Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

They wont obviously, but the club should show a bit of actual backbone this time and not do anything unless he's charged somewhere.

This is nothing like the Greenwood case with the player caught in the act at the very least saying awful things that threw the club into disrepute.

How long will the Brazilian police take to investigate this before charging or dropping it? Another saga running for years?

Yea but I don't think the club will risk a big PR issue until this is resolved. The club is already under the spotlight due to Greenwood plus the stuff with the Spanish women's manager means any kind of physical or sexual abuse towards women is going to be a huge topic of conversation (rightfully so I'm my opinion).

I'm usually a big supporter of innocent until proven guilty but regardless of the real situation I think Antony will be taken out of the firing line for a while.
But it's not a separate issue, that's what's so weird. It's like some odd incel outpouring in this thread. She's become a central character because of the outrage at her.
I haven’t read through everything but it’s just some random person’s opinion no?
I had been dreading reading up on the Antony situation, I did not want to find another player involved in something inexcusable and undeniable.

It has to be said that the evidence in Anthony's case seems far more inconclusive. Yes there are allegations, yes there are photos and texts, but it is still a he said, she said. The only thing that seems certain is that they were in a toxic and abusive relationship. Statistically, the alleged victim is far more likely to be telling the truth, but the timing and nature of the claims as well as the inconclusive evidence leaves room for doubt.

I'm not sure what's worse, him being targeted by the alleged victim for an opportunistic payout in the current context, or him actually being guilty but never being legally found so and squashing a legitimate cry for help as a result.

Either way, the club should have foreseen and prevented such a situation from developing before they signed an asset for such a huge price. But expecting any form of competence in the club's part is idiotic on my end.
You definitely pick ‘em. Feels like everything around the club is an absolute mess at the minute. A bit of stability would be nice.
Yeah, tough one that. He has played under the same manager for some 3 years now. If ETH couldn't see it coming then I imagine a background check wouldn't help either.
I agree but I think the line of action probably would be informal checks with a player's former partners and so on. Of course, it is incredibly time-consuming for any club to undertake such checks but you do feel given its the clubs like United potentially taking huge hits of 80m on a player, some extensive background verification might actually be worth looking into?
This is where the multiple personalities of a football fan come in. As we did with Greenwood he should surely be suspended pending the investigation should it escalate to a point where he is arrested, likewise the investigation should be thorough and conclusive and if he has a case to answer then feck him.

But then again (if it turns to Greenwood MKII) it leaves the clubs, in a perilous financial situation, with an £80m asset that they’ll not be able to recoup anything from, making what is already a poor FFP situation far worse.

I might be labelled an asshole for even thinking about this part of the situation, but it’s what’s going on in my head.
She feels it’s her duty to defend Judaism, and I get that, but it makes her at best an ‘unreliable narrator.’, and at worst a deliberate, knowing, liar who values Jewish life above all others. Which is the lowest of the low. Whatever positive effects she’s had re: greenwood is, to me, hugely outweighed by her one sided view of what’s happening in the Middle East

Mate - I think I need a lie down. I have read and re-read that, and I’m just not seeing what it feels like others are seeing. Not quite sure what to do. I know my intentions were good (clearly not always the best defence, I know), and I know deep down that I absolutely abhor any kind of racism. I feel mortified. I want to delete it and will shortly, but I also want a response so I can understand why I’m doing so.
I don’t mean to sound melodramatic, but this feels like the worst aspersion I’ve ever had thrown at me. Abuse, I can take, but this feels like it goes right to the core of me being me me!

Even if it is true that she is an "unreliable narrator" on matters of Judaism and what's happening in Middle East, it's irrelevant to her opinion on the Greenwood matter and therefore should be irrelevant to how much "worth" you ascribe to her opinion on the Greenwood matter.

It's okay mate, go have a lie down, and maybe just stay off topics that are not related to on-field football.

EDIT: Don't think anyone was calling you a racist.
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Has to be binned like Greenwood. A similar amount of evidence is coming out.

Anyway this club is an absolute house on fire.
It's completely fecked.

