Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

losing antony would really hurt our possession even more. Feel like pellistri is more a counter attack in space kinda guy (assuming he comes in for antony )

Losing him to false allegations would be awful but if he did it, feck him.

In context, until we know, football doesn't matter.
Losing him to false allegations would be awful but if he did it, feck him.

In context, until we know, football doesn't matter.
im just going with the football context, since we really dont know much at the moment.
It’s a bit of a nothing article. It quotes the group that protested against Greenwood’s return and Rachel Riley which understandably have taken a stance on this. I agree the EPL should get involved in these things and take the decision out of the hands of clubs but they probably can’t - the vast majority of these cases don’t involve the player being named. The club have referred to Antony’s statement in response - I still don’t think he’ll be suspended unless he is arrested or charged which for me is still the right approach.
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Corbyn made a number of comments that many Jews considered anti-semitic. That's a form of racism. Unless you think you are better qualified than they are to identify anti-semitism? Riley is Jewish and perfectly entitled to call him out on it. Just like she's a woman entitled to her view on Greenwood. Telling her to fek off and get back in her box isn't a great look.

She should fek off and get back in her box.

Team Corbyn.
Rachel Riley has been spot on in her criticisms of the club recently. And why the feck would you want Antony publicly representing us whilst this shite is going on?

Not saying he's out for good, but come the feck on. Not many companies/organizations would allow public facing personnel to carry on working whilst under these sort of legal investigations.
Inevitable the pressure will come and continue to grow. Media smell blood again & have nothing much else to do in the international break so will be on the bandwagon, on top of whatever legitimate calls there are from abuse charities, victims and so on. Innocent until proven guilty is a thing of the past on some topics now, at least in the court of pubic opinion, especially so for people in the limelight - and we are so very very much in the limelight. We might not like it, it isn't really right (the presumption of innocent until guilty exists in law for good reason), but it's the way of the world now.

If anything else, this needs to serve as a salutory lesson to all the young players coming through - if you step out of line or get involved with the wrong person you can be really in the poop. I hope to god our club is pushing that on the youth teams.

He is still innocent until proven guilty. Scrutiny is just the other side of the coin to fame. The press are scum in parts but they courted too. That sort of profile has pros and cons. I'd fecking hate it.

And you final message is, don't assault women, it's bad for your career?
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Irrespective of her thoughts on the situation, feck Rachel Riley horrible person.
Avoided the caf for a few days after the Arsenal capitulation and come on to see this. Not laughing at the allegations but...c'mon, I thought seeing Harry and Evans commanding our defense was going to be the biggest black eye for awhile. I couldn't have been more wrong. :lol: jayyysus
Wow that is unbelievable. We need to start looking at more than these players footballing ability when it comes to a move to united. I m not saying Antony did it, but such an allegations can't go unheard. When you are a famous footballer, you need to know who you surround yourself with.
I’ve been in and around some footballers (not famous ones) when I was playing and the average person would be utterly amazed at the adoration and idolatry they are held in by regular blokes/supporters.
It’s a different life, full stop. Everything begins and ends with football.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that if you have been caught up in that since you were x years old and didn’t have a strong family/guidance around you that you would develop some unhealthy attitudes
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It’s no good blaming Rachel Riley, she’s not the one allegedly beating and attempting to rape people.

There's people who legitimately think Rachel Riley and Greenwood's partner are the actual problem here.
Easy to "define" when you have no stake in it.
But not like it's the first time she lies to gather attention from the angry mobs

What lies? She's just a C list celeb giving her opinion. Why has she annoyed all you delicate souls so much? It's getting a bit weird.
Easy to "define" when you have no stake in it.
But not like it's the first time she lies to gather attention from the angry mobs

She has carved out a sub career as an influencer in current events.

The club need to do what they believe they think they should do?

They need to make rational but decisive decision and not be influenced and come under pressure from external factors.

Arsenal have not with a player they currently employ.
And you final message is, don't assault women, it's bad for your career?
Uhhh no? That's a strange take or misunderstanding of what I meant. My final message was I hope that we are talking to our youth about how to handle themselves as people by using this as an example. That whatever they may think has happened in the past, what they have heard player x has gotten away with, wont wash now. They have to be cleaner than clean or else it can easily come back on them. I'd rather hope the don't assault women - full stop - is obvious?
Uhhh no? That's a strange take or misunderstanding of what I meant. My final message was I hope that we are talking to our youth about how to handle themselves as people by using this as an example. That whatever they may think has happened in the past, what they have heard player x has gotten away with, wont wash now. They have to be cleaner than clean or else it can easily come back on them. I'd rather hope the don't assault women - full stop is obvious?

