2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris


Somehow it’s a lot more jarring when he throws that into a relatively calm story, compared to when he’s already ranting and raving.

Watching it now on the PBD podcast (PBD is a massive Trump fan boy), Trump squanders 16 minutes of an 84 minute appearance talking about Van Jones crying and why he didn't thank Trump for helping him.
Did you expect a 6 point swing?

Donald Trump could piss on the flag and shoot a Bald Eagle and it may only change the race by half a point.

There's too much noise in the polls. The election being 50/50 means that as uncertainty increases, the predictions for either candidate's chances may stabilize around 50%, similar to how binary options behave in finance.

This is the 2nd poll that shows Lyin' Ted only up 1 this week, I still think he will end up winning pretty comfortably but investment wise its probably better than whatever Schumer is dropping into PA or MI. The biggest waste in of course MT but really Tester is flushed with cash at this point so any further injection is just a waste in a media market as small as that.

This is the 2nd poll that shows Lyin' Ted only up 1 this week, I still think he will end up winning pretty comfortably but investment wise its probably better than whatever Schumer is dropping into PA or MI. The biggest waste in of course MT but really Tester is flushed with cash at this point so any further injection is just a waste in a media market as small as that.

Don't rule out the chance that Dan Osborn wins and winds up negotiating who he caucuses with, which could define which party controls the Senate.
Don't rule out the chance that Dan Osborn wins and winds up negotiating who he caucuses with, which could define which party controls the Senate.
Meh, a lot of Amy McGrath energy there like when Dem donors sent her 40m trying to unseat Cocaine Mitch. I will buy into the hype if theres actual high quality public polling there showing him within MoE.

This is the 2nd poll that shows Lyin' Ted only up 1 this week, I still think he will end up winning pretty comfortably but investment wise its probably better than whatever Schumer is dropping into PA or MI. The biggest waste in of course MT but really Tester is flushed with cash at this point so any further injection is just a waste in a media market as small as that.

Biggest mistake senate dems made was not going in early and big in Texas, Montana is not a big state population-wise, they have given Tester way too much money, if he wins or loses will not come down to money.

Allred hasnt been bad at fundraising or anything, but Texas is a big state, he could have used some extra money.
Why does she spend 4 minutes on unyielding and unwavering support for Israel when asked who the greatest threat to the U.S. is?

Why would you watch Fox ? I guess we finally unearthed where your true loyalties lie. houllier smiley

On a serious note, did you actually watch the clip you posted ? She does't start talking until well into the clip and spent the final minute wrapping up the interview by promoting her website and other odds and ends.
Biggest mistake senate dems made was not going in early and big in Texas, Montana is not a big state population-wise, they have given Tester way too much money, if he wins or loses will not come down to money.
They are also not backing Sue Altman in NJ-07 in a redrawn seat that would be Biden +3.7 in 2020 that has plenty of public polling showing her neck and neck. That's a mind boggling decision in a seat trending left in a blue state.

Re: Texas, any investment there is worthwhile because even if they don't manage to unseat Cancun Cruz, the spending on infrastructure can help with future races. You have to spend with an eye on the future and even if Tester somehow miraculously survive, MT is only going one way.
They are also not backing Sue Altman in NJ-07 in a redrawn seat that would be Biden +3.7 in 2020 that has plenty of public polling showing her neck and neck. That's a mind boggling decision in a seat trending left in a blue state.

Re: Texas, any investment there is worthwhile because even if they don't manage to unseat Cancun Cruz, the spending on infrastructure can help with future races. You have to spend with an eye on the future and even if Tester somehow miraculously survive, MT is only going one way.

I mean, there is a swing(ish) house district in Montana too, could be more realistic than Tester holding on, actually.

But yeah, Texas is a state that will be important in the future for dems, Montana ain't it.
Why would you watch Fox ? I guess we finally unearthed where your true loyalties lie. houllier smiley

On a serious note, did you actually watch the clip you posted ? She does't start talking until well into the clip and spent the final minute wrapping up the interview by promoting her website and other odds and ends.

