Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

For Christ’s sake, how about innocent until proven guilty? If he’s found guilty then drop him, otherwise you will have half the premier league being dropped. Ivan Toney wasn’t dropped until found guilty of his betting offences.

Domestic violence is a bit different than placing some shady bets.
Not great by any means…but there has to be a case for innocent until proven guilty.

United can’t be the only club who are expected to suspend players the second any allegations are made.

I was never interested enough to read up on Thomas Partey, but if there are any Arsenal fans who would like to explain what their club did during that case, I’d be interested to hear. (No hating or point scoring just asking)
Too much victim blaming again.

Our club and once proud support becomes just a little bit more toxic. How depressing.
What’s depressing is posts like this. Self righteous bullshit. You don’t know the facts and you have no idea what happened.
if he’s guilty then absolutely, get rid of him.
The club needs to be careful not to set a precedent that any accusation equals suspension.

They certainly don't have enough information to take any action yet. Keep him playing until he's at least charged.
Fergie placed a lot of value in knowing a players character before signing them. Small businesses to large companies all assess the people they hire without it being minority report level, its simple basic common sense to hire people who fit the ethos a business or company hopes to attain.
Many companies use DISC profiling and emotional intelligence, both of which are absolute horseshit, either which way how do you think this would have helped with the Antony situation? you think they could have predicted he was going to beat up his girlfriend (allegedly?) really you believe that any sort of profiling is going to prevent this.... honestly ridiculous
For Christ’s sake, how about innocent until proven guilty? If he’s found guilty then drop him, otherwise you will have half the premier league being dropped. Ivan Toney wasn’t dropped until found guilty of his betting offences.
Exactly. Release some statement about how the club is aware of allegations and will cooperate with any ongoing investigations, and in the meantime will make no further comments as this is an ongoing matter, yada yada yada.
Domestic violence is a bit different than placing some shady bets.
Of course it is, but it’s a crime nonetheless, and against the code of conduct of the club and league, so parallels can still be drawn.
If we go down this route of cancelling people before they’ve even been found guilty, you could have all sorts of people coming out of the woodwork to accuse a player who has done nothing wrong.
Exactly. Release some statement about how the club is aware of allegations and will cooperate with any ongoing investigations, and in the meantime will make no further comments as this is an ongoing matter, yada yada yada.

Far too logical. Better to be silent and wait for the media storm to intensify.
Exactly. Release some statement about how the club is aware of allegations and will cooperate with any ongoing investigations, and in the meantime will make no further comments as this is an ongoing matter, yada yada yada.
Yep. Unfortunately United's knack for avoiding to handle a situation will once again be our undoing. Absolute bunch of indecisive feckwits.
I had been dreading reading up on the Antony situation, I did not want to find another player involved in something inexcusable and undeniable.

It has to be said that the evidence in Anthony's case seems far more inconclusive. Yes there are allegations, yes there are photos and texts, but it is still a he said, she said. The only thing that seems certain is that they were in a toxic and abusive relationship. Statistically, the alleged victim is far more likely to be telling the truth, but the timing and nature of the claims as well as the inconclusive evidence leaves room for doubt.

I'm not sure what's worse, him being targeted by the alleged victim for an opportunistic payout in the current context, or him actually being guilty but never being legally found so and squashing a legitimate cry for help as a result.

Either way, the club should have foreseen and prevented such a situation from developing before they signed an asset for such a huge price. But expecting any form of competence in the club's part is idiotic on my end.

All good points except I think it’s hardly fair to blame the club for not knowing what Antony may or may not be like in his domestic life. There’s due diligence and getting to know the character of a player but some things you can’t account for surely?
How can they foresee that? Have they got some sort of crystal ball?
Exactly, and what if a player is young and single and yet to be in a serious relationship that could turn sour? There is no track record to go by
My opinion on criminal cases against players should be as follows:

1. the accused is allowed to be a member of the team until he is formally charged.

