Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Denied it was him?

When it is his voice and her using his name.
I was making the point that was accepted as genuine because he did not do that (as you say it would seem farcical to deny it)
Why do people slate Rachel Riley when her opinion is one that has been shared multiple times in this thread? :lol:
It's utterly bizarre.

Whether we voice our opinion on the situation on this forum, or whether she voices her opinion on her social media - they are both out there for people to read. Because she's a celebrity with more audience she can't have a view on things - or more specifically not one that matches a cohort of people on a team's fan forum?

Maybe I'm being naive here and don't know something about Riley's past that I don't know about, but RedCafe's opinion on her during the Greenwood and now Antony debacle is a strange one in my eyes.
Some think Rachel Riley is the reason Greenwood doesn't play for us anymore.
It'll defintiely be an interesting one. Obviously teenagers (or just past) say awful stuff to each other during breakups - I hardly think emotional text messages are worth releasing to the public from her side.

Antony (probably under advice from his lawyers) has cooperated with relevant law-enforcement and is not saying anything around the details.

It's a pickle for me. On the one hand, victims have to be taken seriously and allegations need to be investigated. On the other, releasing 'evidence' to tabloids as opposed to letting the justice system work sets off a few alarm bells. And I know the stats, but what would you now have Antony do if, say, he did nothing wrong?
Should be dropped and not allowed to train as long as there is an investigation. These things can go on for years but the club set a precedent. It doesn't matter whether he gets convicted or not, after the investigation has been completed, he should be made let go. Just like they did with Killer Mason. Absolute nonsense but that's how things roll these days at United.

Other clubs don't give a feck, Arse and Partey comes to mind. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But not at United.
Its not Utd, its the toxic social media around the club.
Isn't there a code of conduct baked into the contracts both players and the club sign, that translate what the club values into the actions players should take and should not infringe upon, that clearly outlines the commitment to honest and ethical behavior, acting with integrity, and complying with applicable laws, rules, regulations and policies?

If so, that's the rule book. Anyone doesn't fall within that standard of professional conduct on and off the pitch is in conflict. Anybody that does fully meets the standards set out by club's employment handbook.

And that my friends should be the message to anyone outside that think, hope or has plans to pressure the club into taking actions that differ with their views.
Sorry mate, just meant his Utd career, however after reading his Insta statement, he seems pretty confident he'll be vindicated.
United career I probably agree with. I'm not 100% sure though. I just don't have much faith in the club anymore to make the correct decisions.

But seriously why is she the target of so many posters?
I guess some feel she talks too much? That say something but I cannot be bothered to dissect it.

I personally don't care and find her support for the Tories much more deplorable.

All in all, bit of a sad existence to get so wound up about a celebrity having an opinion.
I guess some feel she talks too much?

I personally don't care and find her support for the Tories much more deplorable.

All in all, bit of a sad existence to get so wound up about a celebrity having an opinion.

I don't call people names, demonstrate a high level of misoginy and in some rare cases thinly veiled bigotry because someone talks too much. Those people have serious issues that are beyond Football.
Right Wingers curse continues.

This story hapenned a while ago, isn't that a bit strange it's becoming public now? I thought MG situation was like "right here, right now"?

No. The social media posts were in February from something that supposedly happened the previous September.
There are insurance against these things if the club takes the premium. I dont know about greenwood but to be fair the amount of these incidents is very rare. Having insurance covering injuries is the most common one

And bear in mind you have to cover quite a few numbers of players

I wonder how much clubs would have to pay in "Wrongun" insurance.

"Hi insurance co, it's happened again, can we get 80million back please".

Clubs would have to put £10-20m a year into it the way its going!
I truly cannot stand Rachel Riley. Nothing to do with United, she's just a nasty piece of work. Why do we keep having to hear her opinion and why is it seen as more important than any other woman's viewpoint?

Good on people with a platform for calling stuff out.
If Melissa from Wigan moaned about it on tiktok, chances are it wouldn't have the same weighting.

How the heck is she a nasty piece of work for goodness sake!? Get some balance.
Good on people with a platform for calling stuff out.
If Melissa from Wigan moaned about it on tiktok, chances are it wouldn't have the same weighting.

How the heck is she a nasty piece of work for goodness sake!? Get some balance.
Her anti Labour rhetoric was dangerous in the last election also. She’s a Tory.
Greenwood was arrested. It'd have been impossible for the club to carry on playing him when he was in jail.

He never went to jail and the charges were dropped so you're arguing an Aunt Sally. They stopped playing him because the videos and pictures completely destroyed his public image. Nobody wanted to cheer for him.
Her anti Labour rhetoric was dangerous in the last election also. She’s a Tory.

He means she called out the Corbynistas for anti-semitism. Good on her for doing it.
He means she called out the Corbynistas for anti-semitism. Good on her for doing it.
Anyone who supports the Tory party is most detestable cnut imaginable so, no.
I truly cannot stand Rachel Riley. Nothing to do with United, she's just a nasty piece of work. Why do we keep having to hear her opinion and why is it seen as more important than any other woman's viewpoint?
Fully agree.
Probably a case of her wanting money out of him. He’s admitted they both verbal abused each other but he said he hasn’t physically abused her. If there’s no evidence then it’s a case of innocent until proven guilty.
I don't call people names, demonstrate a high level of misoginy and in some rare cases thinly veiled bigotry because someone talks too much. Those people have serious issues that are beyond Football.
Don't disagree.

