2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

If Trump loses, he runs again in 2028. Only death will stop the bloke and losing strengthens his support, as his base see anything not going their way as a conspiracy.

Coupled with the fact that there is no natural successor - as long as Trump is around, he’s the contender.
He's going to prison if he loses. Tucker Carlson will take over the MagaTs


The Overton window is a single pixel wide, ranging from right to right
Pretty much. Reminds of Gore Vidal talking about US politics - “There is no left wing in America only reactionaries and conservatives.”

I can understand the strategy of reaching across the aisle, but this whole bear-hugging Dick Cheney thing is bizarre.
I think it’s this

I can understand the strategy of reaching across the aisle, but this whole bear-hugging Dick Cheney thing is bizarre.

Nobody loves Dick Cheney, but the fact is by most polling shes still seen as liberal or too liberal by the majority of the electorate, and it's not exactly a good thing if you want self identified independents but actually centre right/right leaning gen Xers/boomers to vote for you to shave a point or two from Trump. Also, despite the routine arguments in this thread, self identified socialists in the US vote 90% Democratic and also make up only about 7% of the electorate, it's a very small share of the pie. As long as young voters and leftists don't vote as numerously and reliably as other cohorts, they will never get the attention they want.

If that is a pop at my observations of Harris's strategy of not trying to reach young males, then happy to have that debate.
It's sarcasm if it's not obvious by now.

Nobody loves Dick Cheney, but the fact is by most polling shes still seen as liberal or too liberal by the majority of the electorate, and it's not exactly a good thing if you want self identified independents but actually centre right/right leaning gen Xers/boomers to vote for you to shave a point or two from Trump. Also, despite the routine arguments in this thread, self identified socialists in the US vote 90% Democratic and also make up only about 7% of the electorate, it's a very small share of the pie. As long as young voters and leftists don't vote as numerously and reliably as other cohorts, they will never get the attention they want.

Yeah, I get that, but the way to convince people you are not too liberal shouldn't be to associate with a war criminal. Surely there are better options out there.
But what remains are higher prices at supermarkets, housing, gas and insurance.
Caused by Trump's terrible handling of the pandemic and distributing helicopter money in a time people were at home production and supply chains were disrupted world wide.

Even average Joe should be able to see and understand that these things caused the inflation. China or other countries which didn't distributed free money during lockdowns don't have the inflation problem.
There is a reason that a racist vein runs through the GOP (taking into account the Democrats initially were the anti-black party).
Exactly. Abraham Lincoln was a republican.

GOP voters skew white, male, less educated, and older for the past several elections (don’t think anything pre-Nixon is relevant).
I remember in 2020 lots of political analysts said it's Trump last chance to win an election because his voter base (old white males) are dying and the new generation won't ever vote for him. Demographics aren't on Trump's side.

At the end the MAGA crowd aren't the real idiots but Latino and black voters who for no reason suddenly support Trump.
I read an analysis that many GenZ voters will vote for Trump because he is more fun and entraining. These idiots should get their voting rights revoked.
Another 4 years of Trump isn't fun for the world. There are problems enough don't need a right wing, narcissist in the White House again.
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Yeah, I get that, but the way to convince people you are not too liberal shouldn't be to associate with a war criminal. Surely there are better options out there.
The fastest growing cohort in the Democratic coalition is highly educated suburbanites who used to vote W and Romney 60-40, hugging Dick Cheney while disgusting to us commie pinkos is actually a fairly good signifier to them that the D is now truly their party, if they embrace even W vice prez. My view of politics is very different from the bipartisan claptrap, no true progress has ever been achieved in US history under divided government, but just looking at the Americans in this thread clearly that still hold appeals to some of them, and doubly so for the electorate at large.
Caused by Trump's terrible handling of the pandemic and distributing helicopter money in a time people were at home production and supply chains were disrupted world wide.

Even average Joe should be able to see and understand that these things caused the inflation. China or other countries which didn't distributed free money during lockdowns don't have the inflation problem.

