Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

I said “ruining his life would more likely…”.

Forget the semantics and think about the grammar. I didn’t say anyone was ruining or destroying his life. I said it would (hypothetical). I’d have used will if I thought that was what was happening.
An irrelevant point, unless you thought it was happening. And yes still ignored the rest of the first post. Still waiting. Suspect I will be waiting for a while.
So he did an interview with the Brazilian equivalent of TMZ... Claims that one of the women fell in the bathroom and injured her breast that way. Isn't this the abuser's version of "the dog ate my homework"?
An irrelevant point, unless you thought it was happening. And yes still ignored the rest of the first post. Still waiting. Suspect I will be waiting for a while.

No it’s not. Some people wanted him ruined. They wanted him locked up, or at least thrown out of football.

There was no “rest of the post” as far as I saw. You just posted incorrect about semantics because you didn’t understand the difference between a real and a hypothetical sentence.
If he has the proof then fair enough. He’s digging an incredible hole for himself if he doesn’t
That's the thing for me. I know it's not really fair to think like this, but when you see what sort of person he is on the pitch, you find it really difficult to believe he remained calm or didn't speak, like he claims, in some of those situations.

You have to resist the temptation to think like that. An example would ironically be Greenwood, who on the pitch was usually so calm to the point of appearing timid, and look what he did in that video. What you see in public cannot be used to assess what the person does in private, whether it's good or bad.
People are mostly connecting his on pitch aggression with him probably being a domestic abuser.

First of all, there no basis at all to relate these 2 points, a lot of counter examples to prove that on pitch aggression != abusive nature at home.

Regarding his claims, this is turning into the amber heard Johnny depp saga were it an abusive relationship at core , and from both sides.
Like the example, it’ll be tried in the court of public opinion as there is not any hard evidence being released, story/ narrative/ perception game on both sides. We can never know what’s the real truth, because it’s completely contradicting set of stories.

A message to muppets:
Some of the reaction in groups seem to be fuelled by people feeling Antony is a bad player for united.
I agree with that myself, but we shouldn’t let that bias come into picture someone’s life is on the line.
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I’m starting to believe Antony is landing himself into deeper waters with that interview. Easier to control the narrative when telling the story but not when you’re defending punches. It’s one of those moments silence does a whole good and take the bruises.

Oh boy.. Let’s say he is innocent, in what world does he come out of this with his reputation intact. He was present at all those instances but just took different actions to what he is being accused.

I’m of the suspicion the club okayed this interview because they want to shift the matter away from the club. This is what happens when one doesn’t trust the club one supports.
The club set a dangerous precedent by exiling Greenwood while nevertheless claiming his innocence. To be coherent, now any player who is accused of wrongdoing by a social media mob has to receive similar treatment, even if falsely accused. I'm not at all saying I know whether Antony is guilty or not, but a single or even multiple accusations should not be enough cause to have a player punished until the facts are examined in a court of law (which is the only place where details will be examined neutrally, and with enough scrutiny to tell us what is most likely to be the truth). If only public pressure matters, while truth (plus institutions seeking truth) counts for little, that is not a manageable or desirable way of running an organisation (or society for that matter).
Let us be absolutely clear about one thing: Antony was not -and neither was Greenwood for that matter- 'accused of wrongdoing by a social media mob'.
He was accused of assault by three specific women, via radio/TV/newspaper media interviews and to the police.

This is already a very complicated discussion, at least not get the most basic facts wrong from the beginning.
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Any idea how long a case like this would take to get resolved? ie either thrown out or he gets arrested?

It could go on weeks or months before he is even charged if he is arrested and bailed. I'm surprised he hasn't even been questioned yet? Unless I missed it, which hints to me this isn't perhaps as obvious as the interviews are lead to believed. If there is enough evidence to back up the claims then I can't see why he hasn't been brought in yet.
Guardian sank down to the gutter with the rest long ago because it’s where the money is.
I don't think the Guardian have ever been implicated in any phone hacking cases, nor do they report on celebrity gossip, include pictures of tits (worse luck), work at the behest of Tory paymasters, or seek to divide communities through inciting hatred. Seems a bit harsh to lump them in with the likes of the Mail or the Sun.
I don't think the Guardian have ever been implicated in any phone hacking cases, nor do they report on celebrity gossip, include pictures of tits (worse luck), work at the behest of Tory paymasters, or seek to divide communities through inciting hatred. Seems a bit harsh to lump them in with the likes of the Mail or the Sun.

No they just like to draw cartoons to cause offence
Do they really 'like' to do that? Or are you talking about an isolated incident where one cartoonist's caricature was not well thought out. And if so, are you equating that to hacking the phone of a dead girl?
Ok, correction if it makes you feel better: They have drawn some offensive cartoons. But that's ok because they don't have a celebrity section. Sorry it must upset you that no newspaper is perfect, not even the guardian.