2. Once formally charged the players is suspended without pay until the legal matter plays itself out.

3. We respect the courts decision. If he is found guilty he is automatically terminated (this needs to be put in player contracts if it isn’t already). If he is found not guilty or the charges are dropped he is free to rejoin the team.

we place a high importance on the judicial system and they should be the ones who dictate what we do as a club. Not your feelings, opinions or twitter.
The respecting the court's decision stuff is too simplistic. There's lots of stuff that is entirely legal, but morally awful and worthy of suspension/removal.
I don't think we're allowed to use that name, but clearly one club understands how fleet street works, and the other does not.
We can't say his name?! He plays in the fecking PL every week to this day. Are they allowed to say his name on MOTD or is it also prohibited on there? Good lord. What have we become.
The respecting the court's decision stuff is too simplistic. There's lots of stuff that is entirely legal, but morally awful and worthy of suspension/removal.
In this instance, the argument that Antony should be suspended/removed is absolutely insane. Unless there's extremely compelling evidence I've missed.
My opinion on criminal cases against players should be as follows:

1. the accused is allowed to be a member of the team until he is formally charged.

2. Once formally charged the players is suspended without pay until the legal matter plays itself out.

3. We respect the courts decision. If he is found guilty he is automatically terminated (this needs to be put in player contracts if it isn’t already). If he is found not guilty or the charges are dropped he is free to rejoin the team.

we place a high importance on the judicial system and they should be the ones who dictate what we do as a club. Not your feelings, opinions or twitter.

Can't agree on the suspension without pay part, too open for abuse.

The question I have relative to what you have mentioned is why on earth arent we already vetting players and/or have better policies in place. Im assuming of course we dont which isnt the greatest approach I know.

The thing is that issues such as domestic abuse have been known about for a very long time and social media has been with us for a long time now as well. There is no place to hide anymore so I would hope that our players are attending internal or even external courses relating to on field and off field behaviours. Because we are a massively well known club and in the public eye every day and night we really should have been on the front foot with respect to social responsibilities for decades now. Maybe we already are doing these things but the current indicators make it look like we havent been or arent.

I think it raises a few concern about privacy and a few other domains (see drugs tests for employees), I'd be wary giving employers such a mandate over "morality issues". Yes of course high level football arguably do come with a lot of exposure and public image management and players are already strictly regimented on a variety of issues.

Would you let your employer drop at your home to probe your life, given the same prerogatives as some public servants in very specific, generally heavily regulated cases ?

In the case of someone being an abuser, there might be outside signs of it, there might be not... and often they only really make sense in retrospect. If the allegations are true, it's not a given anyone at Ajax really could have known about it. And beyond kindly requesting Ajax about their assessment (which will be honest as far as not scuttling a massive deal) or asking informally to friends there I don't know how deep United could really go.
We can't say his name?! He plays in the fecking PL every week to this day. Are they allowed to say his name on MOTD or is it also prohibited on there? Good lord. What have we become.

Just not in relation to allegations I think? I'm not sure. There was something about it in the Greenwood thread a while back.
Yeah but over the police and an actual investigation? Who is she saying should call them in?
I'm pretty sure she means if United do an investigation of their own. Which makes complete sense instead of having a football club director running an investigation independently.
Jeez….. this season. What next?

Do you really want to know? Personally I'm hoping for a nice Christmas period with some good results and no scandals. Judging from how this season has started, it is more likely we've lost half the squad to injuries, morale issues or various criminal allegations - but one can hope.
We can't say his name?! He plays in the fecking PL every week to this day. Are they allowed to say his name on MOTD or is it also prohibited on there? Good lord. What have we become.

Just not in relation to allegations I think? I'm not sure. There was something about it in the Greenwood thread a while back.

