Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

This club's a joke, once again bowing to trial by social media and appeasing the cancel culture brigade. I bet Getafe are licking their lips.
Why ? The club has handled this perfect, not suspended, given time to sort things out.
What do you want the club to do ? Just ignore the situation till the Police come to Carrington to arrest him.
He can’t perform his job with this hanging over him, nor could anybody, I would give anybody leave, to get stuff like this sorted out, if you can’t see it’s the right thing for the club to do, than sadly you can’t.
Do you know the difference between why one player can be named, aka Antony, yet another player can’t be named for legal reasons is free to continue playing?

The media can't name the "North London" player because that's the law in the UK (the person has not been charged, the investigation is still on-going = he can't be named) - it doesn't matter that everyone knows who it is.

But I imagine that this would've been different if the accuser in that case had gone public with it herself, as was the case with Antony's ex.

Anyway, the Antony case involves multiple jurisdictions, the media in another country, as well as the accuser being a fairly high-profile person.
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
What are you talking about?

He is not suspended.
First claims came in the summer.
Its not just any allegations, its three different cases of violence against women.

Its almost like you want footballers, or men in general, to be falsely accused just so you can get angry of the horrible time of make justice we live in now.
Not saying thats whats your saying, but you, and a few other posters in these threads, most definitely give that wibe.
I truly think that has many riled up more than anything else when it comes down to it. It has been far too easy for the press to write Man United this or that while especially the London clubs seem to escape a lot of that same level of scrutiny for arguably worse, often far worse, things (not speaking of the Anthony case in isolation by comparison).

Bissouma also played an entire season for Brighton with a sexual assault investigation actively underway by Sussex Police without a peep from anyone.

Media outlets actively printing things like this also doesn't help with the persecution complex.
All things considered, this is probably the best move at this time, not least of which for Antony. The club can move forward without this being a constant distraction. Antony can focus on this without being bogged down by the on field stuff and whatever happens will unfold as necessary.
Irrespective of what people think of him, you can’t deny that ten Hag has had some abysmal luck with off-field happenings since joining.
Agreed. I'm sure he was manager of Ajax when Quincy Promes got charged too. Talk about bad luck.
Did you actually read the statement, clearly not.
It says it's mutual, but do you really think the player had a say in this.

Matter of fact, this is the first time I've heard of any club handle it like this. We're setting examples.
This is a heated topic and I wrote from a place of pain after going in circles with a number of people on this forum that have ignored data points I've cited for the sake of explaining why I have a particular opinion. And despite going to that length I've been branded as hating all men and unjust person for wanting to focus my discussion on making sure we don't take away from the victims situations., which i see as a bigger problem.

And yes, I have a mate. I resorted to bringing that up because the previous comment made me feel like my own opinions and feelings were not valid and pointless because there was no personal experience related to it.

So what, you want me to get vulnerable and tell my fecking story before you take anything I say seriously? Feck off. Here you go then, it's not just me mansplaining. Feck me what a condescending piece of drivel attitude..
I've also got multiple women family members who have suffered domestic violence, for years without sharing. One of them eventually we as relatives banded together to support and get a divorce. Another I only found out about years after they stopped dating, back when they were just kids.

And I am still to this day mortified by the time I picked a girl up that I was dating who was very very late to meet up because her car broke down. There was incredible awkwardness at first and finally after a lot of caring talk she revealed she had a fear I was going to yell and hit her for being late and inconveniencing me with needing to give her a ride because of her last boyfriend. And we had many talks after about it and during the me too movement especially that framed a lot of my stance.

Now a grown man I look back on my first ever long term relationship and have an altogether different perspective. She was verbally abusive, would drink and black out and threaten to kill herself. She eventually got to slapping and hitting me, which thank goodness my friends saw. And not long after I broke up with her for cheating, she sent a group message to several mutual friends whom I was close to accusing me of sexually assaulting her some time ago while together. My side of that was we had hooked up while on a romantic getaway, nothing new. But in the morning she didn't remember much and apparently had blacked outl, which I was not aware. I lost contact with those friends for a few months, bar one who took no sides and said shit was fecked up in general and she was going to support both of us how she could. And eventually told me my ex was diagnosed with severely bipolar disorder which brought me some closure and opened the door for comms with those other friends. No charges no police accusations just an attempt to ruin my friendships out of spite...but more likely mental health issues.

So yeah, I have a mate that runs a non profit. And I've got my own personal experiences that have made my perspective a very pointed one. And yeah I didn't drop this to sAy that your opinions were wrong - only to tell you to feck off for belittling my personal relationship with the subject. Ironically the exact same thing you're saying I did with Scarlet .
@Scarlett Dracarys so much for taking this offline. I've lost my composure and patience on this because of the other posters.

