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2017-18 Performances

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Kind of a stupid question when he's on the bench for most games and comes on as a sub towards the end, don't you think?

He's had 1 start in the league (against Leicester) 2 in the CL and 1 in the cup. In 4 starts he's got 2 goals and 4 assists. All good performances too.

Half of them against the mighty Burton I guess? It's one thing to score/asists for 3:0 and 4:0, it's another to unlock defences when it is still 0:0 against serious opposition. He was decent vs Leicester and Basle, not excelent by any means.
It is fecking weird but it seems to be working and weirdly Martial seems happier than ever before so mayb we are making too much of it ?

I reckon he'd be even happier if he were a regular to be fair. His 'happiness' has been used as validation a lot, logic would dictate he'd be happier if he played more.
Half of them against the mighty Burton I guess? It's one thing to score/asists for 3:0 and 4:0, it's another to unlock defences when it is still 0:0 against serious opposition. He was decent vs Leicester and Basle, not excelent by any means.

1/3 against Burton. 2/3 against CSKA. These are the games he's been given, mate.

If he starts and scores it's because of shit opposition. If he comes on and scores, it's because the game is open. If he comes on and scores when the game is not open, it was because the defenders were tired.

Do you realise how stupid that sounds?
Half of them against the mighty Burton I guess? It's one thing to score/asists for 3:0 and 4:0, it's another to unlock defences when it is still 0:0 against serious opposition. He was decent vs Leicester and Basle, not excelent by any means.

How many of the starts was his competition 'excellent' in?
If the team is winning and Martial leaves because he isnt getting game time, then good riddance. However, it looks like Martial is hungry and willing to fight for his place. No player is bigger than the club; the team winning always comes first.
It's a pretty short-termist thinking don't you think? When Oscar was preferred and Mourinho was happy enough to sell Lukaku to Everton, many Chelsea fans were thinking the same, now imagine how the Chelsea fans feel right now? It's not that people here have a blind devotion to Mourinho or that they think Martial is bigger than Manchester United, it's just that they see a brilliant young player being reduced as a substitute often.

I do not have a preference towards Rashford or Martial but I tend to agree with Jose that Rashford is more reliable in difficult games.

Martial's stats this season are great but how many of his goals/assists came when United didn't have a lead already? Genuine question.
Martial started the Leicester game, created a penalty which Lukaku missed, MoM against Burton Albion, MoM against CSKA too. How do you think Rashford is more reliable in difficult games? Is it his defensive contribution? Also we are yet to have a difficult game, don't you think Martial should have had a more starts in the PL?
How many of the starts was his competition 'excellent' in?

It's a different yard stick for Martial. He has to be excellent in every game you see. Like Mata and Mkhi who have been excellent every game of course.
I reckon he'd be even happier if he were a regular to be fair. His 'happiness' has been used as validation a lot, logic would dictate he'd be happier if he played more.

That's true for any player.

We have 2 excellent youngsters who are pushing each other to improve (as mentioned by Rashford). Ideally would love both to start but 2 young players fighting for a single position for a season won't be bad either.
How many of the starts was his competition 'excellent' in?

Rashford contributed to the first goal vs Wham, Leicester, Stoke, Palace and Burton. That's half of our games so far. He's doing a very good job obviously. Jose sees no reason to shake things up.
That's true for any player.

We have 2 excellent youngsters who are pushing each other to improve (as mentioned by Rashford). Ideally would love both to start but 2 young players fighting for a single position for a season won't be bad either.

But are they actually fighting for it ? Considering Rashfords consecutive starts in the league, no matter the performances (Everton and Southampton), it's not much of a competition.
I reckon he'd be even happier if he were a regular to be fair. His 'happiness' has been used as validation a lot, logic would dictate he'd be happier if he played more.
I only focus on facts, the rest is conjectures. Team is playing well and that's the most important thing, not necessarily Martial's fulfilment
But are they actually fighting for it ? Considering Rashfords consecutive starts in the league, no matter the performances (Everton and Southampton), it's not much of a competition.

Not really. Martial is quite obviously second choice behind Rashford.
But are they actually fighting for it ? Considering Rashfords consecutive starts in the league, no matter the performances (Everton and Southampton), it's not much of a competition.

Eh? I could reply properly but it's of no use considering your posts and how you argue your points. So yeah, good day.
But it would be so good to see you reply properly for once, I think we'd all appreciate that

Who? Martial FC? Even there you look like a odd man out with your pathetic posts.
These petty and childish nonsense of calling and labelling others names such as "Martial FC" for disagreeing and holding different opinions is also quite pathetic.

