A serious look at Mauricio Pochettino


Born a freak always a freak.
May 8, 2004
Somewhere in your mind, touching a nerve
Best scenario would be Ole does brilliantly for us this next few months and gets offered the job permanently for us. No need for us to pay those amounts for Potch and we get someone who understands the club and standards instead.

Obviously if that doesn't happen then I'd like Potch in above anyone else. He's a fantastic manager and It's not his fault that he's limited by Spurs' resources and not spending in the previous window.


Full Member
Jul 5, 2009
Your use of stats seems to suggest all matches are equally important; sorry, that's bollocks.

The matches we are talking about include key matches to advance in cup competitions or get close to the EPL, e.g. Chelsea. I doubt that there were many Spurs fans who didn't consider those matches important.

Today's was important because they could have stolen a match on the competition and maintained momentum.
It doesn't matter in which games to you collect your points only that you collect more than every other team by the end of the season.

The idea that a game against Wolves in December when they're already 6 points behind and way behind on goal difference, is a game that they could bottle is just absurd. You're really reaching.

Spurs tend to lose w
hen the pressure is on, that means they lose games when they are expected to win or when it means more than 3 points, like the Wolves game, like the Arsenal game.
It's a common theme across the last 4/5 years, whether it's the first game or last is irrelevant.
Let's be honest they had a golden chance to win the league when Leicester won it, they ended up third!! Right now they had a chance to go within 3 points of the top, with every media outlet and pundit proclaiming them as genuine title challengers and they lost despite taking the lead.
Poch has no plan b, which was evident in the wolves game, and the bottling theme is a constant across many seasons now.
They also tend to lose games when the pressure isn't on, but you ignore those ones.

So presumably every time a team loses a derby game then they've bottled it because those games mean more than 3 points. I guess we bottled the Liverpool and City games this season, rather than just being shit.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
It doesn't matter in which games to you collect your points only that you collect more than every other team by the end of the season.

... is just absurd. You're really reaching.
Edit: I guess I should respond properly.

I don't think anyone has said some matches are worth more points than others. What most of us have claimed is that some matches are more pressurised than others and that it is in these types of games when Spurs appear to crumble.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Spurs fan and consider your expectations prior the Wolves game. Would it have been unreasonable to expect your team to win and consolidate your position as a genuine title challenger? I daresay this was the expectation of most people, not just Spurs fans. It is because of this weight of expecation why many of us think the Wolves match was more pressurised than most. Spurs lost, which is consistent with many other similar matches in recent years. Therefore, you cannot blame people for concluding there is a pattern of crumbling under pressure.
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Scroto Baggins

Full Member
Jul 20, 2017
Newcastle Jets
For what it would cost to prise him from Spurs, I need more convincing.
This for me as well, yes hes has done superbly with the resources at hand. But lets not kid he has one of the best strikers in the game. Eriksen could walk into a lot of top teams. Vertonghen and Alderweireld a great CB partnership.

I feel they should have won a cup. But modern game, cups arnt valued anymore compared to getting aboard the CL gravy train.

andreas pippias

New Member
Dec 18, 2018
Tottenham FC
People fail to realize that this Tottenham squad is not that good yet Pochettino is going above and beyond to make them competitive. Let's not forget they haven't spent a dime this window. Please lets refrain from calling them bottlers.
At last someone who speaks sense


New Member
Aug 10, 2018
He’s a fine coach and manager who’s hands are tied because he’s achieved everything he can with Spurs.

It’s why the Utd job will turn his head - he will have a huge transfer kitty and be able to bring in quality and numbers.

Not long now until he’s ours.

andreas pippias

New Member
Dec 18, 2018
Tottenham FC
He’s a bottler. I’m on the Ole train
Before calling him a Bottler , take a look at the league, see where Man Utd are and where Spurs are?