You keep saying everyone should know these things, but they don't. You know it, I know it. But not everyone scratches below the surface, be it in politics or in other topics in life.

You're bio says you are from the Philippines. Think back to Ferdinand Marcos. People voted for him, right?
Democrats saw the insane nationalism and “unity” during the Bush Jr years and want some of it for themselves now in 2024.

That twitter post doesn't make any sense. The Iraq War divided things sharper than any time since Vietnam. In fact, the Iraq War ended the massive unity and patriotism that happened immediately after 9/11.
yeah that’s not true.

It's 100% true. Where you living in America through 9/11 and the Iraq War? Did you go to the massive protests surrounding it in US cities? Did you witness the tone of every bar and public space change drastically from the year after 9/11 to after the Iraq War started? Do you know what it was like to campaign for Kerry in 2004?

Because unless you can answer yes to all those, you don't really know what it was like at all and neither does some anonymous rando on twitter.

2 seconds of Googling:
"The unity that followed the attacks didn’t last long. Americans reverted more quickly than some analysts expected to older patterns of partisanship. With time, new divisions over new issues have emerged, and they make the prospect of a united nation ever more distant."
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Kamala seems to spend a lot of time going on shows like Colbert where everyone who is watching is likely going to vote for her anyway.
Kamala seems to spend a lot of time going on shows like Colbert where everyone who is watching is likely going to vote for her anyway.
Yes, but she will also appear on Fox and appeared on CNN and 60 minutes.
It's 100% true. Where you living in America through 9/11 and the Iraq War? Did you go to the massive protests surrounding it in US cities? Did you witness the tone of every bar and public space change drastically from the year after 9/11 to after the Iraq War started? Do you know what it was like to campaign for Kerry in 2004?

Because unless you can answer yes to all those, you don't really know what it was like at all and neither does some anonymous rando on twitter.
Public support for the war was high during the early stages.
An ABC News/Washington Post poll taken after the beginning of the war showed a 62% support for the war, lower than the 79% in favor at the beginning of the Persian Gulf War.[2]

However, when the US invaded Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom, public support for the conflict rose once again. According to a Gallup poll, support for the war was up to 72 percent on March 22–23. Out of those 72 percent, 59 percent reported supporting the war strongly; and although allied commanders said they had not yet found evidence of weapons of mass destruction days after the initial invasion, 9 out of 10 Americans believed it was "at least somewhat likely" that the United States would find evidence of these weapons.[11]

President George W. Bush's approval rating also jumped at the beginning of the war, going up 13 percentage points at the start of this conflict (Smith and Lindsay).[10]

May 2003 - November 2004​

A Gallup poll made on behalf of CNN and USA Today concluded that 79% of Americans thought the Iraq War was justified, with or without conclusive evidence of illegal weapons. 19% thought weapons were needed to justify the war.[12]

An August 2004 poll showed that two-thirds (67%) of the American public believe the U.S. went to war based on incorrect assumptions.[13]The morale of the US troops has been subject to variations. Issues include the vulnerability of the Humvee vehicles, and the great number of wounded and maimed soldiers [14] [15]

A CBS poll from September 2004 showed that 54% of Americans believed the Iraq invasion was the right thing to do, up from 45% in July in the same poll.[16]

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_in_the_United_States_on_the_invasion_of_Iraq#:~:text=According to a Gallup poll,35 percent and 43 percent.
America is a big country. The anti Iraq war protests achieved nothing and the fact a lot of people who went on those protests are now going to vote for a candidate supported by Dick Cheney says a lot.

Also thankfully the lord saved me from ever listening to Green Day in early 2000’s New York.
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Public support for the war was high during the early stages.

America is a big country with hundreds of millions of people. The anti Iraq war protests achieved nothing and the fact a lot of people who went on those protests are now going to vote for a candidate supported by Dick Cheney says a lot.

Also thankfully the lord spared me from ever listening to Green Day in early 2000’s New York.

Most protests achieve nothing. But the Iraq War protests had 50-100,000+ in many cities on multiple occasions, which is magnitudes higher than most anti-Israel protests of the last year.