Clearly the people running it have no idea what they are doing. Wonder how much ETH knew about his anger problems.....
I have a problem with the fact is his ex, so revenge for a broken relationship could be the issue, we can’t accuse him until we really know the true.
Everyone’s opinion is informed by their upbringing/faith/nationality/whatever . Dismissing their opinion purely because of this is what I object to. And what you were attempting to do in that post. Re-read what you wrote. I’m sure you’ll see what I’m getting at.

Ok. Thanks for responding mate. I'd be lying if i said I truly understood what you're getting at though, but I'm not keen to labour the point any more than i have. Feeling like I've been labelled some kind of racist and not being able to undesrtand whyi s clearly (who knew?) my redcafe Kryptonite) .On an unrelated note I took a couple of lorezepam I found whilst moving rooms, about 2 hours ago. Which has made this conversation, erm, interesting, to say the least
I meant it to be loaded. Privilege often extends to the law.

Proper legal representation is not bad privilege. If anything everyone should be able to have the quality of defense lawyer that rich people can hire.

Do you think there is an epidemic of footballers engaging in problematic behavior?
How can they foresee that? Have they got some sort of crystal ball?

Some of the allegations date to a time before he was signed and there is public history of an unhappy relationship. These claims are not new, they're just being reiterated. One would assume that the club would take measures to acquire insider info into the personal life of a potential marquee signing to assess for risks and liabilities.
When a player is accused of rape or domestic violence by their own partner, who goes to the police with enough credible evidence to initiate a police investigation, United should absolutely err on the side of caution and take the player out of the squad until the matter is settled.

He is representing a global brand with millions of fans and if there’s a legitimate claim then it needs to be treated seriously. And baring in mind he will retain his massive wages throughout I don’t believe it’s casting any judgement on him to do so.
Even if it is true that she is an "unreliable narrator" on matters of Judaism and what's happening in Middle East, it's irrelevant to her opinion on the Greenwood matter and therefore should be irrelevant to how much "worth" you ascribe to her opinion on the Greenwood matter.

It's okay mate, go have a lie down, and maybe just stay off topics that are not related to on-field football.

To stop Niccolo having a meltdown, read the bolded again. They didn't say it affects how much worth they ascribe to the Greenwood matter.

Edit: You lot have the poor fecker taking Benzos (a shit one though) tragic
Some of the allegations date to a time before he was signed and there is public history of an unhappy relationship. These claims are not new, they're just being reiterated. One would assume that the club would take measures to acquire insider info into the personal life of a potential marquee signing to assess for risks and liabilities.
The first allegation relates to an incident in a car 2 months before he signed. It was made public 4 months ago. I don’t know how the club are supposed to know what happened in a car that contained two people unless they’ve bugged it.
Even if it is true that she is an "unreliable narrator" on matters of Judaism and what's happening in Middle East, it's irrelevant to her opinion on the Greenwood matter and therefore should be irrelevant to how much "worth" you ascribe to her opinion on the Greenwood matter.

It's okay mate, go have a lie down, and maybe just stay off topics that are not related to on-field football.

It was a poor comparison, and made little sense, I'd agree. I think i'm just generally supportive of her Greenwood comments, less so of her Corbyn/antisemitism ones. Not entirely sure that justified me giving myself the world's most unnecessary panic-attack, though!
Footballers shouldn't be role models. Most of them just spent all day playing the sport... they hung around other people who did the same.

it shouldn't come as a surprise. when young people play outside all day, don't prioritize education, are treated like gods by their peers for being good at a sport and make a shit load of money per week compared to any normal person their age, they'll probably turn out to be shallow/narcissistic/assholes more often than not.

Professional footballers that are genuinely good people are probably really hard to come by.

No they shouldn't be role models but it's not asking to much that they show some awareness of how privileged they are to make a living playing football and behave like decent people.
This is what has a lot of grown men throwing a fit in anger. I pretty mild tweet, with 300 likes.

Would be different if she said she would stop supporting the club if United don't suspend him, but she didn't.

Her first question is fair, her next statement is true, and her last statement is just a poorly thought-out idea. Nothing wrong with her tweet.
Proper legal representation is not bad privilege. If anything everyone should be able to have the quality of defense lawyer that rich people can hire.

