Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

They just need a clause that if you're involved in "conduct unbecoming" (rape, domestic violence, racist remarks etc) that brought negative influences to the club you'll be terminated without penalty and be forced to compensate the remaining of your contract.

Normally they have this clause for every high profile endorsement

"Conduct unbecoming" could not include false accusations, which this stuff may be.

Proper scouting, proper background checks to make sure anything like this is uncovered before they are even signed.

SAF said recently they always spent ages looking at a player, making sure they had the right character and personality before signing them.

This shit doesn't look good at all, even it if turns out to be false. It will still hang over him and the club, especially after all the MG stuff.
There's evidence and it's not as conclusive as the Greenwood stuff but the 'no more dickheads' policy seems to have well and truly failed, right Arnold?

Bunch of clowns.
Status yesterday: ongoing investigation

Status today: ongoing investigation

Difference in the public reaction though is huge if response here is indicative. This is maybe why people conduct these things through media as the results are more advantageous and get quicker results.

Why wait for police to independently investigate when you can do the Brazil equivalent of going on Oprah?
Are you fecking kidding?

Not even going to comment on the "white blond girl" part.

Now, for a second, imagine that actually Antony is the victim - victim of false allegations made with malicious intent. For fame and money or just to get back at him for breaking up with her.

I had a black eye two weeks ago from a sparring. I could have posted a picture on social media and said: "Person X attacked me, he is the worst". And people like you will buy it.

Innocent until proven guilty - rings a bell?

Not that easy bro, if you do that and the accused know full well he didn't hit you, you'll be in a lot of trouble.

It's easy to track back 2 weeks ago, where were you, CCTV recording you sparing etc and you could be in a lot of heat for false accusation. Now if you can tape the accused making threads on you that's another story.

Do this against famous person with lots of fans you'll be in for a rough ride you'll be scrutinized to no end.

And as much as we don't know, a proper trial has a proper methods of proving the allegations is true, you'll need visum, medical report, testimony from people involved etc.

Look at Amber Heard - Depp case, it could be costly paying attorney fee which is why people don't really want to pursue this since it's favor the rich.
A disaster. Another player that we will probably end up writing off for zero when we are already under pressure with FFP.

We’ve already done this with Pogba and Greenwood recently.
To be fair, Greenwood doesn't come under FFP since he cost us nothing. Players who have been bought and sold add to FFP, at least according to Simon Jordan.
Greenwood was recorded. The photo she provided wouldn't have been admissible in court without a contemporaneous police report. Same for this case.

"Here's a photo of an historic injury and the only poof I have that it was caused in the way I claim is the fact I claim it" doesn't come close to meeting threshold for evidence in criminal case

This is why these things are played out in the media and in magazine interviews and she isn't waiting for police to include their inquiries. It's great evidence for a civil trial which is where I suspect she wants this to hurry up and get to

Is this your opinion?

I think it's completely wrong.

Photo's can be geotagged, someone could provide other witnesses account to corroborate them, CCTV, phone calls or texts on the day in question etc. There's a million ways to provide provenance for the photos.

Even without all that if the police recieve them and have a statement from the victim stating they happened on x day and were caused by x person they are absolutely evidence and would be admissable in UK law without any extra applications.

They could be challenged, viewed as of low evidential value due to lack of corroborating evidence but images aren't only admissable when accompanied by a police report on the day, as long as there is an accompanying statement from the person providing the images stating what they are they will almost always be admissable by default.

It is totally possible to report a crime months after the fact and provide evidence that leads to a conviction, though of course the sooner the better is always going to be true from a quality of evidence stand point.

The last paragraph is of course possible and I'm not making a judgement on the strength of the case yet but the above statements in bold just aren't correct.
Scary how the majority seem convinced already that he is guilty. I’m not saying he isn’t but we know hardly anything. I guess it’s positive that allegations like this are taken more seriously today but the assumption of guilt, jeez I hope I never get accused of anything.

I think a lot of people dont like him as a player, unlike Greenwood.
Scary how the majority seem convinced already that he is guilty. I’m not saying he isn’t but we know hardly anything. I guess it’s positive that allegations like this are taken more seriously today but the assumption of guilt, jeez I hope I never get accused of anything.

It's because they want him to be guilty. Most don't like him and don't want him to play right wing for us, so instead of being a normal person, they hope he beat his ex-girlfriend so he doesn't have to play for us again. Vile.
The clauses would need to be in our insurance so that we can protect the transfer fees we paid. Just putting them in player contracts won't do anything.

True, though I'm sure we'll already have something in there with regards to losing players for an extended period of time through negligence etc (hopefully...).