Also, some poll that shows support for the Iraq War doesn't back up this claim of massive unity and nationalism which quite simply did not exist after 2003 and especially not 2004 with the election. The reality is that the unity part really ended with the Iraq War, even a little before it. There simple wasn't this massive wave of "nationalism and unity" by 2003. A lot of people would have answered yes they supported Iraq at that time but they certainly weren't in this hyperbolic state of nationalism and unity with Bush, which would make sense if you actually talked to hundreds of voters during the 2004 election campaign like I did. Even those polls you linked show 67% by Aug. 2004 believe the US went to war on false assumptions and that was even before the NY Times game changing article that exposed how bad the WMD claims were (Oct.3, 2004) when a lot of the doubts and accusations against Rumsfeld and Cheney really amplified. Dubya was actually pretty divisive as a President after that initial 9/11 boost, it just doesn't seem that way to people who have Trump in their recent memory.
You're bio says you are from the Philippines. Think back to Ferdinand Marcos. People voted for him, right?
I'm German but staying in the Philippines and Thailand.

In both countries elections are very frustrating due to rampant vote buying and low education of the rural people.

Thailand voted for Thaksin, his brother in law, his younger sister and now his daughter. They would probably vote for his dog too, if he ran out of family members.

The Filipino voted for Duterte who is even worse than Thaksin. 6 terrible years. 2 years lockdown of the whole country.
That's when I started to follow the US and Trump during COVID-19. Out of boredom.

I read critical of Marcos Jr but have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised so far. 180 turn away from the pro China policies of Duterte. Reestablish the ties with US.

Enough as it's all off topic.

You keep saying everyone should know these things, but they don't. You know it, I know it. But not everyone scratches below the surface, be it in politics or in other topics in life.
I'm a German living 30 years in SEA and I know that Trump is danger to the current world order and notorious liar who didn't keep most of his promises.

The US aren't Thailand and Philippines. I can forgive the uneducated province folks to vote for populists but hey the US, the elder democracy on earth, should be better than them. Apparently they aren't.
Public support for the war was high during the early stages.

America is a big country. The anti Iraq war protests achieved nothing and the fact a lot of people who went on those protests are now going to vote for a candidate supported by Dick Cheney says a lot.

Also thankfully the lord saved me from ever listening to Green Day in early 2000’s New York.

What is your problem? We all know that from the standpoint of war, especially in the Middle East, that both parties have a poor track record.

The election is a binary decision. Hard to say what Harris would do about Israel and Gaza. Im sure the wont get played like Biden has.

We know Trump will allow Bibi and Putin to continue to butcher innocents in Ukraine and Gaza. Why? Because Bibi and Putin have said nice things about Trump - that is all it takes.
I'm German but staying in the Philippines and Thailand.

In both countries elections are very frustrating due to rampant vote buying and low education of the rural people.

Thailand voted for Thaksin, his brother in law, his younger sister and now his daughter. They would probably vote for his dog too, if he ran out of family members.

The Filipino voted for Duterte who is even worse than Thaksin. 6 terrible years. 2 years lockdown of the whole country.
That's when I started to follow the US and Trump during COVID-19. Out of boredom.

I read critical of Marcos Jr but have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised so far. 180 turn away from the pro China policies of Duterte. Reestablish the ties with US.

Enough as it's all off topic.

I'm a German living 30 years in SEA and I know that Trump is danger to the current world order and notorious liar who didn't keep most of his promises.

The US aren't Thailand and Philippines. I can forgive the uneducated province folks to vote for populists but hey the US, the elder democracy on earth, should be better than them. Apparently they aren't.

Spend a year watching right wing media and you will believe that black is white and up is down.

Many in this country are in a media and cultural eco chamber.

Hasn't Germany just elected a far right politician for the first time since WW2?

When peoples lives are shit and someone comes along that has a certain personality, who they think is talking to and championing them, who allows them to think that the problem is not them but a certain section of society, then all of a sudden a populist / fascist movement starts up.