I mean how old is the average caftard for nonsenses like that to drag on.
If he wasn't already here and was producing this form for any non-elite European club, he'd be the top transfer target on the Caf.

We'd be posting YouTube videos every five minutes and saying we'd rather him than Griezmann.

He's so talented it's scary.
These petty and childish nonsense of calling and labelling others names such as "Martial FC" for disagreeing and holding different opinions is also quite pathetic.

I mean how old is the average caftard for nonsenses like that to drag on.

Even more pathetic than moaning about player not playing right from the first game? There is a reason why few use Martial FC, for some people Martial >ManUtd.
That's true for any player.

We have 2 excellent youngsters who are pushing each other to improve (as mentioned by Rashford). Ideally would love both to start but 2 young players fighting for a single position for a season won't be bad either.

I just don't see the argument against extending the rotation to more than just Rashford and Martial. If the argument that fighting for a position improves a player has merit (which it does, to some extent) then Mkhi and Mata having to fight for their positions might improve them too.

There is a thread currently "Mkhi must improve", which has been started because Mkhi's recent performances have been rather poor with a lot of turnovers and surrendered possession. Only salvaged by the occasional assist or goal towards the end of the game. Yet he's immune to rotation, while we micro-analyse Rashford and Martial who have both done very well all things considered.
Even more pathetic than moaning about player not playing right from the first game? There is a reason why few use Martial FC, for some people Martial >ManUtd.
You're actually defending and condoning this behavior?
I just don't see the argument against extending the rotation to more than just Rashford and Martial. If the argument that fighting for a position improves a player has merit (which it does, to some extent) then Mkhi and Mata having to fight for their positions might improve them too.

There is a thread currently "Mkhi must improve", which has been started because Mkhi's recent performances have been rather poor with a lot of turnovers and surrendered possession. Only salvaged by the occasional assist or goal towards the end of the game. Yet he's immune to rotation, while we micro-analyse Rashford and Martial who have both done very well all things considered.

The same Mkhi who didn't start a game for 2-3 months last season? Forget rotation he wasn't even in the match day squad for so many games.

I agree, whole attacking 3 should be rotated and I have said that many times already. I would love to watch both Martial and Rashford to start as they have superb link up play together.

You're actually defending and condoning this behavior?

Which behavior? Using Martial FC? I don't mind people using that as I believe few really care for Martial more than ManUtd.

Martial game time? In the last 9 games both started alternatively. But I want both of them to start rather than one or the other.
I only focus on facts, the rest is conjectures. Team is playing well and that's the most important thing, not necessarily Martial's fulfilment

Which is a different point altogether.
It's a piss funny debate on so many different levels :lol:

Makes it difficult not to pop in and pull threads.. It's a bit like hating the Kardashians but still watching them on the tv.

There's just so many absurd angles, from the Martial FC claims, the tactical claims depending on opposition, if he comes on and does well it's either because the opposition is tired or because they are shit, if he starts and does well it's because the opposition is shit. No matter what, there's always some absurd reason for it, and it only goes one way.. It's rotation, it's a test because Mourinho has such high hopes, he's giving him the Mkhi treatment because that worked wonders last season.

I have no idea why people feel the need to spout so much rubbish, going off in every possible direction with absurd theories... The reason isn't complicated, there is no scheming Mourinho trying to push buttons.

My claim is still the same (and I don't see it changing soon). There is no rotation. If there was a rotation, Rashford wouldn't have started 6/7 matches in the Premier League vs Martials one against Leicester. Performance wise, he was surprisingly poor against Everton and Southampton, if there was any rotation he wouldn't have started against Southampton and he would've been on the bench for Crystal Palace. Martial wasn't great against Leicester, by all means, but he was hardly poor either, won a penalty, served Pogba on a silver platter but the chance was wasted, and his great performance in the Champions League wasn't awarded with a start for the following match.

Rashford is first choice, it's that simple, and unless he plays poor over a long period of time, he will remain first choice. Overall he's had a very productive start, performances have varied from great to poor, but as long as that continues he'll start in the Premier League which is our main priority.
For me, Martial is absolutely a confidence player. He needs those goals and assists to keep him going. Right now, Jose's trying to figure out the best way to build up his confidence for the 2nd half of the season, because that's the title charge. Im not surprised that Jose's only playing him in favourable conditions like when the oppo is tired. We don't need him firing on all cylinders now, but he absolutely will have to come feb and march.