Only problem is, if they've not been charged then insurance will likely not pay out, but I'm not in that sector so just speculating.
What is happening with this club? What's next, Marcus has been poisoning the school dinners?
Status yesterday: ongoing investigation

Status today: ongoing investigation

Difference in the public reaction though is huge if response here is indicative. This is maybe why people conduct these things through media as the results are more advantageous and get quicker results.

Why wait for police to independently investigate when you can do the Brazil equivalent of going on Oprah?

I think there's been a great many more responses questioning the evidence and the character of the complainant (poor form), or responses stating we don't know enough/more time should be given than there are 'lock him up and throw away the key ones'.

Though there are a few of those granted.
This really could end up being a non-story. Suspend him until we know if charges are being placed or not, that's all there is to it right now.
"Conduct unbecoming" could not include false accusations, which this stuff may be.

Proper scouting, proper background checks to make sure anything like this is uncovered before they are even signed.

SAF said recently they always spent ages looking at a player, making sure they had the right character and personality before signing them.

This shit doesn't look good at all, even it if turns out to be false. It will still hang over him and the club, especially after all the MG stuff.

Conduct unbecoming is just a blanket terms, normally reserved for the absolute scandal as you can't list the definitive over a contract.

And yes, normally innocence until verdict is uphold.

Greenwood case is an outlier where the evidence is leaked and pretty damning people knew what he does full well, with or without the prosecutions.
I think there's been a great many more responses questioning the evidence and the character of the complainant (poor form), or responses stating we don't know enough/more time should be given than there are 'lock him up and throw away the key ones'.

Though there are a few of those granted.
Completely agree with this. The stark contrast in response to the Greenwood allegations is depressing but predictable.
It's because they want him to be guilty. Most don't like him and don't want him to play right wing for us, so instead of being a normal person, they hope he beat his ex-girlfriend so he doesn't have to play for us again. Vile.

Why would us Manchester United fans wants our top players to all be dumped?

We would prefer for Greenwood / Antony / Whoever to be cleared to play again, ask yourself what's in it for us? It's moral compass, because some things are more importan than football.
Every time you sweep away a rare, off-field occurrence that you treat as a one off and probably think it’ll never happen again at least not in this lifetime, another one comes along straight after it :annoyed:

From Ronaldo going on Piers Morgan to United having to play judge, jury and executioner when they really shouldn’t have been on Greenwood and now this…
I get people on here don’t want to attack Antony until more clarity is done on the case, e.g - him getting charged or concrete evidence comes out (maybe there is, I just haven’t actively looked for it yet). But at the same time, I don’t get why the same people feel the need to attack people who were correctly critical of the club during Greenwood-gate, e.g Rachel Riley.

Mildly hypocritical doing one sensible thing for one, and opposite for the other.

We should be contacting the women's team to see how we should proceed with this issue.
What is happening with this club? What's next, Marcus has been poisoning the school dinners?

No laughing matter but :lol:
Why would us Manchester United fans wants our top players to all be dumped?

We would prefer for Greenwood / Antony / Whoever to be cleared to play again, ask yourself what's in it for us? It's moral compass, because some things are more importan than football.

They want Greenwood to be cleared because he was a sensational talent, and could've been our striker/right winger for the next decade. He was already very good for us, and would only get better.

Antony has cost us a fortune and disappoint in a lot of ways. Even though he should be given more time, it's evident what kind of player he will never become, even if he improves in other ways. People think he has been a massive failure (he really hasn't, it's just the transfer fee, which he can't help). These fans would much rather want him replaced than him to be freed of these charges, so they hope he will be found guilty, which means they also hope that his ex-girlfriend was beaten up. It's disgusting.
It's because they want him to be guilty. Most don't like him and don't want him to play right wing for us, so instead of being a normal person, they hope he beat his ex-girlfriend so he doesn't have to play for us again. Vile.

Or maybe we just dont want these types of people at the club we love.
I have said many times I dont want Greenwood ever playing for us again, even though his charges where dropped.
Why would I suddenly stop believing the victims just because its Antony?
Completely agree with this. The stark contrast in response to the Greenwood allegations is depressing but predictable.

On one hand you have a recording with someone stating that they were going to do what they were later suspected of having done and on the other we have nothing to build any solid opinion.

There is no way to defend or accuse anyone here. The police will do their job and that's about it.
What do you mean by that? Surely you understand there are very different levels of evidence being presented when these two stories broke?
Even accepting those differences, the public responses are out of proportion with each other.
They want Greenwood to be cleared because he was a sensational talent, and could've been our striker/right winger for the next decade. He was already very good for us, and would only get better.