Erm, cuz they had an interview with Kamala duh:(

OK - why does she spend 3 minutes on unyielding and unwavering support for Israel when asked who the greatest threat to the U.S. is? Imagine half the key cabinet positions were held by dual citizens with China, and she was married to a Chinese man. Chinese lobbyists shaped policy to benefit China, while we sent billions for them to massacre Taiwanese people, all while they picked fights with the Philippines and Indonesia. It’d feel like our government was controlled by a hostile foreign power. Good thing Israel’s our greatest ally, right? [Houllier Smiley]
Erm, cuz they had an interview with Kamala duh:(

OK - why does she spend 3 minutes on unyielding and unwavering support for Israel when asked who the greatest threat to the U.S. is? Imagine half the key cabinet positions were held by dual citizens with China, and she was married to a Chinese man. Chinese lobbyists shaped policy to benefit China, while we sent billions for them to massacre Taiwanese people, all while they picked fights with the Philippines and Indonesia. It’d feel like our government was controlled by a hostile foreign power. Good thing Israel’s our greatest ally, right? [Houllier Smiley]

She spoke about Iran vis-à-vis its threat towards Israel for 2 minutes. Why would this in any way be controversial ? Also, Baier interjects half way through her response to ask a follow up about Iran, which continues her response.
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Is she running for the Knesset or to be POTUS? Iran is not the greatest threat to the US, sit this one out.

Iran is a hostile nation to the US that is creating nukes, so her saying its a threat isn't exactly breaking any new ground. Why didn't she say China ? Maybe she wouldn't want to poison the well by publicly trashing Xi, only win the election and have to meet with him on the back of making vitriolic remarks about him.
Iran is a hostile nation to the US that is creating nukes, so her saying its a threat isn't exactly breaking any new ground. Why didn't she say China ? Maybe she wouldn't want to poison the well by trashing Xi, only win the election and have to meet with him on the back of making vitriolic remarks.

Iran is hostile to an apartheid ethno-state that we are somehow joined at the hip with

China is our greatest threat, unquestionably.

She fumbled even the most basic foreign policy question
Iran is hostile to an apartheid ethno-state that we are somehow joined at the hip with

China is our greatest threat, unquestionably.

She fumbled even the most basic foreign policy question

That's your opinion, not Dem foreign policy orthodoxy. Its obvious China is the US's primary global competitor, but unlike Iran, US presidents actually meet with Chinese presidents to negotiate things, so why would she publicly trash Xi now when she may have to meet with him.
Iran is a hostile nation to the US that is creating nukes, so her saying its a threat isn't exactly breaking any new ground. Why didn't she say China ? Maybe she wouldn't want to poison the well by publicly trashing Xi, only win the election and have to meet with him on the back of making vitriolic remarks about him.

I get that Iran is the biggest threat towards US in terms of becoming embroiled in a war. A war with China is highly unlikely, especially after how Xi handled the Taiwan issue domestically. However, the question was "who is the US's biggest adversary?" Which is unquestionably China.
The fact its so close even after everything Trump has done just shows how the world is affected by social media. If you are right leaning your X account etc will look very different to an X account of someone who is left leaning. They simply do not see the same things. Same is depending on what news you consume etc. We are all just manipulated into different truths and Musk is pulling the strings. God help is when AI is fully established.
The fact its so close even after everything Trump has done just shows how the world is affected by social media. If you are right leaning your X account etc will look very different to an X account of someone who is left leaning. They simply do not see the same things. Same is depending on what news you consume etc. We are all just manipulated into different truths and Musk is pulling the strings. God help is when AI is fully established.
That’s actually a fair point!
The fact its so close even after everything Trump has done just shows how the world is affected by social media. If you are right leaning your X account etc will look very different to an X account of someone who is left leaning. They simply do not see the same things. Same is depending on what news you consume etc. We are all just manipulated into different truths and Musk is pulling the strings. God help is when AI is fully established.
It shouldn't but it keeps amazing me how nothing can tank his campaign. He can say outrageous things, act like a loon in interviews and it doesn't matter because he's still competitive as a presidential candidate even now. That clip of him saying "Grab 'em by the p" in hindsight is laughably mild compared to what he's done and said since then.
The fact its so close even after everything Trump has done just shows how the world is affected by social media. If you are right leaning your X account etc will look very different to an X account of someone who is left leaning. They simply do not see the same things. Same is depending on what news you consume etc. We are all just manipulated into different truths and Musk is pulling the strings. God help is when AI is fully established.