Whereas Rashford I think Jose know exactly what he's going to get from him. Whether his confidence is low or whatever, He's still going to give you a certain level of performance. But Martial needs that good start to the campaign. So I think its fine at the moment, if Martial's not starting games by Dec or Jan then there might be something going on.
For me, Martial is absolutely a confidence player. He needs those goals and assists to keep him going. Right now, Jose's trying to figure out the best way to build up his confidence for the 2nd half of the season, because that's the title charge. Im not surprised that Jose's only playing him in favourable conditions like when the oppo is tired. We don't need him firing on all cylinders now, but he absolutely will have to come feb and march.

Whereas Rashford I think Jose know exactly what he's going to get from him. Whether his confidence is low or whatever, He's still going to give you a certain level of performance. But Martial needs that good start to the campaign. So I think its fine at the moment, if Martial's not starting games by Dec or Jan then there might be something going on.

Stop making things up
There is an endless amount of evidence that some posters in this thread have developed a fetish for Martial, bordering on worship. Similar to how certain posters have a hatred for Fellaini that they refuse to acknowledge his contribution; there are certain posters that refuse to acknowledge any thing that doesn't paint Martial in their twisted hyperbolic version of reality.

Its also extremely arrogant (and probably from a point of idiocy) to think that a top manager like Mourinho (a pragmatist manager) would play Rashford just because he's english, or he wouldnt play Martial because he doesn't like him; these type of justifications only come about because of their emotional investment in Martial.

Everytime someone talks about tactical considerations for playing Martial the same posters come in to deflect or play devils advocate just so they can keep their cognitive dissonance in check. There is no consideration for the system and requirements of the left winger for the balance of the team; just play Martial and everything will be ok.

Tactical analysis of the 4-2-3-1, the attacking structure of previous Mourinho teams, the qualities of Martial based on manager's comments and stats. All these things and more are irrelevant because Martial must play or he'll leave and win the Balon'dor somewhere else.

If the team is winning and Martial leaves because he isnt getting game time, then good riddance. However, it looks like Martial is hungry and willing to fight for his place. No player is bigger than the club; the team winning always comes first.

Well put.
Stop making things up
Well, fair enough if you disagree, but when I look at Rashford I feel like his game is a lot more settled or stable than Martial.
With Martial, I think he relies almost completely on beating his man. But with Rashford, he is more clever with his movement and he's more consistent with putting balls into the box (not saying his deliveries are better, just more consistent). And I think Rashford's defending is a lot more reliable than Martial's.

Every player is better with confidence, including Rashford. I just think that Martial needs it a bit more tbh.
Well, fair enough if you disagree, but when I look at Rashford I feel like his game is a lot more settled or stable than Martial.
With Martial, I think he relies almost completely on beating his man. But with Rashford, he is more clever with his movement and he's more consistent with putting balls into the box (not saying his deliveries are better, just more consistent). And I think Rashford's defending is a lot more reliable than Martial's.

Every player is better with confidence, including Rashford. I just think that Martial needs it a bit more tbh.

He's a young talent, he'll always have ups and downs, he's years away from consistently playing at a high level, as his performances against Stoke, Everton and Southampton easily shows. The "certain level of performance" doesn't exist.
There is an endless amount of evidence that some posters in this thread have developed a fetish for Martial, bordering on worship. Similar to how certain posters have a hatred for Fellaini that they refuse to acknowledge his contribution; there are certain posters that refuse to acknowledge any thing that doesn't paint Martial in their twisted hyperbolic version of reality.

Its also extremely arrogant (and probably from a point of idiocy) to think that a top manager like Mourinho (a pragmatist manager) would play Rashford just because he's english, or he wouldnt play Martial because he doesn't like him; these type of justifications only come about because of their emotional investment in Martial.

Everytime someone talks about tactical considerations for playing Martial the same posters come in to deflect or play devils advocate just so they can keep their cognitive dissonance in check. There is no consideration for the system and requirements of the left winger for the balance of the team; just play Martial and everything will be ok.

Tactical analysis of the 4-2-3-1, the attacking structure of previous Mourinho teams, the qualities of Martial based on manager's comments and stats. All these things and more are irrelevant because Martial must play or he'll leave and win the Balon'dor somewhere else.