Antony has cost us a fortune and disappoint in a lot of ways. Even though he should be given more time, it's evident what kind of player he will never become, even if he improves in other ways. People think he has been a massive failure (he really hasn't, it's just the transfer fee, which he can't help). These fans would much rather want him replaced than him to be freed of these charges, so they hope he will be found guilty, which means they also hope that his ex-girlfriend was beaten up. It's disgusting.

I don’t think anyone hopes she was beaten up, very strange conclusion to reach. People rightly hope that if he did the things he is accused of doing, then he is found guilty and dropped from the squad. You should not want these kind of individuals anywhere near the club, irrespective of how talented or shit you consider them to be.

I’m being real :lol: Like when Barcelona had an injury crisis and La Liga made an exception that allowed them to sign (I think) Braithwaite outside of the transfer window, can FFP not work in an exemption to allow some room for the club to buy a replacement in what are exceptional circumstances:lol:
Scary how the majority seem convinced already that he is guilty. I’m not saying he isn’t but we know hardly anything. I guess it’s positive that allegations like this are taken more seriously today but the assumption of guilt, jeez I hope I never get accused of anything.

Indeed. Some people just want blood all the time, you know, being self righteous on the internet and being seen as a supporter of women gets them brownie points in heaven I guess?
We legit might know less than a quarter of the real story, but nah, let's just assume he's guilty.
Or maybe we just dont want these types of people at the club we love.
I have said many times I dont want Greenwood ever playing for us again, even though his charges where dropped.
Why would I suddenly stop believing the victims just because its Antony?

Why are you assuming he's guilty? I wouldn't want him near the club if he's guilty, but it's not guilty until proven innocent. How many times have footballers been falsely accused now?
I really don’t like trial by media, it’s setting a dangerous precedent. Media snippets is not enough to condemn a person.

Keep thinking of Amber heard who abused Johnny depp and made it look like she was the victim.

Anthony deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty. This whole hysteria where people have already sentenced him is bollox.
Is this your opinion?

I think it's completely wrong.

Photo's can be geotagged, someone could provide other witnesses account to corroborate them, CCTV, phone calls or texts on the day in question etc. There's a million ways to provide provenance for the photos.

Even without all that if the police recieve them and have a statement from the victim stating they happened on x day and were caused by x person they are absolutely evidence and would be admissable in UK law without any extra applications.

They could be challenged, viewed as of low evidential value due to lack of corroborating evidence but images aren't only admissable when accompanied by a police report on the day, as long as there is an accompanying statement from the person providing the images stating what they are they will almost always be admissable by default.

It is totally possible to report a crime months after the fact and provide evidence that leads to a conviction, though of course the sooner the better is always going to be true from a quality of evidence stand point.

The last paragraph is of course possible and I'm not making a judgement on the strength of the case yet but the above statements in bold just aren't correct.

It absolutely wouldnt have been admissible in court. The threshold for evidence in a criminal trial is extremely high

"Here's a photo that even though she didn’t report it at the time we're showing the court as evidence" would be too far fetched even for a soap opera. If you're v using photos alleging a crime the fact you hadn't obtained a police report essentially makes it junk evidence.

The police have it and it isn't sufficient to even charge. No judge is allowing it. That isn't an opinion. Near irrefutable evidence is thrown out at pre-trial stage very often. A photo where there exists a duspute of cause is not making it to a criminal trial. Not in a million years.
I don’t think anyone hopes she was beaten up, very strange conclusion to reach. People rightly hope that if he did the things he is accused of doing, then he is found guilty and dropped from the squad. You should not want these kind of individuals anywhere near the club, irrespective of how talented or shit you consider them to be.

People are assuming he's guilty when there's no real evidence. Why?
Antony should be suspended pending a police investigation, just as he would be in any other typical workplace in UK, that discovered he's under a police investigation for domestic abuse.

It's just that Manchester United can't really afford not to play him, and therefore, we can't afford to have him suspended for an unknown amount of time - which, in my opinion, shouldn't be a contributing factor.
The reports are pretty horrible, but I expect the club will wait to see if he's arrested before taking any action (eg suspension). If he's charged, then I expect his time at the club is over.

This season is starting to look like a nightmare.
Calm down with the mob mentality already, Brazil are infamous for extortion, they could have planned this trying to get his money. Unless its concrete evidence, stop already painting him as a criminal, its embarrassing! So far I've only seen messages that could have been wrote by anybody, images of bruises that her friend could have done and such. Need more evidence!