Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

What the feck.. just get to know multiple women has accused Antony for physical assault now... its not looking good at all isn't it? Could turn out even worst than Greenwood situation by the looks of it..

I think we should prepare for the worst outcome.
I’ve already accepted he’ll be innocent and return to action next week.
We should go back to the basic principle of innocent until proven guilty here or some other sort of reasonable balance. Let Antony go through the investigation process and if the authorities charge him, the club should suspend him (if permitted by contract) pending a conviction/acquittal. If mere allegations are enough to require clubs to suspend their players, then might there be a floodgate of easy suspensions just because allegations are made against players of not just United but also other clubs?

Innocent until proven guilty is about going to prison or not. It is not about being suspended from the team. For example, Sancho is out of the team and he is not accused by anyone of beating them up and of course, he is not going to prison.
Fecking hell. At the very least I think the club should take him out of sight for a few weeks after the international break. Regardless of a charge or not, there’s no way he can be mentally in a fit state to play when there’s so much going on and new stuff continuing to come out.
I agree. If he’s guilty it’s the best thing to do. If he’s innocent it’s also the best thing to do. So it’s the only thing to do. Give him time off. If he gets charged then turn it into a suspension
Innocent until proven guilty is about going to prison or not. It is not about being suspended from the team. For example, Sancho is out of the team and he is not accused by anyone of beating them up and of course, he is not going to prison.
Like it or not, being suspended by the club is seen on social media as a declaration of guilt. Women know it only needs an accusation to destroy a man’s career and life - and make money in the process. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it has happened before.
Fecking hell. At the very least I think the club should take him out of sight for a few weeks after the international break. Regardless of a charge or not, there’s no way he can be mentally in a fit state to play when there’s so much going on and new stuff continuing to come out.
Pray tell how far worse actual charges have affected Partey?
Like it or not, being suspended by the club is seen on social media as a declaration of guilt. Women know it only needs an accusation to destroy a man’s career and life - and make money in the process. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it has happened before.
People have feigned their own deaths too. But it’s so uncommon that that’s not the first thought when someone dies. I think I recall one player who was the victim of a blackmail plot involving a girl who turned out to be underage. At the heart of that was a gang of predominantly men.

Pretty much every instance where accusations have increased by multiple women. It’s always usually meant the person was guilty and a serial offender.

If this is plot to get money out of Antony. 1) it will be very rare and not indicative of previous cases. 2) based on what I know about brazil, it will be criminal gangs using women.
Guess we’ll have to wait till redcucumber decides there’s enough women coming forward before we can suggest anything. Double figures get you thinking there might actually be something up?
The sad thing is, if these are women looking for attention or revenge more will come forward.
If these are genuine victims, there likely could be more too.
Like it or not, being suspended by the club is seen on social media as a declaration of guilt. Women know it only needs an accusation to destroy a man’s career and life - and make money in the process. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it has happened before.
Nice post this. Do you happen to post on Twitter too?
3 women already made accusations, I guess they're all out to get Antony's money, right?
Like it or not, being suspended by the club is seen on social media as a declaration of guilt. Women know it only needs an accusation to destroy a man’s career and life - and make money in the process. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it has happened before.
That's definitely the most likely case here, 3 separate women lodged complaints spanning over a year, they must have met up online and decided to do it together!
That's definitely the most likely case here, 3 separate women lodged complaints spanning over a year, they must have met up online and decided to do it together!
Happened to Mendy did it not?
Nice post this. Do you happen to post on Twitter too?
3 women already made accusations, I guess they're all out to get Antony's money, right?
Did you forget to read the last sentence of my post? It wasn’t a long post, it only had 3 sentences. Just for clarity, I’ll repeat it.

“I’M NOT SAYING THAT’S THE CASE HERE, but it has happened before.”

I hope that helps.
If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. This guy must be the worst signing United has done ever considering performance, stats and behaviour of pitch contra all that money spent. It’s sad you don’t are allowed to return him with some kind of warranty.
I repeat, it's definitely the most likely case. I mean it happened to 1 other person recently, right?
You posted as if it’s an outlandish concept when it literally happened not that long ago.
We can pretend it doesn’t happen if you want?
Guess we’ll have to wait till redcucumber decides there’s enough women coming forward before we can suggest anything. Double figures get you thinking there might actually be something up?
Popped in here and some of the posts are.. As you say scary.. So I'll do the same thing as you and avoid it not to get sick from some of the comments.
What is the logic to suggesting we sack him now and assume guilt? Is there literally any advantage over allowing the situation to unfold through the proper legal channels? I find it really odd. Is it because people need instant gratification or something? What's even weirder is that advocating due process incites either direct or sly, Randall-from-Recess style accusations of being an incel. There's so much toxic, reactionary and divisive spiel. The discource all feels very American in how it plays out.
That's definitely the most likely case here, 3 separate women lodged complaints spanning over a year, they must have met up online and decided to do it together!
Another one who completely failed to read or understand the last sentence of my post.

What do you think “I’m not saying that’s the case here” means??
Did you forget to read the last sentence of my post? It wasn’t a long post, it only had 3 sentences. Just for clarity, I’ll repeat it.

“I’M NOT SAYING THAT’S THE CASE HERE, but it has happened before.”

