Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Deary me. Why the feck is he still playing for
us if there is an ongoing police investigation going on?

Because you can’t suspend every player just on an accusation.

If you could, it’d be a decent tactic to have against a rival.

MG was different due to the audio and pictures being out in the public and Mason actually being, and this part important… arrested.
It shouldn't even be a choice whether this club (or any club) can continue to use a player being accused of something like this. It should be coming down from the governing body itself.

In today's Los Angeles Times, Julio Urias (a very popular pitcher for the Dodgers) has just been accused of a second domestic abuse incident. The MLB commission suspended him. MLB also suspended Trevor Bauer, another Dodgers pitcher, for 194 games. There's precedent. Even if it's a season-killer.
Swap “Judaism” for “the Muslim faith” and “Jewish life” with “Muslim” life and you could say the same about any of the Muslim posters on here who share opinions on Middle East politics. Only you wouldn’t. Because you shouldn’t. As it’s a shitty way to write off anyone’s opinion.

Good post
Footballers shouldn't be role models. Most of them just spent all day playing the sport... they hung around other people who did the same.

it shouldn't come as a surprise. when young people play outside all day, don't prioritize education, are treated like gods by their peers for being good at a sport and make a shit load of money per week compared to any normal person their age, they'll probably turn out to be shallow/narcissistic/assholes more often than not.

Professional footballers that are genuinely good people are probably really hard to come by.
Swap “Judaism” for “the Muslim faith” and “Jewish life” with “Muslim” life and you could say the same about any of the Muslim posters on here who share opinions on Middle East politics. Only you wouldn’t. Because you shouldn’t. As it’s a shitty way to write off anyone’s opinion.

Is this a gentle dig that I’m too stupid to get a handle on?! I’m happy to be educated on this. I spent a year living in Israel and met some incredibly fun living, proud hard working, brave people with horrifying family histories to share, that rocked me to my core. It was the best, and most formative year of my life. I acknowledge in advance that that sentence might come across as ‘I’ve got loads of black friends, but..’

I don’t know how you go about sharing an opinion that you believe someone’s religion/faith is clouding an otherwise intelligent mind. How would you say it if you thought it, or are you of the view that it’s much better left not said at all.

To reiterate, I want to learn if I’ve said something insensitive or insinuating, I’m not here to argue my right-ness; I’m frequently wrong!
What's the precedent now? Does allegations (quite serious by the looks of it) mean that the player must be stopped from playing immediately? Is that consistent across the league?
Would be delighted simply because he’s shite and I know he can’t improve. We know his game. Can’t improve because he can’t get faster.
UOL is a terrible source. Its the same media outlet that published those leaks. You can write any nonsense and then say “considering”
Swap “Judaism” for “the Muslim faith” and “Jewish life” with “Muslim” life and you could say the same about any of the Muslim posters on here who share opinions on Middle East politics. Only you wouldn’t. Because you shouldn’t. As it’s a shitty way to write off anyone’s opinion.
Thumbs up.
Do we not undertake any sort of background checks into players before signing them? I know this is incredibly difficult to find out but there has to be a way to conduct due diligence and mitigate risk, right?
Man we’re fecked so bad why are we exclusively recruiting feckheads.

Scholes feasting on his daughter’s toenails is the most normal Utd player.
That's a car crash of a post your responding to. You've gone in light there

Mate - I think I need a lie down. I have read and re-read that, and I’m just not seeing what it feels like others are seeing. Not quite sure what to do. I know my intentions were good (clearly not always the best defence, I know), and I know deep down that I absolutely abhor any kind of racism. I feel mortified. I want to delete it and will shortly, but I also want a response so I can understand why I’m doing so.
I don’t mean to sound melodramatic, but this feels like the worst aspersion I’ve ever had thrown at me. Abuse, I can take, but this feels like it goes right to the core of me being me me!
Oh I’d estimate much higher, as a proportion. I don’t know if any statistician has tried to look at the raw numbers, but I’d be interested to see if they have.

My post is purely based on my own observations and so could quite likely be diametrically opposed to actual fact!

We underestimate the number of footballers in Europe's top and professional leagues. Crimes by footballers get more attention for whatever stupid reason (they're role models, bla bla) but numbers wise they are an upstanding section of the society (strictly going by crime convictions)

Do we not undertake any sort of background checks into players before signing them? I know this is incredibly difficult to find out but there has to be a way to conduct due diligence and mitigate risk, right?

Unless the PL gets a squad of investigators who are available to every PL team, specialized in going to any neighborhood of the world to build a dossier, no
Some of the comments here today are fecking vile.

For some posters it wouldn't matter what a player had done as long as they play well for us at football.
Similarly, they'll probably be abusing players using horrific language when they don't play well.

Either kids with zero perspective or more sinister middle aged people with horrible attitudes.
Do we not undertake any sort of background checks into players before signing them? I know this is incredibly difficult to find out but there has to be a way to conduct due diligence and mitigate risk, right?

Yeah, tough one that. He has played under the same manager for some 3 years now. If ETH couldn't see it coming then I imagine a background check wouldn't help either.
This is why players should remain silent while the case is under investigation. If he really hurt her then lying about it makes it ten times more despicable.
losing antony would really hurt our possession even more. Feel like pellistri is more a counter attack in space kinda guy (assuming he comes in for antony )

Picking up pace

What fecking pressure, and from who? Journalists?

The club is not under pressure from the FA, PL, UEFA, FIFA, MUST, daytrippers, it's players... To do anything but let things evolve.

What pressure are we under that City and Arsenal and Chelsea and PSG and Juventus somehow avoided, fielding players entangled in sticky situations?
We underestimate the number of footballers in Europe's top and professional leagues. Crimes by footballers get more attention for whatever stupid reason (they're role models, bla bla) but numbers wise they are an upstanding section of the society (strictly going by crime convictions)

You don't think the fact they are wealthy expensive assets might get them off a transgression or two?
Wow that is unbelievable. We need to start looking at more than these players footballing ability when it comes to a move to united. I m not saying Antony did it, but such an allegations can't go unheard. When you are a famous footballer, you need to know who you surround yourself with.
Mate - I think I need a lie down. I have read and re-read that, and I’m just not seeing what it feels like others are seeing. Not quite sure what to do. I know my intentions were good (clearly not always the best defence, I know), and I know deep down that I absolutely abhor any kind of racism. I feel mortified. I want to delete it and will shortly, but I also want a response so I can understand why I’m doing so.
I don’t mean to sound melodramatic, but this feels like the worst aspersion I’ve ever had thrown at me. Abuse, I can take, but this feels like it goes right to the core of me being me me!

Your post was fine, have a lie down anyway though because you sound close to a meltdown fella
Inevitable the pressure will come and continue to grow. Media smell blood again & have nothing much else to do in the international break so will be on the bandwagon, on top of whatever legitimate calls there are from abuse charities, victims and so on. Innocent until proven guilty is a thing of the past on some topics now, at least in the court of pubic opinion, especially so for people in the limelight - and we are so very very much in the limelight. We might not like it, it isn't really right (the presumption of innocent until guilty exists in law for good reason), but it's the way of the world now.

If anything else, this needs to serve as a salutory lesson to all the young players coming through - if you step out of line or get involved with the wrong person you can be really in the poop. I hope to god our club is pushing that on the youth teams.