Some people on here have some weird ideas and the Greenwood and this thread have really made that quite clear.
Good on people with a platform for calling stuff out.
If Melissa from Wigan moaned about it on tiktok, chances are it wouldn't have the same weighting.

How the heck is she a nasty piece of work for goodness sake!? Get some balance.
I didn't know about her until recently so I have nothing against her, but calling out someone before he was even charged or anything being proved is idiotic from her and I can see how people got annoyed in this case. If she has a big influence, she should know better.

Mason case was different with public audio evidence right from the start etc.

Anyway, I can easily see Mount taking Antony's place if he gets suspended, especially with Amrabat here now.
Why does this club attract the wrong uns?
Is it the scouting not doing their homework and not really finding out about the player or do they start playing for utd and suddenly get big headed and develop a do you know who I am attitude?
Pretty embarrassing right now.
He means she called out the Corbynistas for anti-semitism. Good on her for doing it.
She called Jeremy Corbyn a racist. A man who has never once made a racist comment and who has spent his entire career fighting against discrimination. She's a detestable person.
Go back to bed, you failed at life.

I hope that guy was banned, what an awful take. Not least because it distracts from the (unfortunately) common examples we have of when this kind of thing does happen. I don’t know if there’s a ‘worst post of the day’ gadget on here, but he’s won it.
I didn't know about her until recently so I have nothing against her, but calling out someone before he was even charged or anything being proved is idiotic from her and I can see how people got annoyed in this case. If she has a big influence, she should know better.

Mason case was different with public audio evidence right from the start etc.

Anyway, I can easily see Mount taking Antony's place if he gets suspended, especially with Amrabat here now.
What annoys me about her was her reaction to Johnny Depp after his trial. If she’s to be taken seriously she has to be sensitive to both scenarios, not simply say Johnny Depp still did it and Amber Herd is an innocent victim.
It just doesn’t sit right. She absolutely rinsed him even after he went through all he went through
Why does this club attract the wrong uns?
Is it the scouting not doing their homework and not really finding out about the player or do they start playing for utd and suddenly get big headed and develop a do you know who I am attitude?
Pretty embarrassing right now.

The club doesn't really attract wrong uns, the proportion of problematic players is fairly small. We are talking about a couple of individuals out of maybe 40 or 50 in the past 2 or 3 years. Also all clubs at all levels and in pretty much all sport have bellends, generally things are done discreetly enough that only ITKs or a random accounter at night will expose things.
She called Jeremy Corbyn a racist. A man who has never once made a racist comment and who has spent his entire career fighting against discrimination. She's a detestable person.

Disagree, he is racist against Peugeot and Renault. :angel:
I truly cannot stand Rachel Riley. Nothing to do with United, she's just a nasty piece of work. Why do we keep having to hear her opinion and why is it seen as more important than any other woman's viewpoint?

I don’t like her politics one bit, but we live in a society where high profile people are more likely to have their views latched on to by the media. She’s entitled to take a stance, and if the media report it then more power her, I say.

If you have a beef to pick here it’s surely with the media not the individual.

Just admit you disagree with what she said and so now she’s fair game for you to attack.
Incredible you don't see a difference between hitting someone and raping them?
Sometimes violence can be worse than rape. You could cave someone’s head in with a hammer for example.

He apparently smashed her fingers up and head butted the woman.

That’s serious violence it’s not like a slap to the face and regret it afterwards like some couples.

I know zero people who have headbutted a woman that’s for damn sure. That’s like go to jail behaviour is it not?
He never went to jail and the charges were dropped so you're arguing an Aunt Sally. They stopped playing him because the videos and pictures completely destroyed his public image. Nobody wanted to cheer for him.

Went for 2 days on remand if I recall correctly.
It's really really weird, the amount of hatred in here for Rachel Riley posting something relatively innocuous on twitter, which then got picked up and sensationalised by the rag papers. Doesn't really surprise me since some of ye are just cnuts, but a lot are falling into the trap set by the Sun and the like.
The club doesn't really attract wrong uns, the proportion of problematic players is fairly small. We are talking about a couple of individuals out of maybe 40 or 50 in the past 2 or 3 years. Also all clubs at all levels and in pretty much all sport have bellends, generally things are done discreetly enough that only ITKs or a random accounter at night will expose things.

Part of the problem is the entitlement of wealthy, young, idolised men, who in some senses have never had to really grow up. They (some) believe they can get away with things that the common man wouldn’t. I don’t think it’s a Utd issue specifically
Sometimes violence can be worse than rape. You could cave someone’s head in with a hammer for example.

He apparently smashed her fingers up and head butted the woman.

That’s serious violence it’s not like a slap to the face and regret it afterwards like some couples.

I know zero people who have headbutted a woman that’s for damn sure. That’s like go to jail behaviour is it not?
Allegedly you mean. It's all hearsay until proven.
I known women who've headbutted men, maybe you need to get out more ;)
It's really really weird, the amount of hatred in here for Rachel Riley posting something relatively innocuous on twitter, which then got picked up and sensationalised by the rag papers. Doesn't really surprise me since some of ye are just cnuts, but a lot are falling into the trap set by the Sun and the like.
I’m not sure what’s gone on in here, but I’d be deeply offended if this doesn’t include me. I work hard to be part of these generalisations.