2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

They aren’t or they shouldn’t be? I honestly think a lot of voters perceive them to be ‘tough on China’ policy. Perhaps even independents with no understanding of economics.

Potentially. But again, like i said before, are they swinging someone from voting for Harris to Trump?

Find me a the voter that would vote for Harris if she was to impose blanket import tariffs?
Why has Florida become a deep red state, just the Trump effect or some other reason?

Also the numbers in Nevada aren't good for the dems, I think it's going red.
Why has Florida become a deep red state, just the Trump effect or some other reason?

Also the numbers in Nevada aren't good for the dems, I think it's going red.

FL was already somewhat conservative based on big military population, retirees, and generally being a Deep South state everywhere north of Ocala, and was turned into a swing state because of a very high Dem population in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.

During the Trump years, the rest of the state has gotten more red because of MAGA, which seems to have now spread into Dade, where there was already an existing Cuban population that historically leaned right (because of staunch anti-Castro communism), so that’s probably where Trump is getting most of his support in Dade.
Why has Florida become a deep red state, just the Trump effect or some other reason?

Also the numbers in Nevada aren't good for the dems, I think it's going red.
Isn't it a bit of an exaggeration to call it "deep red"? Biden got 47.86% there in 2020.
But she isn't running against Clinton offer Obama. She is running against Trump!

It's seemingly a radical concept to some on here but voters are within their rights to have expectations or standards of their representatives that are more than "Is not the other guy"
Can't draw too many conclusions from couple of days of early voting, but there is one "swing state" it's going badly, Florida, dems getting absolutely crushed in the early vote there so far, which is not at all surprising.

Its not really a swing state, but a lot of people have hope for it just because of ballot amendments, but that's not how this works.

I mean, you can hope for a lot of republicans voting for Harris, but I wouldn't count on that in Florida.
There is always something soul crushing about Florida. It always feels like conquering the universe when you win it as a Democrat.

The numbers of early voting are just remarkably obvious. Harris would need enough crossover or the independents to break her way to stand a chance there.

Man, I really don’t like this state.
So i'm assuming by you posting clips of Trump supporters from a comedy show, your answer is....

I'm not American. Don't live in America and have never spoken to a Trump supporter.

Yet your comfortable in making a sweeping generalisation about 70+ million people.
Firstly you’re telling me not to assume things yet you go and do the same thing by saying I ain’t American, I don’t live here nor have I ever spoken to a Trump supporter. Wrong on all three counts! What kind of horseshit is that?

Secondly did I say every single Trump supporter? You might need to get your eyes checked if so and go back and read what I wrote. I said “SOME of the Trump supporters…”.

Thirdly I live in Mass. Although quite frankly it doesn’t matter even if I live in Wyoming or Arkansas. What am I supposed to do? Go and ask every Trump supporter if they are voting for him cause of tariffs?
There's going to be a fair few 'shy' women blue voters right? I.e. Not a chance in hell they are voting red after the abortion stuff, but may not want to tell their fella's/families.
Probably wrote this before, but, living in a deep blue university in a deep blue city in a light red state, I spoke to only three trump supporters. All were middle-aged white men who drove the university's vans.

Two of them had the incomprehensible logic, basically a negative stereotype. One of them said "we can't have free college, that's impossible, then we could get free school too." Another said "I'm a centrist, but the Democrats are too far left; looks like the lefties Bernie and Biden are getting the nomination. If one of the others (at that stage, it was Pete and Warren) get it, I might vote for them." I can promise you that, like with the Democrats in this thread, there is not a single thing you could have told them that would ever change their vote.

The other was maybe the most knowledgeable person about Indian politics i had ever met outside India, who would ask me questions about Modi, Naxalism, Sikhism, acid attacks, Pakistani support for the Afghan Taliban, and other such stuff at 3am. But he was absolutely a Trump supporter. For example, his takeaway from acid attacks on women was that they would be protected if India had a second amendment. And his takeaway from Pakistan was that "we shouldn't spend our money there" and praised Trump for saying the same thing, in contrast with Hillary and Bush. I once asked him about M4A and he said he's scared of NHS-style waiting times. His overall take on politics was "all frauds, this one's open about it, so I'll vote for him". Of the three, he definitely had thought through his politics, there was internal consistency and quite a lot of external knowledge, and, IMO, a good chance he wouldn't vote for Ted Cruz or Ron DeSantis.