I hope that helps.
It helps sure. Your posts just look like those random X posts about something needs to be done to stop those women who are out there to destroy men's careers and lives.
Did you forget to read the last sentence of my post? It wasn’t a long post, it only had 3 sentences. Just for clarity, I’ll repeat it.

“I’M NOT SAYING THAT’S THE CASE HERE, but it has happened before.”

I hope that helps.
But compared to domestic abuse, and i would take a wild guess here, and say it happens not even in a 1/100 000 ratio.
So it seems like a unnecessary and strange angle to view it from.

If you are not saying that was the case there, why bring it up?
Is it even possible for the club to access police records in Brazil? I don't recall any media finding that out either. I'm sure there are limits to our abilities to do background checks taking into account a victim's right to privacy.
This is Manchester United. Like it or not, every news story is going to be amplified far greater than it would for a player from any other club. This comes with building up such a huge brand with icons and enjoying success in past years.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise the way the Greenwood incident grew and now this with Antony. It may not feel fair in comparison to other examples, such as Partey continuing to play at Arsenal, but visual evidence being released into the public domain is damning. Along with multiple women now coming forward, it doesn't seem like an allegation that can be brushed away, especially in Brazil.

I can't see a way that Antony plays for United whilst these allegations are open and ongoing. Should be suspended.
You posted as if it’s an outlandish concept when it literally happened not that long ago.
We can pretend it doesn’t happen if you want?
It is an outlandish concept, if you actually consider how likely it is vs the stuff actually happening. Both scenarios do not have to be given the same level of probability, just because you can find an example of one of them somewhere.
It would require a lot of mental gymnastics to come up with reasons why multiple seemingly unrelated women would speak up against Antony's behaviour at a time when the veracity of one alleged victim is questioned. I would still defer to the results of the investigation in case this is indeed some far fetched concocted scheme to profit off a potential payout, but I highly highly doubt that's the case anymore. Statistically speaking, multiple alleged victims speaking up is far more likely to indicate the uncomfortably obvious conclusion that Antony is indeed such a person - and that this behaviour is a pattern. It is difficult to stay neutral and not lean towards believing the accusers.

It's a horrible, sinking, feeling. Given the Greenwood situation, the Geoff Konopka invitation and now Antony, the whole club feels like one soulless, grotesque entity that makes me uneasy by association.
Pretty much this.
Considering the amount of money being invested in these players, I always thought this is standard procedure!

Yes, there is certainly some level of due diligence here, but not to the extent of digging into prior romantic relationships, that would be too invasive, and in this case in particular, none of it were known until it come out when the women went public, maybe the Jan 2023 incident the club might've been aware but that was well after Antony was signed.

Complete agree it’s unreasonable for the club to have any prior knowledge of anything that’s not been reported.

The latter part though, I’d say that’s due diligence for any club to do some digging around / character references to see how the player lives his life etc. There’s always stories if you dig deep enough should someone be an utter ****.

A club can’t be held accountable though when signing someone if they have done all their due diligence, the player has no history of violence, lives their life like a complete role model etc and something like this pops up.

whether the accusations are true or not is another matter and I’m sitting in the fence on this. Innocent until proven guilty and not ‘guilty by social media’

On the bolded, yes, we all know there is certain level of due diligence and checking that is done, if Antony behaves/behaved professionally during his time with Brazil NT, Sao Paolo & Ajax (Ten Hag was his coach at Ajax so he would know what's Antony's character like), as in being punctual, train properly and works hard, not known for partying or going to night clubs, not instigating fights with the teammates, not known for being an alcoholic or a drugs addict (I am assuming he is all that and the club has checked all that) and of course he does not have a criminal record anywhere (Brazil, Netherlands, etc...), and with all that, I do not expect any club to go beyond that in terms of due diligence, especially digging into the player's personal relationships with partners, parents or relatives, that would be too invasive on the player's right to privacy.

Again, to be clear, I am referring to what the club could have known about Antony before signing him in Sept 2022, however, the incident in Jan 2023 (the doctor visit), I have my doubts and there is a chance the club knew something then.
Might be misremembering, but for some reason I do feel like I remember these sorts of stories were circling when we signed him, or near enough right after. It was out there.

It's staggering how little we appear to check the background on players before offering massive transfer fees and wages.

For Antony, Greenwood and Sancho, the signs were that they might not have the most reliable behaviour.
There was a police report 3 months before we signed him tbf, probably should have known about that

how though? the police report was in Brazil, and it did not amount to anything, and it was not public, do you expect the club to go to every police station and ask if there is any police report on Antony (or a potential signing?)
Would you have to declare something like being involved in a police investigation before signing a contract?
It's staggering how little we appear to check the background on players before offering massive transfer fees and wages.

For Antony, Greenwood and Sancho, the signs were that they might not have the most reliable behaviour.
The Sancho one isn't quite the same thing. For as bad as his behavior was in training, he was almost out producing practically everyone in the Bundesliga.
So wait, one of the "fresh accusations" from "new alleged victims" is that they've found a police report from May -22 where he was accused of something? A police report that presumably didn't lead to a charge?
Ok I give up.

This thread is just full of everyone I don't think your original point was anything outlandish or particularly offending. Anyone should be allowed to put forward a view at this stage it's a football forum its not that deep!

A quick google of Neymar will show he has a past of alleged rape charges against him too, which he was later cleared.
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