If the team is winning and Martial leaves because he isnt getting game time, then good riddance. However, it looks like Martial is hungry and willing to fight for his place. No player is bigger than the club; the team winning always comes first.

Excellent post.
He's a young talent, he'll always have ups and downs, he's years away from consistently playing at a high level, as his performances against Stoke, Everton and Southampton easily shows. The "certain level of performance" doesn't exist.

Maybe I shouldnt' have used the words 'certain level of performance'. I myself, think that Rashford's not the most consistent attacking player. But I do think that when his attacking game isn't going well for him, the other jobs he does like defensive work, off the ball movement, drawing away defenders and keeping possession, he does more reliably than Martial. At the very least, I think Jose trusts him to perform these other
duties more than he trusts Martial.

I'm not saying to never ever start Martial. I'm just saying that I like what Jose's doing with Martial right now, which is slowly building up his confidence by creating good situations that makes it easier for him to show his ability. Maybe later in Dec or Jan we might see Martial starting every game, only Jose knows.

*Out of posts now :lol:.
The same Mkhi who didn't start a game for 2-3 months last season? Forget rotation he wasn't even in the match day squad for so many games.

I agree, whole attacking 3 should be rotated and I have said that many times already. I would love to watch both Martial and Rashford to start as they have superb link up play together.

Which behavior? Using Martial FC? I don't mind people using that as I believe few really care for Martial more than ManUtd.

Martial game time? In the last 9 games both started alternatively. But I want both of them to start rather than one or the other.

I'll have to disagree with that despite agreeing with the rest of your posts. Too much rotation in the attack will kill any coherence between the players and that was one of our biggest problems and why we were so inconsistent these years, continuous chopping of players while the rivals have a fixed lineup in which players know their teammates so well and know exactly when and where they're moving. In order to build any coherence in our attack and start playing as a team not a bunch of individuals playing together we need to select certain starters and let them play together a lot so that they memorize their teammates movement much better.
There is an endless amount of evidence that some posters in this thread have developed a fetish for Martial, bordering on worship. Similar to how certain posters have a hatred for Fellaini that they refuse to acknowledge his contribution; there are certain posters that refuse to acknowledge any thing that doesn't paint Martial in their twisted hyperbolic version of reality.

Its also extremely arrogant (and probably from a point of idiocy) to think that a top manager like Mourinho (a pragmatist manager) would play Rashford just because he's english, or he wouldnt play Martial because he doesn't like him; these type of justifications only come about because of their emotional investment in Martial.

Everytime someone talks about tactical considerations for playing Martial the same posters come in to deflect or play devils advocate just so they can keep their cognitive dissonance in check. There is no consideration for the system and requirements of the left winger for the balance of the team; just play Martial and everything will be ok.

Tactical analysis of the 4-2-3-1, the attacking structure of previous Mourinho teams, the qualities of Martial based on manager's comments and stats. All these things and more are irrelevant because Martial must play or he'll leave and win the Balon'dor somewhere else.

If the team is winning and Martial leaves because he isnt getting game time, then good riddance. However, it looks like Martial is hungry and willing to fight for his place. No player is bigger than the club; the team winning always comes first.

Could you perhaps offer us a tactical breakdown, the attacking structure, of the matches against Leicester, Everton, Burton, Southampton, CSKA and Crystal Palace, as to why it suits the different players.

Sounds interesting
He's a young talent, he'll always have ups and downs, he's years away from consistently playing at a high level, as his performances against Stoke, Everton and Southampton easily shows. The "certain level of performance" doesn't exist.

I think it's more that when Rashford is struggling with the ball, be it in taking men on or putting away and creating chances, he's still going to give you exceptional movement off the ball and track back and press constantly.

Martial is better than he's given credit for at tracking back, but he's not as good or relentless at pressing to win the ball back. I also feel that when he's having an off day with the ball, be it passing, dribbling, shooting, etc. his body language gets shitty and his effort levels drop more than Rashford's.

Whether or not that's the standard by which Mourinho should be choosing who starts is subjective, but it's fairly absurd that to build either one of these players we have posters knocking the other one down. One is 19 and the other is 21. Both are producing fairly consistently right now and both seem to be quite happy with how Mourinho is managing them. Until that changes this is a whole lot of worrying about a day of reckoning way out on the horizon that has yet to come.