Grand. Was just clearing it up. Don't do it because its morally reprehensible. Not because you'll get into trouble.
Is this a gentle dig that I’m too stupid to get a handle on?! I’m happy to be educated on this. I spent a year living in Israel and met some incredibly fun living, proud hard working, brave people with horrifying family histories to share, that rocked me to my core. It was the best, and most formative year of my life. I acknowledge in advance that that sentence might come across as ‘I’ve got loads of black friends, but..’

I don’t know how you go about sharing an opinion that you believe someone’s religion/faith is clouding an otherwise intelligent mind. How would you say it if you thought it, or are you of the view that it’s much better left not said at all.

To reiterate, I want to learn if I’ve said something insensitive or insinuating, I’m not here to argue my right-ness; I’m frequently wrong!

Everyone’s opinion is informed by their upbringing/faith/nationality/whatever . Dismissing their opinion purely because of this is what I object to. And what you were attempting to do in that post. Re-read what you wrote. I’m sure you’ll see what I’m getting at.
This is why players should remain silent while the case is under investigation. If he really hurt her then lying about it makes it ten times more despicable.
Equally silence when you didn't do it isn't a good look either.
What lies? She's just a C list celeb giving her opinion. Why has she annoyed all you delicate souls so much? It's getting a bit weird.

It's breathtaking isn't it. You've got players associated to our club doing unspeakably horrible things, yet some posters' ire is against a brainiac presenter.
There's people who legitimately think Rachel Riley and Greenwood's partner are the actual problem here.
Surely the anger should be directed at our allegedly violent, idiotic players. I’m concerned we somehow keep employing players of this ilk.
This is what has a lot of grown men throwing a fit in anger. I pretty mild tweet, with 300 likes.

Unless Antony is charged with something then he will be suspended. Otherwise we would be setting bad precedent that our players can be suspended without any credible evidence. Dont think Rachel views are of any significance here. Or for that matter anyone else. You cant play with people’s life on the basis of tabloid news with some pictures. It needs to be more credible than that
What lies? She's just a C list celeb giving her opinion. Why has she annoyed all you delicate souls so much? It's getting a bit weird.

Lies, mischief, whatever you call it.
It's fine to call out DV but you have to think twice when the person had a history of stirring up shit with agenda-driven motive.
It's the last person I'd want to be the face of the club in a time like this (to answer the other poster)
You don't think the fact they are wealthy expensive assets might get them off a transgression or two?

"Get them off" is an incredibly loaded phrase. If their wealth gets them defense lawyers who provide excellent defenses in court, introducing valid reasonable doubt, that's not "getting them off".

Lies, mischief, whatever you call it.
It's fine to call out DV but you have to think twice when the person had a history of stirring up shit with agenda-driven motive.
It's the last person I'd want to be the face of the club in a time like this (to answer the other poster)

Again that's her opinion. And not one I agree with or that has anything to do with this.

Why is she triggering such rage on you lot?
"Get them off" is an incredibly loaded phrase. If their wealth gets them defense lawyers who provide excellent defenses in court, introducing valid reasonable doubt, that's not "getting them off".

I meant it to be loaded. Privilege often extends to the law.
Surely the anger should be directed at our allegedly violent, idiotic players. I’m concerned we somehow keep employing players of this ilk.

It's almost impressive how bad we are at picking up good characters, but what surprises me even more is how we aren't able to see issues with personality while they play for us and can't just move them on before they blow up in our face.

I'm sure other clubs do this.
I’ve been in and around some footballers (not famous ones) when I was playing and the average person would be utterly amazed at the adoration and idolatry they are held in by regular blokes/supporters.
It’s a different life, full stop. Everything begins and ends with football.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that if you have been caught up in that since you were x years old and didn’t have a strong family/guidance around you that you would develop some unhealthy attitudes
Exactly, that is why I said looking at the player mental state should be as important as their footballing ability. Now with this allegations, it will affect his performance and now ETH will have another distraction to deal with
Rachel Riley is a dickhead but that’s a separate issue

But it's not a separate issue, that's what's so weird. It's like some odd incel outpouring in this thread. She's become a central character because of the outrage at her.
This is what has a lot of grown men throwing a fit in anger. I pretty mild tweet, with 300 likes.

To be honest that tweet isnt mild. Addressing accusations which are already under investigation with throwaway comments like “is someone checking these players history” gives credibility to accusations. And it’s factually wrong as these accusations are after he joined United. I guess its mild but she knows what she is doing here.

This is why i have issue with leaking evidence which are being investigated. It ruins public persona and even if Antony is innocent, it has done some irreversible damage to his reputation.
Too much victim blaming again.

Our club and once proud support becomes just a little bit more toxic. How depressing.