How much have Man Utd spent compared to Spurs, I hope you keep Ole, cheers
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andreas pippias

New Member
Dec 18, 2018
Tottenham FC
He’s a fine coach and manager who’s hands are tied because he’s achieved everything he can with Spurs.

It’s why the Utd job will turn his head - he will have a huge transfer kitty and be able to bring in quality and numbers.

Not long now until he’s ours.
Love your optimism,some might call it deluded, but I don't think Poch will be your next manager.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
Before calling him a Bottler , take a look at the league, see where Man Utd are and where Spurs are?

How much have Man Utd spent compared to Spurs, I hope you keep Ole, cheers
When his teams stop capitulating every time they reach top 2 then I may change my opinion.

As for United, totally different, very badly coached for the last 5 years


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
Before calling him a Bottler , take a look at the league, see where Man Utd are and where Spurs are?

How much have Man Utd spent compared to Spurs, I hope you keep Ole, cheers
Poch is clearly great at building a top squad for little money. Is that even a skill the next Utd manager will need though? Whoever it is will have plenty of money to spend. What we need is a manager who can challenge for titles with a top squad, and that is something Poch has repeatedly failed to do.


Full Member
Mar 19, 2007
He’s consistently punched well above his weight given the resources he’s had compared to other managers at top 6 clubs. He plays good football and has a decent record of getting the best out of and developing younger players. I don’t know to what extent he’s making decisions on transfers but Spurs have generally bought well under him. All that considered, as a United fan I’d love to see him here.

Are there questions to be answered about him? Yes - but there will be likewise with any other contender for the job, not least those who haven’t managed in the PL.

And anyone advocating Ole getting the job full time needs to take off the rise tinted specs. It’s fun, for now to see the players with a bit of freedom and with the handbrake let off but the novelty will soon wear off.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2015
In other years the Spurs points tally would be enough for top. Still with zero draws and fives losses, it's quite rare to see and perhaps the draws will come and they'll be a bit far off the top two near the end.

The bar was raised last year with Abu Dhabi and Pep and surprisingly Klopp has managed to meet it so far. It's a tough option for Poch, he would have a big job making United into a 95 point team and by the time that has elapsed would Pep be gone? I can see staying with Spurs could be a very good option if he can maintain his team to get around 80-90 points if things settle down. Poch has done incredible with the budget but sadly for him it comes at a very bad time with all these big name managers and money here.


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
At last someone who speaks sense
I didn’t really mean their squad isn’t good but it’s not second place good. Pochettino has actually over accomplished with this sqaud. It’s just ridiculous that some will label you bottlers given all the facts. It’s the trending theme and a bit lazy in my opinion.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Poch is clearly great at building a top squad for little money. Is that even a skill the next Utd manager will need though? Whoever it is will have plenty of money to spend. What we need is a manager who can challenge for titles with a top squad, and that is something Poch has repeatedly failed to do.
Poch doesn't have a top squad though, not compared to the ones Liverpool and City are currently competing with. He fundamentally should not be challenging them for the title with his current squad, so criticising him for not challenging them would be weird.

It might well be the case that you can criticise him for not doing better in other years (particularly the year Leicester won the league) but the idea that his performance this year is somwhow a reinforcement of that criticism totally ignores the context of this season.

Josep Dowling

Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
We're going around in circles mate.
Agree to disagree, I think a team as good as Tottenham with a manager of their quality should be challenging for the league, it's a dissappointment on their part if they fail to do so.
But Spurs are only contenders because of Poch’s work, he hasn’t been able to improve the squad properly over the last two years because of the lack of transfer budget. And yet they are still near the top.


New Member
Oct 15, 2017
You’re kidding yourself if you think top 4 will do for the Glazers. The amount of money Utd have spent post Fergie would send any self sustaining team into administration by now. The only reason why you are able to piss so much money down the drain is due to the success under Fergie.

