be fair.
This is Antony’s expert commenting on the new filings regarding WhatsApp’s showing how one of them has been manipulated. I’ve never seen anything like this play out this publicly before. It is properly mad.

Wow this is like a TV drama now! I hope he's not guilty because I hate the thought that another of our players could be involved in something like this. Absolutely hate that people are celebrating him not playing as if he's already guilty of something though. Whether he's eventually found to have been abusive or not, it's never ok to presume guilt and act as if that's normal.
Arrested and charged are two different things. You can be bailed without being charged.

I know that duffer. Christ I said confused not I'm a fecking idiot.

I just don't see why his being arrested and bailed mean that Arsenal get a free pass from scrutiny.
We're assuming the club played a part in this decision. Perhaps Antony has contacted the club and said I'm staying here to try and clear this up and the club have had to publicly make it appear mutual, I'd imagine they'd want this handled with the club having full control over the player. We have a high profile player currently in a highly emotional state out of reach "addressing allegations". Like everyone I'm speaking from within a grey cloud but it's seems a bit risky.
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Which may never come and be indefinite? You could hypothetically suspend any employee ever under such an umbrella.
He’s currently still an innocent man. Why would the club punish him now? The reason he should be dropped is for his shite performances on the pitch, nothing else.
What do you mean by this? What if he isn’t charged?
Contractually they can't and why should they?
They can drop him from the match squad without giving a reason. However, the can't explicitly say it's because of this. One possibility is to say that he's not in the right state of mind to play.
So…. :lol:
Give him a break, he knows better than Scarlett, his mate runs a non-profit after all.

If anyone was ever desperate for online validation it’s this fella, since the first day he arrived here.
Deffo. Weird that a few lauded him for his absolute nonsensical word salads.
Yes, but arrested without being charged. I believe this guy is on what's known as "pre-charge" bail: he was brought in but there wasn't enough evidence to charge him, so further investigation was deemed necessary, and he was temporarily released under certain conditions.

(In other words, the police consider the matter open but in need of further investigation.)

Cheers. I understand some investigations take time. Still, as mentioned to duffer I don't see why Arsenal escapes scrutiny, other than no one finds them newsworthy. Which, considering the subject seems hypocritical.
I know that duffer. Christ I said confused not I'm a fecking idiot.

I just don't see why his being arrested and bailed mean that Arsenal get a free pass from scrutiny.

We are a much, much bigger club. I reckon that explains a lot. Plus the player in question went public with a denial, which allows the media to report "player X denies these allegations, and now we have a public interest in naming them".

If all remains silent you only get "a Premier league player has been arrested on suspicion of offence X".
We are a much, much bigger club. I reckon that explains a lot. Plus the player in question went public with a denial, which allows the media to report "player X denies these allegations, and now we have a public interest in naming them".

If all remains silent you only get "a Premier league player has been arrested on suspicion of offence X".

I get that Frosty, it's just that in the other case, everyone knows who it is but no tv personalities or MPs are out there chastising Arsenal for continuing to utilize his services.
If the British media wants to go after Arsenal, they could and I bet they could even find a loophole and name the player.
I may be confused because I'm not from England but if he's been bailed doesn't that mean he's been arrested?

He’s been arrested yes.

If there’s insufficient evidence to charge you, but there’s further investigation to be done which is believed to give you the evidence required , you are then released under investigation or on bail with/without conditions. This is pre charge police bail.

This bail can be extended several times however must meet a strict criteria to do so and go through more senior officers, then the courts, on each occasion.

There is also post change bail which can be imposed by the courts when you have attended for your first appearance and are awaiting hearing/trial.
We are a much, much bigger club. I reckon that explains a lot. Plus the player in question went public with a denial, which allows the media to report "player X denies these allegations, and now we have a public interest in naming them".

If all remains silent you only get "a Premier league player has been arrested on suspicion of offence X".

That's got nothing to do with why Arsenal's voldemort remains officially un-named. Don't you remember there was a big story about Ryan Giggs years ago (I can't remember which Giggs story it was) and he went un-named for months and months.

