Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

You don’t have an agenda but you’ve been affected by these issues personally and it’s hurt and scarred you.

I have also, and am also scarred by them, deeply.

I remember talking with you in the past and you said that your kids have been affected by these issues in posts that I found really upsetting and moving.

I think this, understandably, puts you into a fatherly and protective mode the moment any issue linked with this topic comes up, both noble qualities and far better than the opposite.

But I think it means that you take anyone offering nuance or a more neutral stance as a bit personal - as if they must be a bad person.

I always remember when I said that after seeing Mason and H’s baby photo, it made me hope that they’re a happy family and who cares about the football side of it - and you said you found it sinister, whereas all I meant was exactly what I said. Something that I think is realistically the best thing to hope for.

On top of this you’re having to mod the biggest Utd forum on the internet during the most divisive and troubled time the club has experienced in modern history.

My personal experience was one where I was falsely accused but my default stance is to give credence to accusations. How does that equate to me being scarred by personal experience?

The poster I was replying to. Said 'Rubbish Post'. That's not nuance. It's the lack of nuance I have issue with. The first I post I engaged with in this sequence said the woman in question was telling a 'hideous' lie. Where's the nuance there?

On the sinister comment, yeah. My background is media. And the period of silence bookended by the disturbing video and the soft focus image of the happy family was jarring.

Your post reads well but it's not connected to reality in any way I dint think.

I don't engage with neutral posters, just problematic ones. That last poster was banned (not by me) for comments in the Greenwood thread. They were far from neutral.
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I’ve found some of the comments here astonishing.

This isn’t a witch-hunt against your club for pity’s sake, this is a very serious criminal matter which needs to be calmly investigated and a process followed. In my opinion your club have acted swiftly in light of the new allegations and I don’t see how else they could’ve responded.

I’ve seen some posts implying conspiracies to hold your club down, victim blaming, criticism of Rachel Riley (!!).

I understand the anger and disappointment that this has happened again so soon with one of your own, but the allegations deserve to be addressed - not least for the player himself, to have the opportunity to clear his name if free from wrongdoing.

A little perspective perhaps; guys? Let the private process happen.

You’re always going to get a variety of viewpoints but I think the majority of comments in this thread have been reasonable.
Why have Women's Aid decided to put out a statement about Man Utd?? As if this is the only allegation of domestic abuse at the moment.

How come Arsenal have avoided coming under any scrutiny?

It's part of their job to react to high profile cases of (alleged) domestic violence? They also put out a statement when the story of a "premier league footballer who can't be named for legal reasons" first came out in the media.
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To be fair its good move by the club. Antony has already been dropped by Brazil national team, and was under investigation in 3 different assaults.
It's part of their job to react to high profile cases of (alleged) domestic violence? They also put out with a statement when the story of a "premier league footballer who can't be named for legal reasons" first came out in the media.
Doesn't alter the fact that Arsenal still have a player in exactly the same situation freely plying his trade for the club.
We're doing him a favour with some time off if anything. Can't imagine anyone in his circumstances being in the right frame of mind to play top level football. More so when his place in the team was under pressure even more all this came up.
Doesn't alter the fact that Arsenal still have a player in exactly the same situation freely plying his trade for the club.

It's interesting that you want to be on the side of a club playing a potential rapist/sexual abuser than someone on the side of a club who will suspend those who have been accused of similar or as abhorrent charges.
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Excellent news, the club has acted quickly and positively. Probably a quick phone call telling him that the club didn’t need the same shitstorm as before and to stay in Brazil for now and go to the beach and enjoy himself, no cancel that just relax.

That’s my take on it too.
I think the club have acted promptly and decisively and in line with the general philosophy that the club and it’s international reputation is bigger and more important than any player.
I’m looking in from the outside here and, hats off, I think both the club & TH have managed this situation with swift action, dignity and professionalism.
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It’s just sad isn’t it . Manchester United is just rotten to the core.