e - someone in my phd program was a jordan peterson guy, i didnt really know him but i guess he was another trump supporter there.

e again - vans stopped after covid, no idea what their takes were on the vaccine or jan 6 or whatever.
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Voted today, early voting. Desantis meddling in the wording is ridiculous. Need to read the amendments carefully to make sure voting in the right way and even then the scare tactics to sway someone who hasn’t read up on them are some crazy propaganda.
The 2nd amendment is so silly because in the entirely fictitious scenario that the government decides to cause "tyranny" on the peoples, your shitty AR-15's are not going to do the sum of jack shit when the 1st Infantry Division rocks up to your town.

My favourite insane take on the 2nd amendment is, "If there was something equivalent in Nazi Germany, they wouldn't have rounded up the jews because the cost of doing so would have been so high"
Voted today, early voting. Desantis meddling in the wording is ridiculous. Need to read the amendments carefully to make sure voting in the right way and even then the scare tactics to sway someone who hasn’t read up on them are some crazy propaganda.

Is this shareable? It sounds WILD. How is it not just a cross in a box?
Is this shareable? It sounds WILD. How is it not just a cross in a box?


Sample paper from Kentucky.

Also: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/19/bad-ballot-design-2020-democracy-america
Firstly you’re telling me not to assume things yet you go and do the same thing by saying I ain’t American, I don’t live here nor have I ever spoken to a Trump supporter. Wrong on all three counts! What kind of horseshit is that?

Secondly did I say every single Trump supporter? You might need to get your eyes checked if so and go back and read what I wrote. I said “SOME of the Trump supporters…”.

Thirdly I live in Mass. Although quite frankly it doesn’t matter even if I live in Wyoming or Arkansas. What am I supposed to do? Go and ask every Trump supporter if they are voting for him cause of tariffs?

So why not say you live in Mass? I asked you multiple times? Why post a couple of clips from a comedy show, which clearly has been created for laughs? Is that really a fair representation of 70+ million people?

It is the sweeping generalisation of people in this country that has created the divides we see today and has allowed people like Trump to prosper.

Yeah and they are dumb enough to think electing a fascist will improve their situation.

Again, a sweeping generalization. And othering people by repeatedly saying they".

You’re giving too much credit to some of the American people voting for Trump. To give you a sense of how stupid they are, they are so happy about being strong against China yet the bought the Trump bible that was made in China.

Majority of them don’t understand anything that’s going on nor can name one policy of his nor can give you one thing he accomplished in his four years. All they do they lap ip what he says, go home and regurgitate to others. Same cycle of rinse and repeat occurs.

Yes, we know about the bibles. We know about the wall. You are not making some kind of nuanced argument here that hasn't been heard before.

And this is why i ask how many Trump supporters did you know? Believe it or not, there are very sophisticated people that support him. You may not have met any in Mass?

Your post here has exactly the same tone as Trump's speeches. You're referring to the majority of Trump supporters being thick, while he says the left are all radical Hamas supporting enemies of the state. Again, sweeping lazy generalisations.

They for sure ain’t going to have an idea on how the economics works

Wow. The economics? Quite the way to construct a sentence to show that you're more knowledgeable on the topic than the "stupid" people you are referencing.
The GOP are +300k in Florida.

Wisconsin: half of the mail ballots in Dane County and Milwaukee County have not been returned yet. What they’re waiting for? And I know that there is still time.
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He will extend his Corporate tax rates that are due to expire in 2025 and he will impose tariffs, as they can be done with executive order.

Tariffs are not a vote winner. He is not gaining any support via this as every economist says they are inflationary, so not sure why you say its a stunt?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the corpoate tax rates expire, the tax cuts that retire in 2025 are the peronal ones, ie: what most of us pay

Tariffs are a voter winner for the idiots persuaded that China pays them, problem is there are a lot of eejits out there
Netanyahu and Putin would probably love both of em. Especially Cotton or Pompeo.

Bibi yes. Putin wouldn't want anything to do with Cotton or Pompeo. Waltz is somewhere in the middle and tends to speak Trump's language of "The Europeans should be doing more".