TLDR - piss off

Stop weaponizing your trauma.
But I imagine that this would've been different if the accuser in that case had gone public with it herself, as was the case with Antony's ex.

She did though. She was actively tweeting about it as recently as February. Posting text messages from "the unnamed player" threatening her. Writing about another incident with him on a yacht. Posting pictures of her injuries. Saying she felt suicidal because of it.

None of it was reported by any media outlet.
Crafton already saying how ETH will now have to get on the phone to Sancho and grovel. That man has a serious agenda against ETH. Everything we know about ETH suggests he’s going to leave him out of the next squad too.
Thats the last thing I would do and I believe TH thinks the same, when he dropped Rashford and Garnacho for lateness.
If he does do it hes no better than Ole and we will be doomed for more failure. Players will have a field day doing as they please.
What are you talking about?

He is not suspended.
First claims came in the summer.
Its not just any allegations, its three different cases of violence against women.

Its almost like you want footballers, or men in general, to be falsely accused just so you can get angry of the horrible time of make justice we live in now.
Not saying thats whats your saying, but you, and a few other posters in these threads, most definitely give that wibe.

opening Pandora’s box was always going to be a bad idea.

now didn’t Anthony came out this weekend on Brazilian tv against these allegations. Why we all thinking there’s only one side to the story? And he is morally guilty in some people mind?
women can be abusers too similarly to men.
Oh for feck’s sake. Next someone will accuse Rashford of nicking an apple from Tesco ahead of a big game and we’ll have to sideline him too, while there’s a Partey in London.

Edit: note that I’m not making equivalences between DV and stealing an apple, I’m just pointing out that sidelining a player for accusations, regardless of what (punching a DJ for refusing to play Phil Collins) is always going to lead to calls for taking players out for less severe crimes as time goes by.

If he’s guilty he deserves to be not playing or at Carrington.

If he’s not guilty he deserves the time out

On a colder amoral corporate level… regardless of the truth. The club doesn’t want his situation affecting everyone else.

So it’s the best course of action.
Crafton already saying how ETH will now have to get on the phone to Sancho and grovel. That man has a serious agenda against ETH. Everything we know about ETH suggests he’s going to leave him out of the next squad too.

I would not be surprised if we see Antony in a United shirt again before Sancho. Everything suggests that Sancho is the one who needs to do the groveling, especially to his unimpressed teammates.
Sadly we have our own moral codes of what's ok and what's not ok.

Not ideal I know

Nobody I think cared when Cantona kick the fans, he took the punishment on the chin and maintain club captain. Nobody give a hoot about what he does.

But even inmates frown upon violence against woman, rape, and child abuse (not saying Antony)

Fair / Not fair? I don't know. But Rashford nicking an apple from Tesco certainly won't be much of a problem.

Footballer already got away with much more leeway than 99% normal population only selected crimes could really get the public attention. This mainly being one of them.

In 2023 with a Fergyless United, Cantona loses his captaincy for that kick. The world isnt what it was.
December at the earliest I reckon, he's had knee surgery.
Damn I thought it was only a mild injury and he’d be back in a month, Ah well Pellestri should probably finally get a chance. Unless Sancho is not going to be dropped as expected.
She did though. She was actively tweeting about it as recently as February. Posting text messages from "the unnamed player" threatening her. Writing about another incident with him on a yacht. Posting pictures of her injuries. Saying she felt suicidal because of it.

None of it was reported by any media outlet.

Didn't know that - haven't really followed the case very closely. *

But the media in the UK simply can't name the guy even if everyone and his dog posts about it.

And if you can't name the guy, it's obviously harder to publish damning articles about the club (which they can't name either).

* It's now more than one accuser in that case too, apparently.
opening Pandora’s box was always going to be a bad idea.

now didn’t Anthony came out this weekend on Brazilian tv against these allegations. Why we all thinking there’s only one side to the story? And he is morally guilty in some people mind?
women can be abusers too similarly to men.
Well, i am not.
And sure women can be, and its horrible and should be adressed. Its not happening at all in the same rate as men being the abuser so i guess thats why you hear less about it. Does not mean that a specific case of a woman abusing a man is any less serious that the other way around, but for a society, men abusing women is more of a problem. Because it happens more often.

Antony might be guilty, and he might not be. There being three different cases and he only adresses one of them makes me lean towards the three womens side.
And i think in general we should take DV really serious when claims come out based on what i wrote above and also because of the cases where its false is so very very few compared to the insane number of actual domestic abuse.

Time will maybe tell in this case, and if all three women are lying i am hoping they will get a punishment both for what they are doing to Antony, but also for what they are doing to women who are actually abused and will now have a harder time speaking about it since idiots will then being up ”the case were Antony was falsely accused” and use it as a point for why we not should belive women who talks about this.
I agree with the club's decision simply because Antony's performances have been trash recently, and he needs a break to recharge. Hopefully he watches game film.