Owners - useless
Directors- even more useless than the owners
Players- for 10 years now the vast majority are here for the ridiculous pay packet on offer. There’s no club identity, it’s not even uncommon to see them walking around the field unwilling to make a run off the ball. Multiple accusations now against current squad players

I’m 39 and don’t anticipate seeing us ever win a league title again. Farce
I would really like society to take the position that outing somebody on social media for criminal behaviour without first registering a criminal complaint is unacceptable. If he's guilty then throw the book at him, but the double standards toward United are farcical.
It's part of their job to react to high profile cases of (alleged) domestic violence? They also put out a statement when the story of a "premier league footballer who can't be named for legal reasons" first came out in the media.
Do you know the difference between why one player can be named, aka Antony, yet another player can’t be named for legal reasons is free to continue playing?

not saying the media and the legal system pick on united, but both this case and the MG case are getting so much more profile than other cases and in return are affecting the club much more too.
Kind of surprising this. But I guess we set a precedent with the MG situation.
This thread is bonkers especially some of the responses. Even though this is a community with a number of different backgrounds and all, I'm surprised at how varied the views are for topics like this

Also he hasn't been suspended. People might argue it's the same but a different name, but it's the right decision from and for both the club and Antony.
For how long will he be under this official leave given by the club until he returns to the first team? I haven’t have the time to read all the pages
For how long will he be under this official leave given by the club until he returns to the first team? I haven’t have the time to read all the pages
No time, nobody knows how long it takes.
If the women involved in this only wanted attention they could just have used social media, couldn’t they? Why involve the authorities and risk being sued and drag through a lot of controversy?

Well, if they'd plain accused him of something criminal on social media, they'd risk being sued too.
This is a heated topic and I wrote from a place of pain after going in circles with a number of people on this forum that have ignored data points I've cited for the sake of explaining why I have a particular opinion. And despite going to that length I've been branded as hating all men and unjust person for wanting to focus my discussion on making sure we don't take away from the victims situations., which i see as a bigger problem.

And yes, I have a mate. I resorted to bringing that up because the previous comment made me feel like my own opinions and feelings were not valid and pointless because there was no personal experience related to it.

So what, you want me to get vulnerable and tell my fecking story before you take anything I say seriously? Feck off. Here you go then, it's not just me mansplaining. Feck me what a condescending piece of drivel attitude..
I've also got multiple women family members who have suffered domestic violence, for years without sharing. One of them eventually we as relatives banded together to support and get a divorce. Another I only found out about years after they stopped dating, back when they were just kids.

And I am still to this day mortified by the time I picked a girl up that I was dating who was very very late to meet up because her car broke down. There was incredible awkwardness at first and finally after a lot of caring talk she revealed she had a fear I was going to yell and hit her for being late and inconveniencing me with needing to give her a ride because of her last boyfriend. And we had many talks after about it and during the me too movement especially that framed a lot of my stance.

Now a grown man I look back on my first ever long term relationship and have an altogether different perspective. She was verbally abusive, would drink and black out and threaten to kill herself. She eventually got to slapping and hitting me, which thank goodness my friends saw. And not long after I broke up with her for cheating, she sent a group message to several mutual friends whom I was close to accusing me of sexually assaulting her some time ago while together. My side of that was we had hooked up while on a romantic getaway, nothing new. But in the morning she didn't remember much and apparently had blacked outl, which I was not aware. I lost contact with those friends for a few months, bar one who took no sides and said shit was fecked up in general and she was going to support both of us how she could. And eventually told me my ex was diagnosed with severely bipolar disorder which brought me some closure and opened the door for comms with those other friends. No charges no police accusations just an attempt to ruin my friendships out of spite...but more likely mental health issues.

So yeah, I have a mate that runs a non profit. And I've got my own personal experiences that have made my perspective a very pointed one. And yeah I didn't drop this to sAy that your opinions were wrong - only to tell you to feck off for belittling my personal relationship with the subject. Ironically the exact same thing you're saying I did with Scarlet .
@Scarlett Dracarys so much for taking this offline. I've lost my composure and patience on this because of the other posters.