Most industry heads will already talk about the YouTube/Twitter/Instagram/TikTok algorithms as AI.

“Learn what keeps eyeballs on this screen and on our platform for as long as possible” is artificial intelligence in all but name. There’s no real choice involved by humans (aside from tweaking the algorithmic purpose obviously).
So his old racist ass was actually against it but just did it as a favor to his son in law and big celebs like Kim K and West.

Exactly. He did it for Kim K.

I very much doubt Van Jones "came in crying".

What this story also tells us is that he didnt give two shits about the Criminal Justice Reform. He just wanted the feeling of people kissing his boots in desperation.

The guy who posted that is a friend of mine. Nb: he is Morgan J. Freeman, and he's Jewish, not black. It has led to a lot of hilarious invitations to speak at HBCU over the years.

The narrative going into this interview was that Harris was some kind of dimwit bimbo who couldn't articulate a clear thought if her life depended on it. Whether her answers were substantive enough to sway the notoriously fact-resistant Fox viewers is still to be seen. However, she definitely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is smart, articulate, and capable. Side by side with Trump's word salad, it's night and day.
The guy who posted that is a friend of mine. Nb: he is Morgan J. Freeman, and he's Jewish, not black. It has led to a lot of hilarious invitations to speak at HBCU over the years.

The narrative going into this interview was that Harris was some kind of dimwit bimbo who couldn't articulate a clear thought if her life depended on it. Whether her answers were substantive enough to sway the notoriously fact-resistant Fox viewers is still to be seen. However, she definitely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is smart, articulate, and capable. Side by side with Trump's word salad, it's night and day.

Are we talking about Allred or Harris here ? If Harris, I don't know anyone outside the strident pro-Harris ecosystem who are all spinning her interview as a win. Not that it would move the needle on who wins in Nov either way.
Are we talking about Allred or Harris here ? If Harris, I don't know anyone outside the strident pro-Harris ecosystem who are all spinning her interview as a win. Not that it would move the needle on who wins in Nov either way.
Well, it's everywhere. I don't know what to tell you, everyone is calling it a win.
Well, it's everywhere. I don't know what to tell you, everyone is calling it a win.

Among Harris loyalists, which is where I'm assuming your twitter feed is curated from. Trumpers swear they won, in fact Trump himself praised Brett Baier's style of questioning and reposted the entire interview as if it were a pro-Trump ad. If we were generous, we could at best call it a draw based on Baier's hyper aggressive interruptions. There's nothing that she said that we can point to where a random right winger watching Fox would've suddenly reconsidered voting for Trump. If anything, it reinforced their existing bias against her.
Among Harris loyalists, which is where I'm assuming your twitter feed is curated from. Trumpers swear they won, in fact Trump himself praised Brett Baier's style of questioning and reposted the entire interview as if it were a pro-Trump ad. If we were generous, we could at best call it a draw based on Baier's hyper aggressive interruptions. There's nothing that she said where we can say a right winger watching Fox would've suddenly reconsidered voting for Trump. If anything, it reinforced their existing bias against her.
If you consider everywhere that is not Fox News / Newsmax / OAN to be part of the "strident pro-Harris ecosystem", then I don't know what to tell you (again). It was Harris going into the lions' den and emerging, not being a coward like Trump. Those who watch Fox everyday are not going to be swayed by anything, but maybe someone on the margin might be.