Without success this money will dry up and Utd will have to compete like any other club. Glazers can’t allow this to happen because it hurts the value of their investment. Poch is the best manager you can get because like our board you missed the genius of Klopp when he was available and for some reason you didn’t get Pep. Without league or CL titles United will become like any other PL club with a glorious history. Just ask Pool how long that took to sort out.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
You’re kidding yourself if you think top 4 will do for the Glazers. The amount of money Utd have spent post Fergie would send any self sustaining team into administration by now. The only reason why you are able to piss so much money down the drain is due to the success under Fergie.

Without success this money will dry up and Utd will have to compete like any other club. Glazers can’t allow this to happen because it hurts the value of their investment. Poch is the best manager you can get because like our board you missed the genius of Klopp when he was available and for some reason you didn’t get Pep. Without league or CL titles United will become like any other PL club with a glorious history. Just ask Pool how long that took to sort out.
The team's performances on the pitch have no meaningful impact on the commercial side of the business - they are barely even related. The global fame of Manchester United, the brand, in combination with the Premier League being such an attractive proposition to broadcasters worldwide means the club will continue to generate profits regardless of its success.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2017
The team's performances on the pitch have no meaningful impact on the commercial side of the business - they are barely even related. The global fame of Manchester United, the brand, in combination with the Premier League being such an attractive proposition to broadcasters worldwide means the club will continue to generate profits regardless of its success.
Right and where does the global fame of Manchester United the brand come from? A divine right?


Full Member
Jul 5, 2009
Edit: I guess I should respond properly.

I don't think anyone has said some matches are worth more points than others. What most of us have claimed is that some matches are more pressurised than others and that it is in these types of games when Spurs appear to crumble.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Spurs fan and consider your expectations prior the Wolves game. Would it have been unreasonable to expect your team to win and consolidate your position as a genuine title challenger? I daresay this was the expectation of most people, not just Spurs fans. It is because of this weight of expecation why many of us think the Wolves match was more pressurised than most. Spurs lost, which is consistent with many other similar matches in recent years. Therefore, you cannot blame people for concluding there is a pattern of crumbling under pressure.
Having a quick look over the last 18 months of results will show the likes of Burnley, Watford, Swansea, West Brom, West Ham, Sunderland and Leicester have all took points off Spurs in what most would describe as non-pressurised games.

The idea they only drop points when the fans/media have decided they're in a good position is just nonsense.

Peter Cook

New Member
Dec 23, 2018
A weakness that Poch has that if plan A does not work then your fecked. He is timid with substitutions and often brings them on late.
He rarely can change a game.

A colleague in Madrid has passed on some interesting info. Poch is very sensitive to the damp weather and basing himself in Manchester would be rather depressing especially for his wife who suffers from SAD.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
Having a quick look over the last 18 months of results will show the likes of Burnley, Watford, Swansea, West Brom, West Ham, Sunderland and Leicester have all took points off Spurs in what most would describe as non-pressurised games.

The idea they only drop points when the fans/media have decided they're in a good position is just nonsense.
No one has said that though, have they? Saying they usually drop points in pressurised matches does not equate to they never drop points the rest of the time.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
The team's performances on the pitch have no meaningful impact on the commercial side of the business - they are barely even related. The global fame of Manchester United, the brand, in combination with the Premier League being such an attractive proposition to broadcasters worldwide means the club will continue to generate profits regardless of its success.
Reminds me of the Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, and New York Yankees in American sports. Success might increase revenue a little but those clubs have such a history combined with a massive media and fan presence that revenues are always guaranteed to be high. United will likely continue to maximize revenues through a similar media and fan presence globally regardless of actual results. They're now a global brand outside the sport itself just like the American clubs mentioned.

Same applies to Barca and Real though the two Spanish clubs benefit massively from independent broadcasting rights.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
Right and where does the global fame of Manchester United the brand come from? A divine right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a sound commercial development plan, but Divine Right sounds plausible now you mention it.

Manchester United, under Ed Woodward, is leading the way in commercial strategy, marketing strategy and brand management. Liverpool (among many others) have adopted a similar strategy and they are reaping the rewards as we speak.