TLDR - piss off

I once wheeled my mum around a hospital in a wheelchair after my old man broke her ribs the night before and as a 9 yr old, I heard her squeal like a pig as he hit her and crept downstairs once he’d got his drunk arse to bed, terrified he find me going down and give me more of the same.

We’ve all got a shit story to tell, but none of us should respond to a person that’s actually gone through it like Scarlett in the way you did.

And of course you have a story to tell, I wouldn’t expect any less. Whenever you need to attempt to validate your point you suddenly have a mate, or have a story to pull out, but if Scarlett does that it’s something cheap to you, go figure.
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So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

This is nonsense. The allegation came out on June 6th.

We need calmer heads.
Probably the right decision but just another shite situation for the club. I really find it difficult to see the positives regarding the club
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Neither allegations have been random. They’re both related to domestic violence

And innocent until proven guilty relates to the legal system, not an employer. Employers can and do suspend / put employees on leave every single day due to criminal investigations.
It's interesting that you want to be on the side of a club playing a potential rapist/sexual abuser than someone on the side of a club who will suspend those who have been accused of similar or as abhorrent charges.
Just mere accusations no matter how abhorrent they may be shouldn't lead to suspensions , Let the actual relevant authorities deal with the Situation or atleast formalise the charges before the Club makes any decision otherwise we are on a pretty slippery slope .
It is the right the to do, but let's hope other clubs come under the same scrutiny in the future. Somehow I doubt it.
I truly think that has many riled up more than anything else when it comes down to it. It has been far too easy for the press to write Man United this or that while especially the London clubs seem to escape a lot of that same level of scrutiny for arguably worse, often far worse, things (not speaking of the Anthony case in isolation by comparison).
It's the correct decision. Regardless of guilt or innocence, it would have caused too much trouble trying to play him while all this was going on. Don't think he realistically could have been in the right mental state either. Best to give this time to see how the investigation unfolds and if it is decided he's not guilty, he can be reintegrated into the team.
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

The club do have a a brand and reputation to protect as well, which this sort of story doesn’t help with.
Oh for feck’s sake. Next someone will accuse Rashford of nicking an apple from Tesco ahead of a big game and we’ll have to sideline him too, while there’s a Partey in London.

Edit: note that I’m not making equivalences between DV and stealing an apple, I’m just pointing out that sidelining a player for accusations, regardless of what (punching a DJ for refusing to play Phil Collins) is always going to lead to calls for taking players out for less severe crimes as time goes by.

Sadly we have our own moral codes of what's ok and what's not ok.

Not ideal I know

Nobody I think cared when Cantona kick the fans, he took the punishment on the chin and maintain club captain. Nobody give a hoot about what he does.

But even inmates frown upon violence against woman, rape, and child abuse (not saying Antony)

Fair / Not fair? I don't know. But Rashford nicking an apple from Tesco certainly won't be much of a problem.

Footballer already got away with much more leeway than 99% normal population only selected crimes could really get the public attention. This mainly being one of them.
Doesn't alter the fact that Arsenal still have a player in exactly the same situation freely plying his trade for the club.
Yep, only difference is the victim has been silenced which means it’s morally ok in their eyes to play him?
There needs to be mass resignations over there. There’s a shit show coming North London way so they may as well enjoy the almost good times now
Until he’s been arrested or charged with anything it’s absolutely ridiculous to suspend him.

Maybe for his own good. Playing away or even at home with potentially oppo fans singing stuff about this will not be good for his mental, his performance and his pending allegations.

Might as well let things cool down for 2-3 games
Yep, only difference is the victim has been silenced which means it’s morally ok in their eyes to play him?
There needs to be mass resignations over there. There’s a shit show coming North London way so they may as well enjoy the almost good times now

I mean apparently they were trying to offload him to Saudi in the summer. Feels like they're trying to dodge that mayhem before it hits.