The UK media is scummy and without any morals but it does follow certain legal rules.
Still, as mentioned to duffer I don't see why Arsenal escapes scrutiny, other than no one finds them newsworthy.

Well, the newsworthy part clearly plays some part - at least if you're talking world wide coverage and/or public reaction on the whole.

However, I believe it's plain illegal for official UK media outlets to name names: you simply can't do that in a case like this.

Whether that makes sense or not (in the current social media driven world) is another matter, but there you are: it's not that they aren't bothered to name him because he isn't all that clickworthy (compared to Greenwood or Antony), they actually can't do it.
He’s been arrested yes.

If there’s insufficient evidence to charge you, but there’s further investigation to be done which is believed to give you the evidence required , you are then released under investigation or on bail with/without conditions. This is pre charge police bail.

This bail can be extended several times however must meet a strict criteria to do so and go through more senior officers, then the courts, on each occasion.

There is also post change bail which can be imposed by the courts when you have attended for your first appearance and are awaiting hearing/trial.

Thanks Officer. :)
It is likely that three independent persons making accusations against him increases theprobability of his guilt..........

However, likelihood isn't a justification for premature vilification. If even one person was found innocent in an occasion of seemingly overwhelming presumption of guilt, then that should set the precedent for everyone outside of the legal process to withhold their tongue.

It's not enough to cite likelihood and probability as a pretext for presumption. Every single case is unique. Jurisprudence cannot afford to colour its collective lense with notions of what is usually the outcome of such things.

Just fecking wait.
I get that Frosty, it's just that in the other case, everyone knows who it is but no tv personalities or MPs are out there chastising Arsenal for continuing to utilize his services.

Well our libel laws are ridiculous, and that has a suppressing effect on what the media feel able to report.

A lot of TV personalities and MPs respond to media stories in the UK rather than blazing a trail.

I also would add that United are hated by millions, and so online stories or click bait about us are much easier choices to publish than stories about Arsenal. Speculation on my part, but our absentee owners running the club terribly probably makes it easier to publish stories about us, as they are hardly on top of the legal/PR aspect (unlike other clubs, or us under Ferguson).

It is a double standard for sure.
That's got nothing to do with why Arsenal's voldemort remains officially un-named. Don't you remember there was a big story about Ryan Giggs years ago (I can't remember which Giggs story it was) and he went un-named for months and months.

The UK media is scummy and without any morals but it does follow certain legal rules.

Giggs was the super injunction wasn't he, but was that just for shagging some Welsh stunner or the business with his brother?
Well our libel laws are ridiculous, and that has a suppressing effect on what the media feel able to report.

A lot of TV personalities and MPs respond to media stories in the UK rather than blazing a trail.

I also would add that United are hated by millions, and so online stories or click bait about us are much easier choices to publish than stories about Arsenal. Speculation on my part, but our absentee owners running the club terribly probably makes it easier to publish stories about us, as they are hardly on top of the legal/PR aspect (unlike other clubs, or us under Ferguson).

It is a double standard for sure.

Agreed. Still, it would make me feel that people took this stuff seriously if all clubs were held to similar standards by critics.
Giggs was the super injunction wasn't he, but was that just for shagging some Welsh stunner or the business with his brother?

I think it was the Big Brother woman but my point is that the UK press didn't say a peep until they legally could, despite it being a huge Man United star being involved.

There's no free pass because it's a smaller club.
That's got nothing to do with why Arsenal's voldemort remains officially un-named. Don't you remember there was a big story about Ryan Giggs years ago (I can't remember which Giggs story it was) and he went un-named for months and months.

The UK media is scummy and without any morals but it does follow certain legal rules.

Until right before the Champions League final. That was the affair with Imogen Thomas.

A Scottish paper published his identity as the English High Court issued the superinjunction.
Thanks Officer.

Certain cases can take quite a while, especially if they involve recovering electronic evidence or fully evaluating drugs.

The Arsenal case is a strange one but without any real information in the public domain it’s hard to guess what’s going on. I think Partey may be released from bail now but is still under investigation by the police.

The fact the cases are still active after all this time though is interesting. Also him moving off bail doesn’t mean anything other than the necessity for it no longer exists.