Do you think there is an epidemic of footballers engaging in problematic behavior?

I never said proper legal representation was a bad privilege.

And privelege and status and power dynamics often skew justice.

Also I do know that privelege can keep one out if the legal system too.

On the bold, why jump to hyperbole?
The first allegation relates to an incident in a car 2 months before he signed. It was made public 4 months ago. I don’t know how the club are supposed to know what happened in a car that contained two people unless they’ve bugged it.

I did not say the allegations were public, I said the unhealthy nature of the relationship was - just like MG, there are reddit posts about their public fights prior to signing for United. The point of a thorough background check is to assess for risks by finding out about such things.

There are alternatives to bugging cars. For instance they simply needed to talk to people who knew the couple, in confidence, to find out that there were scuffles involved and then pick on that thread.
Who cares? Why are you all so obsessed with Rachel Riley folks?
I’m trying to join in!
The press will run with this, it’s how they stretch the stories out. I’m sure someone from the Guardian was saying the same thing a few weeks ago as well.
This is where the precedent we set with Greenwood comes back to haunt us.

Apart from the domain of the allegations themselves, I don't see the similarities. Greenwood had far worse evidence made public against him, and unlike Antony, he never denied them. Also, unlike Greenwood, Antony is under investigation not under arrest. The club has no need to suspend him.
Good point. It isn’t.

At least not for people with any semblance of an IQ

Whataboutery is most often seen in 'was it a penalty' arguments and 'Was Jeremy Corbyn stitched up by the Zionists' arguments. In both cases it's embarrassing.
I’m trying to join in!
The press will run with this, it’s how they stretch the stories out. I’m sure someone from the Guardian was saying the same thing a few weeks ago as well.

Ah it's no harm to suggest it. It's not just our club or even just our sport.

Domestic abuse stats are wild here in Ireland. So if these high profile cases can be highlighted for the greater good in any way, so be it.

All the women murdered in Ireland this calendar year were killed by people they know and some had been in abusive relationships.

It's common, as is coercive behaviour.
After the Greenwood fiasco club have no choice but stick to same moral standards.

When all the time the standard should be unless charged or legally punished club won't do anything else.
Ok. Thanks for responding mate. I'd be lying if i said I truly understood what you're getting at though, but I'm not keen to labour the point any more than i have. Feeling like I've been labelled some kind of racist and not being able to undesrtand whyi s clearly (who knew?) my redcafe Kryptonite) .On an unrelated note I took a couple of lorezepam I found whilst moving rooms, about 2 hours ago. Which has made this conversation, erm, interesting, to say the least

Ha! Enjoy. Put on some nice music. Watch a film. Don’t waste any more time splitting hairs with online pedants like me!
To stop Niccolo having a meltdown, read the bolded again. They didn't say it affects how much worth they ascribe to the Greenwood matter.

Edit: You lot have the poor fecker taking Benzos (a shit one though) tragic

It was a poor comparison, and made little sense, I'd agree. I think i'm just generally supportive of her Greenwood comments, less so of her Corbyn/antisemitism ones. Not entirely sure that justified me giving myself the world's most unnecessary panic-attack, though!

Apologies are in order, NicolaSacco.

I read your post about you needing a lie down and then read @Pogue Mahone's post, and posted as I only wanted to elaborate on why others were piling on and to tell you to take it easy. However, I don't think anyone called you racist or anything. But I apologize for "trusting but not verifying".

God damn it, I had decided not to engage with anyone on the Internet and now look what I did. I will take my own advice and stop posting in this thread.
That's celebrity for you. The society of the spectacle. When people agree they retweet, when they disagree they think celebrities should shut up.
True enough. It's a bit different nowadays with Twitter though. Celebs will be acutely aware of the platform they have and gleefully use it to manipulate discourse one way or another. Pre social media it'd be embarrassing for a celebrity to be known as a rent-a-quote on topics that are of absolutely no relevance to their status and/or position. Now they have a direct feed to the masses and are actually listened to and talked about, beyond readers of the rags/celeb mags.