This is hardly the thread for such a discussion so if you're looking for a more descriptive response, just take a look online. There is a wealth of information on this subject to be found.


New Member
Oct 15, 2017
I was thinking more along the lines of a sound commercial development plan, but Divine Right sounds plausible now you mention it.

Manchester United, under Ed Woodward, is leading the way in commercial strategy, marketing strategy and brand management. Liverpool (among many others) have adopted a similar strategy and they are reaping the rewards as we speak.

This is hardly the thread for such a discussion so if you're looking for a more descriptive response, just take a look online. There is a wealth of information on this subject to be found.
Quick internet search rebuts what you are saying.


Sponsors recognize the link between on and off field success. Strange that you don’t.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
He’s consistently punched well above his weight given the resources he’s had compared to other managers at top 6 clubs. He plays good football and has a decent record of getting the best out of and developing younger players. I don’t know to what extent he’s making decisions on transfers but Spurs have generally bought well under him. All that considered, as a United fan I’d love to see him here.

Are there questions to be answered about him? Yes - but there will be likewise with any other contender for the job, not least those who haven’t managed in the PL.

And anyone advocating Ole getting the job full time needs to take off the rise tinted specs. It’s fun, for now to see the players with a bit of freedom and with the handbrake let off but the novelty will soon wear off.
Have they really?

He's signed a lot of duds too.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
A weakness that Poch has that if plan A does not work then your fecked. He is timid with substitutions and often brings them on late.
He rarely can change a game.

A colleague in Madrid has passed on some interesting info. Poch is very sensitive to the damp weather and basing himself in Manchester would be rather depressing especially for his wife who suffers from SAD.
I would like to see how he would do at Madrid. They never keep coaches for long either too.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
Quick internet search rebuts what you are saying.


Sponsors recognize the link between on and off field success. Strange that you don’t.
One year without CL football matters very little in the grand scheme of things.

You're going to take a hit financially if you miss out on CL football, that goes without saying, but the impact will have a minuscule effect on the club long-term. It will take literally decades (yes plural) of midtable obscurity for the United brand to lose appeal.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
Reminds me of the Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, and New York Yankees in American sports. Success might increase revenue a little but those clubs have such a history combined with a massive media and fan presence that revenues are always guaranteed to be high. United will likely continue to maximize revenues through a similar media and fan presence globally regardless of actual results. They're now a global brand outside the sport itself just like the American clubs mentioned.

Same applies to Barca and Real though the two Spanish clubs benefit massively from independent broadcasting rights.
Some good examples here @Mastadon


New Member
Jun 6, 2014
He is great at overperforming with limited resources, but at the same time really bad when there is some pressure to win. So no surprise that after people started mentioning them as title challengers, they crash next game.

I really don't want him as our new manager.
Don’t really want to see him as united manager either. If not ole move on to next best attack minded coach who doesn’t crumble under pressure


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
It doesn't matter in which games to you collect your points only that you collect more than every other team by the end of the season.

The idea that a game against Wolves in December when they're already 6 points behind and way behind on goal difference, is a game that they could bottle is just absurd. You're really reaching.

They also tend to lose games when the pressure isn't on, but you ignore those ones.

So presumably every time a team loses a derby game then they've bottled it because those games mean more than 3 points. I guess we bottled the Liverpool and City games this season, rather than just being shit.
The difference is we aren't challenging for the title, Spurs supposedly are, likewise supposedly have been when they lost ground to Leicester etc.
Bottling to me means losing when the pressures on, losing to wolves when 6th isn't bottling, losing to wolves when 9 points behind the leaders isn't bottling, losing to Wolves when you have a chance to get within 3 points and people have started to believe you are true title challengers is. That's what spurs do time and time again.


