Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

He’s taking time out to deal with this really serious situation. You think his head is going to be in playing football while he has this hanging over him? It’s the right decision all around and hopefully it gets resolved quickly.
Is he gonna take time off receiving his 250-300k a week salary as well ?
What's the deal with Thomas Partey?

Why have Arteta and Arsenal been allowed to play him with zero mention of it on Sky or TNT or The Athletic?
I know this is slightly off topic, but while Antony isnt here, letting Sancho play again whilst he still has the statement up, is another player power win against the manager, like what the club supposedly are trying to stamp out. Fergie rightly would have shoved him in reserves and sold him asap. TH should at least make him publically apologise for undermining him before having him back. Give Pellestri, Amad, Mount or Bruno game time if Sancho doesnt agree.
Crafton already saying how ETH will now have to get on the phone to Sancho and grovel. That man has a serious agenda against ETH. Everything we know about ETH suggests he’s going to leave him out of the next squad too.
Unrelated to the case, but Sancho has to start on Saturday, on the right. Gives him the perfect opportunity to show the world he was wronged.

Win win for ETH, and also if he does in fact play well it puts an instant end to the drama of the situation.
Eh, there is zero chance of him starting after what happened last week
Wonder how long he'll be out for. If he maintains his innocence and wants to aggressively fight it, makes sense to have a period away as it would be a hell of a distraction. These things can go on for a while though.
Excellent news, the club has acted quickly and positively. Probably a quick phone call telling him that the club didn’t need the same shitstorm as before and to stay in Brazil for now and go to the beach and enjoy himself, no cancel that just relax.
I’m a bit curious about why this is, not living in England. Wasn’t Mendy named in a similar legal situation? And why is it more important to not mention a guy that is charged and out on repeated bail as opposed to someone only accused of something?

He hasn't been charged with a crime. He's on bail from the police while the investigation continues.
So with Sancho in the bad books our only realistic options at RW are Bruno, Mount and Pellistri?

Fun times.
Huh last week you was one of the people asking why, and this is your words why should this cnut play and not Greenwood? And that was before 2 other women came forward so what's changed?

When I said that last week I had seen reports that the girl had posted damming evidence in the Brazilian media.

I had also seen people discussing some audio evidence

Since then I looked to see if there was any smoking gun evidence like the Greenwood case and I haven't see any. Have I missed something?

So basically with Greenwood immediate suspension made sense as there was a lot of evidence. With Antony I don't see any public evidence at all so surely every allegation of a footballer cant result in them being suspended from football for years.

Basically the situations are quite different.
It's probably just got to the point where he needs a break from playing as it will be a distraction to Antony himself and to the club. There's been too much noise around this directly from the women and Antony himself that it's probably for the best for all involved to have a break. Suppose the question would be for how long, as this probably won't be resolved soon.
You do not know there is no evidence, just because the Greenwood stuff leaked doesn't mean it doesn't exist for this case because it hasnt leaked, if anything this might mean there is evidence

No public evidence. Therefore nothing United could know about.

Every allegation can't result in a footballer losing years of their career as that is treating people as guilty from the outset.
Good that they have found a mutual agreement. This is a personal issue and needs to be resolved. And it is not the same situation as MG unless there are some recordings.

On football note. Have been pretty poor to be honest. Not Sanchol-level but still not good enough. Lot of energy and good defensivly but you need your wingers to produce.
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Good move by the club, we must act decisively and correctly when these arise.

A perhaps silver lining is, this will also improve us on the pitch because the lad is utter toilet.
When I said that last week I had seen reports that the girl had posted damming evidence in the Brazilian media.

I had also seen people discussing some audio evidence

Since then I looked to see if there was any smoking gun evidence like the Greenwood case and I haven't see any. Have I missed something?

So basically with Greenwood immediate suspension made sense as there was a lot of evidence. With Antony I don't see any public evidence at all so surely every allegation of a footballer cant result in them being suspended from football for years.

Basically the situations are quite different.
Up until Thursday you where saying it's looking worse and worse... So what's changed between then and now? Also mutual agreement on having time off isn't suspension.
If the women involved in this only wanted attention they could just have used social media, couldn’t they? Why involve the authorities and risk being sued and drag through a lot of controversy?

If both the Brazilian federation and now United have left Antony to defend himself something must have happened.

And also, since the allegations has been ever present a couple of years now something can’t be right.

Also, I do think the club has known this a long while but hoped that it would go away without any kind of fuzz. But the world today won’t work that way anymore.

I really think this will be another £80m down the drain…sadly.
Up until Thursday you where saying it's looking worse and worse... So what's changed between then and now? Also mutual agreement on having time off isn't suspension.

There was more evidence coming out. It was looking worse. But as I said since looking at those reports and everything there isn't anything near the likes of the MG situation.