When did I even imply that in the slightest? Get a grip. Piss poor to use that as a defence.
Ok, correction if it makes you feel better: They have drawn some offensive cartoons. But that's ok because they don't have a celebrity section. Sorry it must upset you that no newspaper is perfect, not even the guardian.

When did I even imply that in the slightest? Get a grip. Piss poor to use that as a defence.
You implied it in your initial reply to my first post on the topic - keep up.
Did a bit of digging and seen that Ingrid Lana has a bit of previous, went to the press about someone else a couple of years ago, but they didn't print it as they thought it seemed like a setup.
Haven't read this full thread, anyone else brought that up in here yet?
He’s probably seen what’s happened with the Greenwood situation and thought, ‘feck that, I’m not gonna let the media control the narrative’.

Who knows if that’s the right or wrong thing to do, but IF someone were innocent of such accusations it would be very hard to sit there and watch the media and rabid social media Karens take over the situation.

But again, I don’t think him speaking out or staying silent should have any sway on people’s opinions.

I don’t think people should even have an opinion until the legal process has been completed or abandoned. It’s ludicrous.

These kind of cases turn the issues into a repulsive soap opera / Jeremy Kyle type scenario where the audience bleats and boos and jeers and cheers and the serious issues are bastardised and warped into entertainment.

It’s pathetic.

In this thread and the Greenwood case the amount of times I’ve read people say, ‘I need to hear an explanation’, ‘until I have it explained to me why this was said’ etc - and it’s like, you have nothing to do with this, nor do I. You are not owed any explanation or information other than the legal outcome. You can then either accept that, or essentially sink into gossip and conspiracy.

I find it completely insane that people can’t grasp this.

Great post!

From what I can see reading X and this site is that a part of the most vocal and aggressive so called supporters is trying to turn this tragedy into a black and white ending where the best outcome seems to be to send him away.

From a personal point of view I have a couple of times visit his childhood neighborhoods. One of my daughters works and live in Cotia so I think I know where he’s coming from and all the struggle that follows with growing up in a tough environment. My experience living with a Brazilian wife is that most Latin men/women is more passionate, more intense and outspoken than we see in our part of the world. That’s the charm with living with such a person and when we have our “fights” one of us has to be forgiving and take a step back to make it work.

It looks like Antony and the woman who accuses him was two immature and verbally aggressive personalities. In a toxic relationship with too much passion and jealousy things can quickly go wrong. Not to mention eventual financial agendas… That doesn’t exclude anyone’s responsibility but maybe we should be more careful before we accuse or hold a strong opinions who’s most guilty.

If the legal outcome will be not guilty or just guilty of minor charges it’s clear that young Antony needs some anger management counseling. He needs to learn to handle his impulse control and know when to take a step back and when to move forward. That takes time and comes with experience.

If he’s found not guilty we as supporters and the club has two choices. Either support him (and give him our love) under the condition that he’s willing to rehabilitate himself to a better man and partner or just abandon him.

Regardless of social media and opinions from the outside world United simply can’t continue the same road as they did with Mason.
Did a bit of digging and seen that Ingrid Lana has a bit of previous, went to the press about someone else a couple of years ago, but they didn't print it as they thought it seemed like a setup.
Haven't read this full thread, anyone else brought that up in here yet?
Any links to this previous situation?
He really is a confident fecker isn't? Showing up on television, the way he talks oozes arrogance and confidence. Different as night and day compared to Prince Andrew's.
The breast implant issue was quite interesting.
He really is a confident fecker isn't? Showing up on television, the way he talks oozes arrogance and confidence. Different as night and day compared to Prince Andrew's.
The breast implant issue was quite interesting.
He talks like he knows there's no audio/video evidence. I'm more curious about him rushing to do the interview specifically addressing one person's accusations when there's two more coming out this weekend.
Not all. I'm a bit busy. I've said nobody should be suspended on mere allegations. Is that enough for you?

I just don't like the use of certain language towards alleged victims. Sorry if that offends you.

Do you interrogate in all directions?

Edit - no need to answer, your posts and warnings on Greenwood are not exactly balanced or sympathetic to the formerly alleged victim there either. You're quite the charmer.
Nah. You defend what suits your agenda. You are just one of the social media pitchfork brigade. Of course you are busy for certain things and not for others. Also please keep your petty sarcasm to yourself. Cheers.
Men should standing up against women trying to take advantage of men, Some women have gotten away with falsely accusing men and that ain't fair.

I'm not saying this case is that but the General assumption once a case like this is brought public is that the man is guilty.