And for the record I prefer Martial to Rashford, I just don't think Mourinho hates Martial or is an idiot for picking Rashford more frequently. Martial has also started both CL matches, so he could also view this as a horses for courses thing where he thinks Rashford is better suited to start PL matches and Martial for CL.
I'll have to disagree with that despite agreeing with the rest of your posts. Too much rotation in the attack will kill any coherence between the players and that was one of our biggest problems and why we were so inconsistent these years, continuous chopping of players while the rivals have a fixed lineup in which players know their teammates so well and know exactly when and where they're moving. In order to build any coherence in our attack and start playing as a team not a bunch of individuals playing together we need to select certain starters and let them play together a lot so that they memorize their teammates movement much better.

What you said is correct but we have 2 excellent youngsters so 4 players for 3 positions isn't much of a rotation isn't it?
What you said is correct but we have 2 excellent youngsters so 4 players for 3 positions isn't much of a rotation isn't it?

I think the rotation we're doing currently is fairly well. By the Christmas I think the team will be evolved even more and coherence will be already built so that we can start tweaking in the lineup due to fixture list or injuries without disturbing the coherence already built.
As KDB and Pogba have taught us, sometimes leaving for regular football instead of 'fighting for your place' in a team where the manager does not value you can be the best career decision a player could make. All my years watching football you earn your place in the team by doing your best with what you're given, Martial didn't do this very well last season and my posts in his thread last season was very similar to the 'Martial FC' posts that pervade this thread. But over time I've just had to accept that he seems to be treated differently than our other attackers .This season the lad has taken every opportunity he's been given but it looks like his position as a sub behind Rashford is set in stone regardless of performance. What's particularly annoying is the fact that there's dozens of ways those 2 can be on the pitch together, or the fact that in the more tougher games Lingard is more likely come on ahead of him for some fecking reason. Anyone who thinks he is happy with this just deluding themselves, same way people were deluding themselves that there's any justifiable reason Fergie would play Rafael ahead of Pogba. 'He wasn't ready' was the generally accepted made up reason on here then, but few months later he was ready against much bigger teams in the CL.


The fervour surrounding Anthony Martial among the Manchester United faithful at the moment really is something special.

The Old Trafford public are usually pretty shrewd judges and there appears to be a growing belief that the sky is the limit for the fabulous Frenchman. In Moscow, his name was chanted during the UEFA Youth League tie ahead of the main event against CSKA. During the Champions League tie itself, there was a prolonged airing of his song during the half-time break.

On home turf, Marcus Rashford was selected on the left flank for the visit of Crystal Palace and, during the first real attack of the game, did brilliantly in beating Joel Ward to tee up Juan Mata's early opener. The England international followed it up with a driven free-kick for Marouane Fellaini to head home a third on the day before making way for Martial for the last 20 minutes or so.

There was a deserved ovation for Rashford but also a rousing reception for the substitute, who had already been cheered to the rafters every time he warmed up along the touchline. The fans appreciate both players are in top form and providing excitement every time they step on the field.

Sat in the Stretford End, there was a real buzz when Martial was brought on to torment an already well-beaten Palace side. It brought back memories of when Cristiano Ronaldo was on the bench during his first season at the club, with a sense of genuine expectation spreading through the stand. His first involvement was to trick Jason Puncheon with an outrageous nutmeg that bordered on being cruel and, every time he received the ball, the anticipation was palpable.

The 21-year-old's display against Burton Albion in the Carabao Cup had whetted the appetite as an individual performance to savour. This time around, he was only denied a sixth goal of the season by Wayne Hennessey's smart save, from Ander Herrera's fine through ball, but he managed to rack up another assist by setting up Romelu Lukaku's late fourth.

Martial has always been hugely popular, scoring a key goal against Liverpool on your debut is always going to endear yourself to the United fans. Yet the current buzz surrounding the forward has been ratcheted up to a whole new level. Jose Mourinho's men have been thrilling to watch but there is a sense that Martial is on the brink of taking his game to the next level.

With more challenges to come in October, starting at Anfield next time out, there will be the hope that the expectation and hype is justified. A recall for France should also be in his sights and, despite their embarrassment of riches, he could soon be impossible to overlook.

During the height of the silly season, during the transfer window, there were tabloid reports of Tottenham tabling a £25million bid for his services. Whether it was ever true or not it would surely be a criminal (and laughable) under-valuation of such a gifted young talent.

Fifty million down the drain? Fifty million's a bargain.

Martial feeeeeeeeeeever, got me burning :devil:
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