Suspension, Mutual agreement. Doesn't really matter. If they are waiting for the police or court case to resolve this then it could likely take years.

That's a long time out.
Trial by media...not saying this is the right or wrong decision but this is just another mess to clean up.

Looks like the club are going to get hammered for everything they do on and off the pitch this fans we just need to take it on the chin and try to stay neutral.
Why have Women's Aid decided to put out a statement about Man Utd?? As if this is the only allegation of domestic abuse at the moment.

How come Arsenal have avoided coming under any scrutiny?
There was more evidence coming out. It was looking worse. But as I said since looking at those reports and everything there isn't anything near the likes of the MG situation.

Suspension, Mutual agreement. Doesn't really matter. If they are waiting for the police or court case to resolve this then it could likely take years.

That's a long time out.
How has it not got worse since your initial statement? He's been dropped by his national team and had multiple women come out about alleged abuse. If anything it's worse and Greenwood's situation shouldn't be the bench mark for when the club should or shouldn't take action.
I’ve found some of the comments here astonishing.

This isn’t a witch-hunt against your club for pity’s sake, this is a very serious criminal matter which needs to be calmly investigated and a process followed. In my opinion your club have acted swiftly in light of the new allegations and I don’t see how else they could’ve responded.

I’ve seen some posts implying conspiracies to hold your club down, victim blaming, criticism of Rachel Riley (!!).

I understand the anger and disappointment that this has happened again so soon with one of your own, but the allegations deserve to be addressed - not least for the player himself, to have the opportunity to clear his name if free from wrongdoing.

A little perspective perhaps; guys? Let the private process happen.
I’ve found some of the comments here astonishing.

This isn’t a witch-hunt against your club for pity’s sake, this is a very serious criminal matter which needs to be calmly investigated and a process followed. In my opinion your club have acted swiftly in light of the new allegations and I don’t see how else they could’ve responded.

I’ve seen some posts implying conspiracies to hold your club down, victim blaming, criticism of Rachel Riley (!!).

I understand the anger and disappointment that this has happened again so soon with one of your own, but the allegations deserve to be addressed - not least for the player himself, to have the opportunity to clear his name if free from wrongdoing.

A little perspective perhaps; guys? Let the private process happen.
It is the right the to do, but let's hope other clubs come under the same scrutiny in the future. Somehow I doubt it.
I’ve found some of the comments here astonishing.

This isn’t a witch-hunt against your club for pity’s sake, this is a very serious criminal matter which needs to be calmly investigated and a process followed. In my opinion your club have acted swiftly in light of the new allegations and I don’t see how else they could’ve responded.

I’ve seen some posts implying conspiracies to hold your club down, victim blaming, criticism of Rachel Riley (!!).

I understand the anger and disappointment that this has happened again so soon with one of your own, but the allegations deserve to be addressed - not least for the player himself, to have the opportunity to clear his name if free from wrongdoing.

A little perspective perhaps; guys? Let the private process happen.

Good post.

I think the Partey case has frustrated many in how Arsenal have not bothered dealing with it but there’s a media blackout and zero criticism levelled. That’s fuelled the being treated differently angle.

That said United acted quickly to suspend Greenwood and now a leave of absence for Antony.

Would sooner the club act like this than do nothing and ignore it.
This club's a joke, once again bowing to trial by social media and appeasing the cancel culture brigade. I bet Getafe are licking their lips.
Oh give it a rest ffs. Cancel culture brigade :rolleyes:

He's been rightfully given time off to sort this out. Do you really think he would've been in any kind of decent head space to play football right now? He would be a liability on the pitch with everything going on.
I’ve found some of the comments here astonishing.

This isn’t a witch-hunt against your club for pity’s sake, this is a very serious criminal matter which needs to be calmly investigated and a process followed. In my opinion your club have acted swiftly in light of the new allegations and I don’t see how else they could’ve responded.

I’ve seen some posts implying conspiracies to hold your club down, victim blaming, criticism of Rachel Riley (!!).

I understand the anger and disappointment that this has happened again so soon with one of your own, but the allegations deserve to be addressed - not least for the player himself, to have the opportunity to clear his name if free from wrongdoing.

A little perspective perhaps; guys? Let the private process happen.

Seems to be a very polarizing subject. Some would call that astonishing in itself (I wouldn't disagree).

Anyway, the club could have acted more swiftly (yes, I'm being extremely critical but I honestly don't think they deserve to be cut much slack at the moment) given that it was inevitable how this thing would play out.
Is he gonna take time off receiving his 250-300k a week salary as well ?

probably but unfortunately not much anyone can do about that as he will be protected under his contract. It’s a major life incidence so it will have to be dealt with. Not really something you can just brush under the carpet is it ? It’s real life and some things are bigger than football.