On a broader note, feels good to support Morals FC.
Didn't know that - haven't really followed the case very closely. *

But the media in the UK simply can't name the guy even if everyone and his dog posts about it.

And if you can't name the guy, it's obviously harder to publish damning articles about the club (which they can't name either).

* It's now more than one accuser in that case too, apparently.
Why can't they name the guy?
Club acted swiftly and correctly in this instance. It is troubling that they have practice handling this type of issue, but at least they seem to be improving how they handle it.
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I think it’s been established a couple of times now that Antony hasn’t been suspended by United.
Didn't know that - haven't really followed the case very closely. *

But the media in the UK simply can't name the guy even if everyone and his dog posts about it.

And if you can't name the guy, it's obviously harder to publish damning articles about the club (which they can't name either).

* It's now more than one accuser in that case too, apparently.
To be fair, the football media outside of the UK aren’t roasting the player or club neither and they’re outside of any jurisdiction.
My personal experience was one where I was falsely accused but my default stance is to give credence to accusations. How does that equate to me being scarred by personal experience?

The poster I was replying to. Said 'Rubbish Post'. That's not nuance. It's the lack of nuance I have issue with. The first I post I engaged with in this sequence said the woman in question was telling a 'hideous' lie. Where's the nuance there?

On the sinister comment, yeah. My background is media. And the period of silence bookended by the disturbing video and the soft focus image of the happy family was jarring.

Your post reads well but it's not connected to reality in any way I dint think.

I don't engage with neutral posters, just problematic ones. That last poster was banned (not by me) for comments in the Greenwood thread. They were far from neutral.

I wasn’t replying in defence / reaction to the poster or the previous exchange there, I was talking generally and was actually replying to you being accused of having ‘an agenda’ - hence my post began, ‘you don’t have an agenda’.

If you read it back within this context it will make sense.

Saying my Greenwood, ‘I hope they turn it around and manage to have a happy life’ post reads well but is not connected to reality isn’t true or fair - neither is calling it ‘sinister’.

I personally try to have empathy as much as possible and also hope for realistic best outcomes in situations where suffering and / or upset is clearly present.

In Greenwood’s case, that is the best outcome, and I believe a realistic one, though maybe I’ll be wrong.

The media silence from him and his partner was quite obviously strongly suggested / enforced by Utd, hence literally the moment they’ve parted ways with Utd both Mason and H are immediately posting freely on social media. It’s not fair to hold that (the media silence) against them when it’s obviously something they were told to do.

Viewing everything through the lens of absolute cynicism is less connected to reality than thinking ‘that’s shit but I hope it improves a bit’ - on any situation.

They’ve had a baby and for me I don’t instantly think ‘oh they’ve done that to try and manipulate the media narrative’, that to me is a troubling and sinister outlook.

I don’t view Greenwood as some kind of mastermind manipulator - I view him as a fecking idiot kid tbh, same as the guy I was born to actually.

And I hope that Greenwood sees his little baby and realises, ‘this little being needs me and always will, I have a chance to build a great life here in this situation, I have a chance to be a gentle and loving Dad’ and does so… unlike the guy I was born to.

That’s my take on it - obviously it’s different to yours, but then my life has been different to yours and thus the lens I look through is my own and not yours.
Ah, the smiley was really convincing, fair enough.

Judging from his statements and the emotional video he's put out, I don't think you need to have a leap in logic to come to the conclusion that his head really isn't in the game of football at the moment. Clearly, he feels like he needs to sort this out before continuing with this cloud over him. It makes sense that it's a mutual decision.
Do you know Antony or something? What's your source?
No I just have the sense to realise that not everything the club does is wrong, and that they're against the players or anything, and that Antony has the sense to know himself that he wouldn't be able to perform well with this hanging over his head so he would naturally agree with the club giving him time off to sort this out.
opening Pandora’s box was always going to be a bad idea.

now didn’t Anthony came out this weekend on Brazilian tv against these allegations. Why we all thinking there’s only one side to the story? And he is morally guilty in some people mind?
women can be abusers too similarly to men.
What are you going on about? He's not suspended and United aren't assuming guilt. Antony is taking a leave of absence to deal with this, and that's sensible as it would probably get seriously in the way of his focus on football, and would be quite the (negative) distraction for United.
dare I say woke
You could dare, but it would paint you as a dumbass who doesn't understand the situation. So I would advise against it, personally.
So basically any random allegation now = suspension from club.

And then even if the allegation is dropped player should be sacked.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
It’s not suspension. He’s already in Brazil. So it’s more a case of “yes you can have time off to go and get this shit sorted”