Pochémon Fan Club Chairman
May 8, 2013
Amongst footballing managerial 'Gods'
Successful loser as already mentioned
You must be a huge Mourinho fan. Anyway, We just sacked a successful winner and that successful winner was one of our worst managerial appointments.

Pochettino only major lack of success has come in winning trophies, but he has come close many times. It is only a matter of Time until that change.


Full Member
Jul 26, 2013
The argument is Spurs tend to drop points under pressure to perform. We are talking about one-off games. The closest analogy is in cricket when e.g., you need to score 5 runs in the last over to win and fail to do so consistently. Your mental strength will be rightly questioned.

The rebuttal to that argument here is that Spurs did well to even be in the game in the last over - given their lack of resources. Yes, no doubt about that. It is a fine achievement, and not winning the match doesn't take anything away.

However, the fact does remain that performing under pressure, in a one-off match, is a different skill and has nothing to do with long term achievements. It is also known as the "killer instinct" or the "winner mentality".

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
You have your own ready made Poch by the looks of it, give it to Ole.
Ole's stock is increasing seemingly by the day. It's not just the positive, attacking football he is intent on us playing, but the way he handles the media is like a breath of fresh air. He continues to impress in practically every aspect of management.

All aboard the Ole train!


New Member
Jan 22, 2018
Every manager has to start somewhere, though. Ok the squad was supposedly great, still you have to make them play as a unit, and build a playing style which is relevant in modern football and get the best out of the lot. He did that absolutely perfectly. He sorted out the balance of his team specially the midfeild, read the game well, changed the game often with his substitutions. Even managed to get top performances and around 20 goals from morata coming of the bench who is supposed to be a Madrid youth.

For some reason i find him underrated in forum.
I agree with what you said but how do we know it wasn't him but the great (not supposedly) squad he had as his disposal? It's tough to pin down his success there especially since one key variable changed with Ronaldo's departure.

I wouldn't be against him getting the job here but I wouldn't expect him to replicate Real's success in Europe with this current lot.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Ole's stock is increasing seemingly by the day. It's not just the positive, attacking football he is intent on us playing, but the way he handles the media is like a breath of fresh air. He continues to impress in practically every aspect of management.

All aboard the Ole train!
I'm not just saying this for obvious reasons, but he is exactly what your club has been calling for since Fergie left. From my own observations it seems to be "keep Pogba happy" and the team performs, Ole seems to have united, United.


Full Member
Jul 5, 2009
The difference is we aren't challenging for the title, Spurs supposedly are, likewise supposedly have been when they lost ground to Leicester etc.
Bottling to me means losing when the pressures on, losing to wolves when 6th isn't bottling, losing to wolves when 9 points behind the leaders isn't bottling, losing to Wolves when you have a chance to get within 3 points and people have started to believe you are true title challengers is. That's what spurs do time and time again.
You've really manipulated the narrative there. If they were 9 points behind the leaders then it wouldn't have been bottling, but being 6 points behind the leaders with a much inferior goal difference then it is bottling. Gotcha.

You're the one who has decided Spurs are in with a chance of winning the league. It's not their problem that you overrate them. It also goes back to what I said before, if he was doing a worse job and was sat 10 points behind the leaders then he'd get more praise than if he's 3 points behind the leaders. I've no idea how such a lack of logic is so widespread on here.


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
You've really manipulated the narrative there. If they were 9 points behind the leaders then it wouldn't have been bottling, but being 6 points behind the leaders with a much inferior goal difference then it is bottling. Gotcha.

You're the one who has decided Spurs are in with a chance of winning the league. It's not their problem that you overrate them. It also goes back to what I said before, if he was doing a worse job and was sat 10 points behind the leaders then he'd get more praise than if he's 3 points behind the leaders. I've no idea how such a lack of logic is so widespread on here.
I have no idea what you are on about :lol:
Did spurs bottle their last game? When all the media were highlighting them as title challengers, when they had a chance to go 3 PTS away from top? When they led one nil? The answer you'll find is yes.
But please carry on :D