Technically the individual has never been named or identified publicly (though we know he plays for a North London club and missed international games at certain dates etc) and his anonymity is part of the confidentiality of investigation. So it's potentially defamatory to associate that player with those allegations at this point.
There is very little doubt it is him that is being looked into by authorities.
Yes it is unfair that confidentiality is only very imperfectly applied across the board often because of actions outside of the control of authorities, but it is what it is.
Quality control
Don't mean to make fun of a very serious situation, but as a selfish United fan – tell me if you haven't wished that we'd lose the likes of Maguire or Sancho, to such scandals, instead of critical players like Greenwood and Antony :)
No the issue is that she is using her platform to single out people who have NOT been proven guilty. Sorry if he’s found guilty by all means she along with everyone else has a right to vilify him but otherwise it’s abhorrent. If he’s innocent then she’s used her platform to start a witch hunt, excuse me for thinking that the rule of law and the right to a day in court was a given in the UK. For someone like her of all people to take the moral high ground on anything is laughable. She allegedly left her husband for her dance partner. She can give me a break with her virtue signalling.

Yeah I know what you think, but she's nobody. Some of you are like Piers Morgan talking about an uppity woman in your outrage. She's not been as critical as Barney Ronay for example but you don't seem quite as frantic to express your rage at him. And what has it got to do with leaving her husband? Even the church have gotten over that silliness.
I'm pretty sure she means if United do an investigation of their own. Which makes complete sense instead of having a football club director running an investigation independently.
With what power though? It would be extremely limited in scope and it would be a legal minefield to act on a player when he isn’t found guilty of a crime.
It just isn’t possible or morally correct to supersede a criminal investigation
Can't agree on the suspension without pay part, too open for abuse.

I think it raises a few concern about privacy and a few other domains (see drugs tests for employees), I'd be wary giving employers such a mandate over "morality issues". Yes of course high level football arguably do come with a lot of exposure and public image management and players are already strictly regimented on a variety of issues.

Would you let your employer drop at your home to probe your life, given the same prerogatives as some public servants in very specific, generally heavily regulated cases ?

In the case of someone being an abuser, there might be outside signs of it, there might be not... and often they only really make sense in retrospect. If the allegations are true, it's not a given anyone at Ajax really could have known about it. And beyond kindly requesting Ajax about their assessment (which will be honest as far as not scuttling a massive deal) or asking informally to friends there I don't know how deep United could really go.
Fair points.
I however would hope that internally the club runs courses on the issues players will face being public figures. How to handle social media etc. Years ago I was working as an engineer for Phillips, this was in the 80s and we had internal courses on how to handle ourselves whilst on the job which covered everything from dealing with difficult customers to being respectful and representing the company well. Also had to attend defensive driving courses because I had a company car and conduct while on international work.
These things arent new and I am just amazed we find ourselves with 2 similar situations so close together especially given the clubs profile, players profiles and all that comes with being such well know entities. When we look back at all the issues Giggs had with his private life coming under the spotlight I really hope our players are getting good guidance from the club.
With what power though? It would be extremely limited in scope and it would be a legal minefield to act on a player when he isn’t found guilty of a crime.
It just isn’t possible or morally correct to supersede a criminal investigation

Are you questioning the legal acuity of a TV celebrity? Why? She obviously didn't give it any more thought than wanting to post a reaction.
antony = possibly out for a while due to accusations
greenwood = gone based on accusations
McT = injured
Shaw = Injured
Malacia = Injured
Amrabat = Injured
Sancho = out due to dispute with manager
Mount = injured
Maguire = still fecking here]
Diallo = injured
Mainoo = injured
Varane and Martinez? what's up with them?

Nice season we're having so far.
Yeah I know what you think, but she's nobody. Some of you are like Piers Morgan talking about an uppity woman in your outrage. She's not been as critical as Barney Ronay for example but you don't seem quite as frantic to express your rage at him. And what has it got to do with leaving her husband? Even the church have gotten over that silliness.
Its sadly predictable that some will focus on an uppity woman and not focus on the actual issue.
Just what vetting do you think can be undertaken? in order to get a work permit the club would be aware of any criminal proceedings or convictions, and if you think they don't do a background check beyond this I don't know what to say...