Antony is innocent until proven other wise, the Club shouldn't suspend him.
Did a bit of digging and seen that Ingrid Lana has a bit of previous, went to the press about someone else a couple of years ago, but they didn't print it as they thought it seemed like a setup.
Haven't read this full thread, anyone else brought that up in here yet?

That's the worry. This stuff happens a ton too. Then trials, prelim, etc...can take forever.

It's hard to take away a livelihood with out certainty. What a shite show. (of course if he did these horrific things i hope he ends up behind bars).
He talks like he knows there's no audio/video evidence. I'm more curious about him rushing to do the interview specifically addressing one person's accusations when there's two more coming out this weekend.

If there are no audio/video evidence then it's hard to deliver a verdict. I don't think the other two ladies have audio or video evidence to back up their claims. One did filed a complaint to police, but let's see. Innocent until proven guilty.
If there are no audio/video evidence then it's hard to deliver a verdict. I don't think the other two ladies have audio or video evidence to back up their claims. One did filed a complaint to police, but let's see. Innocent until proven guilty.

How do you prove domestic violence when there is physical trauma but there is no recorded proof audio of video? For every Amber Heard case there's a dozen actual victims who've got no recourse. It's an awful situation for the victims and a challenging one for the legal system.

"Innocent until proven guilty" is as antiquated and barbaric here as sharia law. In fact, quite ironically the kind of burden of proof some are expecting here of the women is the very same that the Saudis do for women. It heavily heavily favors the men whether adultery or violence.

I don't know or have any ideas to make it better but certainly being steadfast in the old ways of addressing it is the worst thing that could happen.
Nah. You defend what suits your agenda. You are just one of the social media pitchfork brigade. Of course you are busy for certain things and not for others. Also please keep your petty sarcasm to yourself. Cheers.

If you're going to start throwing accusations about then back them up. So what's my agenda?

Social media pitchfork brigade? That's nonsensical word salad, my only participation in social media is pretty pictures of the countryside. But hey why let facts colour your opinion?

Petty sarcasm is the only way to let me indicate what I think of the posts I read back and saw without breaching the site rules. So petty sarcasm it is, you absolutely delightful renaissance man. X
He really is a confident fecker isn't? Showing up on television, the way he talks oozes arrogance and confidence. Different as night and day compared to Prince Andrew's.
The breast implant issue was quite interesting.

He might be telling the truth. Or really believe his own perspective.
How do you prove domestic violence when there is physical trauma but there is no recorded proof audio of video? For every Amber Heard case there's a dozen actual victims who've got no recourse. It's an awful situation for the victims and a challenging one for the legal system.

"Innocent until proven guilty" is as antiquated and barbaric here as sharia law. In fact, quite ironically the kind of burden of proof some are expecting here of the women is the very same that the Saudis do for women. It heavily heavily favors the men whether adultery or violence.

I don't know or have any ideas to make it better but certainly being steadfast in the old ways of addressing it is the worst thing that could happen.
Agreed. The problem with that saying is that then everyone who can f.ex pay themself out of legal consequences is innocent.

Or anyone who is corrupt enough to avoid a verdict is innocent.
He really is a confident fecker isn't? Showing up on television, the way he talks oozes arrogance and confidence. Different as night and day compared to Prince Andrew's.
The breast implant issue was quite interesting.

He seems genuinely adamant that what he’s saying is the truth. Curious to see where this goes after all of this. If things really did happen as he is being accused of, you would think he might opt to remain silent and say nothing rather than give these public denials.
Has happened to pro athletes in the States. But as always its super hard to prove and for sure you need to take everything seriously and investigate. The truth may never come out of course.

Maybe I should not have said 'a ton', sorry for that.
Yes it does happen. I only reacted because compared to women actually being abused by men it almost does not happens at all.

Its really sad when it does actually happens thought, not only for the person who is falsely accused, but also for all the other women who will have a harder time being belived in real cases.
How do you prove domestic violence when there is physical trauma but there is no recorded proof audio of video? For every Amber Heard case there's a dozen actual victims who've got no recourse. It's an awful situation for the victims and a challenging one for the legal system.

"Innocent until proven guilty" is as antiquated and barbaric here as sharia law. In fact, quite ironically the kind of burden of proof some are expecting here of the women is the very same that the Saudis do for women. It heavily heavily favors the men whether adultery or violence.

I don't know or have any ideas to make it better but certainly being steadfast in the old ways of addressing it is the worst thing that could happen.

How can you call it antiquated while conceding that there isn't a better standard that exists?
He seems genuinely adamant that what he’s saying is the truth. Curious to see where this goes after all of this. If things really did happen as he is being accused of, you would think he might opt to remain silent and say nothing rather than give these public denials.

Not sure how that logic works "he's innocent because he says he is"?

His accusers seem pretty adamant too that he's guilty