So what do a psychiatric profile and reject any player that might potentially have an increased risk of any criminal behaviour.... why not go full minority report?

There's no middle ground? Tackling domestic violence is step towards Minority report? Why is Rachel Riley of all people the one making ye so hysterical?

So many of these cases never get to the legal system or even reported. The overwhelming majority in fact.
Don't mean to make fun of a very serious situation, but as a selfish United fan – tell me if you haven't wished that we'd lose the likes of Maguire or Sancho, to such scandals, instead of critical players like Greenwood and Antony :)
How am I supposed to not report you for this?? Horrendous post, should be ashamed of yourself
antony = possibly out for a while due to accusations
greenwood = gone based on accusations
McT = injured
Shaw = Injured
Malacia = Injured
Amrabat = Injured
Sancho = out due to dispute with manager
Mount = injured
Maguire = still fecking here

Nice season we're having so far.
Mctominay isn’t injured. Neither is Amrabat. Antony hasn’t been suspended. Sancho is available. Mount should be fit in a few weeks. So 4 out of 9.
While I agree, I don't think the club should do anything unless there is a charge.

But it doesn't look good for Anthony. The pictures are not as shocking at the Greenwood case and obviously there is no tape, but the fact a doctor treated her after he allegedly headbutted her at the hotel does not look good.

A doctor's evidence would go a long way in court.
Are you questioning the legal acuity of a TV celebrity? Why? She obviously didn't give it any more thought than wanting to post a reaction.

Yeah there is definitely no way any women could actually care about domestic abuse!?
The respecting the court's decision stuff is too simplistic. There's lots of stuff that is entirely legal, but morally awful and worthy of suspension/removal.

When it comes to legal issues like these ones, simplistic and respecting the courts opinion is the only way.

I think I see where you’re coming from in terms of moral but non legal cases though as we’ve seen players refusing to wear rainbow armbands and the like. In cases like those I think it’s up to the teammates and his behaviour. If a player is openly being racist then yeah by all means get rid.
Fair points.
I however would hope that internally the club runs courses on the issues players will face being public figures. How to handle social media etc. Years ago I was working as an engineer for Phillips, this was in the 80s and we had internal courses on how to handle ourselves whilst on the job which covered everything from dealing with difficult customers to being respectful and representing the company well. Also had to attend defensive driving courses because I had a company car and conduct while on international work.
These things arent new and I am just amazed we find ourselves with 2 similar situations so close together especially given the clubs profile, players profiles and all that comes with being such well know entities. When we look back at all the issues Giggs had with his private life coming under the spotlight I really hope our players are getting good guidance from the club.

Yes, football clubs like to wax lyrical about their duty of care for players that have been with them since childhood (don't think too hard of all the kids that were discarded because they weren't good enough), it's probably fair we'd expect them to hold an actual education standard both for minors and their senior employees, provide the best accomodations to guide and help young adults, just like they have the best physio rooms, etc...

In the Antony case as I understand it there's currently two very salient issues for the club :
- The allegation a club doc was involved at one point patching up his partner after abuse.
- How has the club managed the past 4 months since they likely became aware Antony was possibly involved in legal jeopardy and the broad lines of what the allegations were.
There's no middle ground? Tackling domestic violence is step towards Minority report? Why is Rachel Riley of all people the one making ye so hysterical?

So many of these cases never get to the legal system or even reported. The overwhelming majority in fact.

Because many men feel threatened by intelligent women who expresses her own opinions.
With these allegations, there is a good possibility that the club have some knowledge of what did or didn't happen.

If there were accusations that the club doctors had to get involved to attend the injured party, this would have been verified already. It's difficult to imagine that the club would continue to play Antony if they believed it would blow back when it all came out.